Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 01, 1938, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday December 1, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Mr. and Mrs. Vawter Parker, J. J.
Wightman and daughter, Mrs. Claude
Graham, motored to Portland Fri
day afternoon for the Oregon State
Oregon football game Saturday, re
turning after the game. While in the
ity Mr. and Mrs. Parker visited
Mr. Parker's brother, John, and
Mr. Wightman and Mrs. Graham
called on Mrs. Ida Dutton, pioneer
Morrow county resident
. Joseph Belanger, county agent, re
turned to Heppner Monday morn
ing after having moved his house
hold goods to Moro the week pre
vious preparatory to taking his new
position as research cooperative
agent there, beginning December 1.
He and Mrs. Belanger were in Port
land Saturday to take in the annual
Oregon civil gridiron war.
The Frank H. Iindsey's had as
their Thanksgiving dinner guests at
the Morgan farm home, Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Stender and family and Mearl
Comstock of Salem, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Halvorsen of lone, Mr. and
Mrs. Archie Munkers of Lexington.
The Stenders visited with friends
over the week end, returning to Sa
lem Saturday night.
- Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Ball returned
home Sunday evening from a three
weeks sojourn at Portland and other
Willamette valley points while Mr.
Ball was enjoying a' vacation from
his position at the M. D. Clark store.
Mr. Ball reported fine weather gen
erally prevailing while they were
below and the trip most enjoyable.
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Miller were
among Morrow countians in Port
land Saturday to see Mr. Miller's
alma mater, 0. S. C, take her tra
ditional rival, Oregon, to the foot
ball cleaners. They were joined at
Moro by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bel
anger who took in the game with
Fred Mankin was among farmers
from over the county attending com
mittee meeting of Eastern Oregon
Wheat league here Monday evening
preparatory to taking recommenda
tions to The Dalles convention this
week end. He would welcome a good
heavy snow any time now.
Harold Cohn arrived home the
end of the week from the San Fran
cisco bay area where the week be
fore he attended the annual California-Stanford
grid classic. He re
ports it absolutely tops for all foot
ball games he ever saw.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Becket of
Wallowa were Thanksgiving day
visitors with relatives and friends,
being guests at the homes of Mr.
Becket's mother, Mrs. Daisy Shively,
and Mrs. Becket's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Ba
ker were in the county over Thanks
giving day, visiting at the home of
Mr. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. W. Turner, here, and Mrs. Tur
ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Engelman, at lone.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty and
daughter Frances motored to Port
land with their son Paul in time for
the football game Saturday as Paul
was returning to his studies at the
university after spending Thanks
giving at home.
Homer Tucker is among fortunate
elk hunters of the recent season,
bagging an animal with antlers 53
inches wide. He hunted with a party
of six that bagged five bulls in all.
They checked out through Pendle
ton. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gaily are
moving this week into the residence
in south Heppner being vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rippee. Mr. and
Mrs. Rippee expected to leave today
to make their home at Pilot Rock.
James Farley, Jr., was in the city
last week end from Hood River
visiting at the home of his parents.
He is employed with The Fair, Hood
River department store.
L. Van Marter spent the week
end visiting relatives and friends
here from his home at La Grande.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monahan vis
ited last week at the home of then
daughter, Mrs. John Barrie, in Yak
ima and were introduced to their
new granddaughter. Mrs. Barrie was
formerly Miss Patricia Monahan.
Miss Kathryn Bisbee was in
Heppner for Thanksgiving at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. E. Bisbee, coming from Oregon
City where she is located as health
nurse for Clackamas county.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Crawford,
sons John and Calvin, Norbert Peavy
and Bob Scrivner composed a car
load of local football fans attending
the Oregon-Oregon State football
game in Portland Saturday.
Mrs. Frank Lieuallen of Pendleton
spent Thanksgiving at the home of
he son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Barratt. Mr. and
Mrs. Barratt drove to Pendleton
with her Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rotzien and son
Frederick from Salem were over
Thanksgiving guests at the home of
Mrs. Rotzien's brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarz.
Mr. , and Mrs. Albert Gragg came
up from their Salem home to spend
Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Gragg's
mother, Mrs. Lillie Aiken, and other
relatives and friends.
Henry Smouse, Henry Peterson
and R. B. Rice were' among farmers
of the outlying territory attending
a meeting at the conuty agent's of
fice Monday. '
Jack Aiken came up from Port
land where he is a student at a mil
itary academy to spend Thanksgiv
ing with his mother, Mrs. Peggy
Mr. and Mrs. Crocket Sprouls and
Janet and Mr. and Mrs. James Wil
son and child of The Dalles were
week-end guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Hubert Gaily.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hyatt of
Pendleton were over-Thanksgiving
guests at the home of their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P.
W. Maohney.
Miss Kathryn Farnsworth, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Farnsworth
of The Dalles, was a guest this
week at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
D. M. Ward.
Gene Grabill of lone who recent
ly underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis was able to return home
from Heppner hospital on Thanks
giving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Mikesell of
Toppenish, Wash., spent Thanks
giving at the home of Mr. Mikesell's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mikesell.
William S. Campbell, Lexington
school principal, was in the city
yesterday afternoon attending the
meeting of county school boards.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tetz and chil
dren visited over the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fer
guson, coming over from Adams.
Claude Knowles arrived in the
city the first of the week from
Browning, Mont., where he has been
chief chef at the Yegen hotel.
Johan Troedson and sons Carl and
Vernon, were in the city Saturday
from their farms in the lone section,
attending the tractor school.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams were
among county people taking in the
Oregon-Oregon State football game
at Portland last Saturday.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hager
man at the home of Mrs. P. A. Mol
lahan in this city Saturday, a 7
pound boy, Jerry Thomas.
C. E. Carlson of Gooseberry, In
town Monday, said that the cold dry
weather wasn't doing the new wheat
any good in his section.
Leo Gorger, largeovheat operator
of the east lone section, was trans
acting business in the city Tuesday.
, H. A. Cohn left Tuesday for Yak
ima on business.
Charles Wilcox of Hermiston ar
rived in the city Tuesday evening
and spent yesterday in the county
transacting business.
LeGrand Guild came from Sno
homish, Wash., to sped the Thanks
giving week end here with Mrs.
Frank Anderson of Eight Mile
was among interested attendants at
the tractor school here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and
baby daughter motored to Idaho for
Thanksgiving with relatives.
Art Stefani, tractor farmer of the
lone section, came in Saturday for
the school at Braden-Bell's.
Frank Swaggart was a business
visitor in town Monday from the
ranch on Butter creek.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Sch
warz Tuesday at their home at Sen
eca, an 8-pound boy.
, Leonard Carlson and family were
visiting in the city Saturday from
the Gooseberry farm.
Baled alfalfa hay, $10 ton. Lotus
Robison ranch, Rhea creek, 1 mile
below Ruggs. 37th
A. M. Edwards, well driller of
Lexington, was transacting business
here Monday.
Hugh and Chauncy Grimm, long
time Irrigon residents, were in the
city Tuesday. 1
Mr. and Mrs. R. L." Benge spent
Thanksgiving in Walla Walla with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Clark spent
Thanksgiving with relatives at Hood
River. .
Bill Dn.hprtv nf Alnin was trans
acting business in the city yesterday.
Blue Mt. Council
Meets at Pendleton
The annual meeting of the Blue
Mountain council of Boy Scouts of
America will be held in Pendleton
on Tuesday evening, December 13,
at the Presbyterian church. This
will be in the form of a dinner meet
ing and is for all adult Scouters of
the council. The annual report of
council activities and accomplish
ments will be given at this time.
Edward L. Curtis, regional Scout
executive, will be the speaker of the
evening. " .
Carl Hebenstreit, finance chair
man, is calling a council budget and
finance meeting in Walla Walla on
Saturday, December 10.
Examination for basketball ref
erees will be held at the school
house Saturday moming at 10 o'
clock, at which time all aspirants
for the referee list will be given the
standard state test for basketball
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, Dec. 6, 1928)
More than $300 given in drive for
Boy Scout funds.
Contract let for new reservoir.
City to build new bridges across
Hinton creek on Elder street, and
across Willow creek on Morgan
Legion auxiliary to send cheer
boxes to veterans in hospital.
Leonard R. Schwarz and Miss
Mary Crawford married November
E. C. Amspoker, J. G. Thomson,
Jr., and Crocket Sprouls to leave
first of week on trip to Orient.
James K. Simons and Mrs. L.
Redding pass in week.
Barbara Juanita born to Mr. and
Mrs. Reid Buseick, Nov. 26, at home
on John Day.
Dan Beighle, Mitchell Thorn, Paul
Aiken, Frances Doherty, Ray Fer
guson, Paul Hisler, Jack Isom,
Stanley Reavis on town basketball
F. E. Farrior named Royal Arch
high priest
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Willows Grange
Elects for New Year
Willows grange met for business
in the hall at Cecil, Saturday, Nov.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Lundell and
son Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Markham
Baker, Miss Helen Lindsay, Marion
and Mancel Krebs, Mrs. P. C. Peter
son and Mrs. Ralph Ledbetter were
Willows grangers who attended na
tional grange in Portland last week
and were initiated into the 7th de
gree of the order. Mary Lundell as
chairman of the agricultural com
mittee of Willows grange gave a
splendid talk on the agricultural ex
hibits at the national meeting, and
of the agricultural talks.
Some new names of applicants for
membership were read and Mr. and
Mrs. Omar Rietmann were rein
stated. The following officers were elect
ed to serve for the coming year:
Master, Markham Baker; overseer,
Mary1 Lindsay; lecturer, Marjorie
Baker; steward, Mancel Krebs; as
sistant steward, Marion Krebs;
chaplain, Kenneth Lundell; treasur
er, Clara Kincaid; secretary, Helen
Lindsay; gatekeeper, Henry Graham;
Ceres, Mary Lundell; Pomona, Ge
neva Palmer; Flora, Marie Ledbet
ter; lady assistant steward, Dorothy
Brady; executive committee, O. L.
Lundell, J. O. Kincaid, Donald Hel
iker. On December 10 Willows grange
will have a potluck supper at 6:30,
then a business meeting and in
stallation of officer
Irrigon Wins Two
Basketball Games
Mr. and Mrs. Emmet McCov and
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Markham
spent the Thanksgiving holidavs in
The Irrigon high school basketball
teams, both boys and girls, won from
Adams and Westland, respectively,
Friday at the local gymnasium. They
will play Arlington there Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach, Bill
Graybeal and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Isom were dinner guests
at the home of Mrs.. Josephine
Graybeal Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Moses and fam
ily and W. C. Isom were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Isom Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson of
Prairie City were holiday viistors
in Irrigon.
G. T. Want Ads bring results.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 1st day of De
cember, 1938, I am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at pub
lic auction, at not less than the min
imum price herein set forth after
each parcel or tract:
All of Blocks 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
and 14 to the Town of Irrigon,
Oregon. Minimum price $132.00.
Terms cash or on payment plan.
Therefore I will on the 24th day of
December, 1938, at the hour of 2:00
P. M. of said day, at the front door
of the Court House in Heppner, Or
egon, sell said property to the high
est bidder for cash in hand or as
stated in said order.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
Order early and
get your pick.
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
to the
even if we have to give you a
If you don't attend the Star regularly, we want you to.
If you haven't been to the Star within the last six months (or
if you are so unfortunate as to have never been to the Star)
you've been missing out on a lot of good times.
THAT makes us both unhappy. Both of us will benefit if you
Will accept a free ticket from the theater. If you'll enjoy one
6how as our guest, we think you'll become a "regular."
Present this coupon at the boxoffice anytime before Decem
ber 15 th.
I haven't been to the Star Theater during the past six
months. I wouldn't fib to you.
Name ....