Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 16, 1939, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Gazette Times
Established March SO. 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year $2.00
Three Years . 5.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months 75
Single Copies 05
Official Paper for Morrow County
When Times Are
IMMEDIATELY after the flood ca-
tastrophe of 1903, Heppner's news
papers told of the staunch deter
mination of the citizens to rebuild.
That determination resulted in more
and better buildings than had be
fore existed, and though scars
seared upon the hearts of the peo
ple could never be erased, the ap
pearance of the town itself was en
hanced in the period of reconstruc
tion. During the last ten years Heppner
has gone through one of the black
est eras of economic depression in
its history; at least that is what
some old-timers say. Certain it is
that money has not flowed freely,
what with poor crops added to
slow-moving business generally.
But it was just ten years ago that
one Heppner citizen came to the
city, and he recalls that at that time
a generally run-down condition ex
isted. Since that time, three mod
ern business structures have risen,
other "eye-sores" have been re
moved, much new construction and
repair of residences has taken place,
the city's streets have been paved
and a swimming tank constructed.
The progress in the last ten years,
actually, has been remarkable, this
resident points out. .
So it is, oft' times, when times are
blackest much is accomplished in
the way of progress.
Prospects of brighter times, how
ever, always bring new hope of
more rapid acocmplishment of in
dividual aims. And so, Heppner peo
ple anticipate the opening of a box
factory in the near future as the
means of bringing a payroll and
new posibilities of development.
The box factory project appears
to be the first sound indication of
Heppner's realizing on the large
timber resources at its gates. The
process of cutting, naturally, is the
harvesting of a crop that has been
years in production, and the har
vest day may not last forever. But
another large crop, to add to our
wheat and our sheep, to be handled
through Heppner will give impetus
to business generally. Though es
tablishment of the factory at this
time may not be definite, certain it
is that not many years will elapse
before such an enterprise will prof
itably operate here.
The Last in Line
LIEALTH and happiness are syn-
onymous in most any man's lan
guage. And the most pitiful picture
in the world is that of a millionaire
with an incurable ailment for which
no amount of money will buy a cure.
There can never be a golden meas
uring rod for the value of health.
This is brought to mind as the
part-time health nurse completes
.six weeks of service in the county,
about half the time that local bud
getary allotments contemplate such
;service for the year. The question
uppermost at this time is not wheth
er the services given were worth
the money paid, but whether there
is not much more need of service.
From printed reports of the ser
vice in the six weeks we find that
the county nurse supervised pre
school and infant conferences over
the county at which 59 examinations
were made. How much of the find
ines in these cases will later result
in material health benefit can only
be a matter of conjecture. But much
of the service of the county nurse
does not lend itself to publicity.
It is known that through the ser
vices of the nurse a number of chil
dren who faced the prospect of go
ing through life with serious phy
sical handicaps have geen given the
benefit of specialized treatment that
in each case will greatly benefit the
afflicted condition. If the county
nurse was directly responsible for
bringing one such case to light and
for making only one healthy, capa
ble individual who otherwise would
have gone through life in a seriously
handicapped condition, is not the
cost, whatever it may be, a small
There may not be need in Mor
row county for a full-time health
nurse, but this county is the only
county in the state that does not
come up to requirements of the state
board of health to receive the fi
nancial assistance it is prepared to
give. This department has asked for
establishment of at least for months'
public health nurse service before,
it will match funds. Just now a
measure is before the legislature
to make state funds available for
matching federal health funds which
the state is in danger of losing. Lo
cal action will be somewhat de
pendent upon the state and nation
al situation, but Morrow county
should not long bear the odium of
being the last in line of counties
recognizing the benefits of public
health work.
Miss Lucille Hall
Given Final Tribute
All members of the immediate
family and many friends attended
last rites for Miss Lucille Hall Sun
day afternoon, held from Phelps
Funeral home, followed by inter
ment in Masonic cemetery. Rev. R.
C. Young, Methodist minister, of
ficiated. Miss Hall died last Thursday
morning at Rawlins, Wyo., following
a major operation. Born at Monu
ment, Oregon, she came with the
family to Heppner as a child and
while attending Heppner grade and
high schools, her charming person
ality made her popular with all who
knew her. She went to Rawlins in
1935 to be with her brother, and
from the Rawlins Republican-Bul
letin is taken the .following notice
of her passing.
Miss Lucille Hall, 24 years old,
popular member of the younger set
in this city, died at 8:55 yesterday
(Feb. 9) morning at the Memorial
hospital. Her passing brought sin
cere regret and sadness to the many
friends who had met and learned to
know her during the short time that
she made this city her home.
Miss Hall was admitted to Memor
ial hospital on Tuesday, Jan. 31, and
underwent a serious major opera
tion the following day. Her condi
tion failed to show appreciable im
provement so it became necessary
to give her a blood transfusion Wed
nesday afternoon. Another condi
tion developed Wednesday night,
making it necessary to perform an
emergency operation. Death relieved
her suffering early yesterday morn
ing. Lucille Geneva Hall was born on
Sept, 14, 1914, at Monument, Ore
gon. She spent most of her younger
life in Oregon, coming to Rawlins
in 1935 to be with her brother, Guy
Hall, local railroader.
After being here for a few months
she started work in the fountain de
partment of the Wyoming Drug
store. Her congenial manner and
sunny disposition made her very
well liked by all who had an oppor
tunity to meet and know her. She
continued her work at the store un
til the day before entering the hos
pital. She is survived by her father, N.
S. Hall of Pendleton, Ore.; five sis
ters, Mrs. E. W. Gordon, Heppner;
Mrs. Wm. Smethurst, Lexington;
Mrs. C. J. Phillips, Kinzua; Mrs.
George Stephens, Salem, and Mrs.
L. A. Countryman, Geber, Cal.;
two brothers, W. S. Hall of Oakland,
Cal., and Guy E. Hall of Rawlins.
Services will be held at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon (Feb. 10) from
the Collins-McKelvey chapel, the
Rev. F. F. Kraft to conduct the ser
vices. The remains will then be
shipped to Heppner, where burial
will be made. Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Hall will accompany the body to
Oregon and will join other mem
bers of the family at the burial ser
vices. G. T. Want Ads bring results.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
O Public Opinion
Water Situation
Dear Editor:
It would be greatly appreciated
if you would allow me space in
your columns to answer the recent
editorial comment in regard to the
proposed purchase by the City of
Heppner of a pumping plant to be
operated by diesel motor. The mem
bers of the City Council appreciate
any constructive criticism of their
operation of the city government.
However, I do not believe that all
the facts as stated in your recent
editorial explain . the situation in
full. The writer's views are also the
views of the majority of the mem
bers of the City Council.
In your recent editorial it was,
stated that in previous tests the
present well did hold up for several
days under heavy pumping. As a
matter of fact, the city well, which
we propose to pump out of, is known
as the old well, and has been pump
ed by a gasoline motor during the
irrigation season, when the grav
ity flow combined with Hxe flow
of Kelley springs is insufficient to
meet the city's needs, for a period
of over three years during which
time the water level did not go be
low twenty -three feet from the
surface of the ground. While the
city contemplates at the present
time on purchasing a pumping plant
capable of pumping 720,000 gallons
of water, the intention of the city
is only to use the said pumping plant
when necessary. The present sys
tem of using the gravity flow and
Kelley springs will not be disturbed
in any manner. The only additional
water that will be pumped out of
the well other than has been in the
past three years will be whatever
increase in demand of water the
city has over the past three years.
Reliable engineers have advised
us that they do not believe that our
water will be lowered in the well
to over a sixty-foot depth, even by
pumping the full capacity of the
pump. Their reason for this is that
our well has held up remarkably
under three summers of pumping.
If necessary the type of installation
proposed in the new pumping plant
could go down to the full depth of
the well, which is approximately
210 feet without any major changes
in the pump and without any change
in the diesel engine.
Mr. Durand, who drilled the or
iginal well, practically guaranteed to
bring in another artesian well for
the city at the time the second well
was drilled. He advised the city
council where to drill the said well
and acting upon his advice and that
of other well drillers the second
well was drilled. Mr. ' Durand did
not drill this well due to the fact
that when the drilling was adver
tised for bid it was found that he
was not the low bidder. No well
driller has ever offered the city
council, since I have been a mem
ber, to guarantee to bring in ar
tesian water, and from past exper
ience, unless an absolute guarantee
was made to bring in artesian water
it would appear that the risk of
again expending approximately
$2100.00 is not justified.
Another major factor taken into
consideration by the council in con
nection with the new proposed pur
chase is that the cost of operating a
diesel driven pumping plant pump
ing 720,000 gallons of water in twen
ty-four hours will be less than the
present cost of operating the gasoline
pump that has been used in the last
three years which pumps approxi
mately one-fourth of this amount of
water. In other words, it costs less
per hour to run the proposed diesel
plant than it costs to run the preS'
ent gasoline pumping plant and only
one-fourth as much per gallon of
water actually being pumped.
As you stated in your recent edi
torial the councilmen do not pre
tend to be expert hydraulic engin
eers but their reasoning is based on
past experience and in their judg
ment the wisest thing to do.
To the Editor:
During the past few years, a num
ber of people within the county
have discussed the fact that the
schedule of salaries of District At
torneys of the state discriminates
against Morrow county, in that Mor
row county is placed in the lowest
salary bracket, while most other
counties of the same class as to
population, assessed valuation, and
volume of work required of the of
fice are in the next higher bracket,
as are also several others of much
less population, assessed valuation
and volume of work.
With this fact in mind, numerous
persons have' gone on record as fa
voring an increase in the salary paid
to the office in this county, to make
it the same as that paid to other
counties of similar classification,
and have favored the passage of a
bill now before the legislature, ad
vancing the salary paid to this coun
ty to equal that paid in other coun
ties of the same class.
I would like to call the attention
of those persons to a fact that has
just come to my attention. I am in
formed by Mr. Fatland, Speaker of
the House, that it is the intent of
the Governor to have a board or
commission work out an equitable
schedule of salaries for all state of
ficers. As the office of District At
torney is a state office, and the sal
ary paid by the state, I assume his
plan would include the schedule for
District Attorneys, and that an ad
justment will be made, placing this
county in its proper classification in
relation to the other counties.
Therefore, I wish to take this
means to suggest that no further
effort be made on behalf of the pres
ent bill, as its passage would prob
ably only further complicate the
work the Governor is planning, and
since the salary is paid by the state,
and is, in reality of practically no
local interest, except to those who
wish to see the local office treated
fairly by the state in relation to
other counties, it seems only reas
onable to permit the state officials
to make the proper adjustment
University of Oregon, Eugene,
Feb. 14 Don Turner, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. O. Turner of Heppner, was
ohairman of the contest committee
for the sophomore "Whiskerino,"
annual dance for which all sopho
mores must have grown a beard.
The duty of the contest committee
was to judge the bearded sopho
more for the longest, the blackest,
the reddest, the thickest, the best
shaped, and the least beard of all
attending the dance. Turner is a
sophomore in law at the University
of Oregon. He graduated from Hepp
ner high shool and is affiliated with
Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Nash for sale or trade for jcattle,
good condition. W. H. French, Hard
man. 47tf
We have windshield and
door glass for any make car.
will aid you in fitting glass of any kind
for any purpose, and St will
Ferguson Motor Co.
Thursday, February 16, 1939
Changes Made in
Band Competition
At the last meeting of the Oregon
Band and Orchestra Directors' as
sociation, it was decided to break
the state up into sectional contests
instead of holding the one state
contest as in the past
The Eastern Oregon Normal school
will sponsor at the reqest oi Andrew
Loney, Jr., president of the state
association, the eastern Oregon con
test, Friday-Saturday, April 14-15.
This will constitute the official con
test for eastern Oregon, which com
prises all territory east of and in
cluding The Dalles, as far as the Ida
no state line, and as far south as and
including Bend.
The same rating will be used as
was in the state contest last year.
The schools will be placed in class
competition and will be rated on the
following scale: 1, Superior; 2, Ex
cellent; 3, Good; 4, Fair; 5, Unsatis
factory. The classification require
ments are as follows: Class A All
bands from high schools of 750 or
more enrollment.
Blass B Bands from high schools
of 250-700 enrollment. Class C
Bands from high schools of less than
250 enrollment. Class D Bands
from high schools of less than 100
The contest number will be se
lected by the state committee and
as soon as received, information will
be passed on to the competing bands.
All bands will play two marches
at the close of Friday night's con
test. They will be conducted by the
outstanding band judge in attend
ance. Numbers used will be March
"High Tower" by Harold Bennett
and March "El Capitan" by Sousa.
The purpose of this new arrange
ment is to cut down the expenses
of the bands that do not receive any
rating in the contest. The winners
of this divisional contest will go to
Portland to meet with the winners
of the districts 'that take in all of
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and
Montana. The winner is eligible for
national competition.
Word was received this morning
of the death at Coquille hospital,
Sunday, Feb. 5, of Verner Adkins, 8,
son of Ralph Adkins, former resi
dent here. Death followed an op
eration for bursted appendix. He
was born Sept. 29, 1929. His mother
died seven years ago. Surviving
are the father, brothers Willis, Don
ald and Jimmy, and sister, Mrs.
Shirley Maiden of Coquille. Fun
eral services were held February 7
with Joel R. Benton, Christian min
ister of Marshfield, officiating.