Thursday, Dec. 15, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Nine IONE NEWS as Willows Grange Installs New Officers By MARGARET BLAKE Willows grange held its regular "business meeting in its hall at Cecil last Saturday night. Officers for the coming year were installed into their respective chairs with Mary Lundell, George Krebs, Vida Heli ker, Stella O'Meara and Marjorie Baker as installing officers. Martha Dinsmore and R. H. Happy were elected to become members of the grange by initiation. It was decided that the grange would have a Christ mas tree and program on Friday evening, Dec. 23. On New Years eve the men of the grange will enter tain the ladies. The officers for the coming year are Markham Baker, master; Mary Lindsay, overseer; Marjorie Baker, lecturer; Manell Krebs, steward; Marion Krebs, asst. steward; Kenneth Lundell, chaplain; Clara Kincaid, treasurer; Helen Lindsay, secretary; Henry Graham, gatekeeper; Mary Lundell, Ceres; Geneva Palmer, Pomona; Marie Ledbetter, Flora; Dorothy Brady, lady assistant steward; executive committee, Oscar Lundell, J. O. Kincaid and Donald Heliker. The H. E. club of Willows grange will hold an all day meeting in the hall at Cecil on Wednesday, Dec. 21, with a pot luck dinner at noon, Mrs. Diantha Akers departed on Wednesday for Portland for a visit, She expects to visit in Canada be fore returning. Claude and Gladys Brashears and Donald Heliker were week-end vis itors in Portland. The officers of Lena, Lexington and Rhea Creek granges were in stalled at Rhea Creek grange hall Friday night by a team of officers from Willows grange. Mary Lun dell, 0. L. Lundell, Mary Lindsay, Vida Heliker and Mr. and Mrs. Markham Baker composed the team. A large group of friends met at the I. O. 0. F. hall in Morgan last Saturday evening to enjoy a pot luck supper and party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ekleberry who are leaving soon to make their home at Prosser, Wash. Mrs. Oscar Arvig who has been caring for Mrs. Ida Peterson has gone to Heppner for a vacation. Her place is being filled by Mrs. Pauline Boyer. Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Garret are liv ing in the Henry Clark house while Mr. Garret is employed on the bridge gang at Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker were visitors in Pendleton last week. While there they visited at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timm. Dr. C. C. Chick of Hood River was here for a few hours Sunday. He was accompanied by Miss Blanche Bristow and Mrs. Meyers. Mrs. Frank Engelman and Mrs. Victor Rietmann were in Pendleton Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Clark and her daugh ters, Mrs. Sam Pomerantz and Val jean Clark, drove to Pendleton Sat urday to visit Mrs. Clark's father, George Ganger. Plans are underway for a com munity Christmas tree and program to be held in the school gym on Thursday evening, Dec. 22. The en- tire community and surrounding country are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McCabe have moved to the Lee Beckner farm. Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks have moved into the Willard Grabill house on Second street. Last Wednesday Mrs. Bert Mason, Mrs. C. W. McNamer and Mrs. Ag nes Wilcox drove to Stevenson, Wash., to attend a bridal shower for Miss Lucy Butler who used to visit Mrs. McNamer here several years ago. They were accompanied as far as White Salmon by Mrs. E. J. Keller and Miss Emmer Maynard who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger until the party returned. Mrs. Ida Moore has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wrex Hickok, in Portland. She was taken down by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eu banks. Mrs. Fred Buchanan acme over from her-home at Echo last week and took her father, W. E. Ahalt, home to live with her. Another old landmark is being torn down. The Carle rooming house it has been known for manv years was built in 1898 by Tom Carle and was originally used as a livery stable. Later it served as a rooming house, undertaking parlor and in the past few years as house keeping rooms. In the course of its removal an old letter was found bearing a postmark of Weston, Ore gon, in the year 1884. It was ad dressed to Mr. Carle at Pettysville. Pettysville will be remembered by few as the postoffice which was located at the Pettys farm at the forks of Rhea and Willow creeks and served a large territory before other postoffices were established. Women's Topic club met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Denny last Fri day afternoon. Fifteen members were present. The book, "On Her Own," by Mary Knight was reviewed by the hostesses, Mrs. Denny, Mrs. Ag nes Wilcox and Mrs. Lena Lundell. Refreshments were served. The Women's auxiliary of the Le gion met at .the home of Mrs. Omar Rietmann last Friday evening. A social time was enjoyed with mem bers of the Legion joining tfiem af ter their meeting in their hall, Games were played and refresh ments served. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Thomson have taken, the Jeff Jones house on Gale street formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Belanger. MAKES SWIMMING HONORARY Oregon State College, Corvallis, Dec. 14. Bernard McMurdo of Heppner, junior in science at Oregon State college, was recently initiated into Hell Divers, swimming honor society for men at O. S. C. The or ganization is composed of expert swimmers who have qualified as life savers. THE: STAR Reporter Friday- Saturday Gallant George O'Brien fighting and riding his way out of a dozen dan gerous spots, in The Renegade Ranger plus What goes on when the curtain goes up is Public, but what goes on when the curtain goes down is The Secrets of An Actress with Kay Francis, George Brent, Ian Hunter See America First True Adventures with Floyd Gibbons HI-YO SILVER and NANCY DREW, DETECTIVE, Saturday, December 17th, at 2:30 p. m. 10c. Sunday-Monday It'll be Old Home Week for us small-towners when The Arkansas Traveler comes to town with Bob Burns, Fay Bainter, John Beal, Jean Parker, Lyle Talbot, Irvin S. Cobb, Dickie Moore, Porter Hall. The "Arkansas Traveler" is the type of picture Will Rogers used to make, which is equivalent to saying it is a very good kind of picture. Betty Boop Movietone News Racing Pigeons Tuesday ALGIERS with HEDY LAMAER CHARLES BOYER SIGRID GURIE "Algiers" ranks with the best mo tion pictures . . . Hedy Lamarr is so beautiful I still think I dreamed it all . . ." are excerpts from movie critic Sheliah Graham's opinion of this fine photoplay. Wed.-Thu., Dec. 21-22 The Cowboy From Brooklyn a rodeo of rhythm and romance with DICK POWELL, PAT O'BRIEN, PRISCILLA LANE Dick Foran, Ann Sheridan, Johnnie Davis, Ronald Reagan Porky in Egypt News of the Day Defying Death ANNUAL FREE XMAS SHOW SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24th sponsored by B. P. O. E. and Star Theater StarTheater HEPPNER, OHE. RADIO REPAIR NEW PHILCO AND ZENITH RADIOS $18.95 Up Ask for Demonstration BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Azaleas, Poinsettas and other potted plants. Phelps Funeral Home Phone 1332 era Heppner Gazette Times', Only $2.00 Per Year PENNEY'S voir Stec L 1 We Are Short of Room . . . We Must Reduce Stock . . . We Must Be Quick! Many Articles Reduced for Quick Selling. Get Yours Now at These Newer, Lower Prices! REDUCED: 1 Group WOMEN'S DRESS COATS 5.00 Hurry! 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