Thursday, November 3, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three Lex Man's Mother Dies at Hubbard By MARGARET SCOTT Ralph Jackson' and family were called to Hubbard last week by the sudden death of Mr. Jackson's mother. The Three Links club will serve hamburgers, pie and coffee in the Leach hall on election day. Wilf ord Sirrine, candidate for state senator, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones Thursday evening. Mr. Sirrine, who was formerly of Union, now makes his home at La Grande. Mrs: Grace Turner entertained with a dinner party one evening last week. Guests were Mr. and 'Mrs. Cecil Jones. Rav Phillips and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Smethurst and daugh ter Betty. After dinner dancing was enioved. Dinner guests of Mrs. Cecil Jones Wednesday were Mrs. Al Feth and Mrs. Johnnv Hanna. Wm. D. Campbell spent the week end in Beaverton with Mrs. Camp bell and daughter Patsy. He was ac companied home by Mrs. C. F. Trim ble who has joined her husband in the local pastorate. Portland visitors this week were Mrs. James Leach, Harvey Miller and son Tad. Mr. and Mrs. John Padberg were Sunday dinner guests at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg. N Mr and Mrs. Bob McMillan and daughters, Patricia 'and Sandra, of Hillsboro were week-end guests -at the Gus McMillan home. Barbara Slocum was also a guest of the Mc Millans from her Rhea creek home. Hermiston visitors Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Lon Edwards and children. Edith and Johnny. Church services will be held in the Christian church Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Union Sunday school at 10 a. m. and C. E. at 7:15 t. m. Mrs. Charley Breshears was a business visitor in lone one day last week. A Hallowe'en party was given by the C. E. society Friday evening at the Congregational church. Games were played, among which was a trit to the "Haunted House. Re freshments of jello, cake and punch were served. Those present were Zelma. Maine. Joe and Claude way, Rae Cowins, Erma, Doris and Aileen Scott, Edith, Jerrine and Clyde Ed wards. Colleen and Lavonne Mc Millan. Esther Thompson, Leonard Munkers, Roger Campbell, Louise Hunt, Billie Nichols, Patricia Jewell and Mrs. Rov Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eskelson are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cutler from their Lone Rock home. Alex and Edward Hunt made a trin to Pendleton Monday. Miss Gerrv Cutler entertained with a costume party Sunday eve ning. Games were enjoyed and re freshments of goblin cakes, jello and apple cider were served. Those pres ent besides the hostess were Mr. and Mrs. Deultgen and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. John Lasich and daughter Ruth Ann, Katherine Turner, Louise and Claire Hunt, Bertha Dinges, Eileen Scott, Lavonne and Colleen McMil lan. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Trimble were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kleinfeldt in Heppner Tuesday. Neal Knighten and Irl Clary of Hardman were visitors at the Ralph Scott home Friday. Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Elmer Hunt were hostesses for a progress ive Hallowe'en party Monday eve nine. The party started at Mrs. Mil ler's home and from there the guests went to the homes of Edward's, Jackson's, Ryan's, Barnetfs, and the last place was Hunt's. At each home the children would play a game and receive a treat to add to their paper sack lunches which were eaten at the Hunt home, with cocoa. Those present , were Louise . and Claire Hunt, Elizabeth and John Ed wards, Patsy and Jimmie Ryan, Ro berta, Marjorie and Loren Miller, Colleen, Lavonne and Denny Mc Millan, Carol Jackson, Dean and Shirley Hunt, Darleen Biddle, and Aileen Scott. School News By Jerrine Edwards The Lexington six-man football team played its last game on the lo cal field last Friday with lone. Lex- ington defeated lone by a score of 18 to 6. As a birthday present. Mr. Camp bell was given a peanut shower on Thursday during student body meet ing. The regular meeting of the P. T. A. will be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, at 7:30 in the auditorium. Be sure to save the evening of No vember 18 for the high school play, "The Blundering Herd," which will be presented in the auditorium at 8 o'clock that evening. The cast has been working hard and the play is expected to be among the best pre sented for some time. A special meeting will be held Saturday evening, Nov. 1, at Lex ington grange hall, when Willows grange degree team will initiate can didates in waiting, in the third and fourth degrees of Patrons of Hus bandry. All grangers welcome. B. H. Peck. United Church of Lexington, lone Rev. C. F. Trimble, pastor Sunday school in both towns at 10. The pastor will preach at 11 a. m. at Lexington and 7:30 at lone. All morning services at Lexington will be held at the Christian church. The services at lone will be held in the Congregational church. . Coffee and Cookies Served Sat urday from. 2 to 5 p. m. Everyone is cordially invited to stop in and visit during this grand opening event New complete stocks of merchandise are on hand, and for this special sale we have assembled one of the greatest selec tions of values ever offered. Prices are slashed in every department. Stop in and see for yourself the wndeful bargains we are displaying in quality merchandise. Enjoy a pleasant visit with us. 0 QGb ETUOB G& $1.00 Oil Value INCLUDED at No Extra Charge with Each of These Batteries Sav $2.00 to $3.00 en Batteries of Similar Quality Compare S. A. E. ratings and be convinced 45 Plate Battery. Guaranteed 24 Months. it ICQ Exchange Price..' Q 51 Plate Battery Guaranteed 36 Months. tAO Exchange Price ,fO 57 Plate Reverse Assembly Battery Guar- "f 4 Q anteed 24 Months. Exchange Price 1 57 Plate Battery Guaranteed 24 Months. A75 Exchange Price Tr 1 Gallon Tiger Winter Oil less can, in cluded with each of above Batteries. ALL BATTERIES INSTALLED FREE Other Batteries at Low as 3.29 ' Exchange Price (Oil Not Included) WITH EACH 2-GALLON CAN of Pennsylvania Oil at HM9 we will give one large tube of shaving cream, rube of tooth paste and a tooth brush. REGULAR $1.15 ELECTRIC TOASTER OfC With Cord U REGULAR $1.15 ELECTRIC IRON OQt Sale Price 70V REGULAR $1.00 ALARM CLOCK- flfC Guaranteed O A TUBE A.C. MANTEL RADIO 4 TUBE VA VOLT MANTEL RADIO Less f AO c Batteries. . T I Ww" Licensed $1.25 Per Week Payable Monthly R. C. A. $tVf OK R0YBLUE Regular "B" BATTERIES "ZlrtfSZ Regular Price $1.13, A i Sale Price 70S TIGER HEAVY DUTY "B" BATTERIES Regular $1.79 $159 WITH GAMBLE'S BONDED ANTI-FREEZE Insured pro tection against freezing dam age. Sealed Can Per Gallon lllP Per Quart ; 83 $3.50 Value Defrost- RADIATOR SOL DER or CLEAN-Af ER Regular 1 3c TV ROYBLUE Flashlight Cells Reg. 3 for 9c 2 ,o' 6 Lunch Kit with Pint Vacuum Bot-f 4 O lie Sale Price. worn PORTABLE OIL HEATER J i J i Sturdy, clean burning, odor less. Regular price $4.98. 0 Sale Price 39 BIG BOY BLUE RAZOR BLADES Special jjfory PRICE REDUCED on This Econ omy ELECTRIC WASHER Save Now During This Sale Washer has: Porcelain Enamel Tub Positive Safety I Release Reversible Drain Boards : Permanently Lu bricated, Preci sion Cut Gears ' ' Fully Enclosed Fully Guaranteed Special Sale Price $44.95 $1.M Per Week Payable Monthly Tint Paywant Plan Includtl Flr, ThH and Tornado Iniwanc Flows Freely at 35 Below Zero The perfect winter motor oil for your car. Protection and lubrica tion at any winter temperature. Low Carbon Formation Long Mileage Complete Protection Flows Freely Even at 35' Below Zero $1.00 value. Per Gal lon, Less Can, Includ ing Federal Tax Small Chars tor Rttumabl Containtr L If 67 GEE? fli$553 GBfluEEa Gamble's Standard Hot Water Heater Quality far above ordinary heat ers selling at this price. Revolv ing deflector. Tubular core. Spe cial opening for de- A Mr . froster tube. Regular 4f price. $5.95. Sale v r II mam IB (XX O EXDO i 0Co am stic3oiid 6 OZ. CANVAS GLOVES Regular 6 pair 60c Sale Price Pair 4ft OWNED AND OPERATED BY TOM HAGERMAN