Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 16, 1939, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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Thursday, February 16,
Legislature's End
o Kansas Plan
o Capitol Workers
Salem Sine die adjournment of
the legislative session has been ten
tatively set for March 4. Some of
the more optimistic are hopeful that
it may come a few days even a
"week earlier while the more pessi
mistic of the lawmakers are fearful
that the session will overrun that
mark, but predictions and it can
be only a prediction at this distance
seem to center around this date.
The end of the 40-day period for
the lawmakers comes with Friday of
this week, providing another incen
tive for speedy adjournment of the
session although legislative em
ployees whose pay goes on without
interruption are quite content to
stick it out for the remainder of the
So far only two of the controver
sial issues of the session have been
disposed of. Representative Chap
man's open shop bill met with de
cisive defeat in the House last week
when the Multnomah county legis
lator was able to muster only 14
votes in its support as against an
adverse vote of 46. The pilot bill, re
organizing the state board of pilot
commissioners, rolled through both
nouses with a few amendments af
ter successfully running the gauntlet
of criticism from its opponents.
PUD, taxes, relief, various pen
sion proposals, civil service for state
employees, and the appropriation
bills are still before the session. The
first of these, involving numerous
amendments to the peoples utility
district act, was the center of in
terest at a number of hearings this
week, culminating at a big free-
for-all public hearing Wednesday
night. Principal bone of contention
in this measure is the Bonneville-
endorsed provision for private sale
of bonds to be issued by these pow
er districts. This issue has resulted
in, a. split in the ranks 'of the" pub
lie ownership advocates with Ray
Gill, Morton Tompkins and a num
ber of other grange leaders lining up
with the Bonneville crowd in sup
port of the private sale provision
and Peter Zimmerman, Herman
Lafky and other zealous public own
ership advocates backing Governor
Sprague in his insistence that these
bonds shall be sold on bids and to
the highest bidder.
There does not appear to be any
considerable sentiment in favor of
new taxes or revenue measures,
Even the proposed amendments to
the income tax laws providing relief
for intangibles tax payers and in
creasing the load on personal in
come taxes which has been recom
mended by Governor Sprague has
failed to arouse any enthusiasm on
the part of the lawmakers most of
whom appear content to let well
enough alone. As for sales taxes and
gross income taxes, these appear to
be definitely out, especially since
Governor Sprague has turned
thumbs down on such revenues.
Relief is again the big problem
with big pension advocates insisting
on more generous treatment of the
needy aged and the counties, as well
as the state knowing not where to
turn for the necessary funds unless
the people should be willing to ap
prove some form of sales tax. Pros
pects now are that the lawmakers
will cut their suit to fit the cloth
at hand, which means still , further
trimming of the already severely
trimmed relief budget.
The various proposals for state
subsidized retirement pensions for
firemen, teachers and other organ
ized groups will probably not get
very far at this session although
strong lobbies are still at work on
the legislators in behalf of these is
sues. Neither does there appear to
be much support for the proposal
to place state employees under civil
service, an issue that was brought
sharply to the forefront this week
in charges that racketeering meth
ods were being used in coercing
employees to contribute toward a
fund in support of this measure.
The ways and means committee is
well up on its work of sorting out
the wheat from the chaff in the state
budget. Tentative action has al
ready been taken on most of the
big appropriation bills and these
will begin to move out into the
open in a few days now.
Governor Sprague is said to be
giving serious consideration to the
so-called Kansas plan which in
volves a legislative interim council
to prepare needed legislation. In
Kansas where the plan was adopted
in 1933 a group of legislators with
the aid of a permanent staff of re
search experts analyses proposed
legislation, sifts out the proposals
which it regards as worthy of at
tention by the legislature and pre
pares the necessary bills so that they
will be ready for introduction when
the session convenes. The plan is
said to have greatly expedited action
on legislative problems in the sun
flower state.
Premature publicity appears to
have discouraged a move to require
cats to wear a bell as a protection
to birds. The measure, which admit
tedly contains much real merit, is
known to have been drafted but
newspaper publicity aroused so
much adverse comment and ridicule
that its sponsors now deny any
knowledge of such a proposal.
The capitol reconstruction com
mission will be allowed until Aug
ust 31 to wind up its affairs if the
recommendations of the senate com
mittee . on capitol reconstruction
meets with legislative approval. This
is an extension of one month over
the original plan to liquidate the
affairs of this commission by July 31.
Souvenir hunters continue their
acts of vandalism around the new
capitol. Not a day passes but that
something is carried away by per
sons visiting the building. Locks
are unscrewed from the doors in
the rest rooms, a large brass plate
weighing several pounds was taken
from the floor of one of the ele
vators. Nothing appears to be sacred
to the vandals, none of whom has
as yet been apprehended.
County of Morrow.
PANY, a corporation, Plaintiff,
' ' '" " ' vs.
SER, her husband, also all un
known heirs of LEON N. CLES
SE, deceased, WILLIAM LEE
McCALEB, also all the unknown
deceased. Also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming
and right, title, estate, lien or
interest in the real estate de
scribed in the complaint herein,
Equity No. 3343
To Frances A. Clesse, Constance H.
Clesse, Joseph A. Clesse, Frances
Louise Rothermich, Aloysius W.
Rothermich, and Jane Doe Roth
ermich, his wife, Mary R. Clesse,
Julia O. Lieser and Peter F. Lie
ser, her husband, also all unknown
heirs of Leon N. Clesse, deceased.
Also all the unknown heirs of
Williaw Lawton, deceased. Also all
other persons or parties unknown
claiming any right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real estate
described in the complaint here
in, Defendants:
OF OREGON, you and each of you
are hereby required to appear or
answer plaintiffs complaint filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before four
weeks from the date of the first
publication of this summons upon
you and if you fail to so appear or
answer, plaintiff will apply to the
above entitled court for the relief
prayed for in its complaint, to-wit:
Tha you and each of you be re
quired to assert and set forth the
nature of your right, title, estate,
lien or interest in the real property
described in plaintiffs complaint
and as follows, to-wit:
The SV2 of the Sy2 of Sec. 25 in
Twp. 6, S. R. 25 E. W. M.
Also lots 3 and 4, and the SEV4
of the SWV4 of Sec. 31 in Twp.
6, S. R. 26, E. W. M., in the
County of Morrow, State of
Gazette Times, Heppner,
and it be adjudged and decreed that
plaintiff is the owner in fee simple
of said real property and that you
and each of you be forever barred
of and from all right, title, estate
lien or interest in and to said real
property and for such other and
further relief as may be just and
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof, once a week
for four successive weeks in the
Heppner Gazette Times, a newspa
per of general circulation, published
in Morrow County, Oregon, pursu
ant to an order of Hon. Bert John
son, Judge of the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, which order is dated Feb
ruary 14th, 1939, and the date of the
first publication of this summons is
February 16th, 193u9.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Residence and Postoffice ad
dress, Heppner, Oregon.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned were duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, admin
istrators of the estate of Dan C.
Doherty, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased, are hereby required
to present the same with proper
vouchers duly verified, to said ad
ministrators at the law office of Jos.
J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within
six months from the date of this no
tice. Dated and first published this 16th
day of February, 1939.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated February 8, 1939, I
am authorized and directed to ad
vertise and sell at public auction, at
not less than the minimum price
herein set forth after each parcel or
neV4, Ny2SEy4, EV2NWV4, Nwy4
NWy4 in Setion 14; SM, Sec.
tion 11; All in Township 4 N.,
Range 24 E. W. M., Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon. Minimum pries $576.00
Therefore, I will on the 25th day
of February, 1939, at the hour of
2:00 P. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest
bidder. "
Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon.
Proposals will be accepted by the
City Council of Heppner until 7:30
P. M., February 20, 1939, or fur
nishing, delivering, and installing a
complete Diesel engine driven
pumping plant in accordance with
the following specifications.
The City reserves the right to re
ject any and all bids.
PUMP: The pump shall be of
the type known as the vertical
shaft deepwell turbine and
shall have 60 feet of standard
type pipe column to which will
be attached a pumping ele
ment of the latest design, and
10 feet of standard pipe suc
tion. The pump impellers shall
be of the semi-enclosed type
and made of high tensile
bronze. The pump cases shall
be of close grained cast iron.
The oil line shaft cover pipe
shall be of drawn steel tube
and the shaft of turned and
ground high tensile steel. If
water lubricated, the line
shaft shall be of a high ten
sile corrosion resistant steel.
In any event the line shaft
bearings shall be placed at
not over 5 feet centers. The
eduction column shall be con
structed in sections not to
exceed 10 feet. The pump
supporting base shall be of
close grained cast iron and
shall incorporate the right an
gle discharge elbow. It shall be
machined to accommodate for
driving a right angle geared
head. There shall be furnish
ed, for connection to the driv
ing engine, a spicer type flex
ible coupling.
ENGINE: The Diesel engine
shall be full compression ig
nition, with removable cylin
der liners, force feed lubrica
tion. It shall be capable of de
livering 24 H. P. under con
tinuous operation at not to
exceed 60 pounds brake and
effective pressure. It shall be
equipped with an air-cooled
water system. The lubricating
and fuel oil systems shall be
equipped with suitable re
movable and replaceable fil
ter. The engine shall drive
through an enclosed hand
The pumping plant shall be guar
anteed to deliver 500 gallons per
minute against a total head of 60
feet. The engine shall be guaranteed
against any mechanical defects for
a period of six months and the
pumping equipment for a period of
one year from date of installatioa
Efficiency of the engine and pump
will be considered.
The firms submitting bids are ex
pected, if successful in obtaining
the award, to furnish complete
plans and data regarding their pro
posed installation within one week
after notice of award. Delivery is
important and will be considered.
Successful bidder must guarantee
to install all equipment in running
condition at city well 12 miles
Southeast of Heppner, on or before
May 1st, 1939. The city is to con
struct the necessary base for pump
and engine in accordance with plans
of successful bidder.
By E. R. HUSTON, Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrator of the
Estate of Sarah Brown, deceased, has
filed with the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow Couny,
his Final Account of his administra
tion of said estate, and that said
Court has set Monday, the 6th day
of March, 1939, at the hour of 11
o'clock A. M. in the forenoon of said
day at the County Court room at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as
the time and place for hearing ob
jections to said Final Account and
the settlement of said Estate, and
all persons having objections to said
Final Account or the settlement of
said estate are hereby required to
file the same with said Court on or
before the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 2nd
day of February, 1939.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow county admin
istrator of the estate of R. H. Lane,
deceased, and all persons having
claims agaist the estate of the said
deceased are hereby required to pre
sent the same with proper vouchers
duly verified to said administrator
at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 26th
day of January, 1939.
NOTICE is hereby given that the
undersigned administrator of the
estate of Emil Lundell, deceased, has
filed his final account of his admin
istration of said estate with the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, and that
said court has set Monday, the 6th
day of March, 1939, at the hour of
10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day at the County Court room at
the Court House at Heppner, Ore
gon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account
and the settlement of said estate,
and all persons having objections
thereto are hereby required to file
the same with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
, Dated and first published this 26th
day of January, 1939.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, Ad
ministrator of the Estate of Phebe
Palmateer, Deceased, and that all
persons having claims against the
estate of the deceased are hereby
required to present the same with
proper vouchers, duly certified as
required by law, to me at the office
Page Seven
of my attorney, Frank C. Alfred, in
the First National Bank Building,
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date of the first publication
of this notice.
Dated and first published this 19th
day of January, 1939.
Date of last publication, February
16, 1939.
Administrator of the Estate of
Phebe Palmateer, Deceased.
By virtue of an Order of the Coun
ty Court, dated January 10, 1939, I
am authorized and directed to ad
vertise and sell at public auction, at
not less than the minimum price
herein set forth after each parcel
or tract: " .
South 36 ft. of Lot 5, Block 6,
Original Town of Heppner; min
imum price $15.00, cash.
Therefore, I will on the 25th day
of February, 1939, at the hour of
2:00 p. m., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest bid
der. C. J. D. BAUMAN,
Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon.
Departmetn of the Interior, Gen
Department of the Interior, Gen
gon, January 10, 1939.
NOTICE is hereby given that Fos
ter T. Collins, of Hardman, Oregon,
who, on November 14, 1933, made
Original Homestead Entry, Act 12-29-16,
No. 027391, for the E&SWy4,
Sy2SEy4, Section 10, and the NMs
NEy4, NEy4NWy4, Section 15, Town
ship 6 S., Range 25 E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Jos. J. Nys, Notary
Public, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
27th day of February, 1939.
Claimant names at witnesses:
R. I. Thompson, of Heppner, Ore
gon. John Holton, of Heppner, Oregon.
James Burnside, of Hardman,
Elsie Madden, of Lone Rock, Ore
gon. W. F. JACKSON, Register.
Want Ads
Nash for sale or trade for cattle,
good condition. W. H. French, Hard
man. 47tf
1000 tamarack posts, made from
butts of trees, for sale or trade for
cattle. W. H. French, Hardman. 47tf
Stallion for sale, 5-yr old; also
Shetland ponies. Joe Kenny, city.
I repair telephones. W. L. Mc
Caleb, 9 Chase St., city. 46-49p
Order your Baby Chicks now;
blood tested, light or heavy breeds;
also Bronze or Narangansett poults.
Custom hatching. Prices right. Sud
darth Hatchery, Irrigon, Oregon.
Cash buyers of all kinds of live
stock. Heppner-Hermiston Livestock
and Poultry, Jack Osier, Heppner,
Phone Res. 11F5, office 302. 45-50p
For rent, summer ranee for two
bands of sheep Write Sid Seale,
Condon, Oregon. 48-51
For Sale 50 x 150 ft., good loca
tion for residence. A. J. Westhoff.
Vacant 3 rooms and bath, fur
nished; sun porch; reasonable. Bon
nie Cochran.
Don't throw away anything that
can be welded until I see it. W. F.
"Bill" Harlow, Heppner Blacksmith
and Machinery Shop. 40tf.
Good 6-room house for sale, part
ly furnished, $600. See J. O. Turner.
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor
age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices; terms. Beall Pipe
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St., Pen
dleton, Phone 1274W. "if
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
"For years 1 had constipation, awful
jas bloating, headaches and back pains.
Adlerika helped right away. Now, I eat
sausage, bananas, pie, anything I want.
Never felt better." Mrs. Mabel Schott.
PATTERSON & SON, Druggists