Thursday, Jan. 26, 1939 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS Eb McMillan in Salt Lake Hospital By MARGARET SCOTT Eb McMillan is suffering from a fractured hip in a Salt Lake City hospital. The accident occurred when Mr. McMillan slipped and fell in the icy pavement Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones of Union are , visiting at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. A. M. Edwards is leaving this week for Lind, Wash., where he has a con tract for drilling the new city well. This is to be a ten-inch well and will be approximately three hun dred feet deep. Geo. McMillan is ill in a Long Beach, Cal., hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones were din ner guests of Mrs. Grace Turner Sunday night. Chris Brown of Heppner was a guest at the Roy Johnson home Sunday. Joe Thornburg is visiting in Lone Rock at the Earl Eskelson home. Business visitors here Friday from Spokane were Mr. and Mrs. San ford Martin. Rae Cowins spent the week end at her home in Heppner. Mrs. Golda Leathers and Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson returned to Portland Tuesday evening. Park Carmichael has returned from a trip to Indiana where he de livered the ten creamoline horses recently purchased from Mrs. B. F. Swaggart. The Boy Scouts have had a con test in their troop recently and the losing side treated the winning side to a party in the gym Wednesday evening. Those on the losing patrol, 'The Flying Eagles," were Albert Edwards, Billy Marquardt, Tad Mil ler and Claud Way. The winning patrol, "The Rattlesnakes," consist ed of Clyde Edwards, Billie Nichols, Carl Marquardt and Joe Way. Ira Dueltgen is scoutmaster. Marcella Jackson was honored with a party celebrating her thir teenth birthday Monday evening. Games were played and refresh ments served. Guests present were Louise Hunt, Leonard Munkers, Ruby Forbes, Rae Cowins, Clyde Edwards, Elmer Pieper, Claude Way, Katherine Turner and Jean Rauch. Due to a misunderstanding the name of June Steagall was omitted from the guest list of Patricia Ma- jeske's party last week. Walla Walla visitors from here Saturday were Patricia Jewell, Har riet Pointer, Fred and Norman Nel son. Local people on the sick list this week are Florence and Patty Hanks, Colleen McMillan, Mrs. Ralph Scott, Rae Cowins and Ruth Anne Lasich. Union Sunday school will be Sun day morning at 10 o'clock and church services will be at 11 , with Mr. Trimble preaching. The C. E. will be at 7 p. m. The Endeavor is now having a contest organized with Rae Cowins and Billie Nichols as lead ers. This promises to be an interest ing event and is to be in progress until February 19. A pre-school child health clinic was held in the Congregational church Tuesday morning which was conducted by Miss Stoneman and Dr. Rice. Reports were made out by Edith Edwards and Reta Cutler. for the patrols is evidenced by fa vorable reports in the press. "Through the Hood River Lions club and with the cooperation of two police officers, an efficient sys tem of providing safety to all school children in this city has been worked out, and is now in daily operation," the Hood River News states. "Full success will be achieved only if all operators of cars and trucks will ob serve not only the signals displayed by the patrols, but also all stop signs in the vicinity of the safety cross ings for school children." In Hillsboro the Lions club also aided in establishing a patrol. "Better cooperation from drivers than was shown at the initial dem onstration could not be had," the Hillsboro Argus reports. "In every case, motorists stopped their cars upon request of the junior officers, and did not start until motioned to do so." i The Arlington Bulletin describes the installing of a safety patrol there and pleads for full cooperation from motorists who pass the school grounds. BOARDMAN NEWS vacation, and strong local support quite painful to Neal, and will keep him from both school and basket ball this week. Greenfield grange met in regular session Saturday evening. The new officers took their chairs for the first time. County Agent Conrad attend ed, giving a good talk' during the lecturer's hour, also meeting and getting acquainted with the local people. Prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eva Warner every Tuesday evening at 7:30. All inter ested are urged to attend so as to make these meetings worth while. Mrs. Myrtle McCutcheon returned School News By Jerrine Edwards The Lexington basketball team was defeated by the Boardman team Friday night by a score of 26-21. At the half the score was Boardman 12, Lexington 11. The first basket was made by Boardman. At times the cheering was so intense that the referee's whistle could not be heard. Boardman also won the grade school game which was played as a prelim inary. The Lexington team will play at Irrigon Tuesday evening. Joyce Biddle won the prize for having the best contribution to the Girls' League scrapbook. Lavelle Pieper was second. Safety Patrols Set Up In Oregon New Cities Schoolboy safety patrols began operation in three Oregon towns im mediately following the Christmas Yellow Jackets Sting Rabbits, 26-21 By MRS. CLAUD COATS The Boardman Yellow Jackets stung the Lexington Jack Rabbits Friday, the 20th, on the Lexington floor, with a score of 26-21. The game was very exciting and close, but the Yellow Jackets held the lead to the finish. The line-up for Board man is R. Skoubo, R. Partlow, D. Russell, L. McDonald and N. Bleak ney. Subs., L. Tannehill and R. De-Mauro. Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. Neal Bleakney Wed nesday. China was the foreign topic discussed; also bandages were torn and wrapped for foreign missions. Fourteen ladies were present Mrs.Ed Souders was pleasantly surprised Thursday by a jolly group of quilters to assist Mrs. Souders in finishing a quilt. Those present were Mesdames J. F. Barlow, M. Klitz, E. Warner, O. Atteberry, I. L. Stout and C. Nickerson. The hostess served a delicious noon luncheon. Ernest Murphy of Columbus, O., arrived last week to make his home with his uncle, G. Dickerhoff. His mother plans to join him later this soring. Ernest was welcomed in grade school this week. Notice: The Ladies Aid tamale sale Saturday, Jan. 28. Leave orders at Gorham's or Coats . The new county agent, Clifford Conrad, was calling on various far mers in Boardman vicinity Thurs day. He discussed farm problems with them. Mr. Conrad requests any one wishing to contact him to mail him a card and he will call soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howell enter tained a few friends at their home Sunday, honoring the birthday of Mrs. Claude Mevers. Present for dinner were the Claude Meyers, Glen Hadley and Anna Jayne fam ilies, Earl and Basil Cramer, host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Miller of Six Prong, Wash., spent a fortnight on the Boardman project calling on old friends and transacting business. The third series of I. O. O. F pin ochle parties were in play Wednes day evening. High scores went to Ruth Kunze and Jack Gorham, low to Maude Kobow and Paul DeMauro. Next party will be Wednesday, Jan. 25th. Nick Faler is spendng a few days this week in Portland, combining business and pleasure. Tom Gardner is in charge of the chores during Mr. Faler's absence. Among those shopping and trans acting business in Pendleton Friday were Mrs. D. F. Ransier and son Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith. Mesdames Eva Warner and Olive Atteberry were dinner guests of Mrs. E. T. Messenger at her home Friday. The Boardman grade school bas ketball squad played the preliminary game at Lexington Friday and won with a score of 21-12. The Boardman Yellow Jackets will meet the Irrigon team on the Irrigon floor Friday, Jan. 27. Neal Bleakney, Jr., had the mis' fortune of running a fork into one of his feet Saturday. This has been to Walla Walla where she is running the Commercial hotel. She was ac companied by Mr. McCutcheon and Ruth Fisher, Mr. McCutcheon and Ruth remaining for a few days. Dance at the grange hall Saturday, Jan. 28. Music by Kobow's Hobows. Everyone come and have a good time. Girl Reserves to Meet at OSC Oregon State CollegeThe annual mid-winter conference of the Ore gon Girl Reserves will be held on the campus of Oregon State college January 27 to 29. The program is built around the theme of world af fairs. Marian Avery, president of the Inter-club Girl Reserves of Portland, is president of the confer- Among promment campus ence. speakers will be Dr. O. R. Chambers, head of the psychology department, and Don W. Poling, assistant dean of men. Lexington United Church Rev. C. F. Trimble, Pastor. Sunday School, 10:00. Sermon by pastor, 11:00. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. United lone Church Sunday School, 10:00. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR NEW CAR See the 1 939 at Lexington MASH See the new "WEATHER EYE and AIR CONDITIONER Jackson Implement Co. ATTEND! Simony BALL For the President: 28 ELKS' HALL HEPPNER afcurclay, Jan, Honoring President Roosevelt's 57th Birth day and Benefitting Infantile Paralysis Sufferers Half of net proceeds remain in local fund Good Music and a Good Time Tickets $1 .00. Extra ladies 25c Ladies wishing to make cakes to be auctioned off will be much appreciated.