Page Four Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, Dec. 22, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March SO, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CHAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year . $2.00 Three Years 6.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies . 05 Official Paper for Morrow Comnty i x-" s. Member- O iMf NwspaperPiblisK:es Equality in Education "UQUAL educational opportunity" is a phrase written into the Ore gon constitution. It reflects the wis dom of that document's authors in recognizing that the state's well be ing depends upon a well-informed and well-trained citizenry, and that children of the state, wherever they may be, are entitled to have equally good textbooks, equally good teach ers, and equally good everything that goes to make up an education. But through the years since the phrase was placed in the state con stitution, it has remained much as an ideal to be striven for but far from attained. While the state has set up a supervisory system to erect standards, lay down curricula and otherwise set a gauge for uniform ity of operation, it has not made equal educational opportunity pos sible. Monies for school support have been distributed on a per pupil ba sis, not at all sufficient to provide schools capable of living up to the school standards, and the rich dis tricts have been treated the same as the poorer districts. As a conse quence, rich districts have had mon ey to provide good schools. The poorer districts have not. It is commendable at this time that Rex Putnam, state superintendent, is advocating distribution of state school funds on a basis of recognized need, thus more nearly to attain the ideal set forth in the state's con stitution. What applies on a state-wide ba sis, applies equally on a county-wide basis. And the point is brought home to the counties, beause their people must make up the balance that the state fails to provide to maintain schools of state standards. Counties have their rich and their poor dis tricts; districts where "equal" ed ucational opportunity is afforded, and districts where it is not; again defeating attainment of the equal educational opportunity goal. It is an essential in the theory of publicly maintained shools that a well educated citizenry contributes greatly to the value of all property, hence all property should bear its just share of the cost. This principle and the one of equality are incor porated into the county school law. Whether the county school law is perfect in all its phases may be a moot question, but it does not change the underlying principles it is in tended to accomplish. That it has done so fairly successfully in coun ties where it has been applied is a strong point in its favor, however, It is to be noted that arguments being advanced against it in the present discussions over the county are largely based upon selfish ! terests and suspicions. Taxpayers in school districts having low spec ial levies are afraid of having taxes unduly raised. They are afraid of giving people outside their own immedite district the opportumty to vote more taxes upon them. People in other districts are jealous of their schools; afraid they will be injured, Most everyone is suspicious that someone else will gain an advantage People of all districts are more or less uncertain about relinquishisg anv authority over their own schools. Many of the suspicions are clear aside from fact and far from tem pered with reason, but they obscure the larger picture of the future well being of the county which equal educational opportunity would re flect upon property values generally over the county. ' It has been suggested that a great deal of economy as well as improved educational opportunity could be effected through a union of high schools of Heppner, Lexington and lone. That proposal is quite tenable and not, as some readers may im mediately think, because this news paper desires to move the lone and Lexington school to Heppner. The plan could only be worked by plac ing the plant at a centrally located point, and that point would of neces sity be Lexington. Now, to head off a howl that might arise from Heppner and lone, let it be said that while the plan is ten able, it is not immediately feasible. The cost for immediate change might be too great. Eventually, however, as need for plant replacement arises, it would be highly desirable for the benefits of such a move to be taken into consideration. It is not possible here to discuss all angles of this school consolidation idea. Suffice that in addition to con siderable economy of operation, it would make possible placing better athletic teams on the field to com pete with other larger high schools, but the greatest factor of all, it would place the rising generations of this part of the ocunty in the posi tion of rubbing elbows with each other at work and in play, thus giv ing them 'a sympathetic understand ing of each other and wipe out old feuds, superstitions and gievances not of their making that have hin dered progress to be attained only through cooperation. A commonly accepted saying is, "That fellow isn't so bad when you get under his skin." It is human to mistrust that which one doesn't un derstand. When everyone has an understanding of the other fellow's problems, realizes that he is doing the best he can in the position in which destiny has chosen to place him, then is the basis laid for coop eration. And every fanner knows what can be accomplished by teamwork. How far consolidation of schools might be carried if the county school law were adopted in Morrow county is problematical. Much would be in the hands of the board of directors and the superintendent. In the ulti mate its success or failure would largely depend upon how wisely the people would use their voting fran chise in selecting members of the board. With a board in which the public would have trust and confi dence, very little fear need be held for success of the plan. The county school law seems to lend itself most readily for school consolidation such as has been men tioned. It is now working success fully, and it would appear that Mor row county people should be wise enough to make it operate success fully here. A fear has been expressed that Heppner, with the balance of voting power, might take a notion to vote a big bond issue for a school here for which the rest of the county would have to help pay. This might be a well-grounded fear if Heppner did have the balance of voting power. But, at school elections, where mon ey matters are concerned, only cit izens whose names appear upon the tax rolls may vote. In which case, Heppner probably would not be able to swing an election of the kind feared. The law also sets a limit upon the amount of bonded in debtedness, which is also a safeguard against any such occurrence. ATTENDS FUNEKAL Ralph Jackson, in the city today from Lexington, had just returned from St. Paul where on Tuesday he attended funeral services for Bill Smith, a cousin. Mr. Smith was president of the St. Paul rodeo, in which capacity he became known to many Morrow county people last year. His son, Bobby, rode in the Roman race with his ponies at the rodeo here last fall. A KISS IN A MAMAAOCK. MAY TAKE A fAAN'S BREATH, BUT A SNACK IN A FLIVVER IS FLIRTING- WITH DEATH.' National Safety Council . Unfortunately, there are no sta tistics on the number of accidents caused by one-armed drivers, but the fact that many such accidents have been caused is undeniable. A strong argument against this practice is the fact that the driver is not doing the object of his affec tion any good by driving with one arm and keeping his eyes on her face rather than on the road. Instead, he is exposing her and himself to an accident, with the possibility of in jury or even death as a result. A driver in California established some sort of a record when he was arrested while driving without us ing his arms at all. He was sitting in the back seat with a young lady on each side, and was steering the car with his feet. Nor must the young lady be sitting in the car to cause an accident. A mishap was reported to Secretary of State Earl Snell in which a young man, nervous and preoccupied as he tried to think how he should pro pose to his loved one, drove through an intersection and crashed into an other car. Love is only one of many things which take a person's mind and eyes off his driving, but all have the same result accidents. The good driver will make it an ironclad rule -to keep his hands on the wheel, his eyes on the road, and his mind on his driving, according to Secretary Snell. Jackson Gilliam, graduate of the Heppner high school, is one of 550 students leaving the Whitman col lege campus this week end to re turn home for the Christmas holi days. Gilliam is the son of E. E. Gil liam. He enrolled this fall as a fresh man at Whitman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vaughn were week end visitors in Portland. SCOUT CAMP CALLED OFF Telegraphic word from the Blue Mountain council office at Walla Walla today announced that the pro posed winter Boy Scout camp has been called off because of insuffi cient registration due to uncertain weather. Holiday Dances ELKS HALL HEPPNER SATURDAY Dec. 24 SATURDAY Dec. 31 STEELE'S ORCHESTRA Elks and Invited Guests Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rice were bus iness visitors in the city Tuesday from the Artesian Well farm north of Lexington. Mrs. Blaine E. Isom has been quite ill at the home in the Gilman apart ments, suffering an attack of flu. NOTICE The Lexington Oil Co-Op has no agreement with Panther Grease Co. whereby it receives any commis sions on sales made by any repre sentative of the Panther Grease Co. FRED MANKIN, President, 40-41 Lexington Oil Co-Op. When in Doubt, Give a Box of CANDY Page & Shaw "The All American Choice" Prices from 25c to $2.00 We will wrap ready for mailing. No extra charge. Patterson & Son SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent "PREVENT FOREST FIRES FT PAYS" mm mm MIRRORS JBr . . . that reflect your ii ill j taste They have il ''"TfSllMlr quality, exceptionally & i fine glass and crafts- f0fwm man8hip.Suchaprac- 11 i 1 1 , tical, useful gift . . . P ill 11 ill Mil! r wnat home ever 1 111111 Knit I has enough mirrors! ffi llll H ilSllSll specially priced front 1111:11 I 'ill I $485 10 57,85 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.