Thursday, December 8, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS Lex People Attend Portland Wedding By MARGARET SCOTT Mrs. Laura Rice and Anabel Tur ner attended the wedding of Kath erine McLaughlin and Edward Rice Wednesday, November 23, in Port land and reported a very impressive ceremony. The wedding took place at eight p. m. in the rectory of the Davis street cathedral with twenty five guests present. Nonie McLaugh lin was maid of honor and Bill Doherty was best man. The bride wore a floor-length dress of blue green velvet and carried a bouquet of gardenias. The bridesmaid was dressed in burgundy velvet with a mixed bouquet of roses, lilies, and snapdragons. After the wedding a reception was held at the St. Helens apartment house with about thirty guests present, after which the young couple left for a honeymoon in Se attle. Lexington grange will meet with Rhea Creek grange Friday evening for joint installation of officers. At 6 p. m. Saturday, Dec. 10, Lex ington grange is giving a dinner for the past masters and their wives with a program following. Every granger is urged to be present and bring a hot dish. The H. E. club will meet in an all day meeting Thursday at the home of Laura Rice. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gale of Portland. The baby has been named Patricia Mae. Mrs. Gale was formerly Mabel Wright. Mrs. A. H. Nelson of Canby ar rived here Thursday for a visit with her sons, Norman and Fred. C. F. Trimble was a Portland visitor last week. He was accompan ied home by Mrs. Trimble who came to attend the Christian Endeavor convention in Heppner. Those attending the Columbia Un ion C. E. conention in Heppner last week end were Edith and Jerrine Edwards, Erma and Doris Scott ifiid Rae Cowins. Myles Martin was a business vis itor in Moro last week. Maxine and Zelma Way accom panied their grandfather home Wed nesday afternoon and spent the week end in Portland. A. M. Edwards returned home Friday evening from his work in Washington. E. C. Miller of Salem is visiting at the home of his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller. O. D. Forbes of Boardman was a guest at the home of his brother, Earl Forbes, Friday night. Mrs. Ira Deultgen, Mrs. A. M. Ed wards and Mrs. Trina Parker were hostesses for a stork shower at the Congregational church Friday af ternoon honoring Mrs. Ladd Sher man. Games were played and re feshments were served. Those pres ent besides the hostesses and the honoree were Nellie Palmer, Getta Cox, Edna Munkers, Alma Daugh erty, Cecile Jackson, Susie Pad berg, Laura Scott, Cecil Smith, Ann Johnston, Reta Cutler, Carna Camp bell, Jessie Wright, Cora Allyn, Margaret Leach, Cora Warner, Mary Hunt, Ruth McMillan, Amanda Du vall, Frances McMillan, Emma Cox, Sarah White, Norma Marquardt, Emma Breshears, La Verne Hender son, Bernice Bauman, Ruth Lasich, Doris Lane, Opal Leach and Pa tricia Jewell. Ralph Jackson was a Pendleton visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller of Jeffer son were visiting here last week. Business visitors here Monday were Ray McAlister and Sheriff Bauman of Heppner. Esther Ruhl returned to her home in Estacada after being employed at the Cutsforth ranch for the past few months. Elmer Hanks and family spent Saturday in Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth and Thelma Smethurst spent the week end in The Dalles. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt were Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Carmichael. An alumninum demonstration din ner was conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lieuallen at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg Sunday evening. Those present besides the Cecil Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Henderson, Grace Turner, Ray Phil lips, Mrs. Biddle and Vernon Brown. RHEA CREEK-EIGHT MILE NEWS Grange met at the hall Sunday with pot luck dinner at noon. Lura Stephens was initiated in the third and fourth degrees. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett of Heppner joined our grange on a demit. John Reid of Weiser, Idaho, was visiting over the week end with his family at Eight Mile. , Rhea Creek will hold a joint in stallation at their hall Friday night, Dec. 9, with Lexington and Lena granges. A pot luck supper will be served at six-thirty. Mrs. Mary Lundell will install. On December 18 the annual grange Christmas tree will be held at 7:30 for grang ers and their families. Gifts will be exchanged and there will also be a program. Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Bergstrom Snd Mr. and Mrs. Ben- Anderson vis ited at Hermiston Tuesday. Miss Marian Moyer, teacher at the Liberty school three years ago, vis ited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergstrom. Miss Moyer teaches at Stanfield this year. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becket and daughter, Mrs. Johnny Hanna, spent Sunday at Fossil, visiting Mrs. Beck et's parents. H. E. C. will meet at the hall on Thursday, Dec. 22, with pot luck dinner at noon. The afternoon will be the Christmas tree and ladies will exchange gifts. PINE CITY NEWS Christmas Benefit Set at Pine City By BERNICE WATTENBURGER ' A basket social and program will be given by the people of the com munity to raise funds for the Christ mas tree to be held December 22. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Clark spent the week .end at the Wright home on Rhea creek. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers of Heppner and the state school inspector, Mr. Emerson, were callers Friday at the Pine City school. Miss Margaret Weaver and Mrs. Lois Kent attended the teachers' meeting at La Grande Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and Mrs. Pete Wilkins were Heppner callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger were Pendleton callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Neill are mov ing this week to the Baker place in the Stanfield district. Tom Boylen of Pendleton has bought the W. J. Wattenburger place on Butter creek. H. E. Young has lived there for a number of years. The Home Economics club of Lena grange will meet Wednesday with May Finch. A Sunday school class will be held at the auditorium at 2 p. m. this coming Sunday. Ross Updike and his brother Floyd were week-end visitors at the Fred Rauch home. Mr. Updike was em ployed at this ranch about ten years ago. J. A. Troedson was in the city Monday from the farm in the Mor gan section. Herman Nielson was in town on business Monday from the Rood can yon farm. WHAT MOTHER REALLY WANTS IS A NEW HOTPOINT THE S Lancaster 158o CONVENIENT TERMS How Mother will en joy using this hand some electric range! Has one Select-A-Speed and two Hi-Speed Cal rod Units, Thrift Cook er, Oven Heat Control, Storage Drawer. See it in our office today. Pacific Power & Light Company Always at Your Service at WILSON' in fact every article in this store is a potential gift useful, practical and ap propriate. . . . Newest offerings from men's style centers make this year's stocks especially attractive. . . . We like to have everyone look to their heart's content. Be they young, old, discriminating or not. SHIRTS -81, 81.65, 82, $2.50 PAJAMAS - $1.65, $1.95, $2.95 LOUNGING ROBES - $4.95 to $11.00 HOSE - 25c, 35c, 50c SLIPPERS - $1.95, $2.50, $3.00 We know He will want a GRAYCO TIE - 50c, $1.00, $1.75 MEN ! You can please the ladies, too. No woman has too much hosiery. Every woman knows Kayser quality. GIVE WM Hosiery of Style and Quality $1.00 -- 3 for $2.85 above mentioned were Mr. and Mrs,