Page Eight Crop Insurance On Spring Wheat Ready in Oregon Information on the federal crop insurance program will be discussed through the principal spring wheat areas of Oregon at a series of meet ings scheduled by Clyde Kiddle, state supervisor of the crop insur ance division of the triple A. Public meetings have been ar ranged for seven eastern Oregon counties in addition to conferences with county committees which Kid dle will hold in regions of the state where volume of spring seeding is not so great. As was the case with insurance on fall wheat, the appli cations must be made prior to actual seeding operations. The schedule of the county meetings and conferences is as follows: Union, January 12; Baker, Janu ary 13; Malheur, January 14 and 15; Harney, January 16 and 17; Lake, January 18 and 19; Klamath, Jan. 2 and 21; and Deschutes, January 23 and 24. Leroy K. Smith, a Nebraska wheat grower and farm leader, has been appointed manager of the federal crop insurance corporation. Smith has been active in the work of the corporation thus far, and was the first man appointed to coordinate the crop insurance work with other fea tures of the AA program. The new manager not only oper ates his own wheat farm, but has had long experience in various phases of the wheat industry, ac- cording to an announcement made by the board of directors of the corporation. He began his exper ience with AAA work as a member of the community committee of the first wheat adjustment program, and was later made chairman of the county wheat association. He served successively as chairman of the Nebraska State Grain board, and as a member of the Nebraska State Agricultural Conservation commit tee, until April, 1938, when he was called to Washington to begin his work with the crop insurance cor poration. Adjustment of credit arrangements in certain middlewestern sections, where farmers lack both the ready cash and available wheat to pay the premiums, is increasing the amount of insurance in force in those re gions, reports D. R. MacKenzie, in formation representative of the Minneapolis branch office, who vis ited Oregon recently. Outstanding Ski Event Set for February 4-5 An event of unusual interest in skiing circles was announced today for the second annual Eastern Ore gon Ski conference to be held at Pendleton and Tip-Top mountain near Kamela Feb. 4-5, with the Ore gon Trail Ski club as host and the meet sponsored by the Pacific North western Ski association. Graceful skiing, hitherto neglect ed in slalom and downhill racing, will come in for its share of the limelight in this meet, since trophies will be awarded to the most grace ful man and woman among the par ticipants, judging to be in the hands of Darroth Crookes, Seattle, and Harald Lee, Portland. Points will be based on ease and grace in making turns, stance and birdlike qualities. Incidentally, the judges will be sta tioned near the top of the course in good position to watch the different turns. Crookes and Lee are among the top-notch judges in the west Crookes, 25, a member of the 1936 Olympic team at Garmish Park, en gaged in competition ten years, al though not a competitor at present He served as one of the judges for the national intercollegiate ski tour nament held at Sun Valley over the holiday season. He will prove the men's slalom course. Lee, rated by some skiing author ities as one of the four best ski jumping judges in the nation, twice competed in Hollonkollen, outstand ing ski event in Norway and the world and last year officiated in seven of the major events in the west. He is past president of the Cascade Ski club and was instru mental in introducing skiing on Mount Hood. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon HIHIIIttlHIIIIIIHHimilllHlllimtUIIIII At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST ALVIN KLEINFELDT, Pastor Bible School 9:45 a. m. Morning Service 11 :00 a. m. C. E. Society 6:30 p. m. Evening Services 7 :30 p. m. Choir Practice, Wednesday 730 p. m. Midweek Service, Thursday 7:80 p. m. We are looking forward to the coming of Brother Trimble who will preach at this church both morning ad evening on Sunday. Do not fail to hear him. METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. YOUNG, Pastor Sunday: Bible School 9:45 A. M. Worship Service 11 :00 A. M. Epworth League 7 :00 P. M. Evening Worship 7 :00 P. M. Tuesday : Boys' Club , 7 :00 P. M. 2nd Tuesday, Misisonary Meet ing ...... 2:30 P. M. Wednesday: Choir Practice . 7:80 P. M. 1st Wednesday, Ladies Aid Business and Social Meeting 2:30 P. M. wir vprsitv All other Wednesdays: Sewing Group meets. Thursday: Prayer Meeting 7:30 P. M. THE ASSEMBLY OF GOD Rev. E. D. Greeley, Pastor Sunday services: 9:45 a. m., Bible School. 11 a. m and 7:30 p. m., Preaching. Tuesday, 7:30, Cottage Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 7:30 Teaching Service State Planners to Take Part in Land Study The Oregon state planning board will take a prominent part in a study on migration and land settlement problems of the Northwest, a pro ject to be sponsored by the National Resources committee, it was an nounced at a meeting of the board held recently. The federal govern ment has authorized $100,000 for the study, on which planning boards and other agencies from Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho and Montana will co operate, it was stated at the meet ing by George F. Yantis, chairman of the regional commission. Part of the time of V. B. Stanbery, Oregon board consultant, will be devoted to the regional migration study, upon authorization of the board. Various studies of the board on employment, land development and other phases of state develop ment will be utilized in the re gional project, it was said. MRS. ELIZABETH BATES Mrs. Elizabeth Bates, who as Mrs. Elizabeth Jones operated the "Circle 20" ranch at Alpine for several years and built the large house at that place, died at Camaneo island near Stanwood, Wn., Dec. 6, according to Mrs. Louis Marquardt who was a SHELL FISH Crabs, Shrimp give zest to our Fall and Winter MENUS A good meal anytime at Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. FRESHMAN LEADERS AT UNIVERSITY OF rtanipia (Mt in the nhntn ahnvp has been of Oregon for this Tear. Other officers, left Florence Kinney, Portland, vice-president, and Bob caller in the city last Thursday af ternoon. Mrs. Jones married Norman F. Bates in 1934, and they moved to Camaneo island that year and en gaged in fox farming. She was 57 years old at death. The "Circle 20" farm was later farmed by George Lamberth and Albert Bowker, and is now owned by Wm. Doherty. WOOL GROWERS VIEW Continued from First Page labelling of all woolen articles to show content of virgin wool. That livestock feeding demonstra tions be conducted by extension ser vice in Oregon to show how greater use may be made of surplus wheat in feeding sheep. That opposition be voiced to di version of state highway funds as sought by League of Oregon Cities. That radio station KOAC be pro tected in its wave length. That a "pilot wool" laboratory be established at O. S. C. to assist in determining best methods by which HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES OFFERS GREAT MONEY SAVING BARGAINS ON THIS NEWSPAPER AND AMERICA'S FINEST MAGAZINES Horo's thn thrifty, conomca way to iwbicr ibo for this newtpapor and your favorto magazine! af prices that or noHy fnsathnal. Tnit offer art good oHhor for now or nnowal order, H will pay you to look thorn over and ien ut tho coupon today. FAMILY OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER-1 YEAR 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP A ALL FIVE 2 MAGAZINES FROM GROUP BAaa Check 4 magazines desired BVv (X). Clip list and return with coupon below. GROUP A-SELECT 2 MAGAZINES American Boy 8 Mos. American Girl .. 8 Mos. McCall's Magazine 1 Yr. Christian Herald 6 Mos. Parents' Magazine , 6 Mos. Pathfinder (Weekly) 1 Yr. Pictorial Review 1 Yr. . Romantic Story 1 Yr. Screen Book 1 Yr. True Confessions ;. 1 Yr. Open Road (Boys) , 1 Yr. Woman's World 2 Yrs. Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr. Home Arts-Needlecraft 2 Yrs: Motion Picture Magazine 1 Yr. . . GROUP B-SELECT 2 MAGAZINES American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. American Poultry Journal Yr. Breeder's Gazette 1 Yr. Cloverleaf American Review 1 Yr. Country Home .' 1 Yr. Farm Journal 1 Yr. Home Arts Needlecraft . , 1 Yr. Home Friend ,.. 1 Yr. Leghorn World 1 Yr. Mother's Home Life 1 Yr. Pathfinder (Weekly) i26 Issues Plymouth Rock Monthly 1 Yr. Successful Farming 1 Yr. Poultry Tribune 1 Yr. Woman's World 1 Yr. National Live Stock Producer 1 Yr. ALL OFFERS POSITIVELY GUARANTEED Please allow font It tin FILL Clip Post Office R.F.D State. weeks for first copies mf i axines to arrive. Name.. T Thursday, January 12, 1939 OREGON named president of the freshman class at to right, are: Betty DeArmond, Bend, secretary;. Calkins, Klamath Falls, treasurer. wool may hold its own in competi tion with substitute clothing ma terials being introduced on the mar ket. That U. S. bureau of animal in dustry study need for removal of "lunger cases" from infected herds to prevent spreading disease. Many Morrow county people at tended the convention sessions, and a featured speaker on the ladies' program was Mrs. W. P. Mahoney of this city, president of the Nation al Wool Growers auxiliary. TRUE VALUE OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER 1 YEAR AND 3 BIG MAGAZINES all four Check the 3 magazines you &lTyAC want thus (X) and enclose W Jf with coupon below. AM " American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. American Poultry Journal.. 1 Yr. 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