Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 15, 1938, Page Page Eleven, Image 11

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    Thursday, Dec. 15, 1938
" I m
Cow Killers Belatedly
Report Organization
Set-up for New Year
The annual meeting of the Cow
Killers club was held at Sunflow
er spring Saturday night, Nov. 19
on the eve of the closing of the
elk season. The meeting was held
for the purpose of electing officers
and initiation of new members.
F. B. Nickerson was re-elected
president as there was no other
member eligible for that position.
Dr. McMurdo was put in as vice,
and Owen Leathers was re-elected
to his old office of secretary
treasurer, an office he has so ef
ficiently filled. The new members
taken in were Guy Chapin and
Harley Leathers, old residents of
Not long after the initiation cer
emonies were over, Guy Chapin
was elected to the office of judge
supreme of the Cow Killers club.
This was an open ceremony and
those present besides the members
were Lou Bisbee, Tom Beymer
and Frank Stanley. Judge Chapin
was chosen for this high and im
portant office on account of his
high qualifications and natural
ability as a jurist. For those who
are not acquainted with Judge
Chapin, it may be fitting to de
scribe him as a man of short stat
ure and dark eyes which carry
sharp twinkle strongly significant
of his keen intellect. He wears a
heavy black beard in the late fall
and winter seasons but in the late
spring and summer he keeps it
neatly trimmed so at all times he
is the personification of dignity.
The judge has long been known
for fairness in his decisions, ren
dered in a kind and deliberate
manner which displays his judi
cial knowledge. It was these sterl
ing qualifications which won for
him this supreme office without
one dissenting vote, and we are all
proud to have such a distinguished
member in our new organization.
The Cow Killers club was born
on the last day of the elk season,
1937. r
Christmas Turkeys
Received Here
Farmers Elevator company ware
house received between 500 and 600
turkeys Tuesday for the Christmas
market, announced Kenneth Blake,
manager. Prices ranged from 21 to
23 cents.
Mr. Blake said the birds were in
prime condition and about the best
bunch he ever saw.
Miss Isabel Fortner who has been
assisting her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Lucas, at the Lucas Place
for some time will return to her
home at Grass Valley for Christ
mas and her brother, Bobby, will
spend Christmas with the old folks
Sid Zinter of the Dry Fork sec
tion was transacting business in the
city Monday. Mr. Zinter recently
started a herd of white face Here
ford cattle to run in connection with
his wheat operations.
Want Ads
Don't throw away anything that
can be welded until I see it. W. e.
"Bill" Harlow, Heppner Blacksmith
nnrt Mflrhinprv Shoo. 4utl,
Good 6-room house for sale, part
ly furnished, $600. See J. O. Turner.
Widow, 43, desires housekeeping
on ranch or farm; references fur
nished. Pearl Gibson. 420 SW
Oklahoma City, Okla..
75 tons alfalfa hav for sale, at Pe
dro place. Fred Mankin, lone. 38-40p
Wood sawing, anywhere any time.
for cash or what have you. Max
Schulz, city. 38ptf.
For Sale IY2 horse gas engine
and a 4-cyL gas motor. Tom Wells,
city. 2H
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor
age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices: terms. Beall Pipe
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St, Pen
dleton, Phone 1274W. 7tf
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Granges Install
Jointly at Rhea Creek
Several members of Lexington
and Lena granges met with Rhea
Creek grange Friday evening. Boun
tiful dinner was served at 6:30 o'
clock p. m., after which officers-elect
of the several granges were install
ed into office by Mrs. Mary Lun
dell, county deputy. We commend
Rhea Creek grange for their hos
pitality. The ladies of Lexington grange
gave a 6 o'clock dinner Saturday in
the grange dining room, honoring
past masters. Clarence Bauman,
master-elect, presided as toastmas
ter. Amid mild revelry each master
reviewed some of the growth and
accomplishments resulting during
his administration. The diners then
assembled in the hall and listened
to the following lecturer's program:
Community singing, led by Mrs.
Trina Parker; piano selection, Mar-
sella Jackson; song by Burton Peck,
accompanied on the guitar by Don
ald Peck; duet, E. Harvey Miller
and Jesse Turner, with Mrs. Vir
ginia Turner at the piano.
Grange then convened and C. J.
D. Bauman, master-elect, and Anna
Smouse, secretary-elect, were in
stalled into office by Harvey Miller.
Rev. C. F. Trimble was elected to
membership. George Peck gave a
report from the agricultural meet
ing held Saturday at Spokane, where
delegates of the grange, Farm Bu
reau, Farmers Union and woolgrow-
ers from Oregon, Washington and
Idaho discussed agricultural pro
gram needful for the northwest and
whose combined deliberation ulti
mately accepted the Eastern Oregon
Wheat league program in its entire
ty, thus placing all northwest farm
groups under a united program.
The Lexington juvenile grange,
with Mrs. Norma Marquardt, juven
ile matron, assembled Saturday eve
ning in their new hall, which is a
valuable acquisition recently added
to the grange property.
Mrs. J. A. Anglin and father mo
tored to Yakima the end of the
week and returned Sunday after
transacting business.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E.
Hunt at the Sanford canyon farm
home Tuesday morning, an 8-pound
(Continued from Page 2)
quantity purchase of supplies and
more adequate distribution of plants
and equipment which the single dis
trict plan can effect, it was pointed
Because of the additional property
that would be made available for
special school taxing, and because
of the economies that may be ef
fected, a uniformly low special tax
would prevail on all property in the
county, it was emphasized from the
standpoint of taxation.
All schools would have uniform
qualifications, a point that any well
trained superintendent would de
mand, said Mr. MAtee, thus assur
ing one-room schools the same type
of teaching service that is available
to city schools.
That voting to come under the
county school law would not mean
an immediate consolidation of schools
was emphasized. The set-up calls for
districting the county into five zones
by the county court. One member
from each zone is elected to tne
county school board which has com
pete supervisory powers. These
members are elected for terms of
from one to five years, so that each
year one new member is elected, and
an experienced board is maintained
at all times after the organization
gets under way.
Those districts where schools are
maintained would still have their
own advisory committees, set up as
are the several district boards at
present, three members in each dis
trict. These committees would have
advisory powers only, to recommend
improvements or changes, such as in
teaching personnel, equipment, etc,
"For years I had constipation, awful
t9q hlnaHnir. headaches and back pains.
lAUrib hclncH rierht away. Now, I eat
hananas. Die. anything I want
Never felt better." Mrs. Mabel Schott.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
Final determination of policy,
making of budgets, levying of taxes,
selection of teachers, expenditures
of all monies and all other admin
istrative work would lie entirely in
the hands of the county board.
How crook county has especially
benefitted in one instance was cited
by Mr. McAtee. That was in obtain
ing a musical director for all schools
in the county, second in ability to
none in the state. By spreading her
services over the entire county and
drawing on all the county for pay
ment of salary, they were able to
obtain this type of talent and retain
it over a long period of years.
One point in the county school
law plan of organization that the
speaker did not recommend or con
demn was the method of electing di
rectors. While each zone nominates
its own director, the entire county
votes on the nominees' election. It
might be that the zone whose posi
tion is to be filled should have sole
power of election, it was intimated.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Lizzie I. Cox, deceased, has
filed with the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
his final account of his administra
tion of the estate of said deceased,
and that said Court has set Tuesday,
the 3rd day of January, 1939, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day at the County Court
room at the Court House at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
account and the settlement of said
estate and all persons having ob
jections thereto are hereby required
to file the same with said court on
or before the time set for said hear'
Dated and first published this 1st
day of December, 1938.
F. D. COX, Administrator.
NOTICE is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County this 25th day of November,
1938, upon and pursuant to a de
cree duly given and made by said
Court the 23rd day of November,
1938, in a suit pending therein in
which the Federal Land Bank of
Spokane, a corporation, was plain
tiff, and Mildred L. Harrington and
Frank Harrington, wife and hus
band; William Harrington, a single
man; and West Extension National
Farm Loan Association, a corpora
tion, were defendants, which execu
tion and order of sale was to me di
rected and commanded me to sell
the real property hereinafter de
scribed to satisfy certain liens and
charges in said decree specified,
will on the 31st day of December,
1938, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M,
at the front door of the County
Court House . in Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, offer for sale and
sell at public auction for cash, sub
ject to redemption as provided by
law, all of the right, title and in
terest of the defendants in said suit
and of all parties claiming by,
through or under them or any of
them since the 28th day of Mav,
iv&d, in or to tne ioiiowing described
real property, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter of Section
Twenty-four in Township Four,
North of Range Twenty-four,
East of the Willamette Meridian;
Situated in Morrow County,
State of Oregon;
Together with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurten
ances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining; and
Together with all water and
water rights used upon or ap
purtenant to said lands and
however evidenced.
Dated this 26th day of November,
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County admin
istrator of the estate of David W,
Thomas, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper
- . . .
vouchers to the undersigned admin
istrator at Heppner, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 1st
day of December, 1938.
JOS. J. NYS, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution in
foreclosure duly issued out of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, on the 14th day
of December, 1938, in a certain suit
in said court wherein State of Ore
gon, a Public Corporation, was plain
tiff and Roy E. Brown, and Harriet
Brown, his wife; Oliver Austin Dev
in, and Stella Devin, his wife; Dessa
D. .Hofstetter and Guy Huston, were
defendants, and in which suit plain
tiff recovered judgment against the
defendants Roy E. Brown and Har
riet Brown, and Oliver Austin Dev
in, for the sum of $2522.26, with in
terest thereon from the first day
of June, 1935, at the rate of six per
cent per annum, the further sum of
$200.00, attorney's fees, and the cost
and disbursements of said suit in the
sum of $12.10, and which said judg
ment and decree is dated December
14th, 1938, and directing me to sell
the following described real prop
erty, situate in Morrow County,
Oregon, to-wit:
The S of SWy4 of Section 2,
SEy4 of NEY4 of Section 10 and
SV2 of N and NWy4 of NWV4
of Section 11 in Township 5
South, Range 26 East of Wil
lamette Meridian;
ALSO, Stfs of SEy4 of Section
18, and NMj of NEV4 of Section
19 in Township 5 South, Range
27 East of Willamette Meridian.
Now, in obediance to said execu
tion I will on the 14th day of Janu
ary, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, at the
front door of the Court House at
Heppner, Oregon, sell the above de
scribed real property at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash
and apply the proceeds thereof to
the payment of said judgment.
Dated and first published this 15th
day of December; 1938.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
NOTICE is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, this 12th day of December,
1938, upon and pursuant to a decree
duly given and made by said Court
on the 12th day of December, 1938,
in a suit pending therein in which
Harry Thorpe was plaintiff, and
Frank Miles and Ruby A. Miles, hus
band and wife were defendants;
which execution and order of sale
was to me directed and commanded
me to sell the real property herein
after described to satisfy certain
lines and charges in said decree
specified, I will on the 14th day of
January, 1939, at the hour of 11
o'clock A. M. at the front door of
the County Court House in Heppner,
Morrow County, Oregon, offer for
sale and sell at public auction for
cash subject to redemption as pro
vided by law all of the right, title
and interest of the defendants in said
suit and of all parties claiming by,
through, or under them or any of
them since the 14th day of June,
1938, in or to the following described
real property, to-wit:
NW of SWJ4 of Sec. 14, Town
ship 4 North, Range 25 East of
Willamette Meridian.
Together with the tenements, here
ditaments, and appurtenances there
unto belonging or in anywise apper
taining and together with all water
and water rights used upon or ap
purtenant to said lands and however
Dated this 12th day of December,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrators of the
estate of Anson E. Wright, deceased,
have filed with the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County their final account of their
administration of the estate of said
deceased, and that said Court has
set Tuesday, the 3rd day of Janu
ary, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day at the
Page Eleven
County Court room at the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the
settlement of said estate and all per
sons having objections to said final
account or the settlement of said
estate are hereby required to file
the same with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 1st
day of December, 1938.
WALTER W. WRIGHT, -Administrators.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, exeu-
tor of the Estate of William F. Pal
mateer, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper
vouchers duly verified as required
by law, to the undersigned at the
law office of Frank C. Alfred, at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date of first publication of
this notice.
Dated and first published this 24th
day of November, 1938.
, Date of last publication, the 22nd
day of December, 1938.
Executor of the Estate of Wil
liam F. Palmateer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrator of the
estate of Francis H. Wilson, de
ceased, has filed his final account
with the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Morrow,
of his administration of the estate of
said deceased, and that said Court
has set Tuesday, the 27th day of
December, 1938, at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
in the County Court Room at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account, and
all persons having objection to
said final account or the settlement
of said estate are hereby required
to file the same with said Court on
or before the time set for said hear
ing. Dated and first published this 24th
day of November, 1938.
Date of last publication, Novem
ber 22nd, 1938.
Administrator of the Estate of
Francis H. Wilson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administratrix of the
estate of James N. Luper, deceased,
has filed with the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, her final account of her ad
ministration of the estate of said
deceased, and that said Court has
set Monday, the 9th day of January,
1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day at the
County Court room, at the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the
settlement of said estate, and all
persons having objections thereto,
are hereby required to file such ob
jections with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 8th
day of December, 1938.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 1st day of De
cember, 1938, I am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at pub
lic auction, at not less than the min
imum price herein set forth after
each parcel or tract:
Lot 15, Block 38, Town of Irri
gon. Minimum price $2.50.
All of Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
and 14 to the Town of Irrigon,
Oregon. Minimum price $132.00.
Terms cash or on payment plan.
Lots 2, 3, 4, Block 4, Morrow's
Addition to the Town of Hepp
ner. Minimum price $5.00.
Therefore I will on the 31st day of
December, 1938, at the hour of 2:00
P. M. of said day, at the front door
of the Court House in Heppner, Or
egon, sell said property to the high
est bidder for cash in hand or as
stated in said order.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.