Thursday, Dec. 22, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five Leonard Gilman from Pacific U. and La Verne Van Marter, Jr., from U. of Oregon arrived Saturday night to spend the holiday season here. They came from Portland with Gene and Harry Normoyle who drove up from San Francisco to spend Christ mas at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beckner near lone. Both Gilman and Van Marter made foot ball letters this year, Gilman as all Northwest left halfback on the Pa cific eleven, and Van Marter as backfield man with the Oregon Frosh. Paul McCarty and Don Turner, U. of O. students, arrived home Friday night for the holidays. McCarty has been following his bent as a colum nist on the campus, conducting a .sports column for the Daily Emerald, campus publication. Turner has been mixing up in activities, too, having assisted with a recent soph class hop. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins arriv ed this morning from Portland on their way home to Camas prairie. They went to the city for specializ ed treatment for Ms. Collins' health. She expected to be bedfast for some six months recuperating from ar thritis and inflammatory rheuma tism. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt of Boardman passed through the city Saturday on their way to the moun tain ranch south of Hardman. The sun was shining brightly while they were in town, but Mr. Bechdolt said a lot of fog had prevailed along the river. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlow and daughters, Marie and Lucille, plan to spend Christmas in Portland at the home of Mr. Barlow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Akers. Richard Gant of Pullman, Wash., has been a guest at the Barlow home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hams were in the city yesterday from the farm near Hardman. They reported con siderable snow at their place which was most welcome. Mr. Hams said the ground had frozen dry to a depth of eight inches at his place. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Cox and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lucas motored to Walla Walla last Saturday and vis ited for the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rayburn. Mrs. Ray burn is a sister of Mrs. E. L. Morton, former neighbor of the Cox's here. E. R. Schafer, in town Monday from the Freezeout ranch, reported that very little fog had prevailed there but had started drifting in. He was preparing to start feeding the livestock at this branch of the large Hynd Bros, operations. L. Van Marter spent the week end here from Pendleton, visiting with his son who is home from college. Mr. Van Marter recently transferred to Pendleton from La Grande in his wok as salesman with Jackson Im plement company. Friends here have received word of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Ingram of Con don. The young lady has been nam ed Dorothy Ellen. The Ingrams were located here last, summer. Mrs. C. P. Brown and son Paul are spending the holidays at home from Corvallis where Paul is a stu dent and where Mrs. Brown has been keeping house for him and several other students. R. L. Ekleberry was transacting business here Monday from Mor gan, preparatory to moving the family home to a farm near Prosser, Wash., having recently sold the Mor gan place, r T? F.llis nf Tho Dalles accom panied Francis V. Galloway, district deputy exalted ruler, when the lat ter made his official visitation to Heppner lodge 358 last Thursday evening. Roland Farrens and Iris Lyon, students at Eastern Oregon Normal school, are spending the holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrens in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Redding were transacting business in the city yesterday from the Eight Mile farm, and Mr. Redding expressed pleas ure for the fall of new snow. Among Oregon State students ar riving this week to spend holidays with home folks were Bernard Mc Murdo, Harriet Hager, James Far ley and Norton King. Jim Carsner spent the week end here from the ranch in the Spray district and was inducted into the mysteries of the Elks lodgs Thurs day evening. Millard D. Rodman, district sup ervisor for soil conservation service, was in the city yesterday on his way to Pendleton from the Simna sho project. If the party who took tool box from pick-up in Heppner will re turn same to my home in town, no further action will be taken. Luke Bibby, city. ltp. Frank Fraters was transacting business in the city yesterday from the Eight Mile farm. The new snow fall had wreathed his face with smiles. 1 Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Gray and two children are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Burkenbine, com ing from their home at Dorris, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt and family expect to spend Christmas in Portland at the home of Mr. Bar- ratt's mother, Mrs. W. B. Barratt. Mr. and Mrs. Aleott Lundell and son Bud were transacting business in the city Tuesday from the farm in the Gooseberry section. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spe cialist of Pendleton will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, DECEMBER 28th. Slim Emert, extensive wheatraiser of the lone section, was transacting business here Monday. Dumb Victim of Hunt Taken as Pet At French Ranch One of the soul-racking sides of the annual hunting season is the number of wounded animals that are left in the woods. Hunters, generally, do all in their power to run down the buck deer or bull elk they know they have injured. Sometimes, their best efforts are not sufficient, however, and at other times an animal is severely wounded without the hunter be coming aware of it. Several cases of injured deer not being found were reported in the last hunting season. One such dumb vitcim was found out at the W. H. French ranch south of Hardman this week. The animal was discovered standing alone in a thicket. It stood there, listlessly, for two days, apparently not caring to move and plainly quite ill. Mr. French, learn ing of the animal's condition from his hired man, caused hay to be taken to it, then contacted State Patrolman Bill Francis at Hepp ner. Mr. Francis and Logie Rich ardson, president of Morrow Coun ty Hunters and Anglers club, went out to investigate, and Francis gave Mr. French permission to move the animal on Mr. French's offering to treat it as best hp could. The animal had been shot through the brisket. Mr. French took out his sled and rope. As he approached the sick animal shook its head in a faint show of resistance, but he suc ceeded in tying its legs, loaded it on to the sled and took it to the barn. At first it didn't want to eat or drink, but Mr. French coaxed it along, and he reported when in town Saturday that it was show ing signs of much improvement and is becoming quite a pet. The animal, a nice four-point buck which Mr. French described as ' "bench-legged" because of its short legs and quite heavy body, has been named "Bill Francis" in honor of the game policeman. LEXINGTON NEWS Lex People Return From Eastern Trip By MARGARET SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Ted McDaid have returned home from a trip which took them to New York and Wash ington, D. C. While in New York they visited with Laurel Beach. They saw Niagara Falls in the course of their journey and returned home the southern route through San Francisco. While back east they purchased a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Daugherty and son Gary left for Connell, Wn., Tuesday morning where they will spend the holidays with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Leach mo tored to Arlington Sunday, taking Mr. Leach's sister Opal who will go to Portland for a few days, after which she will go to the home of her sister, Mrs. Raymond White, in Oakland, Cal., where she plans to spend the winter. Joe and Bert Thornburg have been redecorating the city hall this week. Mrs. Maude Pointer and children, Harriet and Fred, departed Thurs day morning for a tour of the east where Fred expects to purchase a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hunt are the parents of an 8-lb. son, Donald Lee, born Wednesday, December 14, at the Corda Saling home in Hepp ner. Guests at an alumninum demon stration dinner conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen at the Ralph Jackson home were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munkers and son Leonard, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Devine, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pal mer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges and son Dan, Mrs. Laura Scott and Miss Patricia Jewell. Ralph Jackson was called to St. Paul Monday by the death of a cou sin, Bill Smith. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Nel son and her son Norman were Miss Patricia Jewell, Mrs. Laura Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Gonty and son Raymond of Heppner. Eb McMillan departed this week for Reno to visit his son Leonard McMillan. Mrs. Wright has returned to her home in Portland after visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. Harold Townsend was a vis itor in Pendleton Thursday. Gene Cutsforth is confined to his home with an attack of mumps. A. M. Edwards made a business trip to Almira, Wash., Monday. Mrs. O. J. Cox left Saturday eve ning for Longview, Wash., to spend the holidays with her hcildren. A good crowd attended the union Sunday school Christmas program Sunday evening. The following num bers were presented: Finger Play by beginners' group; recitation by Lyle and Ronald Peck; recitation by Loren and Melvin Pieper; Can dle drill by primary group; play by the juniors; pageant, "The Story Retold in Verse and Song," by the entire school with Mrs. Ira Duelt- gen as reader. Union Sunday school will be held at the Christian church Sunday at 10 a. m., C. E. at 7:30 p. m.. There will be no church services here next Sunday. School News By Jerrine Edwards The Lexington basketball squad was defeated by the Irrigon squad December 13 by a score of 22-13. This was the first home game of the season. Lexington defeated Echo by a score of 42-2 on Dec. 15. A pre liminary game was played by the two grade school teams, in which Echo defeated Lexington by a score of 17-3. The Lexington team played at lone Tuesday evening. The grade school will present the Christmas operetta, "Susanna's Christmas Auction," in the school auditorium Thursday evening. A community Christmas tree will be featured. School will be dismissed early on Friday afternoon for the Christmas vacation. The various rooms will have their parties and exchanging of gifts that day. School will be re sumed January 3. The senior class is now selling Christmas cards and school em blems, hats and banners. Hot lunches are being sponsored by the Social Ridge district this week. Edith Edwards and Delpha Jones are cooking. Masonic Bodies Install Officers Following the annual turkey din ner at six o'clock uTesday evening at Masonic hall, officers for the three Heppner Masonic bodies were installed with impressive ceremon ies. The hall and dining room were beautifully decorated in the Christ mas motif. Officers installed were as follows: Heppner Chapter No. 26, R. A. M.: George N. Ely, high priest; W. Vaw ter Parker, king; Claude Cox, scribe; H. 0. Tamblyn, captain of the host; M. D. Clark, treasurer; E. R. Hus ton, secretary; C. J. D. Bauman, principal sojourner; R. C. Wight man, Royal Arch captain; Hanson Hughes, master of the third veil; Chas. B. Cox, master of the second veil; J. J. Wightman, master of the first veil; W. E. Pruyn, sentinel. C. J. D. Bauman was installing of ficer and R. C. Wightman installing marshal. Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M.: Archie C. Ball, W. M.; Wm. D. Campbell, S. W.; James L. Leach, J. W.; Frank S. Parker, treasurer; Spencer Crawford, secretary; Thos. J. Wells, S. D.; Walter Luckman, J. D.; C. R. McAlister, S. S.; R. A. Thompson, S. S.; C. J. D. Bauman, marshal; R. C. Wightman, chaplain; W. E. Pruyn, tyler. Past Master Frank S. Parker was installing of ficer and Past Master C. J. D. Bau man served as installing marshal. A past master's jewel was present ed W. Vawter Parker, retiring wor shipful master. Ruth Chapter No. 32, Order of Eastern Star: Fay Ferguson, wor thy matron; R. C. Wightman, wor thy matron; Madge Thompson, asso ciate matron; W. O. Dix, associate patron; Muriel Vaughn, secretary; Emma Evans, treasurer; Etta Par ker, conductress; Ella Benge, asso ciate conductress; Anna Bayless, chaplain; Eppa Ward, marshal; Cora mae Ferguson, organist; Lera Craw ford, Adah; Anna Graham, Ruth; Annie Shafer, Esther; Flora Dimick, Martha; Lucy Peterson, Electa; Ne va LeTrace, warder; J. O. Turner, sentinel. Lena Cox was installing officer; Virginia Turner, installing marshal; Gertrude Parker, installing chaplain, and Juanita Carmichael, installing organist. Retiring worthy matron and wor thy patron, Mary Giuld and C. J. D. Bauman were presented past matron and past patron pins; the incoming worthy matron received a beautiful basket of flowers, and the install ing officers were presented potted plants. G. T. Want Ads bring results. RADIO REPAIR NEW PHILCO AND ZENITH RADIOS $18.95 Up Ask for Demonstration BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 MR. AND MRS. BOB RUNNION wish their many friends and associates A MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR Lost or strayed, yearling steer from Hardman ranch; branded quar ter circle over XL Notify, A. S. Bechdolt, Hardman. 41-42 Joe Green and Francis Nickerson are spending the holidays with their parents from their studies at Uni versity of Oregon. Miss Irene Beamer arrived the end of the week from Portland to spend the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Clara Beamer. Ruth Colleary and Vernon Know les are Eastern Oregon Normal stu dents spending the holidays with relatives here. 3 Sizes to Suit Everybody LOCALLY BUTCHERED MEATS FRESH AND CURED Central Market Ture Peterson, Mgr. THE STAR Reporter Dear Movie Fans: If I told you all the good things about our Christmas program it would take from HERE CLEAR DOWN TO HERE Sunday-Monday, December 25-26.... Sunday Matinees at 1 and 3 p. m. SILLYSYMPHOWijAMJ OWribvltd by RKO RADIO Pktur.i n. Merry Christmas to You All SADIE. StarTh eater HEPPNEB, OBE. LOCKER BIS