Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 09, 1939, Image 1

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P V R L ! C
Volume 54, Number 48
' Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 9, 1939
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Bisbee Succeeds
Phelps on Council;
May Buy Pump
Diesel Plant Con
sidered to Augment
Water System
Rejoining the city's legislative
force after several years, L. E. Bis
bee, veteran in the city's service,
was greeted at Monday evening's
council meeting as successor to the
late R. C. Phelps. Mayor Bleakman
expressed pleasure in announcing
Mr. Bisbee's willingness to accept
proffer of appointment, and the old
work horse settled into harness with
his colleagues immediately.
Snapping up business to clear the
way for the public mass meeting
with representatives of the proposed
box factory, held later at the Elks
hall, the council ordered advertise
ment for bids for purchase of a
pumping plant as the principal mat
ter of business. The plant was esti
mated to cost between $2000 and
$2500 installed,, and if purchased will
be placed at the first artesian well
at the forks of Willow creek to keep
the city supplied with water. The
pump specifications call for pump
ing 720,000 gallons every 24 hours,
or triple the amount now used by
the city.
Representatives from the volun
teer firemen attended the meeting
and asked for space in the back room
of the city building where they may
install ring and seats for staging
smokers. The request asked per
mission to remove part of a parti
tion, and because he thought such
removal might weaken the roof sup
port, Mayor Bleakman left the mat
ter in the hands of the streets and
public property committee for
thorough investigation.
All members of the council were
present, including Mayor Bleakman,
Councilmen Wilson, Mahoney, Tib
bies, Ferguson, Bennett and Bisbee,
Other officers present were Record
er Huston, Treasurer Dix, Attorney
Nys, Watermaster Rasmus, and Po
licemen Schunk and Hayes.
Elks' Music Comedy
To Benefit Band
Practice is expeted to start as
soon as music is received on a musi
cal comedy to raise funds to send
the school band to the state contest,
announes Dr. R. C. Lawrence, chair
man of the Elks committee in charge
of the affair. With Lawrence on the
committee are V. R. Runsion and
Hubert Gaily all of whom helped
with the successful presentation last
Lawrence is extending an invita
tion to all music talent in the city
to participate and it is expected to
give personal invitations to all who
participated last year. Mrs. Ture
Peterson has accepted the invitation
to direct the music, Mrs. Harold
Cohn to direct the dances, and Miss
Marjorie Parker to be pianist. Pres
entation will be made in about six
weeks from the time practice starts,
Lawrence said.
207,000 Bushels Sold
To Government Here
Total purchose of 207,000 bushels
of white wheat under the govern
ment purchase program, ending Sat
urday, is reported by the local AAA
Considerable of the purchase
wheat has already been loaded out
of warehouses on the branch, stim
ulating movement on the railroad
the last week.
4 Below Lost Night
Coldest in 2 Years
Four below zero was reorded last
night by the government thermom
eter of Len Gilliam, local weather
observer, to reach the lowest point
in two years as Morrow county is
being treated to its first real touch
of winter for the year. Gilliam took
the reading this morning and did
not know just when the low point
was reached. At time of reading the
mercury had started up again and
had reached 7 above. The last fall
of snow, starting Tuesday night, was
measured at 1.2 inchs and contained
.08 inch of moisture.
The new onset of winter has been
general over the county. Though no
reports of temperature from outside
points were available this morning,
reports of snowfall show increasing
depths toward the mountains. Har
ley Anderson reported four inches
on the level at his place in Eight
Mile yesterday and the boys who
have gone up on Shaw creek above
the timberline skiing the last few
days reported yesterday that a good
18 inches on the level was present
Winter's onset over the state has
resulted in complicated traffic con
ditions, and a slite at Oneonta on
the Columbia river highway Tues
day afternoon had this artery to
Portland blocked, both railroad and
highway. It was reported it would
take three days to clear the slide
from the highway.
Heppner-Condon Play
Decisive Tilt Friday
Friday, Feb. 10, the Mustangs will
meet the Condon Blue Devils in the
last home game of the season in the
local gymnasium. Inevitable thrills
are in store as Condon attempts to
upset the Heppner quint's chances
of winning the league. The two
teams are equal in most respects,
the Mustangs previously edging out
a 6 to 33 victory on the Blue Devil's
Following are the standings in the
western division of the Upper Co
lumbia Basketball league:
Won Lost Pet.
Heppner 4 1 .800
Fossil 4 2 .666
Arlington 3 3 .500
Condon 1 4 .400
Garden Club Starts
Clean-Up Project
Bi-monthly clearing of garbage
with different times set for north
and south Heppner was undertaken
as a project of Heppner Garden
club meeting at the home of Mrs.
D. M. Ward, president, Monday eve
ning. The ladies expect to arrange
for garbage removal service from
homes on certain days at a nom
inal monthly charge.
A constitution prepared by Miss
Rose Leibbrand, secretary, was
adopted. New members inducted in
clude Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, Miss
Maude King, Mis Cecelia Nord
strom and Mrs. W. C. Rosewall.
Cecil Dance Nets
Paralysis Fund $28
J. O. Kincaid, local chairman, re
ports net proceeds of $28.40 from the
dance staged at the Cecil hall Sat
urday, the 4th, to benefit infantile
paralysis sufferers in honor of the
President's birthday. The money
was turned over to B. C. Pinckney,
treasurer, and Dr. A. D. McMurdo,
county chairman, expresses appre
ciation of the efforts of the 'Morgan
and Cecil communities.
Willows grange and Morgan com
munity were joint sponsors of the
affair under Mr. Kincaid's chairmanship.
Enter local Field
As Ford Agents
Main and May Gar
age Opens Saturday
With New Heads
Rosewall-Gentry Motor company
will open for business in Heppner
Saturday as Morrow county Ford
agents. The new company is occu
pying the garage building at the
corner of Main and May streets, va
cant since the Latourell Auto com
pany ceased business here several
months ago.
The new company returns a Ford
agency to Heppner after an absence
of two years. With W. C. Rosewall,
recently of Walla Walla, as manager
and Emery Gentry, native Heppner
son and now of Weston as co-partner,
the company will handle the
full line of Ford cars, with complete
parts and -accessories and will spe
cialize in a complete, up-to-date
repair shop.
Mr. Rosewall has had several
years' connection with Ford agen
cies, having operated dealerships at
Enterprise and Walla Walla before
entering the local field. Not only
experienced in the garage business,
he is also acquainted with eastern
Oregon conditions and he expresses
pleasure at the opportunity of work
ing with the people of Morrow
Mr. Gentry, son of Mrs. James
Gentry of this city, is a native pro
duct, having been graduated from
Heppner grade and high schools be
fore entering the garage business at
Weston several years ago.
He expects to continue in active
management of the Weston business
which includes a Ford dealership,
but his venture into the new busi
ness here at this time is an expres
sion of confidence in the future of
the "old home town."
Mr. Rosewall returned from Port
land yesterday evening, having gone
to the city on business in connec
tion with Saturday's opening. He
and Mrs. Rosewall have taken res
idence in the Millard Rodman
house on Court street.
Mrs. Earl W. Gordon received tel
egraphic word this morning of the
death of her sister, Miss Lucille
Hall. Only meager news was con
tained in the telegram from Guy
Hall, brother, sent from Payette,
Idaho. Miss Hall was thought to
have been at Rawlings, Wyo. She
resided here for several years when
the family home was made here
and attended both grade and high
school here.
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney is visiting at
the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Mather,
at Santa Barbara, Cal., on the return
from the National Wool Growers
auxiliary convention at San Angelo,
Cal., at which she presided as pres
ident last week. Mr. Mather, one
time high school, athletic supervisor
here, is now teaching at Santa Bar
bara Teachers college.
Jerry, 2-months-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Prock, lost a battle
against a natal illness when he pass
ed away at the family home Satur
day. Services were held from the
Phelps Funeral home Tuesday af
ternoon, with interment in Masonic
Read G. T. Want Ads. You way
find a bargain in something needed
Court Denies
Supporting Increase
In Judge's Salary
Answering a statement of Rep
resentative Fatland that they were
supporting the proposed salary in
crease for the office of judge, now
before the legislature, Commission
ers Neill and Peck yesterday for
warded to Mr. Fatland a denial of
such support. In a letter received
locally, Fatland said:
"As you must know, is it impos
sible for the members of the legis
lature, unless they are particularly
familiar with local conditions, to
place a value on the services of
county officers. We must depend,
to a large degree, on the advice and
suggestion of the local people who
pay the bill. In the case of Judge
Johnson, the other members of the
county court and a substantial
group of heavy taxpayers request
ed the increase. For that reason the
bill was introduced. There has been
practically no opposition to it."
In answering Mr. Fatland's state
ment, the commissioners wrote:
"This is not correct and we wish
to take this opportunity of setting
forth our opposition to the increase
as members of the court and further
that as private taxpayers we are
strongly opposed to the increase. '
"We believe that at this particular
the move for increase of Judge
Johnson is particularly inconsistent.
In 1932 at the start of the depression
Mr. Johnson, as a private citizen,
was a strong advocate of economy
in the affairs of the county. One of
his . strongest proposals was for
county officers to take a 10 per cent
cut on all their salaries. This was
"We believe the raise is unneces
sary for the judge is a single man,
and he ran for this office when he
knew what the salary would be.
"In the matter of the increase of
the salary of district attorney, this
is another case where the man ran
for the office knowing what the
salary wolud be. In addition the dis
trict atorney has a private practice
which adds to his income, and his
wife is also at the present time, and
for the last three years has been,
drawing a salary from the state of
"For these reasons we believe that
an increase in these salaries is riot
justified and we are opposed to the
Representative Fatland stated in
his letter that a bill to standardize
district attorney salaries over the
whole sate had been introduced and
if passed would render inoperative
the bill affecting only the local of
fice. He believed the state-wide bill
set a minimum of 1800 a year, the
amount to which the local bill would
raise the local district attorney's sel
ary. Lions Meet Talks
Factory; Hears Report
Heppner business men packed
Monday noon Lions luncheon when
it was expected to meet officials of
the proposed box factory. The of
ficials did not arrive until 2 o'clock
in the afternoon and business of the
meeting consisted of arranging for
the mass meeting that evening, with
selection of J. G. Barratt as com
munity spokesman.
Jackson Gilliam, home on visit
from his studies at Whitman col
lege, entertained with a vocal solo
accompanied by Miss Marjorie
Parker, and gave report of a na
tional youth conference he attended
last fall at Naperville, 111. The in
terest manifested at the conference
in the nation's social evils indicated
that progress will be made in weed
ing out crime and raising social
standards generally, young Gilliam
believed. .
County's Interest
Expressed by Large
Turnout at Meeting
Heartfelt welcome was extended
H. E. Leash and Leonard Kraft, of
ficials of the Bridal Veil Lumber
& Box company, when people of
Morrow county overflowed the Elks
club room Monday evening to hear
from them the possibility of estab
lishment of a factory unit at Hepp
ner. Tendered the visitors was a
subscription list of 32 names each
guaranteeing $100 toward the pro
vision of a site on which to estab
lish a plant, the result of three
hours' effort by the local commit
tee. This list was to certify the city's
faith in the venture and was un
derwritten with the understanding
that the committee would later call
for wider spread donations to make
up the amount.
In introducing the visitors, J. G.
Barratt, chosen as spokesman for
the local committee, predicted the
hope of a boyhood dream, that
some day Heppner would see an in
dustrial development from the hin
terland timber, was about to be
Mr. Leash as principal spokesman
for the visitors announced they were
definitely considering establishment
of a box factory at Heppner, the ex
tent of which would be determined
by conditions. He accepted the prof
fer of a site to take under advise
ment with other members of his
company, having headquarters in
Chicago. He said a definite proposal
for providing electricity was ex
pected Wednesday (yesterday) from
Pacific Power & Light company, and
that if it were found juice could not
be obtained from this source es
tablishment of a diesel plant was
Heppner people were not encour
aged to build hopes too high, as the
visiting officials said a number of
problems remain to be worked out
and every step must clear through
the Chicago office before it could
be taken, and that some hitch might
keep the plant from coming at all.
He intimated that the Heppner plant
would link in with the Bridal Veil
operation, one of four plants already
operated on the west coast, and that
box sides would probably be the
principal output at first. It was ex
pected a sawmill would not be es
tablished if not found absoluately
In their plan of operation, Mr.
Leash said, every tree cut is used in
entirety, necessitating the- produc
tion of lumber as well as boxes. He
outlined the production process in
considerable detail, and told how
his company had been the princi
pal source of box supply for the
Kraft Cheese company since that
concern first started. Mr. Leash
gave his experience in operating box
factories as covering 35 years, in
which time he has served as factory
designer and efficiency expert as
well as production manager. Inter
national Woodworking corporation
is the national affiliate of the Bridal
Veil company.
Both he and Mr. Kraft told of op
erations of the company at Bridal
Veil and at Cathlamet, Wash. While
employees of the Bridal Veil plant
were asked to affiliate with the A.
F. of L., they have had no plant tie-
ups anywhere in the United States
from labor trouble, and a number
of their plants are unorganized. The
company's scale is usually larger
Continued from First Page