Thursday, Dec. 15, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five Sam' McMillan was in the city Tuesday from Lexington. He had just returned Sunday from a month's visit in the Willamette valley, and expected to leave in a day or so for Tucson, Ariz., being accompanied from Portland by his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George McMillan. To Portland he was ac companied by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan, who will spend the winter in the city. Bert Bleakman and Henry Fries returned Saturday from Klamath Falls, Prineville and Kinzua, re porting no work for carpenters. Mills are closing because of frozen and rutty roads preventing hauling of logs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Felker this week moved their residence from the Reid apartments to the house belonging to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Happold on Church street. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fries and child departed Monday for their home at Imbler. Mr. Fries has been working with the forest service here. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones motored to Portland over the week end, vis iting at the home of Mrs. Jones' sis ter, Mrs. W. V. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. T. Babb and Mrs. J. V. Crawford left yesterday for Port land, Mrs. Babb and Mrs. Crawford to remain for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Barratt left for Portland Sunday to spend sev eral days in the city. Kenneth Akers and Orve Brown are putting a new roof on the porch at the Akers home. Albert Lindstrom of Morgan was a business visitor in the city Tues day. Fred Nichoson was a business vis itor in the city Saturday from lone. Mrs. Nora Rasmus is slowly re cuperating from a recent sick spell MNE CITY NEWS Social and Dance Set at Pine City By BERNICB WATTENURGER A basket social is being given at the Pine City auditorium December 16 at 8. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the program and after the baskets are all sold there will be a dance with music by the Mitchell orchestra of Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilliland and Floyd Walker of Pilot Rock were callers at the Gladys Corrigall home last week end. A large number attended Sunday school at Pine City at 2 o'clock last Sunday afternoon. A contest has been started between the boys and the girls. Those attending the pinochle par ty at the Marion Finch home Sat urday were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and son Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger, Miss Robbins, Mrs. Kent, Miss Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Barton Clark and Bert Barnes. High honors went to Mr. and Mrs. Wattenburger and low went to Miss Weaver and Mr. Clark. The Tum-A-Lum delivered a truck load of lumber at the Boylen ranch Monday. They are starting a new sheep shed. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers have rented the Joe Ramos ranch near Lena for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and family were Pendleton callers Sat urday. JOINS NEWSPAPER R. Allan Bean, formerly with lo cal branch, First National Bank of Portland, has taken the position of business manager of the Eugene Morning News, according to an nouncement in the daily press. Bean was more recently with the audit ing department of the head bank of fice in Portland. In going with the News, Bean joins his brother-in-law, Arthur Priaulx, former chairman of the state republican central com mittee, who recently purchased a controlling interest in the Eugene newspaper. Freeway" Legislation Held Oregon Need The new type of highway, known as "freeway," already adopted in more advanced states and in Europe, should be made possible in Oregon by legislation as the most important means of meeting the constantly mounting death toll from motor ac cidents, it is declared in a report, "Freeways for Oregon," just issued by the Oregon State Planning board. The report, which goes into detail on the present condition of highway traffic in Oregon, was prepared by the advisory committee on roadside protection, of which John B. Yeon, Portland, is chairman. New highways have been built and old ones rebuilt in Oregon at great public expense to provide safe trans portation arteries to meet the con stantly changing and increasing de mands of traffic, yet the hazards of travel remain, the report declares. The "freeway," suggested for Ore gon is literally a free right of way. Along a freeway there are no in tersections with other roads except for Oregon by legislation, highway those provided by the public road building agency. Under the present system the owners of abutting prop erty have right of access to or egress from the thoroughfare. Along a free way access is considered only at the provided junctions. The designation of freeways in Oregon should be limited to those routes intended for heavy arterial use, the report makes clear. Until freeways are made possible authorities believe, the state will be forced to continue to spend vast sums on the construction of highways which are known to be obsolete while they are still being planned. The continued construction of roads, proved hazardous by past experi ences, will increase the already ap palling death list on the present highways. For Sale 50 x 150 ft., good loca tion for residence. A. J. Westhoff. WHAT MOTHER REALLY WANTS IS A NEW HOTPOINT lectuc )2anae THE J Lancaster $158oo CONVENIENT TERMS How Mother will en joy using this hand some electric range!' Has one Select-A-Speed and two Hi-Speed Cal rod Units, Thrift Cook er, Oven Heat Control, Storage Drawer. See it In our office today. Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service LAUNDRY FINISHED T. Babb, contractor, this week completed the new building just op posite the postoffice that will be oc cupied by Heppner Laundry. J. A. Westhoff, owner, expects to have the new plant going in the near fu ture. The building is of wood frame and sheet metal construction, with boiler room entirely ocnstructed of cement NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AT YOUR SERVICE TO.HELPYOU SELL' BU'J HOUR flEUT 0 JL 111 Mm THE JIOW Ctol BOB The First National Bank's Cash Buyer Plan, in addition to giving you the lowest financing costs, enables you to make a CASH deal. Here's what you do: tm SEE THE FIRST RATIOnM. 001111 Any Branch SELECT V0UR MR . . . new or used Under three years old PRV IRSH... you supply one-third the price in trade-in or cash; we lend you the balance required to pay for both car and insurance. You need not be a depositor to borrow from this bank -f)ntj e 42. tlncke5 eh mmnm hi yjj Portland QffiEBy u Give and expect Electrical (jifts Tak Santa's advice: Make this an all-electnc Cbnstmas! WAFFLE IRON WOODWORKING uu i n ELECTRIC CLOCK ELECTRIC TRAIN piki-IT.UP LAMPS ELECTRIC COFFEE MAKER - ELECTRIC ROASTER SUN LAMP ELECTRIC TOASTER CORN POPPER HEATING PAD SEE ANY DEALER IN ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT . ELECTRIC RANGE ... the gift Mother redly wants! ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR 1939 RADIO I.E.S. LAMPS ELECTRIC MIXER ELECTRIC IRON ELECTRIC SHAVER ELECTRIC WASHER ELECTRIC IR0NER ELECTRIC WATER HEATER ELECTRIC DISHWASHER And eores of other optionees CTgCQOOCBBP ft QUECQgO vtnm