Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 09, 1939, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, February 9, 1939
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner,
F. W. Turner, Bonds 40.00
W. M. Eubanks, Bonds 25.00
. E. Simmons Co., Current
Expense 15.00
Franklin Printing Co.,
Clerk's Inc 5.86
Lucy K Rodgers, Supt Mil. 21.45
Supt. Inc 45.02
West Coast Pr. & Bdg. Co.,
Assessor 2.25
Chas. Peterson, Assessor Inc. 37.50
Kilham Sta. & Prt. Co., Tax
Collections 1.66
Oregon State Agri. College,
Co. Agent Appropriation 1,150.00
J. O. Hager, Justice Court .. 12.75
Ealor Huston, Justice Court . 1.50
Lena Cox, Justice Court 1.50
G. W. Thompson, Justice Co; 1.50
Mary Guild, Justice Court .. 1.50
Clarence Hesseltine, Jus. Ct. 1.50
E. N. Gonty, Justice Court .. 1.50
Mrs. Margaret Klitz, Jus. Ct. 2.00
Mrs. Olive Atteberry, Justice
Court , 2.00
A. B. Chaffee, Justice Court 2.00
W. M. Eubanks, Justice Ct. 20.00
Heppner Gazette Times, Of
ficial Publicatons 25.98
Sheriff 11.00
C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff .... 65.60
State Ind. Acc. Comm, Sher
iff 8.38
C. J. D. Bauman, Soldier's
Indigent 11.60
Circuit Court 5.75
Central Market, Jail 1.05
Bert Johnson, Judge, Gen
eral Assistance 306.49
Blind Assistance 7.87
Aid to Dependent Children 69.97
' Old Age Assistance 401.89
Inland Empire Waterways
Assn., Pub. & Adv 500.00
Warrants Issued on General Road
Fund, January, 1939
H. S. Taylor $118.98, M. V. Nolan
$105.73, Jack Stotts $64.23, Albert
Connor $98.23, Harold Peck $70.73,
Glenn J. Sherer $88.99, Harry Wells
$67.74, Henry Schwarz $87.84, James
Page Three
Jinx Broken
Nosing out the Arlington Honk
ers by a 32-31 margin in Friday
night's thriller, the Mustang basket
eers upset the famous Arlington
"jinx" existing since 1934. For five
years no Heppner team has proved
itself capable of defeating the Ar
lington basketball teams. This win
also evens up for a 37-20 shellacking
handed the Mustangs earlier in the
season on the Honkers' floor. This
game was a decisive one losing it
would have meant a tie for league
leadership with Fossil, while the
possibility remained that a loss of
the coming game with Condon would
result in Heppner's losing the top
bracket. By winning the Arlington
game, the Mustangs now lead by
one less loss, the game with Condon
being the initial one in deciding
whether Heppner wins the league or
has to play off a tie with Fossil for
the coveted title.
Heppner 32 Arlington 31
Barratt 6 F.. 3 L. Wetherell
H. Crawford 2 .... F 8 Norris
Aiken 1 F 2 Fletcher
J. Crawford F.. 3 C. Wetherell
Applegate 7 C 15 Bowman
Drake C
Morgan 1 G Fulker
Coxen 14 G West
Wray 1 G Kurtz
Scores by quarters:
1st: Heppner 10, Arlington 5
2nd: Heppner 15, Arlington 15
3rd: Heppner 22, Arlington 22
4th: Heppner 32, Arlington 31
National Conclave
Reported to Unit
Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson, presi
dent Oregon Wool Growers auxil
iary, brought report to the local unit
Friday afternoon of the national
auxiliary convention which she and
Mr. Thompson attended at San An-
gelo, Texas, last week. Tribute was
paid to Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, national
president, of this city who made an
enviable record of accomplishment
the last year. Mrs. Mahoney stopped
to visit in California on the way
Covers were laid for 30 ' at the
luncheon at the Lucas Place, who
also heard Mrs. Thompson tell of
progress in state auxiliary work. A
food sale was announced to be held
at P. P. & L. on February 11 with
Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mrs. Ray P. Kin
ne, Mrs. William Bennett and Mrs.
B. C. Pinckney, committee in charge.
Contribution of $23.24 from R. A.
Thompson, dividend from a defunct
Umatilla committee, was announced
by Mrs. Harold Cohn. A meat cut
ting demonstration was planned for
April. Mrs. E. R. Acton and Mrs.
Herbert Hynd were greeted as new
United Church Services, Lexington
Rev. C. F. Trimble, Pastor.
Sunday School 10:00 a. m.
Sermon by Pastor 11:00
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
The pastor will teach a class of
the younger married people at the
Sunday school hour. All young peo
ple over high school age will be
welcome to this, the first meeting of
the class.
United Church Services, lone
Rev. C. F. Trimble, Pastor.
Sunday School at Christian
Church 10:00 a. m.
Christian Endeavor 6:30 p. m.
Sermon by Pastor 7:30 p. m.
Red Bleakman and Archie Leath
ers were ih town Tuesday from the
Galena district where they are in
terested in mining operations.
Court Proceedings
For January Term
Make a Cash Deal...
Enjoy Low-Cost Financing
f Place Insurance where you
V Build your Personal Credit
' When you establish CREDIT
You need not be
a depositor to
borrow from
this bank. . .
CiSH ro
You open a source of READY
inn mm
County Court met in regular session
at the Courthouse in Heppner, Ore
gon, on Wednesday, the 4th day of
January, 1939, this being the regular
time for holding a term of said
Court, when were present: Bert
Johnson, Judge; George N. Peck,
Commissioner; L. D. Neill, Commis
sioner; C. W. Barlow, Clerk; C. J. D.
Bauman, Sheriff; Frank C. Alfred,
District Attorney.
The minutes of the December, 1938,
term were read and approved.
In the Matter of Claims
Now, at this time the various
claims against the county were pre
sented and the Court approved, dis
approved, or continued them and
ordered approved claims paid by the
proper warrants from the proper
In the Matter of the Official Paper:
The Court selects the Heppner
Gazette Times as the Official Paper
for Morrow County during year
In the Matter of Sheriffs Deputies:
At this time the Court approved
the appointment of Earle Bryant as
Deputy Sheriff at a salary of $110.00
per month, and approves the raise in
salary of Neva S. Cochell from $110.
00 to $125.00 per month.
Court grants right-of-way on pub
lic roads for location of poles and
fixtures by the Umatilla Electric
Cooperative Assocation.
Court orders Dance Hall License
be issued to Willows Grange No. 672.
Court sells to Harry H. Whipple
following described real property:
All of Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and
14 to Town of Irrigon for $132.
00 $26.40 down, balance ih
semi-annual payments of $10.
56 each.
Warrants Issued on General Fund,
January, 1939
F. W. Turner, Bonds $ 155.00
Mahoney & Co., Bonds 50.00
Nat. Surety Corp., Bonds .... 175.00
Farley $72.74, W: Cunningham $77.-
74, Chas. Williams $42.05, Robert S.
Wilson $47.76, Frank Jones $4.49,
Frank W. Gentry $131.00, Dale Ray,
$74.75, L. N. Morgan $58.37, Walter
Gilman $28.87, Ralph Marlatt $140.38,
Harold Sherer $88.99,- H. G. Peck
$68.00, Wrex Langdon $67.26, Clair
Ashbaugh $24.00, Harry Tamblyn
$106.13, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
$21.20, City of Heppner Water Dept.
$1.50, Frank Nixon $27.86, Mrs. Crys
tal Barlow $20.01, Jack Allen 'Supply
Co. $96.15, Henry J. Phelps $14.00,
Gamble Stores $7.24, Edith K. Hen
drick $3.71, Penland Brothers $.24,
Oregon Culvert & Pipe Co. $847.22,
Shell Oil Co. $23.94, Leupold-Vol-pel
Co. $16.00, E. R. Lundell $521.33,
Union Oil Co. $80.96, Gilliam & Bis
bee $53.08, Heppner Blacksmith &
Mchy. Co. $51.92, Pac. Tel. & Tel.
Co. $2.50, J. P. O'Meara $4.50, S. C.
Russell $3.61, Howard-Cooper Corp.
$6.81, Standard Oil Co. $47.19, I. R.
Robison $19.25, Ferguson Motor Co.
$84.45, Kane's Garage $87.15, Ore
gon Motor Service $53.75, Feenaugh
ty Mchy. Co. $1186.98, E. J. Bristow
$4.30, Bert Mason $4.85, State Ind.
Acc. . Comm. $61,22. Braden-Bell
Tractor & Equip. Co. $103.87, Braden-Bell
Tractor & Equip. Co. $2.74,
U. S. Treasury $105.05, F. W. Turner
$60.00, A. M. Baldwin $5.78, Law
rence Matteson $169.95, C. W. Bar
low, Clerk $2.00, W. B. Tucker $15.
00, Panther Oil & Grease Mfg. Co.
$59.50, Albert F. Palmateer $75.00, C.
J. D. Bauman, Sheriff, $4.50.
Warrants Issued on Market Road
Fund, January, 1939
Frank W. Gentry $6.24, Dale Ray
$3.74, L. N. Morgan $58.37, General
Roads $97.50, Walter Gilman $38.87,
A. J. Chaffee $116.74, Vernon Mun
kers $103.74, Ralph Marlatt $16.85,
Harold Sherer $4.36, H. G. Peck $7.
48, Wrex Langdon $9.72, Harry Tam
blyn $124.22, State Ind. Acc. Comm.
. . and again in 1939 ssJ
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Heppner Oregon