Thursday December 1, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three LEXINGTON NEWS Dinners Feature Thanksgiving Day By MARGARET SCOTT The local people spent Thanks giving day visiting with various rel atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Miller and family and Gor don Banker spent the day in Pilot Rock; Mrs. Alta Cutsforth and daughters, Mrs. Gladys Gentry and daughter and Lyle Cowdry of Hepp ner at the Harold Townsend home; Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetch, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rauch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rauch and family of Pine. City, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Khnger and family, Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Majeske and family, and Bill Van Winkle at the Henry Rauch home; Rae Cowins in Heppner at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and family, Mrs. Laura Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family at the Harry Duvall home; Mrs. Ralph Scott and family at the Neil Knighten home in Hardman; Arnold Sprauer at the home' of his parents in Mount An gel; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Car michael and Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman in Portland; George-Mc Millan and wife of Portland at the Gus McMillan home; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and family at the home of Mr. Steagall's mother in Spray; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bresh ears and daughters at the Carl Whil lock home; Mr. and Mrs. John Pad- berg, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg and family and Eldee Vinson at the Orris Padberg home; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kuehn of West Linn at the home of Mrs. Kuehn's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ryan; Margaret Campbell at the home of her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Camp bell; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones at the Ted McMillan home; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer and son and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and family at the Lawrence Palmer home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson and family spent the week end visiting in Hubbard. Asa Lee Way, small son of Mr. and , Mrs. Dan Way, was reported lost Sunday afternoon and many local people aided in the hunt for him. He was finally discovered asleep behind the stove at home. Howard Lane has returned to his home from Portland to recuperate from his recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears celebrated their 29th wedding anni versary and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr., and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall celebrated their 7th wed ding anniversary, November 28, with a chicken dinner at the Breshears home. The children and grandchil dren were present Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell of Cove visited at the Wm. Campbell home Friday. Margaret Campbell returned home with them. Ted and Ebb McMillan spent Fri day in The Dalles and Mrs. Ted Mc Millan and daughters, Pat and Jo, spent the day visiting friends in Arlington. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer are in Portland and their small son Lee is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer. A. M. Edwards and daughter Edith were business visitors in Pomeroy, Wash., Wednesday. Mrs. James Leach returned home from Portland Monday evening. Ellwynne and Kenneth Peck wee visitors at the home of their parents Thanksgiving day from their re spective colleges. Kenneth returned to Portland Friday to attend the Oregon-Oregon State football game, A. M. Edwards and Vernon Scott made a business trip to Washington Friday. Harold Townsend spent the week end with his family from his work in Morgan. Union Sunday school at 10:00 a. m, at the Christian church. Church ser vices at 11:00 in Christian church. C. E. at 7:00 p. m. at Congregational church. A. M. Edwards left Monday after noon for Washington to work. The Christian Endeavor society gave a Thanksgiving party in the Congregational church Tuesday eve ning. Various games were played under the direction of Edith Ed wards. The Heppner and lone so cieties were invited but the lone group was unable to be present. Those present were Kathryn Par ker, Lois Jones and William Mc Caleb of Heppner, Erma and Doris Scott. Zelma. Maxine. Joe and Claude Way, Eugene Majeske, Don ald Campbell, Marcella Jackson, Rae Cowins, Billie Nichols, Edith, Jerrine arid Albert Edwards, Louise Hunt, Colleen and Lavonne McMil lan, Mrs. George Allyn, Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mrs. A. F. Majeske and Rev. C. F. Trimble. Recent visitors at the George Peck home were Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Mil lett and Etta Millett. Mrs. Mary Millett is ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Peck. School News By Jerrine Edwards The school play, "The Blunder ing Herd, was presented by the student body on November 18, with a large crowd present. Skits from this play were given at lone and Heppner on the afternoon preceding the presentation at Lexington. Miss Patricia Jewell spent the holidays at her home in Oregon City. An interesting program was given in the auditorium last Wednesday in honor of Thanksgiving. Numbers were presented by the grade school students after which athletic awards were given to those high school students who had earned them. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman spent the holidays in Portland. While there they saw the Oregon-Oregon State football game. The losers in the ticket sale for the play will give a party for the winners on Thursday evening. Mrs. Lilian Turner spent the hol idays at her home in Heppner. Mrs. Edna Turner spent the holidays at her home south of Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Dueltgen were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell on Thanksgiving day. Six weeks' tests were given last week, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, because there was no school on Thursday and Friday. Hot lunches were prepared last week by Edith Edwards and Delpha Jones, and this week by Mrs. Way, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Baker at the Blackburn mill on Rhea creek, November 23, a 9-pound daughter. DEBIl'g can m fo) o n iki UJUU li see the rmsT nnnonni BM1K Any Branch SELECI V0UR RR...neui or used Under three years old Si PHV tnSH... you supply one-third the price in trade-in or cash; we lend you the balance required to pay for both car and insurance. You need not be a depositor to borrow from this bank Qny Etmck 0) mm BIB u gQBB " o o Trashy Fallow Helps Germination Differences in germination of wheat on summer fallows made in various ways have been noticeable in wheat fields this fall, according to the Morrow county agent On fields where trash is unevenly spread the wheat came up quicker on the trashy areas than on relatively bare places in the same field. It is thought perhaps the carry-over of moisture in the trashy spots was closer to the surface and the early fall rain was sufficient to bring the moisture to gether, while on the bare spots there was still a layer of dry dirt between the new and old moisture. EXAMINER HERE 8TH C. M. Bentley, examiner of oper ators and chauffeurs from the of fice of Earl Snell, secretary of state, will be at the city hall in Heppner on Thursday, December 8, between the hours of 1 and 4 p. m. All those wishing permits or licenses to drive cars should get in touch with Mr. Bentley at this time. LockerBoxes 3 SIZES TO SUIT EVERYBODY NOW READY FOR USE Locally Butchered Meats FRESH and CURED CENTRAL MARKET TURE PETERSON, Mgr. 7 BIG PUBLICATIONS EACH FOR ONE YEAR A Total of 124 ISSUES HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! - 12 Issues - 12 Issues - 12 Issues - 12 Issues - 12 Issues - 12 Issues All Seven For One Year $3.00 McCall's Magazine Pictorial Review -Woman's World -Good Stories - -The Country Home The Farm Journal The Gazette Times - 52 Issues REGULAR VALUE $5.25 YOU SAVE $2.25 YOU WILL GET ALL SEVEN publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and if you are already a subscriber to ANY of these SEVEN pub lications, your present subscription will be extended one full year. Mail or bring the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive THE SIX BIG MAGAZINES each month, and THIS NEWSPAPER each week that's 72 magazines and 52 newspapers 124 issues in all for only $3.00. ORDER AT ONCE because we may soon have to wthdraw this offer, or advance the price. USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE $2.25 Yes, indeed, I want to accept your magazine offer before it is withdrawn. Enclosed is $3.00 in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE YEAR'S subscription, new or renewal, to the following seven publications: lYear GOOD STORIES lYear lYear COUNTRY HOME lYear lYear THE FARM JOURNAL lYear .. 1 Year HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES McCALL'S MAGAZINE PICTORIAL REVIEW WOMAN'S WORLD My name is Town...... ...Address... ...State.