Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 09, 1939, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, February 9, 1939
Gazette Times
Established March SO, 1883;
Established' November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year $2.00
Three Years 6.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months 75
Single Copies - 05
Official Paper for Morrow Coanty
Thank You, Mr. Leash
ANYONE who went to the mass
meeting at the Elks hall Monday
evening with the idea of hearing Mr.
Leash and Mr. Kraft, box factory
representatives, give a glowing ver-J
sion of an immediate advent of
Utopia into Heppner was, we be
lieve, thoroughly disillusioned.
Officials of the proposed venture
made no exaggerated statements.
They were careful to say what
"may" or what "might" happen, and
these whats were not such as to in
cite boom talk. Their appearance
definitely was not that of the pro
moter, but rather of the cold-headed
business executive who at all
times leaves the door wide open to
possibilities. There is, as Mr. Leash
said, possibility that the proposed
box factory might not become a
reality; and such reality as he
thought might occur was a "small"
rather than a superlative venture.
The officials' appearance was such
as to inspire confidence in their
knowing of what they were about
in their ability, to be exact, to op
erate box factories, which is their
specialty. It was plain to be seen
that they were pleased to be so
warmly received. As Mr. Leash said,
eyeing the large assemblage gleam
ingly, "It appeared the company
would have no difficulty finding
plenty of help." ,
Evident it was that Mr. Leash
liked to talk about boxes and cheese.
If he attempted to promote any
thing, it was the product of the
large cheese-making concern which
consumes most of the boxes made
by his company.
Though his audience was more or
less left hanging on a thread as to
if and when the Kraft subsidiary
would establish a box factory here,
Mr. Leash did leave them thorough
ly interested in box- and che"ese
making. If and when the fox factory
does come, everyone who heard Mr.
Leash will want to see it operate,
and such as may find employment
there will undoubtedly feel that
they are working "with" and not
"for" the company as Mr. Leash
said is the way his company's em
ployees are accustomed to feel.
All in all, the officials' visit here
was heartening. And to Mr. Leash
as the principal spokesman, we can
not help but say thank you, we
hope you come often.
might destroy the gravity flow now
obtained by siphon.
A considerable number of people
in the city would like to see an at
tempt made to provide a gravity
water supply for the city before an
investment is made in pumping
equipment. These people have cited
bringing in the present well which
flowed naturally for several years
and supplied water to the city with
out pumping cost as an example of
what might be had again. Contract
cost of this well was $2100 and by
siphoning it is still giving enough
water to supply the city (with addi
tion of Kelley spring) except in the
irrigation season.
It is said, on good authority, that
the driller of the original well will
practically guarantee to bring in
another artesian well for the city
and that he will arrange payment
over a long period of time on an
amortized basis. If such be fact and
another good artesian well should
be obtained (there is the first ar
tesian well to add to plausibility), the
city might be supplied with gravity
flow water for many more years and
thus obviate the constant expense
which pumping entails.
Without intent of criticising the
council's action to obtain a pump
ing plant, it would seem the part of
wisdom to give all public thought
due consideration. The councilmen
themselves, not pretending expert
knowledge in the science of hydraul
ics, might find it profitable to re
tain an experienced, unbiased en
gineer, to give an expert report be
fore proceeding. It should not be a
matter of pump salesman vs. well
drilling salesman. It should be only
a matter of the kind of investment
that will pay the larger dividends
to the city over a long period of
More Water
UEPPNER faces the need for more
11 water. To satisfy that need the
council proposes to purchase a pump
capable of pumping 720,000 gallons
every 24 hours, the pump to be op
erated by a diesel motor.
In checking over the situation to
arrive at the pump solution, the city
has had advice from a representa
tive of a pump manufacturing con
cern to add to a firm confidence in
the ability of the present well to
hold up under heavy pumping.
In a previous test the present well
did hold up for several days under
heavy pumping. The water is said
to have been lowered to a depth of
thirty feet in the first few hours and
thereafter held at that point. But
one school of thought, many times
expressed within the city, holds to
the belief that artesian wells, such
as the present well originally was,
do not stand up under heavy pump
ing over a prolonged period.
The school of thought last re
ferred to does not believe installa
tion of a pumping plant, estimated
to cost somewhere in the neighbor
hood of $2500, will actually increase
the city's water supply, and that it
Get results with G. T. want ads.
Moisture Down Half
From Year Ago, lone
Rainfall since the first of the
month amounts to .33 inch. Since
the first of September there has
been 2.58 inches of moisture. For
the same period last year the mois
ture amounted to 5.47 inches.
Billie Lundell, who sustained a
broken arm while coasting a week
ago, returned home Tuesday. He
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
The Rebekahs held a benefit card
party at the I. O. O. F. hall Satur
day evening. Prizes were won by
Mrs. Frank Lundell and J. E. Swan
son in bridge, and by Mrs. Inez
Freeland and Geo. N. Ely in pino
chle. Study meeting of Women's Topic
club will be held in Heppner at the
home of Mrs. C. W. McNamer.
Mr. and Mrs. Algott Lndell re
turned Monday from Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. John Troedson left
Friday for Corvallis where they are
visiting their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troedson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ekleberry and
famly have retruned from a visit in
Lebanon with Mrs. Ekleberry's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chandler,
and in Brownsville with Mr. Ekle
berry's aunt.
Word from Leo Gorger is to the
effect that he expects to return soon
from Portland where he has been
receiving treatment for an infection.
His , brother, Joe Gorger, left Sun
day for California where he will re
cuperate from a recent major oper
ation. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson drove
to Portland Sunday to take their
daughter, Eva, and Miss Harriet
Pointer of Lexington, to resume
their work at business college.
. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Ely and fam
ily of Boardman were visitors at
Morgan on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely and Geo.
N. Ely were dinner guests of the J.
A. Troedsons on Sunday.
Mrs. John W. Krebs of Cecil has
returned from a visit in Portland
with her mother, who has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lindsey of
Morgan entertained Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Lindstrom, W. G. Palmateer
and Carl and Verner Troedson at
dinner on "Sunday.
O. E. Peterson of Gooseberry de
parted Monday for an extensive
visit with his sister in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom were
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Berl
Akers, who recently moved on to
the R. M. Akers ranch near lone.
Mrs. Delia Corson returned Tues
day from an extended visit in Chi
cago and other eastern points.
Lexington Scouts
Outpoint Heppner
At a joint court of honor for
Heppner and Lexington Boy Scouts
held at Lexington Monday evening,
members of the Lexington troop
came out on top. Featuring the meet
ing was the voluminous supply of
cake served to the large attendance
of Lexington folks and a small num
ber from Heppner.
In commenting upon the affair,
B. C. Pinckney, chairman of the lo
cal committee, said that the Lex
ington people are to be highly con
gratlated upon the fine interest they
have developed in scout work. He
expressed regret that Heppner was
not more largely represented. The
Heppner committee provided ice
cream to go along with the cake,
but underestimated the attendance.
G. T. Want Ads bring result
Elks ladies are cordially invited
to attend annual Elks Card Party
at the Masonic hall, Saturday, Feb.
18, 2 P. M. Contract, pinochle and
Chinese checkers. Adv. 48-49
Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan were
business visitors in the city yester
day from the Butter creek ranch.
with each
Sweetheart Cake
for your
Valentine Party
60C Each
Bread -:- Pies
Cakes -:- Pastry
The Opening, Saturday, Feb. 1 1
Corner Main and May Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON
o We invite you to come in and inspect the New 1939 FORD V-8 Passenger and
Commercial Cars and visit our Modern Repair Shop
Special 10-Day Offer:
Regular $1 Check-Chart Lubrication
We Sell