Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 12, 1939, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, January 12, 1939
Church Meetings
Start at Hardman
By Hardman High School
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moon and
Miss Anna Sanders of Woodland ar
rived here Monday for the purpose
of holding special church services
for about a month. They are to be
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knight
en. Mr. Kleinfeldt also was present
at the first service which was held
Monday evening, and he will con
tinue to help whenever possible.
The high school received a letter
from Pat Robison who, with Miss
Murl Farrens is visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reid. On
the way down to Swiss Home, they
visited many places of interest and
Pat was particularly impressed with
the new capitol building.
Glen Farrens and Darrel moved
their cattle from their mountain,
home to Rhea creek Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kruger visit
ed at the home of John Stevens Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. George Hayden and
Marion moved to Hardman Tuesday
from their mountain home.
Business visitors in Heppner Mon
day were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stev
ens, John Stevens, Mrs. Ethel Mc
Danel and Les Robinson.
Mrs. Victor Lovgren and children
and Mrs. Everett Harshman and
Gay visited here Sunday.
Henry Chapel of Portland who
has been visiting his half-brother,
Blaine Chapel, left Sunday for his
Mrs. Muriel McCutheon and Glen
had dinner at the L. C. Batty home
Pete Hams went to Heppner Tues
day to get new license plates.
Floyd Adams took Ed Moreland
to Heppner last Tuesday to consult
a physician.
Gordon Craber is home from Port
land now, having gone down to con
suit a physician.
Archie Bechdolt was ill last week
because of food poisoning.
Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Hastings and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Steers and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Robinson and Dorris went to the
show in Heppner Friday night.
Mrs. Nick Leathers of Portland
arrived Friday evening at the home
of her son, Owen Leathers. Mr. and
Mrs. Carmichael of Lexington
brought her here and then on Sat'
urday evening they and Mrs. Leath
ers drove to Monument where she
plans to spend several weeks with
Mr. Leathers and their son Ivan.
The joint installation of the Odd
Fellows and Rebekahs was held on
Saturday night. A chicken dinner
was enjoyed together with about
fifty presnt.
Miss Marjorie McFerrin is visit
ing at the Jim Hams home for a
few days.
A birthday party was held at the
grade school Friday in honor of Del-
mer Buschke. The afternoon was
spent in playing games. Refresh
ments consisted of pork and beans
and sandwiches.
Jack Myer and his helpers over
hauled a truck here in the Hard-
man garage Sunday. Mr. Myer op
erates trucks which haul out logs
for a milling company.
During the past week the weath
er has been wonderful, just as it
has been all fall. There have been
several flurries of snow and not-
too-heavy showers, with the temper'
ature ranging between 20 and 50.
Registration Stays High at OSC
Oregon State College Winter
term registration at Oregon State
college maintained about the same
percentage of increase over a year
ago as shown in the fall term. At
the end of the first week there were
between 7 and 8 per cent more stu
dents than were enrolled at the cor
responding time a year ago, indicat
ing a final registration for the term
of around 4350, or just slightly under
the record enrollment of last fall,
More than 100 students have en
rolled this term for the first time.
Gasoline sales in Oregon during
September totaled 21,402,452 gal
lons, keeping the 1938 total above
the preceding year although the
month's sales showed a slight drop,
according to Secretary of State Earl
Snell. Total tax paid since January
1 had been $8,595,583.
Honor Roll Has 16
On Straight A List
Oregon State College Sixteen
students, all from Oregon high
schools, made the straight A grade
list during the fall term, and 218
more made averages of 3.50 or bet
ter out of a possible 4, which is
equivalent to a straight A, while
carrying at least 12 hours of credit,
according to the honor roll just re
leased by E. B. Lemon, registrar.
The number on the honor roll
amounted to about 5 per cent of
the entire student body, many of
whom, however, took fewer than 12
credit hours. Only three freshmen
out of approximately 1500 made per
fect marks. Juniors topped the
classes with six. The list of straight
A students follows:
Owen Putnam Cramer, Adele
Knerr, Margaret Louise West, Wilna
Lee Ireland and June Pollard, all of
Portland; Lester Clayton Dunn, Earl
Haven Tyron and Edmond Clair
Calavan, all of Corvallis; Jeanne
Hartman and Helen Loe Elle, Dallas;
Earle William Dudley and Kenneth
Michael Caisse, Salem; James E.
Price, Forest Grove; Frances Louise
French, Prairie City; Jean Marie
Maunula, Astoria; and Jack W. Pe
terson, Ashland.
Court Proceedings, ,
November Term
Be it Remembered, That County
Court met in regular session at the
Courthouse in Heppner, Oregon, on
Wednesday, the 7th day of Decem-
bere, 1938, this being the regular
time for holding a term of said Court,
when were present: Bert Johnson,
Judge; George N. Peck, Commission
er; L. D. Neill, Commissioner; C. W.
Barlow, Clerk; C. J. D. Bauman,
Sheriff; Frank C. Alfred, District
The minutes of the November,
1938, term were read and approved.
In the Matter of Claims:
Now, at this time, the various
claims against the County were pre
sented and the Court approved, dis
approved, or continued them and or
dered approved claims paid by the
proper warrants from the proper
Court appoints John Krebs, Leon
Logan and David Hynd as directors
of John Day Irrigation District.
Court orders transfers to be made
from the various appropriations of
the budget which are not overdrawn,
to the various appopriations which
are overdrawn, there still being a
surplus in the total County Budget
Court ordered placed on the Tax
Rolls, the School District Levies as
submitted by them and the various
City Levies as submitted by the City
Councils, also the State Fire Patrol
Tax as submitted by the State For
ester. Warrants Issued on General Fund,
December, 1938
Bert Johnson, Judge, General
Assistance $ 47.65
L. W. Briggs, Treasurer's In
cidentals 15.15
Gazette Times, Treasuer's In
cidentals 25.75
C. W. Barlow, Clerk's Inci
dentals 12.15
Gazette Times, Clerk's Inci
dentals - 6.50
Underwood-Elliott-Fisher Co.,
Clerk's Incidentals 17.02
Bert Johnson, Judge, Assess
or's Incidentals 81.20
Tax Extension 72.80
Field Work 100.00
Chas. Peterson, Tax Collection , 1.50
State Dept. of Agri., District
Sealer 6.15
State Dept. of Agri., District
Sealer 6.15
Mrs. Vivian Kane, Emergency 5.75
Ralph Harris, Emergency 75
Jos. J. Nys, Emergency 10.00
Underwood-Elliott-Fisher Co.,
Emergency 116.66
Jack Hynd, Circuit Court 12.80
A. V. Wright, Circuit Court.... 7.70
F. P. Leicht, Circuit Court .... 18.40
E. C. Heliker, Circuit Court .. 11.00
Carl F. Bergstrom, Circuit Ct. 11.40
H. M. Miller, Circuit Court .... 9.00
L. ' H. Frederickson, Circuit
Court 6.20
Margaret Lamoreaux, Circuit
Court 14.40
Rowena Allen, Circuit Court 14.40
C. J. D. Bauman, Circuit Ct. 9.65
Franklin Printing Co., Election 6.82
W. M. Eubanks, Election 5.00
Gazette Times, Heppner,
S. C. Russell, Election 2.00
Humphreys Drug Co., Election 3.40
C. J. D. Bauman, Election 13.40
Pac. Power & Light Co., Elec
tion 29
I. O. O. F. No. 168, Election .. 5.00
L. D. Neill, County Court 75.20
Bert Johnson, County Court .. 16.00
George N. Peck, County Court 81.15
Bert Johnson, County Court .. 3.20
Gazette Times, Sheriff 5.00
C. J. D. Baman, Sheriff 50.85
State Ind. Acc. Comm., Sheriff 8.35
Gazette Times, Official Pub
lications 15.45
C. J. D. Bauman, Jail 1.40
Thomson Bros., Jail .46
Hanson Hughes, Jail 60
E. R. Huston, Jail 4.27
Central Market, Jail 1.40
Pac. Power & Light Co., Court
House 37.46
Pac. Power & Light Co., Court
House 35.44
Louise Home, Appropriation.. 50.00
Frank C. Alfred, District At
torney 10.00
Frank C. Alfred, District At
torney 18.65
Lois Ashbaugh, Supt. Assist 11.00
Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt 96.01
Bert Johnson, Judge, Blind
Assistance 7.88
Mothers' Aid 88.85
Old Age ASsistance 401.36
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current ,
Expense 49.58
Underwood-Elliott-Fisher Co.,
Current Expense 13.92
Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Coroner 25.40
Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current
Expense 42.02
Pac. Sta. & Prt. Co., Current
Want Ads
Piano bargain. One of the smaller
sizes. Mah. finish; excellent condi
tion. Easy terms, Write Pendleton
Music House. 44-45
Lost On Heppner streets Satur
day, $100 in $20 bills. Reward for
return to Gazette Times office.
Found Pair of glasses. Owner may
have same by describing and pay
ing for ad at this office.
For Sale 2 mo. weaner pigs, Red
Duroc. Harry Quackenbush, phone
11F12. 44-45p
The Margaret Reaney creek ranch
for rent. 1 mile west of Lexington,
Edith Miller, Jefferson, Ore. R. 1,
Box 50.
high-grade upright, standard make,
guaranteed. To save shipping ex
pense, will sacrifice for cash or
small monthly payments. For full
particulars, address, Adjuster, Cline
Piano Co., 1011 S. W. Washington,
Portland, Oregon. 44-46
8 -ft self-oiling windmill, prac
tically new, half price. O. W. Cuts
forth, Lexington, Ore. 43-44p
' Lost In city, sunburst pin. Re
ward. Finder leave at G. T. office.
10c. Yarded on highway 14 miles
south of Hood River. See C. E. Carl
son to look at some of our posts.
Maurice S. Walton, Parkdale, Ore.,
phone 186. 43-46
For Sale 50 x 150 ft., good loca
tion for residence. A. J. Westhoff.-
Vacant 3 rooms and bath, fur
nished; sun porch; reasonable. Bon
nie Cochran.
Don't throw away anything that
can be welded until I see it W. F.
"Bill" Harlow, Heppner Blacksmith
and Machinery Shop. 40tf,
Good 6-room house for sale, part'
ly furnished, $600. See J. O. Turner.
wooa sawing, anywnere any
for cash or what have you.
firrml Mtv. ft
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil itor
ace tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices; terms. Beall Pips
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St, Pen
dloton, Phone 1274W. 7tf
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Gas Gas All Time
mri, jag. j-nier ayi: --uaa on my atom,
ach was io bad I couldn't eat or sleep.
Gas even pressed on my heart. Adlerlka
brought me quick relief. Now, I eat aa I
wisn, eieep line, never felt better'
Patterson & Son
Expense 2.77
Shepard's Citations, District
Attorney 10.00
C. W. Barlow. Current Ex
pense 7.00
L. E. Dick, Election Expense 5.00
Lois Ashbaugh, Supt. Assist 11.00
Frank C. Alfred, District At
torney 15.00
Earle Bryant, Sheriffs Dep
uties 21.25
Thomas J. Wells, Assessor 42.74
Vivian Kane, Bonds 40.00
Bert Johnson, County Court 9.70
L. D. Neill, County Court 59.75
George N. Peck, County Court 31.85
Warrants Issued on General Road
Fund, December, 1938
George Hayden $49.85, Frank W.
Gentry $141.48, Dale Ray, $77.74, Al
bert Connor $95.50, Harold Peck
$70.26, H. S. Taylor $118.98, M. V.
Nolan $107.72, Jack Stotts $77.74,
Ralph Marlatt $157.22, Harold Sherer
$105.57, H. G. Peck $57.22, Wrex
Langdon $77.74, Clair Ashbaugh
$82.97, Glenn Sherer $97.28, H. Wells
$20.93, Chas. Williams $40.10, A. J.
Chaffee $112.25, Vernon Munkers
$99.75, Robert S. Wilson $50.10, Roy
Ball $1.12, H. Shwarz $99.75, W. Cun
ningham $77.74, James Farley $74.
75, W. Cunningham $8.97, L. N. Mor
gan 57.37, Walter Gilman $29.90, Bal
lou & Wright $115.84, H. Tamblyn
$64.46, Henry J. Phelps $12.00, Frank
Nixon $47.76, Thomson Brothers
$3.25, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. $2.75, Pac.
Power & Light Co. $4.31, Humphreys
Drug Co. $2.55, Norton Lundell $49.
80, Claud Coats $3.81, Heppner
Blacksmith & Mchy. Co. $11.40, State
Ind. Acc. Comm. $64.14, Tum-A-
Lum Lumber Co. $6.10, Linde Air
Products Co. $6.50, Tracey & Co. $6.
70, E. W. Peck $12.58, Green's Hard
ware $4.55, Penland Bros. Transfer
Co. $5.46, C. L. Spence Tire Service
$12.00, L. H. Harlow $17.43, Ferdin
and Emberger $.40, Edith K. Hen
drick $9.13, U. C. Smith $7.10 City of
Heppner Water Dept. $1.50, C. J.
D. Bauman $11.00, R. C. Reid $28.00,
Heppner Gazette Times $39.00, E. R.
Lundell $26.46, Honeyman Hardware
Co. $15.75, Sanders Magneto Service
$14.23, Braden-Bell Tractor & Equip-
met Co. $16.36, Braden-Bell Tractor
& Equip.. Co. $173.45, Jackson Imple-r
ment Co. $36.30, Union Oil Co. $47.
50, Isaacson Iron Works $62.15, Stan
dard Oil Co. $117.60, Feenaughty
Mchy. Co. $26.26, Howard-Cooper
Corp. $86.51, Ferguson Motor Co.
$75.12, Kane's Garage $110.35, Shell
Oil Co. $473.03, Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.
$2.75, Clair Ashbaugh $50.00, Jack
Stotts $15.00, Jim Farley $5.00, Har
old Peck $10.00, Albert Connor $5.00,
Walter Gilman $10.00, Harry Wells
$10.00, Pac. Power & Light Co. $8.11,
Jim Stevens $5.98, Harold Stevens
$5.98, Marion Hayden $8.97, George
Hayden $38.05, A. E. McFarland
$73.32, John Kenny $100.00, C. W.
Barlow, County Clerk $1.76, Tom
Caldwell $2.28, S. C. Russell $2.03,
Columbia Equipment Co. $24.48,
Feenaughty Machinery Co. $110.84,
Sherman J. Frank $1,754.50.
Warrants Issued on Market Road
Fund, Deember, 1938
L. N. Morgan $49.39, General Roads
$82.50, Walter Gilman $29.90, W.
Cunningham $2.99, Harry Tamblyn
$143.86, State Ind. Acc. Comm. $3.44.
By virtue of an Order of the Coun
ty Court, dated January 10, 1939, I
am authorized and directed to ad
vertise and sell at public auction, at
not less than the minimum price
herein set forth after each parcel
or tract:
South 36 ft. of Lot 5, Block 6,
Original Town of Heppner; min
imum price $15.00, cash.
. East half of Block 3, Sperrys 3rd
Adtlition to lone; minimum price
$101.00; 20 down balance on
payment plan, if desired.
Therefore, I will on the 4th day
of February, 1939, at the hour of
2:00 p. m., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon
sell said property to the highest bid
der. C. J. D.. BAUMAN,
Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon.
Departmetn of the Interior. Gen
Department of the Interior, Gen-
gon, January 10, 1939.
NOTICE is hereby given that Fos
ter T. Collins, of Hardman. Oregon.
who, on November 14, 1933, made
Original Homestead Entry, Act 12-
Page Seven
29-16, No. 027391, for the EMiSWtt,
S&SEy4, Section 10, and the N&
NEy4, NEy4NWy4, Section 15, Town
ship 6 S., Range 25 E., Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of inten
tion to make final Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above des
cribed, before Jos. J. Nys, Notary
Public, at Heppner, Oregon, on the
27th day of February, 1939.
Claimant names at witnesses:
R. I. Thompson, of Heppner, Ore
gon. John Holton, of Heppner, Oregon.
James Burnside, of Hardman,
Elsie Madden, of Lone Rock, Ore
gon. W. F. JACKSON, Register.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution in
foreclosure duly issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, on the 14th day
of December, 1938, in a certain suit
in said court wherein State of Ore
gon, a Public Corporation, was plain
tiff and Roy E. Brown, and Harriet
Brown, his wife; Oliver Austin Dev
inj and Stella Devin, his wife; Dessa
D. Hofstetter and Guy Huston, were
defendants, and in which suit plain
tiff recovered judgment against the
defendants Roy E. Brown and Har
riet Brown, and Oliver Austin Dev
in, for the sum of $2522.26, with in
terest thereon from the first day
of June, 1935, at the rate of six per
cent per annum, the further sum of
$200.00, attorney's fees, and the cost
and disbursements of said suit in the
sum of $12.10, and which said judg
ment and decree is dated December
14th, 1938, and directing me to sell
the following described real prop
erty, situate in Morrow County,
Oregon, to-wit:
The SVi of SWy4 of Section 2,
"SEy4 of NEy4 of Section 10 and
S of NMs and NWy4 of NW
of Section 11 in Township 5
South, Range 26 East of Wil
lamette Meridian;
ALSO, SVz of SEy4 of Section
18, and N Vz of NEy4 of Section
19 in Township 5 South, Range
27 East of Willamette Meridian. -Now,
in obediance to said execu
tion I will on the 14th day of Janu
ary, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, at the
front door of the Court House at
Heppner, Oregon, sell the above de
scribed real property at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash
and apply the proceeds thereof to
the payment of said judgment
Dated and first published this 15th
day of December, 1938.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.
NOTICE is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, this 12th day of December,
1938, upon and pursuant to a decree
duly given and made by said Court
on the 12th day of December, 1938,
in a suit pending therein in which
Harry Thorpe was plaintiff, and
Frank Miles and Ruby A. Males, hus
band and wife were defendants;
which execution and order of sale
was to 'me directed and commanded
me to sell the real property herein
after described to satisfy certain
lines and charges in said decree
specified, I will on the 14th day of
January, 1939, at the hour of 11
o'clock A. M. at the front door of
the County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at public auction for
cash subject to redemption as pro
vided by law all of the right, title
and interest of the defendants in said
suit and of all parties claiming by,
through, or under them or any of
them since the 14th day of June,
1938, in or to the following described
real property, to-wit:
NWy4 of SWy4 of Sec. 14, Town
ship 4 North, Range 25 East of
Willamette Meridian.
Together with the tenements, here
ditaments, and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise apper
taining and together with all water
and water rights used upon or ap
purtenant to said lands and however
Dated this 12th day of December,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon.