Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 09, 1939, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, February 9, 1939
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Harley Anderson was among
farmers wearing a smile over ad
vent of the new snow when in town
from Eight Mile yesterday morn
ing. He said about four inches on
the level covered the ground at his
place. He reported having a nar
row escape from a bad accident Tu
esday evening. A wheel jumped
off his car while going up Heppner
hill, but did not cause the car to
wreck. Not being able to find the
wheel that night he borrowed a car
in town to get home, and on seeing
the new snow yesterday morning he
hurried to return it, also picking up
the wheel from the Arthur Gem
mell field below the highway.
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan and
son, Sam, returned to their home at
Lexington yesterday from a several
weeks' visit at Tucson, Ariz., and
Sam was a Heppner caller this
morning. They returned from the
country of perpetual sunshine just
in time to be greeted by the cold
wave. Sam said Tucson is a fine,
Clean city, and that they all en
joyed their visit there.
R. Strauss, auditor for Tum-A-Lum
Lumber company, was visiting
the local office yesterday from Wal
la Walla. Mr. Strauss is a ping pong
addict and finds competition from
some of Heppner"s leading players
when he comes to town.
C. E. Flsk who farms in the Dry
Fork section was a business visitor
in the city this morning. Mr. Fisk
reported snow at his place about the
same as at Heppner. Fair reserve
moisture was reported to be present
in summerfallow.
Lawrence Wehmeyer left Monday
for Portland where he expected to
be inducted into Uncle Sam's navy,
being the third son of Mr. and Mrs:
F. F. Wehmeyer to enter the coun
try's service.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gredvig of
Lakeview visited Thursday evening
with Mrs. Ora Bleakman on their
" way to Montana. Mr. Gredvig is em
ployed by the Bureau of Public
Neal Knighten, in the city Tues
day afternoon from Hardman, re
ported considerably more snow there
than at Heppner though it had
drifted badly.
Women's Foreign Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist church will
meet Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 14,
at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. J. O.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Griffith of Spray at the Corda Sal-
ing home in this city, Sunday, an
8 pound daughter, Nanette Marie.
Members of the family in from
Gooseberry this week announced
the serious illness of Eric Berg
strom, pioneer settler of that section.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Steagall of Lexington at the home of
Mrs. Corda Saling in this city this
morning, a IVz pound daughter.
Announcement is made that the
dances originally scheduled for Feb.
11 and 25 at the Elks hall in Hepp
ner, have been cancelled.
L. E. Dick returned home the
first of the week from a visit of sev
eral weeks with his mother near
Helena, Mont.
Mrs. Clive Huston and Mrs. Ben
Anderson were among callers in
town Tuesday from the Eight Mile
Percy and Edwin Hughes from
the Lena district were among bust
ness visitors in the city Tuesday.
Eddie Kenny has returned home
from Portland where he attended
business college for some time.
Food sale by Woolgrowers auxil
iary, Sat., Feb. 11, 12:30, at P. P. &
L. Co., Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Henderson
were callers in the city Tuesday
from Lexington.
Ralph Butler of Willows was a
business visitor in the city Tues
Truman White Rites
Held at Lexington
Funeral services were held at the
Christian church here yesterday af
ternoon for Trman White who died
in a Portland sanitarium Sunday.
The rites were largely attended by
old-time friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Menegat and
daughters, Joan and Judy, were
guests at the Wm. Campbell home
last week end. Mr. Menegat is
teaching school at The Dalles.
Ralph Phillips has returned from
a business trip to Portland.
Margaret Leach attended a card
party of the Eastern Star in Hepp
ner Saturday afternoon.
Leonard Munkers is reported to
be improving from his scarlet fever
Church services will be at the
Christian church at 11 a. m., Sun
day, with Sunday school at at 10 a.
m. C. E. at at 6:30 p. m.
Visitors in Pendleton last Thurs
day were Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl,
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott and
Merritt Gray.
Mrs. Charles Marquardt is ill at
her home.
Harriet Pointer has returned to
her studies in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones and
Edith Edwards motored to Pendle
ton Sunday taking Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Jones that far on their way
to La Grande.
Arnold Sprauer motored to Mt.
Angel Sunday to be present at the
wedding of his sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock are
the parents of an 8V2 pound daugh
ter, Sandra Kay, born February 4
at the Corda Saling home in Hepp
ner. Louise Hunt was ill at her home
Monday. -
Mrs. Louis Marquardt was hostess
Saturday evening for a birthday
party honoring Mr. Marquardt.
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Keene, Mr. and Mrs. James Leach,
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Myles Martin, Mr. and Mrs. S.
J. Devine, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sal
ing, Mr. and Mrs. Julian 'Rauch, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Warner, Laura Scott,
Bertha Dinges, George Peck, Maude
Pointer, Cecile Jackson, Merle Car
michael, Jean and Junior Rauch.
"Five Hundred" was played with
high prize going to Mrs. Saling and
low prize to Mrs. Keene. Delicious
refreshments of chicken sandwiches,
jello, cake and coffee were served.
Mrs. Lon Edwards and Mrs. Cecil
Jones were hostesses Saturday af-
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, Feb. 14, 1928)
Eastern Oregon Wheat league
eletcs Roy Ritner president at close
of three-day conference at Arlington
yesterday. .
Heppner to entertain district bas
ketball tournamuent, Feb. 28, Mar.
Dr. F. E. Farrior sells dental prac
tice to Dr. J. H. McCrady.
Heppner again enters telegraphic
trapshooting tournament.
James Thomson and Crocket
Sprouls return yesterday from trip
to Orient.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adkins are
parents of maby son, born on Lin
coln't birthday, Feb. 12.
Junior class presents "The Charm
School" as annual play before large
Elks set annual ball for evening
of 22nd. Hood River Night Hawks
to play.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
ternoon for a double shower honor
ing Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and Mrs.
Vernon Scott Those present be
sides the honorees and hostesses
were Mrs. Charles Jones, Patricia
Jewell, Bernice Bauman, Vera Whil
lock, Opal Townsend, Emma Bre
shears, Helen Breshears, Erda Pie
per, Nellie Palmer, Ruth McMillan,
Laura Scott, Florence McMillan,
Josie Peck and Susie Padberg.
Those sending gifts were Margaret
Leach, Bertha Hunt, Carna Camp
bell, Edith Edwards, Maude Pointer,
Dona and Ella Barnett and Trina
Parker. Games were played with
prizes going to Erda Pieper, Helen
Breshears and Margaret Scott. Re
freshments of cookies and cocoa
were served.
Saturday night guests at the El
mer Hunt home were Marcella and
Carol Jackson.
Mrs. Ted McMillan was hostess
for a farewell party Friday night
honoring Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones.
Those present besides the hostess
and honorees were Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Rauch, Mrs. Al Fetch, Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Majeske and children, Joe
Clark, Ted McMillan and children.
Monopoly and sticks and pinochle
were played and refreshments of
squash pie with whipped cream and
coffee were served.
Philco and Zenith RADIOS
Guaranteed for 6 Months
Was Now
No. 80 $ .80 $ .40
No. 27 80 .40
No. 30 1.00 .55
No. 32 1.75 1.55
No. 33 ..... 1.75 .90
All others priced accordingly
Phone 1382
Tuesday night the Lexington high
school basketball team defeated the
lone team by a score of 28-13. Jack
son was high point man with 14
The Lexington grade school team
defeated the lone team by a score
of 11-5. This was the first victory
for a Lexington grade school team
for several years.
The lone town team defeated the
Lexington town team by a score of
Be sure to save the evening of
March 25 for the Lexington high
school carnival. Thsi promises to
be one of the biggest events of this
school year.
The Boy Scout court of honor and
first aid contest were held at the
school house Monday night. The
Heppner troop was the guest of the
Lexington troop. Ice cream and cake
were served. A nice program was
Lexington held third place in the
3 Sizes to Suit Everybody
Central Market
Ture Peterson, Mgr.
basketball league by defeating
Stanfield by a score of 31-27. Stan
field defeated the Lexington grade
school team n the preliminary game.
STAR Reporter
February 12th
1 809 - 1939
"That this nation, under God, shall
have a new birth of freedom, and
that government of the people, by
the people, for the people, shall not
perish from the earth."
From Gettysburg Address.
FEB. 12-13
(in technicolor)
Starting from a prologue dated in
the time of Abraham Lincoln, then
coming down to the present time,
this thoroughbred picture of thor
oughbred horses and thoroughbred
people is the best story of its kind
ever told on the screen.
We have both equipment and equitable rates for moving your wool
Over-Night service to Portland.
Regular, Depedable, Insured Service
Mr. R. B. Spickerman, traffic manager, will contact you .
before shearing time.
Warehouse: Kane's Garage
Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
The Treasury Department shows expenditures of 326 million dollars
for the Civilian Conservation Corps for the fiscal year of 1938.
The brewing industry pays over a million dollars a day in taxes.
;MWW c.c.c. p,
What Beer contributes to the re-building
of America would fill a great volume
Over 400 million dollars in taxes every
year. Over 1,000,000 jobs. A market for
3,000,000 farm acres of produce.
The brewing industry would like to pre
serve for itself and the people the many
economic benefits it has created in the past
five years. Brewers everywhere realize that
this is a question bound up with the proper
distribution of their mild and wholesome
beverage through retail outlets whose char
acter will be a credit to the community.
Obviously, the brewers can enforce no laws.
But they can and will cooperate with
the local law-enforcement authorities. They
will cooperate with every group friend or
critic to the end that retail beer outlets
give no offense to anyone.
United Brewers Industrial Foundation, 21 East 40th Street, Neto York, N. Y.
Beer... a Beverage of Moderation