Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 17, 1938, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, Nov. 17, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Mr. Abplanalp of Hermiston was
a Heppner visitor yesterday, show
ing a line of nursery products to
prospective purchasers. A traveling
salesman for many years, Mr. Ab
planalp has made many friends in
Morrow county who may be inter
ested to know that his sight was
severely affected in an automobile
accident near Bend three years ago.
Containers of embalming fluid in
the wrecked car were broken and
the fluid got into his eyes. For a
time the resulting injury totally
blinded him, but his vision is im
proving. A third generation removed
from the original Swiss home, Mr.
Abplanalp explains that his name
means from Plahalp, a mountain in
Switzerland, and one of the few
words spelled the same backward
as forward.
Kenneth P. Bleakman, forest as
sistant who has helped with checking
the elk hunters in and out and who
was stationed at Ditch creek during
the fire season, was in the city Tues
day. He was just recovering from a
flu attack, but expected to take a
few days hunting himself before the
season closes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
Bleakman are rearing two baby deer
found deserted early in the season,
which Mr. Bleakman says are doing
fine and are mighty interesting. He
has been on the lookout for a three
legged bull elk which he saw many
times this summer, thinking that it
might be easy prey for hunters. But
so far it has not shown up. One leg
was put out of commission by a
hunter's bullet last year, he believes.
Three Monument men, Homer Wil
liams, Mr. Foss and Kenneth Rounds,
were injured in a recent automobile
accident and the car in which they
were riding was completely demol
ished. George Williams, also of Mon
ument and fourth occupant of the
car, miraculously escaped injury.
Mr. Foss is in a . hospital at The
Dalles with a broken leg. Homer
Williams received a severe leg cut
and lost much blood.
Dr. J. H. McCrady is in the city
today from his home at Cle Elum,
Wash. He has not resumed dental
practice since the automobile acci
dent in which he was seriously in
jured last year, and which caused
his retirement from the local field,
but he has made excellent progress
toward complete recovery. He ex
pected to go on to Portland tomor
row. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell en
tertained at their home Wednesday
of last week for Grandma Booher
of Lexington, 91-year-old Morrow
county pioneer who has been visiting
at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Sylvia Beymer, on Hinton creek.
Present besides the host, hostess and
honoree were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Keene of Lexington.
Dr. A- D. McMurdo and F. B.
Nickerson returned the first of the
week from their elk hunt in the high
mountains. They found that the
early storms had driven the elk to
lower country and they came home
Arthur Johnson, wheat raiser of
the lone section, was transacting
business in the city Tuesday. He re
ported that moisture was still short
in his section to promote best grow
ing conditions for the new crop.
Miss Gladys Benge of Medford
was in the citv the end of the week,
and was accompanied on the return
by her mother, Mrs. Rosa fcskelson,
who expected to spend the winter
at Medford.
John Voile of Irrigon and Jim
Omohundro of Hermiston passed
through town Tuesday morning on
the way home from an unsuccessful
elk hunting trip in the south moun
tain country.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Parker have
received word that they are grand
parents to a baby boy who arrived
November 13 to Mr. and Mrs. Onez
Parker, at Everett, Wash.
Joe Simas of Monument is report
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. McNamer en
tertained at dinner this week for
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mrs. William
Straight and Mrs. Lillian Cochran.
Dr. J. P. Stewart. Eve-Sight Siec-
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
HEPPNER HOTEL (in two weeks)
on WEDNESDAY. November 30th.
Carl Bergstrom was transacting
business in the city Tuesday from
the Gooseberry farm. A good rain
visited his section Monday night.
Recently announced is the wedding
of Miss Jean Simas to Marvin De
Vore on October 22. The newlyweds
are at home at Monument.
Mrs. Pauline ,Quaid, early day
Morrow county pioneer, was here
Tuesday from Portland, looking af
ter business interests.
G. D. Dennis of Portland visited
in the city for a few hours yester
day. He is a brother-in-law of Mrs.
Harold Cohn.
Mrs. George Howard and infant
son, Richard Allen, returned home
the first of the week from Heppner
GOP Victory
"Her Own Wings"
o Holman Decsion
Salem That the results of the re
cent general election in this state
contained many surprises goes with
out saying. The landslide which
swept Charles A. Sprague into the
governorship, for instance, was hard'
ly expected by even his most optl
mistic supporters. Conservative es
timates of Sprague's majority prior
to the election, among those who
predicted success for the Republican.
candidate, ranged from 15,000 to 25,-
000. Those who dealt in larger mar
gins were the rare exception. The
same was true in the case of Rufus
C. Holman's victory in the senatorial
race. Most prognosticators predicted
that the race between Holman and
Willis Mahoney would be close and
that Holman's margin would be a
slim one, should be succeed in win
ning at all.
Among all of the alibis and explan
ations that have been advanced to
account for the sweeping Republican
victory in this state' two stand out
as most logical. In the first place it
was a return to normalcy, Oregon
being normally a Republican ' state
that was only swept into the Dem
ocratic column by the Roosevelt
landslide of 1932 and retained there
in by the popularity of New Deal
policies in the elections of 1934 and
1936. This return to normalcy was
speeded -by dissention in the ranks
of the Democratic party which was
hopelessly split into a left-wing or
radical group led by Elton Watkins,
Henry L. Hess and others and a con
servative group commonly referred
to as Martin Democrats. Many of
these latter unquestionably support
ed the Republican nominees in retal
iation for the defeat administered
I . I I U 1 1 1 A i l-f A 1 J vN
Wlln M WAN I c'.
Sell "White Elephants"
Buy What You Want!
their candidate-by Hess in the May
That Rex Putnam, state superin
tendent of public instruction, a
Democrat, survived the rout of his
partisans in this state speaks vol
umes for the calibre of this official
who had the active support not only
of the educators throughout the state
but of a large majority of the news
papers as welL
When Governor Martin retired to
his political tent following his de
feat in the May primaries it was
with a promise to his advisers that
he would take no part in the general
election campaign. That promise was
rigidly adhered to. But on Wednes
day morning, following the general
election, he came out of his political
retirement beaming with satisfaction
over the results of the election, with
the laconic comment that "Oregon
still flies with her own wings." That
remark can be interpreted in only
one way. It was a public notice to
Secretary of the Interior Harold
Ickes and other members of the na
tional administration that the voters
of Oregon refuse to be dictated to by
the powers in Washington. It will
be recalled that in the primary
campaign Ickes gave his blessing to
Henry Hess and that throughout the
general election campaign Hess as
well as Willis Mahoney, democratic
candidate for the United States sen
ate, repeatedly resorted to the warn
ing that unless they were elected
the national administration could
not be expected to look with favor
on Oregon's future requests for PWA
and WPA grants and other similar
All of the state institutions will
pull through the biennium without a
deficit according to Wallace S.
Wharton, budget director. Several
of the institutions will be able to
return sizeable unexpended balances
to the general fund, Wharton said.
The results were hardly all in on
Tuesday's election before the king
makers began speculating on the
presidency of the slte senate and
the House speakership. As far as
the senate is concerned it appears
to be a foregone conclusion that
Robert Duncan of Burns will be
elected to the presidency without
opposition although the name of
Dean Walker of Polk and Benton
has also been frequently mentioned
in that connection.
In the House a lively contest ap
pears to be in the offing in the race
for speaker. Among those mentioned
for the post are E. R. Fatland of
Condon, a veteran of the past three
sessions; Walter Fuhrer of Salem,
another veteran; Earl Hill of Lane
county who will be coming back
after missing the last two sessions;
and Frank Lonergan of Portland,
who has also staged a comeback af
ter a prolonged absence from the
legislative halls. Geographically Fat-
(investigate the Cash Buyer Plan automobile financing)
(under three years old)
You supply one-third the price in trade-in or cash, we lend
you the balance required to pay lor both car and insurance
land would appear to occupy the
most strategic position. Eastern Or
egon has not had this honor for
several years while the coast coun
ties, southern Oregon and Portland
have all been recognized by elevation
of their representatives to the speak
ership during the past four years. '
The 1939 session will see the Re
publicans in control of the House
again for the first time since 1932,
with 48 members of that political
affiliation elected to membership in
that body while the Democrats will
have only 12. In the senate also the
Republicans will have an over
whelming majority with 23 mem
bers owing allegiance to the G. O. P.
while the Democrats will be able to
muster only seven votes, five of these
being holdovers. Senator W. A, John
son of Josephine, elected county
judge in Tuesday's balloting, has
already submitted his resignation as
a senator, and Homer Angell of
Multnomah county, Congressman
elect from the third district, is ex
pected to resign shortly. Senator W.
D. Bennett, democrat, of Multno
mah county, has also announced his
intention of resigning. These resig
nations, however, will not change
the political complexion of the sen
ate, since their successors must be
members of the same political party.
With Rufus C. Holman now a senator-elect
interest naturally centers
in his resignation and his possible
successor as state treasurer. Congress
convenes on January 3. If Holman
plans to qualify as a senator on the
opening day he must necessarily re
sign as state treasurer prior to that
time. This would pave the way for
the appointment of his successor by
Governor Martin who has let it be
known that, such being the case, he
would name "some outstanding citi
zen" who could be depended upon
to carry out the good work of Treas
urer Holman. However, it is not
necessary that Holman qualify as a
senator at the opening of the ses
sion. He might postpone that step
indefinitely and retain his post as
state treasurer in the meantime, at
least until the newly elected gov
ernor, Charles A. Sprague, a re
publican, has been inaugurated when
he would be in a position to name the
new treasurer. Holman, himself, re
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Arrive Tuesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickcrman, Agent
fuses to discuss the possibilities
wrapped up in this situation, but it
is believed that he will resign in
time for Martin to appoint his suc
cessor with the understanding that
Martin's appointee, shall be a man
agreeable to both Holman and
Labor leaders have announced
their intention to fight the anti
picketing bill, which was adopted by
the voters in Tuesday's election,
through the courts, challenging the
constitutionality of the measure. The
measure is also expected to become
the focal point for bitter controversy
in the forthcoming legislature where
it is expected attempts will be made
to amend it, a program which can
be expected to meet with vigorous
opposition on the part of the agri
cultural organizations which spon
sored it
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, Nov. 22, 1928.)
Legion and K. of' P.'s lead Boy
Scout drive with $25 each.
Eldred L. McMillan, young Lex
ington man, passes.
Miss Kathleen Monahan and Paul
Hisler wed November 14.
Everett Keithley sustains injuries
when car turns over.
Mrs. Bess Setters, grand matron,
visits Ruth chapter, O. E. S.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patterson re
turned Sunday from Pasadena, Cal.,
and Mr. Patterson is taking charge
at Patterson & Son store.
Heppner high loses deciding foot
ball game to Condon for Upper Col
umbia league championship.
Governor I. L. Patterson issues
Thanksgiving proclamation.
Roy Scott, Cecil, purchases J. L.
Cochran ranch at Top.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
' Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
ed to be suffering severely from a
rheumatic knee.