Thursday, Nov. 17, 1938 LEXINGTON NEWS Visual Education Possibility Talked Heppner Gazette Times, Heppneiy Oregon By MARGARET SCOTT er, secretary, Anna Smouse; Treas- Fire I Q2Q AAA lurer. Frank RaW- rlrs I730 AAA James Peck; Ceres, Pearl Devine; PaVmeiltS Go to Flora. Hortense Martin: Myra , Peck; Executive committee, Columbia CoUlltV iuu.cjr ""ci. iwrury omouse. I -c: l : j . . nnn At the last P. T. A. meeting Mrs. Burton Peck. Marion Palmer and . " meais unaw me l ag Smethurst appointed a committee of Beulah Smouse were reinstated. C. ncuilural conservation program three, consisting of Emma Breshears f" ??Ue aPPUed for membership, have just been made, according to phairm won " r vi, j Lexington grange accepted an invi- an announcement; by the AAA office as charnnan, William Campbell and tation from Rhea Creek grange to at .Corvallis. Although the bulk of Kalpn Jackson, to determine means meet with them Dec. 9th for joint applications for payment , are not by which five hundred may be raised installation. , A chimney flue had expected for some time yet, about to purchase a movie camera for vis- een constructed the week past and 200 from Columbia, Tillamook, Mor ual education in the local school second oil heater installed in the row and Multnomah counties have Although the public thinks that the hall, adding much to the been cleared and returned to the idea of purchasing this camera is a comtort ot me . audience. Clam counties for final signature. good one. it is auite a nrobW tn chowder, crackers, pickles and cof- The first checks went to 13 co obtain the necessary funds for. it. fee were served. Next regular meet- operators in Columbia county, who l he, committee met Monday after- in6 wm 1X1 oaturaay, uec. iu. About received payments aggregating $161. noon in Mr. Campbell's office to dis- twenty members indicated their in- 51. All sinned aDDlications and re cuss plans and though several were Mention of attending national grange ports of performance so far received mentioned, none was decided upon, which convenes at Multnomah ho- at the state office have been acted Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schriever and tel PortIand, Nov. 16-24. Burton upon. children, Jean, Byron and David, recK Master. were week-end visitors at the home Loans to Oregon wheat growers of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt. Sat- scno01 News under the ever-normal granary pro urday evening a group of friends Jernne inwards gram of the AAA have reached a gathered at the Hunt home to visit e Armistice program given in total of approximately 2Vz million with the Shcriever family. The school i auditorium Thursday af- dollars, a report from the state of Shcrievers, who for several years ternoon was very well attended. The fice shows. Only nine counties have were members of this community, Program was as lollows: 1 he Mean- thus far. reported actual completion now make their home at Molalla. inS of Armistice," by Elden Padberg; of loans. These are Baker, Gilliam, Mrs. Elmer Hunt received word a reading by hernia Way, flag salute Jefferson. Morrow. Sherman. Uma that her sister and brother-in-law, 311(1 singing of "America," readings tilla, Union, Wallowa and Wasco Mr. and Mrs. Garland Thompson, W -arl Marqardt, Colleen McMillan counties. are the parents of a son, born at San and Leonard Munkers, the story of The total for the, state shows 32 Francisco where the Thompsons e war and Armistice, read by Mr. farmers having received loans on make their home. ueuitgen and pantomimed by grade 128,742 bushels,; placed in farm stor- . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frederickson school students, and an Armistice age,, and f 20$ growers with 4,654,108 and son of Salem were visiting rel- rul by the first and second grades, bushels, in warehouse, storage, atives and friends here over the war sngs were sung by the high actual total of all Joans, as reported week end. school girls. The program closed to, the . state , office, is $2,485,995.37, mi. ami ivirs. vxiaries uannoiomewi " -""B" uwi upur umamia ieaas au counues wn ap of Pine City visited at the Elmer gled Banner." Hunt home last week. The Lexington football team, ad- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and vertised by Waitsburg, Wash., as one Mrs. Rudolph Klinger and family 01 me outstanding six-man teams in were Henry Rauch and family, Ju- Oregon, played Helix in an exhibi lian Rauch and family. Mr. and Mrs. on Same at Waitsburg on Armis- Al Fetch and Bill Van Winkle. ce dav between the halves of the Elmer Cummines from Washington Wait Hi-Washtucna game. Helix is visiting at the home of his son won the game by a score of 32-6. and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Pieper and Mrs. Majeske are Merle Cummings. cooking hot lunches at school this School District No. 23 has received week. Cooking this year is being a new 1939 7-passenger Plymouth. done by volunteer workers. . Miss Patricia Jewell sDent the The Lexington school is the proud week end in The Dalles at the home possessor of a new radio-victrola of her grandmother. ' which was purchased a week ago. Charles Shriever was a business is a valuable addition to our visitor in Hermiston Tuesday. school. Mrs. James Leach is visiting in Have vu bought your ticket for Portland at the home of her brother, the school play, "The Blundering Austin Smith. Herd," which will be presented at Harold Townsend has returned to the Lexington school on November Cecil to resume his work for a few 18 at 8:15 P- m..',lf not, you should weeks. pi to do so at once. Tickets are on , C. W. Peters is making a survey se hy all high school students at of the co-operative purchasing of iOC am dac- Ltas Plav 18 a Iarce farm supplies in Oregon. He is work- comedy in three acts, and the char ing from the experiment station of acters include Dan Dinges, Kenneth Oregon State college in Corvallis. Jackson, Doris Scott, Maxine Way, Kenneth Smouse of Portland was Donald Peck, Wilma Tucker, Jim a week-end visitor here. McLaughlin, Henry Rauch, Lavelle , Mrs. Wright of Portland is visiting Pieper and Jerrine Edwards, her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. " "m "t and Mrs. John Miller, and family. TnatlKSgiVing Dinner , The regular P. T. A. meeting was ri ' j f held in the auditorium Wednesday "iCHined Dy jrange evening. A small admission was Willows grange HomeEocnomics charged.. About 4.ia was raised on club v-members , .are r sponsoring a me auction wmcn was neid to raise community Thanksgiving dinner in money, for the Christmas tree. the I. O. O..F, hall in lone. All who A. M. Edwards was a business vis- wish may bring their basket of eats itor in Connell, Wash., Monday. f , and come have dinner at the hall Mrs. Neal Knighton and two chil- bn Thanksgiving day. The club mem- dren of Hardman are visiting at the bers will hold their regular business Kaiph bcott home. meeting at the hall after the dinner Ihe home economics club held its is over. meeting last Thursday at the home Willows grange held their first of Mrs. J? rank baling. meeting of the month in the hall at Those going to Portland for the Cecil Saturday evening, Nov. 12. national grange meeting were Mr. Owing to the absence of many of. and Mrs. Oral Scott, Mr. and Mrs. ficers, the election of officers was B. H. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. postponed until Saturday night, bmethurst, Mr. and Mrs. iJ'rank faa- Nov. 26. A large number of grange ling, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Devine, Mrs. members plan to be in Portland over Maude Pointer, . ired and Norman the coming week end to attend na Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth tional grange, and most of those eo. Smouse and Mr. and Mrs. H. V. ing down plan to be initiated into Smouse. the mysteries of the 7th, or National Mr. and Mrs. Dan Way visited in Grange, degree, which is the high- the valley this week with their est degree in the order, daughter and family. . , , . ... , . . Union Sunday school will be held APPRECIATION at the Christian church at 10 a. m. Loyalty to principles and the con- Sunday and cnurcn services wm be fidence of friends are two of the held at 11 a. m., also at the Christian richest rewards of life and I take church. C. h. is at 7:30 p. m. at the this method of expressing my ap- Uongregationai cnurcn. preciation for your support during n. rreeman w oaiem was a the recent election. I shall earnestly Dusme visiior m town xuesuay. strive to merit your continued con- jexmgton grange opened oatur- fidence. Thank you. day evening with the lecturer's pro- j, o. TURNER. . gram. The following officers were elected: Juvenile Matron, Norma Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Den- Marquardt; Master, Clarence Bau- nis (nee Adelyn O'Shea, teacher in man; Overseer, Harvey Bauman; the local schools for several years Steward, Myles Martin; Assistant and sister of Mrs. H. A. Cohn) at Steward, Fred Nelson; Lecturer, Emanuel hospital, Portland, last Laura Rice; Chaplain, Maude Point-' Friday, an 8 pound daughter. proximately 1,700,000 bushels under loans. Sherman county is a close second with 1,367,000 bushels. Mor row, Gilliam and Wasco are next, in that order. , , Clyde . Kiddle, state supervisor of government crop insurance, with headquarters at Corvallis, is recover ing from, serious injuries sustained in an automobile accident in eastern Page Three Oregon, when his car collided with the rear end of a truck. A fractured ankle bone, in addition to severe cuts and bruises, will keep him away from his official duties for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry (nee Patricia Monahan) are the parents of a baby girl, born recently at their home in Yakima. 3 SIZES TO SUIT EVERYBODY NOW READY FOR USE ' v Locally Butchered Meats FRESH and CURED CENTRAL MARKET TURE PETERSON, Mgr. and John Deere II II II ' m , II I TlT51feliJ Sclh)P 1 Beginning at 9 o'clock A. M. FREE LUNCH AT NOON NTIftELY MIW and different from anything in the past . . . completely ex planatory. Service and care of equipment from the owner's standpoint emphasized. Representatives from both John Deere and "Cdterpilar be present, showing Motorized Assemblies arid Interesting Still Exhibits to Ml IN- TRiACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. BELL