Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 02, 1939, Image 1

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V R L I C V I T C ' i 'J .:
Volume 54, Number 47
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, February 2, 1939
Subscription $2.00 a Year
P.P.&L. Announces
Cut in Rates
From 10 to 26 Pet.
Savings of $200,000
a Year in District
To Start March 1
Savings of $200,000 a year to cus
tomers of Pacific Power & Light
company in Oregon and Washington
will result from a rate reduction an
nounced Tuesday.
Effective March 1, the new rates
will mean material savings to resi
dential and commercial customers
in Heppner.
Cost of residential service here
under the new rates will be 10 to
20 per cent below those in effect
prior to the 1936 rate cut, while sav
ings in commercial rates on the
same basis will range from 12 to 26
per cent.
The new rates were filed follow
ing an informal investigation in
which the company cooperated with
the Oregon public utilities commis
sioner and tiie Washington depart
ment of public service.
Total annual savings to customers
as a result of rate cuts made over
the company's system since 1936
are estimated at $615,000.
The new residential rate sched
ule for Heppner, effective with all
meter readings on and after March
1, is as follows: First 10 kwh per
month, $1.00; next 25 kwh at 7
cents; next 115 kwh at 2 cents;
and excess at 2 cents.
The present minimum monthly
charge of $1.25 will be reduced to
$1.00. The minimum now includes 13
kwh, after which the next 17 kwh
are billed at 9 cents, the next 100
at 3 cents, and excess at 2 cents.
The company's special automatic
water heating rate of 8-10 of a cent
per kwh already in effect, covers
this class of service.
Comparison of typical bills for
residence service at rates in effect
3 years ago, at present rates and at
the new rates is as follows:
1936 Present New
25 kwh $2.50 $2.39 $2.05
50 kwh 3.60 3.47 3.16
100 kwh 5.10 4.97 4.54
150 kwh 6.60 6.27 5.91
The new commercial service
schedule will give 10 kwh a month
for $1.00, next 190 kwh at 7 cents,
next 600 kwh at 4y2 cents, next 700
kwh at 3 cents, and excess at 2 cents.
The present commercial rate is
13 kwh at $1.25, next 87 kwh at 9
cents, next 100 kwh at &V2 cents,
next 400 at 5 cents, next 400 at 4
cents, next 1000 at 3 cents, and ex
cess at 2 cents.
How the new commercial sched
ule will affect typical bills is illus
trated by the following examples:
1936 present New
50 kwh $5.00 $4.77 $3.80
75 kwh 7.50 7.14 5.55
125 kwh 11.75 11.14 9.05
The minimum monthly charge for
rural service in this area will be
reduced from $2.50 a month to $1.50.
Other steps in the rural rate sched
ule will be reduced proportionately
with residence rates for town cus
tomers. The company has made four rate
reductions in Heppner since it en
tered the field in 1926. The cost of
100 kwh for home use has, for ex
ample, been reduced 70 percent as
compared with the rates in effect at
at the time the Pacific company
took over the property.
Mrs. Helen LeTrace, former nurse
at Heppner hospital, is now located
at Hurley, N. Mexico, according to
word received by friends here.
$175 Net Proceeds to Aid
Paralysis Sufferers; Cecil
to Stage Benefit Affair
President Roosevelt's 57th birth
day was feted by people from all
parts of the county who packed the
Elks hall last Saturday evening to
dance to the music of Leta Peterson's
orchestra. Net proceeds of the event
are announced at $175, including $6
received from the auction of two
While final check has not been
made of funds raised over the coun
ty, Dr. A. D. McMurdo, chairman,
feels that Morrow county people
have thoroughly and substantially
expressed their support for the high
purpose of the annual event, con
tributing to the national foundation
to fight infantile paralysis.
People of the Cecil community
have notified Dr. McMurdo that
they are sponsoring an added bene
fit affair the date of which was not
given. Besides the funds raised
through purchase of tickets and cer
tificates of contribution to the fund,
a number of dime cards were filled
out in the county for remittance to
national headquarters.
Of the money raised here, fifty per
cet stays in a county fund to fight
infantile paralysis within the county.
Billy Lundell, lone,
Fractures Arm in Fall
Billy Lundell, 9, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Lundell of lone, re
ceived a compound fracture of the
bone of the upper right arm when he
fell from a wheat loading platform
at lone Tuesday evening. Billy and
a group of young friends had taken
advantage of the new snow to ride
their sleds from the run-way of the
platform when he accidentally fell.
The fractured bone was protrud
ing through the flesh when the in
jured boy was brought to a local
physician's office and he was placed
in Heppner hospital for treatment,
The fracture was reduced and the
boy was resting well. Barring dan
ger of infection because of the bone
being exposed, it was expected re
covery would be rapid.
Local Officials' Pay
Increase Sought
Three bills affecting remuneration
of Morrow county officials have been
presented to the legislative assem
bly at Salem by Representative
French and Senator Ellis.
One bill would increase the mile
age fee of the sheriff for service of
legal papers from 7 to 10 cents a
mile. A second would increase the
salary of county judge from $1600
to $2000 a year, and the third would
up the district attorney's salary from
$1500 to $1800 a year.
Arlington, Heppner
Battle Here Tomorrow
Heppner high school's basketball
court will be invaded by the Arling
ton quintet in a decisive league bat
tle here, Friday (tomorrow).
Out to win one of two games
which will make permanent their
lead in the Upper Columbia basket
ball league, the Mustangs promise
inevitable thrills, as they attempt to
break the Arlington "jinx," the jinx
being one handed down since 1934.
The game will be the next to the
last game to be held on the local
Morrow county this week re
ceived two new trucks for use on
roads, recently purchased from Fer
guson Motor company.
Annual Erosion
Control Meeting
Set February 9
Lexington District
Conference to Draw
Several Specialists
Wheat and livestock operators
throughout the Columbia basin will
be at the fourth annual meeting of
the Lexington Erosion Control dis
trict on Thursday, Feb. 9. The
meeting will again be held in the
Lexington Grange hall beginning at
10 o'clock in the morning.
Increases in land left out of wheat
production under the AAA program
and the continued low price for
wheat have focussed attention on
livestock feeding. D. E. Richards,
superintendent of the Union experi
ment station, will be a featured
speaker at the meeting. Livestock
operators as well as wheat men will
be interested in the work with dif
ferent grasses that has been con
ducted at the Union station.
Lawrence Jenkins, assistant spe
cialist in farm crops, will discuss
weed control as it ties up with soil
conservation practices. Some of the
late work on weed control is start
ling and considerable discussion
should follow this talk, according to
Clifford Conrad, county agent. Mr.
Jenkins will also discuss the results
of the trashy summerfallow survey
conducted in 1937 and 1938.
As more and more people have
become sharply aware of the extent
of erosion on their own farms -more
thought is being devoted to methods
of stopping these soil losses. A. S,
King, extension specialist in soils,
will describe work which is being
done in this and other sections of
the country in an effort to arrive at
some farming practices which will
fit both the land and the farm oper
ator's pocketbook.
A series of lantern slides has been
selected by Millard Rodman, area
manager for the Soil Conservation
service, which will illustrate the
subject matter of the previous dis
cussions. Election of two directors for the
Lexington Erosion Control district
will take up about fifteen minutes,
according to H. V. Smouse, chair
man of the present advisory board.
A cafeteria style lunch will be serv
ed by the ladies of Lexington grange.
Dan Doherty Dies;
Rites at Pendleton
Dan Doherty, long-time sheep op
erator of the Juniper canyon dis
trict, died suddenly Saturday near
the Jarmon place on Butter creek
while, going to Pendleton by auto
mobile to consult a physician in an
illness of several days' duration. Fu
neral services were held at Pendle
ton Monday, attended by a num
ber of friends and relatives from
this county.
Mr. Doherty was a long-time resi
dent of Morrow county and in the
early 190CS operated a confectionery
and cigar store at Heppner. He later
engaged extensively in the sheep
raising industry in the "Sands" sec
Miss Rose Myers, formerly with
the National Farm Loan association
office at Condon, has been made of
fice assistant here due to combining
the Heppner and John Day NFLA
offices. W. V. Parker, local NFLA
secretary, returned home Friday
evening from a visit to Grant and
Harney counties in company with
Victor G. Peterson, field represent
ative from The Dalles,
Farmers Must Act
Quickly to Beat
Purchase Deadline
Three and a half million bushels of
white wheat have so far been pur
chased in his area under the govern
ment purchase program, announced
Emil Ludwig in a telephone con
versation with the local compliance
office this morning. Mr. Ludwig es
pecially called attention to the dead
line date of February 4 and advised
that Morrow county farmers con
templating sale of their wheat
should get in touch with Morrow
County Grain Growers at Lexington
immediately, for no purchases un
der the present program will - be
made after Saturday, the 4th.
The grain growers warehouse
should be contacted if the farmer's
customary warehouse is out of the
market, as it represents North Pa
cific Grain Growers who still lack
300,000 bushels of filling their quota,
Ludwig said. Most other ware
houses were said to have filled their
Red Hot Smoker
Sees Several KO's
The crowd that packed the ring
side at the firemen's smoker at the
Dick building Saturday evening was
given thrills in rapid succession as
three knock-outs and two stopped
fights were recorded.
In the main event Stanley Part-
low of Boardman put away Benny
White, Heppner CCC, in the third
round. Richard Hayes, Heppner, put
the lights out for Wm. Greener,
Hardman, in the second rouud after
receiving a broken nose at the hands
of the tough mountain lad in the
first round. Chas. Johnson knocked
out Dexter, Heppner CCC, in the
first round, while Referee Fred Hos
kins stopped John McRoberts and
Elliott Rose, both of Heppner, in
the third round, declaring the match
a draw, and also stopped Dan Rose
and Bert Burnside in the third round
awarding the decision to Rose. Rose
is a CCC and Burnside is from
Charles Osten, 80
Passes at Farm Home
Charles Osten, 80, pioneer resident
of Morrow county, died yesterday
morning at the home of his daugh
ter, Mrs. Louis Cason, in the moun
tains. He succumbed to a paralytic
stroke. The body was taken to Port
land this morning by Gus Nikander
of the Case mortuary, and interment
was set this afternoon at Portland
Mr. Osten was born at Lisbon, O.,
Sept 30, 1858, and first came to
Oregon in '78, residing most of the
time since in this county. The fam
ily resided on farms in the Matteson
district and on Balm fork. Mrs.
Osten, who died several years ago,
was born Unkerfer. Children born
to the union were Margaret (Mrs.
Cason), Winifred and Jake, all of
whom attended school at Heppner.
Logie Rihardson, president Mor
row County Hunters and Anglers
club, called on the legislature at
Salem last Saturday and this week
end will contact the state game com
mission at Portland in the interest
of removing the six inch limit for
trout caught in eastern Oregon.
Richardson says the limit does not
apply west of the Cascades and that
the situation should be reversed.
A special meeting of Willow lodge
66, I. O. O. F., is called for initiatory
degree work, Tuesday, Feb. 7. at
7:30. All Oddfellows are requested
by S. A. Green, noble grand, to be
Business People
Proffer Site; to Meet
Officials Monday
Will the Bridal Veil Lumber &
Box company, subsidiary of Kraft
cheese company, world's largest
cheese makers, establish a milling
and box factory unit in Heppner ex
pected to employ 150 people?
That question was definitely an
swered in the affirmative so far as
business people of Heppner are con
cerned, when to the number of seventy-five
at a mass meeting at Elks
hall last night they expressed will
ingness to lend their moral and fi
nancial support to acquiring the
site already approved by officials of
the company.
J. Logie Richardson, acting as the
company's agent in acquiring 7000
acres of timber at the head of John
son creek for which the company
has paid cash, said that he had as
surance from H. E. Leash and Leon
ard Kraft, company officials in
charge, that construction of the
plant would start the next day after
the site is provided.
To arrange the local plan 'of fi
nancing a committee composed of
C. J. D. Bauman, B. C. Pinckney, P.
W. Mahoney, F. W. Turner and M.
L. Case was named.
Mr. Richardson, who is leaving for
Bridal Veil this afternoon to further
discuss plans with the company,
said he would try to arrange for
Mr. Leash and Mr. Kraft to meet
with people of the community at a
second mass meeting called for the
Elks hall next Monday evening. He
said that the ofifcials had already
planned on a return visit here that
F. W. Turner called last night's
meeting to order and the lumber
company's proposal was immediate
ly presented by Mr. Richardson. Ver
ification of the timber deals was
given by J. G. Barratt and Chas. B.
Cox, both of whom have sold tim
ber to the company. Besides the
timber already acquired, Mr. Rich
ardson said he has several thousand
more acres in process of closing. It
was said the company expected to
begin operations with an initial
block of 22,000 acres of the county's
fine ponderosa pine timber.
Mr. Barratt reported that in a tel
ephone communication with Mr.
Kraft yesterday afternoon he had
verified the proposal as made by
Mr. Richardson. He said that on
their several visits here in recent
months while negotiating for tim
ber, Mr. Leash and Mr. Kraft had
expressed themselves as liking
Heppner. He declared the com
pany's reputation for fair dealing
was enviable and that Heppner was
fortunate in being selected as the
probable site for the new unit. Four
recent trips to the head office at
Chicago were said to have been
made by the officials in connection
with the proposed plant here.
Factory units are already operated
at Niles, Calif., Cathlamet, Wash.,
and one in British Columbia, be
sides the large Bridal Veil plant, on
the west coast, Richardson said. The
company has not been involved in
labor disputes for they have paid
higher than union scale.
They will start plant construction
immediately the site is provided here
and will be ready for operation at
the end of 120 days, said Richard
son. They will bring with them 40
key men, experienced men for key
positions, and so far as possible will
Continued from First Page