Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 08, 1938, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, December 8,
'Danger at Crossroad'
Slated at Hardman
By Hardman High School
Since Rhea creek is giving a
dance on December 17, the high
school play, "Danger at the Cross
roads," must be postponed until af
ter Christmas.
The community Christmas pro
gram is well under way. There will
be a one-act play put on jointly by
the "Let's Talk" and the high school.
Also, another one-act play by the
Birthday club and the Christian
Endeavor, in addition to other num
bers. It was voted to hold the pro
gram in the high school auditorium
Thursday evening, December 22.
On Friday after school Misses
Rita Robinson and Vern .McDaniel
went to Heppner with Marion Ba
ling, and a little later Pat Robison
took Mrs. Muriel McCutcheon and
Glen, Misses Vera and Maxine Mc
Daniel, Jean Leathers and Mildred
Clary. All of these were delegates
to the Christian Endeavor conven
tion. Rita and Vern stayed at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Bleakman, and Mrs. Frank Turner
entertained Jean, Mildred, Vera and
Maxine. Other Hardman people who
went in for some of the meetings
were Mr. and Mrs. Neai Knighten,
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brannon and
Miss Juanita Byer. All of the dele
gates returned after the afternoon
session Sunday.
Rita Robinson lead Christian En
deavor. Instead of a topic the peo
ple who were there who had been
at the convention in Heppner re
ported on the different meetings.
Three pep songs learned at the con
vention were sung: "Since Christian
Endeavor Came to Town," "Wonder
ful Love" and "Come Into My Heart."
Mrs. Anna Heiny of Fairview was
a visitor at the G. I. Clary home
Saturday and Sunday. She has re
turned to Heppner to visit at the E.
O. Ferguson home.
Miss Frances Inskeep and Jim
Stevens visited at the Wm. Emert
home near lone Sunday. Tommy
Graham accompanied them as far
as Kincaid's.
Alvin Kleinfeldt of Heppner will
visit our Sunday school next Sun
day. Anyone interested is invited to
be present at 3:30.
Everybody come to the dance on
Dec. 10. Good music.
Les Robinson was a business vis
itor in Heppner Saturday.
Marvin Saddler, with the aid of
Creston Robinson and Tommy Gra
ham, directed a party in the high
school auditorium Saturday eve-
ning. In spite of the fact that the
girls were at the Christian Endeavor
convention there were enough pres
ent to make a very good party.
During the first part of the eve
ning, pinochle, five hundred and pit
were played. Then everybody danced
with Oren, Sam and Ed McDaniel
furnishing old-time music. After
supper the dancing was continued.
Mrs. E. E. Rugg was a visitor in
the city this morning from Rhea
creek. She sail that her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus
E. Brown, are now nicely settled in
an apartment in Portland.
Want Ads
For sale, used telephone, reason
able. Erling Thompson, lone. ltp
Good 6-room house for sale, part
ly furnished, $600. See J. O. Turner,
For sale, young Hereford Bull,
Earl McKnney, Heppnere. 37-9p
Wanted cow to milk or would buy;
11 pigs for sale. Inquire here. 37-9p
75 tons alfalfa hay for sale, at Pe
dro place. Fred Mankin, lone. 38-40p
Wood sawing, anywhere any time,
for cash or what have you. Max
Schulz, city. 38ptf.
For Sale IY2 horse gas engine
and a 4-cyL gas motor. Tom Wells,
city. 35tf
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor
age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices; terms. Beall Pipe
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St, Fen
dleton, Phone 1274W. 7tf
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Oregon Wildlife
Group Holds Busy
Session at O.S.C.
The placing of all wild life in Ore
gon, including fish and game, except
salmon and steelhead in the Colum
bia river and certain coastal bays,
under the control of the Oregon
Game commission, with their propa
gation and taking regulated for
recreational purposes, was advocat
ed in a proposed amendment to the
state constitution approved by the
third annual conference of the Ore
gon Wild Life federation at Oregon
State college December 1 and 2.
The amendment would close all
bays and coastal streams in Oregon
to commercial fishing except the
Columbia river and parts of Coos,
Winchester and Tillamook bays.
After a busy two-day session in
which delegates representing sports
men, stockmen, commercial fisher
men, forest service, wild life societies
and other interests involved dis
cussed Oregon's wild life problems
from many different angles, the con
ference was brought to a close with
the passage of several resolutions
and election of officers. William J.
Smith of Portland was re-elected
president, and the society retained
H. H. Stage, Portland, secretary
treasurer. Alva Day of Hood River
was chosen to succeed Malcolm Ep
ley of Klamath Falls as vice-president.
Among the resolutions passed was
one presented by the conservation
committee of the Columbia River
Fishermen's Protective Union which
provided that no commercial fish
ing be permitted east of Bonneville
dam except by Indians according to
their treaties; that the fish commis
sion be given power to close the Co
lumbia to fishing for at least two
weeks in July and all of Septem
ber, and recommended abolishment
of all stationary fishing gear, in
cluding seines, on the Columbia and
its tributaries; the measure to car
ry a referendum clause referring it
to voters for approval.
Other resolutions favored forcing
dredging operations to leave land in
productive condition; requested study
by a competent authority of effect
of contemplated dams over the state
on wild life before construction is
undertaken, favor passage of the
soil conservation districts bill to be
presented to the legislature, pro
vided for appointment of a com
mittee to wok for the establishment
of an animal industries building at
Oregon State college, and expressed
appreciation to President Smith for
his services and to Oregon State
college for its cooperation. A com
mittee was appointed to investigate
the possibility of sponsoring an Ore
gon wildlife sports show next spring.
Basket Social
Held at Irrigon
The Irrigon Pep club held a bas
ket social Saturday at the school
house which was very successful
The members of the H. E. club
motored to Richland, Wash., last
week to visit Mrs. Fred Markham.
Mr. and Mrs. Robb of John Day
have moved on to the Olmstead
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart returned
from Portland Sunday.
Jack Browning is confined at home
with tonsilitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand and Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Warner motored
to Walla Walla Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Caldwell ac
companied- Rev. and Mrs. Harness
to Freewater to a church fellowship
meeting last Thursday.
Read G. T. Want Ads. You way
find a bargain in something needed.
If vou can't eat or sleep because
eras bloats voU up try Adlerika. One
dose usually relieves stomach gas
Dressing on heart. Adlerika cleans
out BOTH upper and tower bowels
Patterson & Son
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, administrator of the
estate of Lizzie I. Cox, deceased, has
filed with the County Court of the
bazette Times, Heppner,
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
his final account of his administra
tion of the estate of said deceased,
and that said Court has set Tuesday,
the 3rd day of January, 1939, at the
hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day at the County Court
room at the Court House at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as the time and place
for hearing objections to said final
account and the settlement of said
estate and all persons having ob
jections thereto are hereby required
to file the same with said court on
or before the time set for said hear
ing. Dated and first published this 1st
day of' December, 1938.
F. D. COX, Administrator.
NOTICE is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County this 25th day of November,
1938, upon and pursuant to a de
cree duly given and made by said
Court the 23rd day of November,
1938, in a suit pending therein in
which the Federal Land Bank of
Spokane, a corporation, was plain
tiff, and Mildred L. Harrington and
Frank Harrington, wife and hus
band; William Harrington, a single
man; and West Extension National
Farm Loan Association, a corpora
tion, were defendants, which execu
tion and order of sale was to me di
rected and commanded me to sell
the real property hereinafter de
scribed to satisfy certain liens and
charges in said decree specified, I
will on the 31st day of December,
1938, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.
at the front door of the County
Court House in Heppner, Morrow
County, Oregon, offer for sale and
sell at public auction for cash, sub
ject to redemption as provided by
law, all of the right, title and in
terest of the defendants in said suit
and of all parties claiming bv.
through or under them or any of
them since the 28th day of May,
1923, in or to the following described
real property, to-wit:
The Northeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter of Section
Twenty-four in Township Four,
North of Range Twenty-four,
East of the Willamette Meridian;
Situated in Morrow County,
State of Oregon;
Together with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurten
ances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining; and
Together with all water and
water rights used upon or ap
purtenant to said lands and
however evidenced.
Dated this 26th day of November,
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administrators of the
estate of Anson E. Wright, deceased,
have filed with the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County their final account of their
administration of the estate of said
deceased, and that said Court has
set Tuesday, the 3rd day of Janu-
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County admin
istrator of the estate of David W.
1 nomas, deceased, and an persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper
vouchers to the undersigned admin
istrator at Heppner, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 1st
day of December, 1938.
JOS. J. NYS, Administrator.
All taxpayers who have unpaid
personal taxes for 1936, 1937 and
1938 are urged to call at the Sheriffs
office during the month of Decent
ber and pay these taxes.
By paying these taxes during De
cember, a convenient payment plan
can be arranged for any prior years,
Unpaid taxes for these years, after
January 1, are subject to foreclosure
proceedings and additional expense
to the taxpayer.
All unpaid 1938 taxes become de
linquent December 16.
ary, 1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day at the
County Court room at the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the
settlement of said estate and all per
sons having objections to said final
account or the settlement of said
estate are hereby required to file
the same with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 1st
day of December, 1938.
Sealed bids will be received by
Town Recorder, Lexington, Oregon,
at the ofice of Town Recorder until
8 o'clock P. M., December 16, 1938,
for the construction of WATER
and will then and there be opened
and publicly read aloud. Bids re
ceived after the time fixed for open
ing will not be considered.
Plans, specifications and form of
contract documents may be exam
ined at the office of the Town Re
corder and at the office of L. R.
Stockman, Engineer, Rand Building,
Baker, Oregon, and a set of said
plans, specifications and forms may
be obtained at the office of the Town
Recorder, Lexington, Oregon, upon
deposit of $15.00.
The full amount of deposit for
one set of documents will be re
turned to each actual bidder within
a reasonable time after receipt of
bids. Other deposits will be refund
ed with deduction not exceeding the
actual cost of reproduction of the
drawings, upon the return of all
documents in good condition within
30 days after the date of opening
Each bid shall be accompanied by
a certified check, cashier's check or
bid bond (with authorized surety
company as surety) made payable
to the Owner in amount not less
than 5 of the amount of the bid.
The Town of Lexington reserves
the right to reject any or all bids,
and to waive informalities.
No bidder may withdraw his bid
after the hour set for opening there
of, or before award of contract, un
less said award is delayed for a per
iod exceeding 30 days.
It is estimated that there will be
available for the work to be done
under this advertisement substan
tially the sum of $24,000.00.
Town Reorder,
Town of Lexington, Oregon.
First Publication Nov. 24, 1938.
Last Publication, Dec. 8, 1938.
Notice is hereby given that Fred
Crump, administrator de bonis non
of the estate of Annie Williams,' de
ceased, has filed his final account of
his administration of the said estate
with the Clerk of the County Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, and the said court has set
as a time and place for a hearing on
and settlement of said final account,
December 10, 1938, at the hour of
10 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day, in the county court room of the
Courthouse of Morrow County, State
of Oregon. Anyone having objec
tions to said final account must file
the same on or before said day.
Administrator de bonis non.
Dated and first published Novem
ber 10, 1938.
In the Matter of the Estate of SAM
UEL B. FORBIS, Deceased.
To Jimmie Burgess, one of the heirs
of the above named deceased:
OF OREGON, you are hereby re
quired to appear in the above en
titled court and matter within four
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this citation to show cause,
if any exists, why an order should
not be made authorizing H. L. Du
vail, administrator of the estate of
the above named deceased, to sell
all the right, ttile and interest of said
deceased in and to the following
described real property, situate in
Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit:
SWVi of Section 21, NWV4 of
NEy4 and NW of Section 27,
Page Seven
and NE of Section 28 in Town
ship 3 South, Range 23 E. W. M.
and the date of the first publication
of this citation is November 10th,
WITNESS, the Honorable Bert
Johnson, Judge of the above enti
tled court with the seal of said court
affixed this 4th day of November,
Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, and ex-officio Clerk of
said Court
(SEAL) 31-39
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned was duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Morrow County, exeu
tor of the Estate of William F. Pal
mateer, deceased, and all persons
having claims against the estate of
said deceased are hereby required
to present the same with proper
vouchers duly verified as required
by law, to the undersigned at the
law office of Frank C. Alfred, at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date of first publication of
this notice.
Dated and first published this 24th
day of November, 1938.
Date of last publication, the 22nd
day of December, 1938.
Executor of the Estate of Wil
liam F. Palmateer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrator of the
estate of Francis H. Wilson, de
ceased, has filed his final account
with the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Morrow,
of his administration of the estate of
said deceased, and that said Court
has set Tuesday, the 27th day of
December, 1938,- at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
in the County Court Room at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account, and
all persons having objection to
said final account or the settlement
of said estate are hereby required
to file the same with said Court on
or before the time set for said hear
Dated and first published this 24th
day of November, 1938.
Date of last publication, Novem
ber 22nd, 1938.
Administrator of the Estate of
Francis H. Wilson, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned administratrix of the
estate of James N. Luper, deceased,
has filed with the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, her final account of her ad
ministration of the estate of said
deceased, and that said Court has
set Monday, the 9th day of January,
1939, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in
the forenoon of said day at the
County Court room at the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, as the
time and place for hearing objec
tions to said final account and the
settlement of said estate, and all
persons having objections thereto,
are hereby required to file such ob
jections with said court on or be
fore the time set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 8th
day of December, 1938.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 1st day of De
cember, 1938, I am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at pub
lic auction, at not less than the min
imum price herein set forth after
each parcel or tract:
Lot 15, Block 38, Town of Irri
gon. Minimum price $2.50.
All of Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
and 14 to the Town of Irrigon,
Oregon. Minimum price $132.00.
Terms cash or on payment plan.
Lots 2, 3, 4, Block 4, Morrow's
Addition to the Town of Hepp
ner. Minimum price $5.00.
Therefore I will on the 31st day of
December, 1938, at the hour of 2:00
P. M. of said day, at the front door
of the Court House in Heppner, Or
egon, sell said property to the high
est bidder for cash in hand or as
stated in said order.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.