Page Six THE Hehisch Published by the Students of Heppner High School Editor Howard Patton Assistant Leland Edmondson Assembly Robert Scrivner Humor, Bill Barratt, Omer McCaleb Almuni, Milt Morgan, Bethal Blake Hither and Yon, Sibyl Howell, Em- erey Coxen Have You Ever Seen?, Art McAtee, Thomas Gonty Gas House Gossip Joe Aiken "H" Club Meeting, Don Frederickson 'H" Club Smoker .... Floyd Williams Girls' League Betty Robinson Guess Who Helen Egan Did You Know That, Andy David son, Omer McCaleb All Stars Down Mustangs A quintet of former Heppner high basketball stars defeated the Mus tangs, 47-32, in a wild basketball game last Thursday afternoon be fore Christmas. The all-stars shot ahead to an early lead on long shots. They all seemed to have an unoanny eye for the basket. Green and Tur ner were outstanding for the all stars. After dropping behind in the first period, the high school held their own the remainder of the game. Alumni Activities Students spending the holiday va cation at home were as follows: Oregon State Charles Cox, Har riet Hager, Nancy Cox, Norton King, Howard Cleveland, Bernard McMur do, Don Drake, Chet Christenson, Jimmy Farley. University of Oregon Paul Mc Carty, Don Turner, La Verne Van Marter, Francis Nickerson, Joe Green, Arlene Morton. Pacific University Maxine Mc Curdy, Len Gilman. Whitman College Jackson Gil liam. La Grande Normal Fred Hos kins, Vernon Knowles. Norma McFerrin, who is attend ing nurses' training in Pendleton, spent Christmas at her home in Heppner. Willie McRoberts is visiting friends and relatives in Heppner. Louise Anderson and Florence Becket re-entered Oregon State at mid term. Johnny Hays, who is employed at Grand Coulee dam, visited in Hepp ner during Christmas. "H" Club to Hold Dance The meeting of the "H" club was called to order Thursday, Dec. 22, by the president, Harold Armstrong, for the purpose of adopting a new constitution. In order that the mem bers might vote intelligently on it, the president read the constitution, article by article, and it was voted , on that way. The constitution was adopted as it stood, with the exception of Ar ticle V. A fifth section was added, which stated that the "H" club would give $6.50 toward a sweater to any member who had won a letter in any major sport for three years. In the form of new business, a motion was made and seconded that the "H" club sponsor a dance after the Arlington basketball game. This was passed by a large majority. The president appointed a com mittee for the purpose of seeing what could j,be done on that line. Some non-"H" club business was brought up and declared out of or der, after which the meeting was ad journed. Exams It has come to pass that we will meet our greatest foe next week, "Semester Exams." Many students have put off from day to day the work they 'should have done. But any place, 'anywhere, 'everyone has a reckoning day. Many students need to change .their motto, "Never do today what you can do tomor row" to "Never put off anything you can do today." So during the coming semester tests, let's study, and surprise our teachers. Heppner GAS HOUSE GOSSIP By JOE AIKEN The local sports front offered lit tle for the public in general; how ever, the different bowl games re served most of the interest. The alumni scheduled games with lone and Lex, in which they emerged the victors. Most of the alumni at tend colleges in Oregon as follows: Gilman, Pacific; Van Marter, U. of 0.; Cox, O. S. C; Green, U. of O.; Turner, U. of O. Tiger Nickerson, top boxer in his division at the U. of O., worked out in the gym with McMurdo, a stu dent of OSC, during the vacation. A glimpse of the local casaba team they worked out lightly several times in the last week. Last Monday a scrimmage session was held under the supervision of Coach Knox, Practice ws started in earnest Tues day to prepare for the tilt with Ar lington at Arlington next Staurday. This will be the second league game in which Heppner will be a partici pant. Heppner has played one lea gue game, while all the others have had at least two. This, however, doesn't mean that we are not wor thy our present position, the top of the league ladder, but since we have a victory over Fossil, and Fossil has beaten Arlington and Condon, it should make us about the best as far as prognostication goes, which isn't what it is cracked up to be. In the lower division of the lea gue, Irrigon seems to have jumped to an early lead and held it, although Umatilla has been giving them a close race for their place. It makes it almost impossible to predict any winner as yet, but time is the best solution, and patience will see the result. There has been talk about organ izing a city league, such as was or ganized for the soft ball league this last spring. This would be possible if action was taken some time in the near future. It would not only pro vide excellent amusement but would be a civic movement toward some physical activity for men. As there is no such field of sport in Heppner, it would be greatly enjoyed and would be an opportunity to receive exercise other than in the morning rising. These leagues have been organized in various other towns and could be carried out to a great extent in this town. Here and Yon The plans have been layed upon the table for the "H" club smaker with Hermiston in the near future. Those high school students inter ested can get full particulars from Harold Armstrong. Jack Morton won a first string let ter from the Newberg high school. This was his first year at football. He states he likes it very much. The Condon F. F. A. lads are still training for the Heppner smoker. For their training program they run one mile before breakfast and box from seven to eight-thirty in the evening. Girls' League Holds Meeting The Girls' League held a meeting Thursday, December 22. The busi ness part of this meeting was to de cide whether they should donate five dollars to Father Flanagan or buy new presents and give them to those grade school students who would be apt to receive little. The girls finally decided to buy presents for the grade school students. The first grade girls entertained the Girls' League by putting on a short skit, which was very enter taining. Following this, each girl answered roll call with the present she should like most to receive for Christmas. Also "to get into the Christmas spirit, the girls sang car ols for the remainder of the time. Christmas Assembly Friday afternoon Santa Claus made an early visit for the benefit of the student body. He distributed presents, oranges, candv. and read a few -of the interesting letters he had received, much to the embar rassment of some of those present. Santa Claus was impersonated bv Harold Armstrong. Also in the spirit of Christmas. presentations were made to Mr. Knox, a beautiful sjocky satin jacket, on behalf of the football squad, as a token of their appreciation of his efforts in making a championship Gazette Times, Heppner, football team. Mr. Peacy, Miss Smith and Miss Nordstrom were presented with gifts for their help in making the operetta a success. ' Several of the alumni were called upon for short speeches; then with the singing of- Christmas carols, school was dismissed for the year of 1938. Have you Ever Seen Ish Ka Bibble Foo? A Foo bird? A bucket of Goo? A tough cop? A goon? A flower with smell? Omer McCaleb with a cue? Dick Bogoger with a permanent? A glass housed in dark? A black cat with his eyes closed sitting on a pile of coal in a dark cellar at midnight? . Guess Who Sex Male Age 19 Height 5 feet 7 inches Weight 140 Ambition To become an idol of women Hobby Photography Class Senior Give away President of Pep club Hither and Yon Lowell Ashbaugh has taken a few trips three miles up Willow creek lately. Donnie Bennett is worrying about a certain blond. Betty Jean and Harry were seen at the Christmas dance, but not to gether. Milton Morgan and Van Marter were in partnership over the vaca tion. We are all wondering where Betty Happold's steady boy friend wah Saturday night. We wonder if the vacation had lasted longer if the students would still keep as late hours as last Sat urday night. Since Shirley has visits from a certain Lexington boy, she has no more open date nights. Carolyn has adopted the slogan, "When the mice are away, the cat will play. Guess Who Sex Female Age-18 :;?!" Height 5 feet 5 inches ' Color of Hair Blonde Color of Eyes Blue Hobby Keeping scrap books Ambition To be a journalist Class Senior Give awayGirls' League presi dent Resolution An old year has passed, and a new one has begun. In this new year, let us start it off with a bang. Turn over a new leaf, and try to do our work better. Also, let us get in and study and pass our semester examinations. . Have You Ever Seen Milton Morgan with the lights out? Bethal Blake without Emery? Mr. Peavy without a whisker? Donald Frederickson with a neck tie? Ripley without an answer? The moon at noon? Kemp Dick in a hurry? Jack Merrill's orchestra? The Higher Algebra class on time? Howard Patton asleep? The basketball team in action? Harold Armstrong with a grin? Bob Scrivner with a knife? Did You Know That Lovers' Lane is coming back in style? John had to rest up after his va cation? Dubby got his presents mixed? That that, that that that modified, is incorrect? Art was behind the 8 ball when the lights went out? Bill Barratt has a secret? Mr. Bennett sends students back to the office to get tardy slips who try to enter his class late? Don Frederickson likes tooth picks? Milton Morgan has a twinkle in his eye since the holidays? Bill and Wilbur sandwiched Nor ma in Wilbur's car Sunday after noon? Vacation Happenings During vacation many events of Oregon interest to the younger set were taking place. On Christmas eve the annual Christmas ball was held at the Elks' hall, with the high school and college set very much in evi dence with their "shagging," "truck ing," "Lambeth Walk," etc. On Monday a dance was held at Echo with several of the high school students attending. On Wednesday another dance was held at lone, and finally to "top it all off' came the great New Year's ball at the Elks. At the stroke of midnight confetti, serpentine, paper hats were flying around, and shouts of Happy New Year were ringing in everyone's ears. This dance was, of course, well attended by the younger set. Various students of Heppner high spent their Christmas vacation out of town. These included Helen Egan, who spent a very enjoyable week end in Condon; Billy Barratt, who spent it visiting with his grand mother in Portland, and Willie Stone, who spent part of the vacation vis iting in Pilot Rock and Pendleton with friends. Work Starts on OSC Ag Engineering Plant Oregon State College Reconstruc tion of the agricultural engineering building at Oregon State college has commenced following the recent awarding of a contract to the Dou gan - Hammand company of Port land. , Increased construction costs in re cent months made it necessary to eliminate certain features of the en larged building as planned, although use of the PWA grant will make it possible to add one wing to the pres ent structure and to improve on the former structural standards. Because of lack of facilities this winter, the usual farm tractor short course conducted by the agricultural engineering department has been cancelled, but will doubtless be held again next winter. G. T. Want Ads bring results. Professional Directory Heppner Blacksmith & Machine Shop Expert Welding and Repairing L. H. HARLOW, Mgr. GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW ATwater 4884 635 MEAD BUILDING Eth at Washington PORTLAND, OREGON A. Dk McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON TraineA Nurse Assistant Office In Maaonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract fir Title Co. INC. ABSTBACT3 OF TITLE TITLB INBUBANCB Office In New Peters Building F. W. Turner fir Co. FIRE, AUTO AND XiZFB INSURANCE . Old Line Companies Beel Estate Heppner, Oregon Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Vetera Building, WUUw Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Jut the serriee ws1 when T was it Thursday, January 5, 1939 J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY At LAW Phone 178 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON " Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 828 Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES SEASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner. Ore. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSTTBANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and GUft Goods Watches Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment Including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician. Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rec Phone 1162 Office Phena 482 HEPPNER, OREGON W. M. Eubanks Representing KERR, GUTORD & CO., INC on Heppner Branch V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. Phone 482 MAKE DATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 8-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson fir Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Practice in State and Federal Courts Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bends W. M. EUBANKS Notary Futile Phone (2 - leae, Ore. FOB BEST KABS3BT PBC0BS lm your new er 14 wheat, see CORNETT GREEN for grain stored la Heppaer and T STluga , ELHSS CUBOTTTH at lone for rest f Branch Bsprosowtlng Bailees, Sutkrle ft Co.