Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 17, 1938, Image 1

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public auditor! u v
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Volume 54, Number 36
Football Season
Reviewed; Farewell
Given Belanger
Lions Recognize
Successful Season,
Agent's Work
"It's the usual thing for the coach
to pat the team on the back, and
vice versa whenever a team emerges
victorious from the season; but the
credit for Heppner high school's
success this year m'ust go to the
boys," said Coach Robert Knox who
appeared before the Monday Lions
luncheon on invitation of the ser
vice club. Appearing also was Em
ery Coxen, captain of the team which
completed the season by defeating
every team met and suffered but one
defeat. The defeat, 6-0, by Arlington,
was later retaliated when Heppner
won, 25-0.
The coach cited several instances
of how the "wrong play at the
right time" made Heppner touch
downs, and in his turn Captain Cox
en who did most of the quarterback
ing, told of some of the "boners."
In the final game at Hermiston on
Armistice day, which Heppner won,
6-0, Coxen said one of these oc
curred. It so happened that the team
had an end-run play and a pass play
with the same number, but on the
pass play the word "pass" was add
ed. He intended to call the pass play,
and didn't realize until after the
play had started that he had omitted
"pass" in the huddle, and was for a
moment nonplused when Milt Mor
gan with the ball started galloping
out around end. Coxen said he ad
mired .the coach's spirit, for he
wasn't satisfied with just telling
how it was done; he also got in
there and showed them.
Spencer Crawford also told some
highlights of the games from the
spectator's viewpoint, and conv
mended the boys' fine showing of
sportsmanship and cooperation thru-
out the season.
Lion Joe Belanger was tendered a
farewell party by the club, as he was
to leave this week with Mrs. Belan
ger on a two weeks' vacation before
taking his new position as research
cooperative agent at Moro. The club
rehearsed his valuable service here
as county agent and active club
member, and presented him with a
token of esteem.
B. C. Pinckney asked cooperation
of club mtmbers in assisting with the
current Red Cross drive. Coach
Knox was introduced by President
F. W. Turner as a new member, and
Mr. Turner announced next week's
program as a "wool program" in
charge of Morrow County unit of
the National Woolgrowers auxiliary,
First FHA Loan
Granted in County
Completion of the first Federal
Housing Act loan in Morrow county
was announced this week.
The loan was obtained by A. E.
JtsurKenbine tor construction or a
new residence on the former Arthur
Smith property in south Heppner.
Contract for construction has been
granted T. Babb, local contractor,
and it is expected work will start in
the near future.
Braden-Bell company announces
a free dance under its sponsorship
to be held at the Legion hall in lone
Saturday evening, Dec. 3, extending
a public invitation to attend. lone
Rebekahs will serve supper. Both
old-time and new tunes will be dis
pensed by the Troubadors.
Heppner Gun club is sponsoring
a turkey and merchandise shoot at
the club grounds, five miles below
the city on the O.-W. highway, next
Sunday the 20th, and extends a
general invitation to the public. Both
trap and rifle shooting will take
Local Capital Goes
Into Baker Mine
H. L. Duvall and A. A. McCabe
of this county have joined a group
of west Umatilla county men in
purchasing a $60,000 mine in the
Baker district. Members of the com
pany, now in process of organiza
tion, met in Heppner Tuesday and
decided to proceed with incorpora
tion as fast as possible. Included
were John Heckman, Clyde Heck
man, Gilbert Smith, Hermiston; Joe
Panco, Cecil Kelely, Hermiston; Joe
Norton, Mt. Vernon; Herb Schesley,
company manager and formerly of
Hermiston; Mr. Gilliam, from whom
the mine is being purchased. Gil
liam is an old-time mining man who
developed and sold the famous "Red
Boy" mine.
The company has already expend
ed $4800 to construct a road in to
the mine, development work on
which has been completed. It owns
its own bulldozer, and has a com
pressor installed. Milling equipment
is expected to be added shortly. A
competent engineer is now at work
determining ore values. Previous
assays have run from $53 on the
low grade to more than $200 on the
high grade ore. A truck load of the
high grade ore was started for Ta
coma the first of the week for
smelting. All stock is being held
within the company, and incorpor
ation plans call for full protection
of stockholders' interests.
Tractor School to
Feature User Service
Instruction in operation, care and
adjustment of engines, tractors and
allied equipment will give an en
tirely new theme to this year's Bra
den-Bell tractor school to be held
at the Heppner store Saturday, No
vember 26, announces V. R. Run-
hion, manager. The show will start
at 9 o'clock in the morning and con
tinue throughout the day with free
lunch at noon.
Qualified and trained factory ser
vice men using large charts, animat
ed chart boards and cutaway as
semblies, will explain principles and
methods of adjustment of every im
portant assembly. This instruction
and information while applying pri
marily to Caterpillar' will be equal
ly helpful to users of other engine-
driven machines. By use of micro
phones and flood-lights, all will be
able to hear and see.
One short period of movies in the
morning and one in the afternoon
will show what is new and interest
ing in western power farming. No
films of strictly entertainment type
will be shown.
Red Cross Roll Call
Gets Good Response
With more than $150 already re
ported in Heppner, the annual Red
Cross roll call which swung under
way last week end gives prospect
of being the most successful mem
bership drive ever, reports Mrs. B,
C. Pinckney, chairman. She ex
presses appreciation of the fine re
sponse received by solicitors.
Though outside points in the
county have not yet been heard
from, it appears highly probable
that the county will go over the
top for its $350 quota, the largest
quota asked in several years. The
county last year made its quota
of ?300.
"Red" Bleakman, in the city the
first of the week, was preparing to
return to the Galena section where
he and a group of other Hardman
men are installing machinery to do
sluice mining for gold. Bleakman
said, everything was about ready
to go.
All applicants who have received
admission cards for the substitute
clerk postoffice examination will
present them to the examiner at the
local high school on the morning of
Saturday, Nov. 19, at 9 o'clock a. m.,
reports J. H. Driscoll, secretary, lo
cal civil service board.
Oregon, Thursday, November 17. 1938
Assistant Secretary
Brown to Address
Wheat League
First Hand Informa
tion on Adjustment
Program Expected
The final touch to one of the
greatest Eastern Oregon Wheat lea
gue programs was given this week
when Harry Brown, assistant secre
tary of agriculture, accepted the
league's bid to inform this year's
meeting of latest developments in
the agriculture adjustment program
announces George N. Peck of Lex
ington, league president. Brown will
appear at the morning session, Fri
day, of the three-day annual con
ference at The Dalles, December 1-3
Though the full program will not
be ready for release until next week.
Peck says Brown's appearance will
complete the desire of league direct
ors to have leading men in every
field of the wheat industry to head
the various discussions.
Brown's appearance is especially
appropriate at this time, Peck says,
because of the many problems con
fronting the agricultural adjustment
program. And it is believed he will
have first hand information that will
be of vital concern to all wheat
growers. His appearance at eastern
Oregon's wheat league meeting is
also taken as a recognition of ef
fectiveness of the league's past ac
C. W. Smith, assistant state coun
ty agent leader and league secre
tary, conferred with Peck on the
coming program when in the city
Tuesday. Further information on
the program will be found in a story
in another column.
County Officials
Attend Conventions
Most of the officials at the court
house are absent this week, attend
ing conventions of their respective
associations at Salem. Included are
Clerk Charles Barlow, Treasurer
L. W. Briggs and Mrs. Briggs, Judge
Bert Johnson, Commissioners L. D.
Neill and George Peck, and Engin
eer Harry Tamblyn. The different
conventions are being held in Salem
for the first time this year, particu
larly for the purpose of helping ded
icate the new state house.
Members of the county court ex
pected to be in Portland today to
meet with the state highway com
mission, which is opening bids on
various road jobs, including the
Rock creek sector of the Heppner
Condon road. The court expected to
find out why the Rhea creek sector,
also, has not been advertised.
Mrs. Clara Beamer attended a
state conference of Business and
Professional Womens clubs at As
toria, Sunday, and on Wednesday
and Thursday preceding she attend
ed a conference of state relief work
ers in Portland. The workers' con
ference discussed the new medical
program for the state. Mrs. Beamer
is state legislative chairman for the
B. P. W., and at the Astoria meet
ing led a discussion of legislative
measures appearing on the Oregon
The local Union Missionary so
ciety will meet at 2:30 tomorrow
afternoon at the Christian church.
All are invited.
Mrs. James Gentry this week gave
contract of sale of her place in south
Heppner to Mrs. Patterson of Her
A tea and bazaar will be held at
I. O. O. F. hall, Nov. 19, sponsored
by Past Noble Grand club. Hours.
1 to 6. 35-36.
Harold Cohn left Tuesday on a
business trip to San Francisco.
Heppner Takes
Armistice Day Game
By defeating the Hermiston Bull
dogs, 6 to 0, at the annual Armistice
Day battle at Hermiston, the Hepp
ner Mustangs added to their record
of beating every team played dur
ing the season and concluded their
season with 158 points to opponents'
12 points.
A series of line drives resulted in
Heppner taking the ball to the Her
miston 20-yard line in the first quar
ter, where they were forced to punt.
The second and third quarters
showed a fighting, hard-hitting
Bulldog team successfully staving off
the threatening Mustangs. During
the fourth period of play, Hermis
ton marched 20 yards on a reverse
and 18 on a pass, but lost the ball
on downs, when the Heppner de
fense stiffened..
Possibilities for a scoreless tie
were suddenly changed to victory
for Heppner in the closing minutes
of play. The break came in the form
of a bad pass from center to the
Hermiston right half who was
brought down by Crawford on the
one-foot line, a safety being barely
prevented. Though Hermiston suc
ceeded in punting out to their 30
yard line, Morgan made a brilliant
return to the 7 -yard line. Merrill
plunged to the 4, and finally, by
means of an off-tackle smash, Pet
tyjohn covered the remaining four
yards for the touchdown. A buck
through the line for conversion was
stopped, leaving the final score at
6-0. Hermiston threatened in the
last few minutes by a series of passes
and runs, but the end of the game
found Heppner on their opponents'
15-yard line, well on their way to a
second touchdown.
New County Agent
Named by Dec. 1
Announcement of the successor
to Joseph Belanger as Morrow
county agricultural agent will be
made by December first, the date
Mr. Belanger's resignation becomes
effective, said Charles W. Smith
assistant state county agent leader
who was in the city Tuesday. No
selection has yet been made, but
consideration is being given a num
ber of applications.
It is the desire of the state office
to recommend the best man avail
able for the position to the county
court which has final say in the ap
pointment, hence time is being tak
en to make thorough study of the
applications, Mr. Smith said.
The work Mr. Belanger has done
during his tenure in the county in
carrying out recommendations of or
ganized agricultural groups has been
exceptional, and an effort is being
made to get an experienced and
qualified man to take over in order
that the program now under way as
the result of the farm economic con
ferences a year ago will be carried
on without interruption, said the
state official who himself was Mr.
Belanger's predecessor here.
County Grangers
at National Meet
Various granges of the county are
represented at the National Grange
convention now in progress in Port
land. The sessions started vester
day and will continue until Sunday
evening. A number of Morrow
county people will take the highest
grange degree, the 7th, or national
Morrow county grangers were to
play host to the state grange master
from Arkansas and his wife who
were reported as delayed in Utah
by storms. Attendance is reported
far ahead of expectations, and many
entertainment features including
tours to points of interest in the
state are on the schedule.
Judge C. L. Sweek expected to
hold motion day in circuit court
here today.
Lost, truck bumper with license
PUC6468X, F447. Reward. Leave at
Kane garage. , 36-37p.
Mayor-Elect Bags
Season's Largest
Elk; 35 Reported
Illegal Deer Slayirig
Told by Two Local
Men This Morning
Heppner's newly-elected mayor,
George Bleakman, brought in the
grand daddy of all elk this morning,
the largest trophy among the 35 ani
mals so far checked through the lo
cal station. The antlers had a 54
inch spread, were 50 inches high
from base to tip, and were 3 inches
in diameter.
Tupper ranger station and Alder
creek vicinity has been the site of
most kills reported locally.
With good reports of the hunt,'
comes this morning evidence of less
sportsmanlike conduct on the part
of some hunters, as Max Schulz and
Roderick French came to town with
a four-point buck deer they had
found, not yet dead but fatally
wounded, which they turned over
to the state game police. The boys
reported finding four such slain
deer, and that Tommy Howell had
found a fifth, evidencing malicious
slaying on the part of some hunters.
Though Schulz and French had
no luck in bagging an elk them
selves, they saw several that had
been killed in the Alder section, and
brought report of one crippled elk
calf having been seen. A Portland
man was said to have killed and
dressed an elk, one of four killed
within five minutes time, they said,
and then leaving it was unable to
find it again. Many hunters were
helping him search, but the meat
had not been found when they left
The boys said the wind was blow
ing hard in the timber yesterday,
felling many trees, and some snags
were blown across the road between
Tupper and Parkers Mill. Snow
was aboot gone from the south hill
sides. They saw 15 does in the vicin
ity of the slain bucks, and reported
that a Salem man said he saw 59
deer between Bear and Skookum
creeks yesterday, including a buck
on which he counted 52 points.
Hunters besides Mr. Bleakman
who have checked out animals here
include R. H. Fickert and C. T. Bur
gess of Red Bluff, Cal., and Ed
Geinger of Court Rock who hunted
with Harley and Elmer Matteson;
C. Whitmore, Hillsboro; J. K. Rob
erts, Echo; W. O. dinger, Rose-
burg; Bill Bosquet, Umatilla, whose
elk had a 52-inch spread; Delvin,
Matteson, Kenneth McKenzie, Glenn
Hayes, Lawrence Matteson, Bert
Mason, L. R. Cox, Wilbur Gorley,
Adrian Bechdolt, Roy Bosworth, N.
K. Dobyns, Wilson Beamer, William
Hall, Herbert Davidson, E. E. Gil
liam, Louis L. Gilliam, Len L. Gil
liam, R. K. Drake, Delbert Robin
son, Carey Hastings, Raymond Mc
Donald, all of this county; Roy
Nicholson, Molalla; Floyd Arnold,
Beaver Creek; Wiley Gardner, Dal
las; A. Greener, Hillsboro, and El
mer Musgrave, Fox Valley.
Gene Ferguson is reported to have
bagged a nice bull, checked out at
The kill is considered exceptional
in comparison to the number of
hunters and the tough hunting con
ditions. The local clerk's office is
sued 129 elk tags, and reports from
other points in the county indicate
a total of 150 for the county.
Ihe season closes Sunday.
Garden Club Leader
Comes Next Monday
Mrs. H. O. Mansfield, Milton, re
gional vice-president Oregon Fed
eration of Garden clubs, will appear
at the Parish house in Heppner next
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Everyone in the county interested
in gardening is invited to attend.
For Sale 50 x 150 ft., good loca
tion for residence. A. J. Westhoff.