Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 27, 1938, Image 1

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PUBLIC A '2 D I T 0 R I 'J
Volume 54, Number 33
Fathers-Sons Dine
Tomorrow to Boost
Boy Scout Work
Judge Sweek Will be
Toastmaster; Lex
Sending Delegation
If you are a father and have a son,
bring him, and if you are a man
without a son, buy a ticket for some
one else's son but anyway attend
the father and son banquet in the
basement of the Church of Christ
tomorrow evening. That is the word
from the Boy Scout executive com
mittee which is attempting to make
every male member of the popula
tion Boy Scout conscious tomorrow.
The time is 6:30. The admission
price, $1 including covers for one
man and one boy.
It's going to be like old times
again, promises B. C. Pinckney,
chairman of the committee, with
Judge C. L. Sweek in the role of
toastmaster. Judge Sweek, who has
presided at several fathers-sons
banquets here in the past, accepted
the committee's invitation. Rev. H.
C. Young is slated for the main
Joining with local fathers and sons
will be a delegation from Lexington
and officials of the Blue Mountain
council are expected to lend a hand.
The committee stresses the invi
tation to every boy, whether a Boy
Scout or not, or whether too young
or too old to become a scout, and
gives the word to boys who may not
be able to attend with their own
father, to attend anyway. A man
will be provided to pay the way
and accompany him.
This evening scout leaders and
executives from over the county will
have a dinner meeting at Hotel
Heppner when plans will be laid to
lend emphasis to Boy Scout work
generally over the county.
R. I. Thompson Takes
Swift Tour in East
Ralph I. Thompson, local sheep
raiser and president of Morrow
Countv Wool and Sheep club, re
turned home this week from a tour
in the east as a guest of Swift & Co.,
on which he was privileged to see
the inside of the meat packing in
dustry from the stockyards in Chi
cago to consumption of the meat on
the table.
Mr. Thompson was one of two
Oregon men picked to be guests of
the packing company in accordance
with the company's custom of each
year entertaining two men connect
ed with the production end of the
meat game from each of the west
ern states. J. G. Barratt of this city
was one of the Oregon men making
the trip last year. Mr. Thompson
has been invited to tell his impres
sions of the trip before the Lions
luncheon next Monday.
W. S. Bennett, local Smith-Hughes
instructor, believes in getting the
full amount of hunting for his mon
ey. After hunting for his buck each
week end during the open season he
finally ran him down last week end,
his final opportunity before the sea
son closed Tuesday. It was a nice
There will be a farewell dinner
at All Saint's Parish house for Rev
Ralnh V. Hinkle on Sunday, Oc
tober 30th, immediately following
the morning service. The dinner is
pot-luck but rolls, coffee, sugar and
cream will be furnished. The churcJ
members and their families are in
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stone departed
this week for their former home at
Walla Walla, Mr. Stone having re
signed his position at Central mar
ket. John Stoars, recently oi Molal
la, has succeeded to the position.
City Ups Tax Amount
Slightly for 1939
The amount to be raised by taxa
tion for the city of Heppner will
slightly increased next year with
the budget estimate, prepared Mon
day evening, calling for $10,375 as
against $9,160 for this year. Includ
ed is $2500 for the new swimming
pool which is largely offset by re
ductions in other departments. For
replacing mains and water improve
ment, $2000 was allowed. Estimated
receipts were upped $400 from $14,
100 to $14,900, including $400 ex
pected from operation of swimming
pool. The library was allowed $100
on appeal by J. O. Turner, president
of the library association.
Citizens on the budget committee
sitting with the council included M.
Clark, L. E. Bisbee, Hanson
Hughes, E. GNoble, W. C. Cox arid
J. G. Thomson.
Heppner Plays Condon
And Honkers in Week
Saturday, October 29, the Heppner
Mustangs travel over to challenge
the Condon Blue Devils. Condon will
have the advantage of playing on
their own field; and since their re
cent vicory over Hermiston, 13-0,
they apparently are a greatly im
proved team. The Heppner team has
been working hard all this week on
their blocking and tackling and
hopes to emerge from the game un
scathed, so as to be at full strength
for the- Arlington encounter here
the following Monday. Arlington
inflicted upon Heppner the only de
feat they have suffered this year;
consequently, the local team is
eagerly looking forward to secure
Jaxtheimer Bid
Gets City Bonds
What is considered by city dads to
have been a very favorable sale of
the $5000 bond issue, bids on which
were opened Saturday, was made to
Jaxtheimer & Co. of Portland. The
bonds were sold at .$99.25 per- $100
to draw interest at the rate of 3 per
cent per annum. They will be re
deemed $1000 each year beginning
in 1943 and running through 1947.
The Jaxtheimer bid was consid
ered the best of the several bids re
Ground Broken for
Laundry Building
Ground was broken this week for
a new building to house the Hepp
ner laundry to replace the one de
stroyed by fire several weeks ago,
Joe Wesethoff, laundry proprietor,
has obtained the lot on Main street
directly opposite the postoffce and
contracted the construction work to
T. Babb.
The new building will be of wood
and sheet iron construction, conve
niently arranged for the laundry
The corner room in the Peters
building, vacant since the building's
construction two years ago, is be
ing prepared for the opemng of a
"Gamble" store in the near future,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hageman, re
cently of Nebraska, are here to take
charge, having taken the Lorena Is
om house on May street
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schwarz
arrived here last evening from
Prineville to make their home as
Mr. Schwarz assumes a position with
Ferguson Motor company. Mr. and
Mrs. Schwarz have resided at Prine
ville off and on for the last five
years, Mr. Schwarz being employed
with a market there much of the
Regular meeting of Ruth chapter,
Order of Eastern Star, will be held
at Masonic hall tomorrow (Friday)
evening. It will be "officers advance
night," and all members are urged
by Mary Guild, worthy matron, to
Oregon, Thursday, October
Taxpayers to Pay
Less for County
Purposes in 1939
Total to be Raised
Down $18,718;
Health Service Kept
Though slightly increased expen
ditures for Morrow county in 1939
over the present year are estimated
by the budget committee which met
Monday, and whose finding are giv
en in the printed report in this is
sue, the amount to be raised by tax
ation for next year is slightly less.
But as the countys assessed valua
tion is expected also to be slightly
lower, taxpayers may expect to pay
about he same rate for county tax
for next year.
Sitting with the court Monday in
preparing the budget, hearing on
which will be held Monday, Nov. 21,
were John Krebs, Frank Saling and
Percy Hughes. Leonard Carlson and
L. E. Bisbee, other budgeteers, were
unable to attend, Mr. Carlson being
prevented by illness.
Total expenditures for 1939 are
estimated at $195,909.28 as compared
to $194,886 for 1938, and the esti
mated amount to be raised by tax
ation for 1939 is $154,767.16 as com
pared to $169,486 for 1938.
Included in the amount to be
raised by taxation is $74,625 outside
the "6 percent limitation" and over
which the budget committee has no
control. This amount, representing
state and school taxes, bond and in
terest funds, was reduced from $83,-
375, last year's total. The remainder
to be raised by taxation, including
those items over which the budget
eers have control, was set at $80,-
142.16, a reduction from last year's
total of $86,111. ' . "
The budget committee again al
lowed for three months' county
health nursing service. The main
item of increased expenditure is in
that expected for roads, where an
increase of $5000 is shown. The am
ounts for relief purposes were left
the same as this year. The saving to
taxpayers in the new budget is $18,
Dorothy Herren,
Air Stewardess,
Weds Crew Chief
A record of 720,000 miles of air
travel as stewardess with United
Air Lines was completed Monday
by Miss Dorothy Herren, daughter
of Mrs. Frank Rumble of this city,
when she quit her position as stew
ardess aboard ship to become
stewardess of the household of
Edmund Schroeder, crew chief
for the line. Nuptials for the young
couple were solemnized Monday
in Alameda, Cal., where both re
sided. Their home will be con
tinued there.
Romance came into the lives of
the two on Mr. Schroeder's 25
foot sloop, as Mr. Schroeder's in
vitation to the young lady brought
repeated boat trips on San Fran
cisco bay and she became his part
ner in winning cruise pennants.
Mrs. Schroeder was born and
reared at Heppner, attending the
lcfcal schools. She completed her
nurse's training at Los Angeles
county hospital and entered the
air line's service April 27, 1934,
serving as stewardess continuous
ly since that time.
Mr. Schroeder was reared in
Alameda and was graduated from
University of California.
Mrs. Schroeder's many friends
here join in extending felicitations
to the happy union.
Jjexington grange announces an
old-time dance to be held at their
hall Saturday night Supper will be
For Sale 50 x 150 ft., good loca
tion for residence. A. J. Westhoff.
27, 1938
F. & S. Stockholders
Allowed Interest
Stockholders of Farmers & Stock
growers National bank of Heppner
who paid their stock assessments in
the process of liquidation will re
ceive interest for the time the as
sessment money was held by the'
trust, in addition to repayment of
the assessment, it was ruled by the
federal court decision received by
the trust this week.
The matter of paying interest to
stockholders on their assessments
was the last matter of business to
be settled in connection with liqui
dation of both the Farmers & Stock
growers and First National banks
by J. L. Gault, receiver, who left
Monday for his home at Corvallis.
Both trusts have now been fully
discharged and the office in Hotel
Heppner closed. The Farmers &
Stockgrowers liquidation netted de
positors the full amount of deposits,
plus interest, and paid back to
stockholders their assessments, plus
interest. The First National bank
liquidation paid depositors back
85.35 per cent
4-H Mothers Dine
With Daughters
The wind-up of the 4-H club year
was cele orated ivionaay evening
with a mothers-daughters banquet
at the Episcopal parish house when
representatives from Lexington and
lone joined with local girls and
mothers in welcoming Miss Helen
Cowrill. assistant state leader, and
Mrs. Berky, superintendent of Port
land 4-H club leaders.
Leaders of clubs represented were
Mrs. Julian Rauch, Lexington; Mrs.
W. P. Mahoney, Miss Cecelia Nord
strom, Miss Lois Ashbaugh, Hepp
ner, and Miss Miriam Moyer, lone,
The Hallowe'en motif was employed
The leaders introduced their club
members. The distinguished guests
told of their, trip, and Miss Cowglll
displayed articles which placed at
the state fair. Claudine Drake read
a poem, and Florence Beymer, Loma
Mae Jones, Laurel Ball and Vada
Gemmell sang. Group singing and
games completed the program.
lone Has Full Ticket
For City Offices
A full list of candidates for the
various city olfices will appear on
the lone ballot, November 8, with
only one name appearing for each of
the offices to be filled. All are listed
as independent.
Bert Mason is the candidate for
mayor, Ralph Harris for recorder,
Grace Linn for treasurer. E. R. Lnu
dell, J. H. Bryson and Garland Swan
son are, the candidates for the three
four-year council positions, and
E. Swanson and Geo. N. Ely for the
two-year councilmen.
50,000 Trout Planted
In Willow and Rhea
Fifty thousand trout were planted
in Willow and Rhea creeks the first
of the week, announces Logie Rich
ardson, president Morrow County
Hunters and Anglers club. The trout
were brought by the state game
They were distributed 27,000
Willow and 23,000 in Rhea creek.
Mrs. Alice Gentry received word
this week of the death of her sis
ter, Mrs. Nick Pavich, on Sunday at
Klamath Falls. Mrs. Mack Gentry,
another sister, was in Klamath Falls
for the last month to assist during
Mrs. Pavich's illness. Surviving also
are the husband, son Elmer Grif
fith of San Francisco, and daughter
Mrs. Etta Clark of Bend.
The Past Matron's club, O. E. S,
met Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. E. R. Huston. The time was
spent with knitting and conversa
tion, and delicious refreshments
were served by the hostesses, Mrs,
Huston and Mrs. Rosa Howell.
Woman wants work, town
country; 5-yr. old boy. Phone 615,
Subscription $2.00 a Year
700 Attend Reunion
Of Pioneers at
exington Saturday
Annual Event is
Big Success; Other
Items of the Week
The Pioneers reunion Saturday
was a big success with everyone re
porting an enjoyable day. The first
event was a football game between
the local high school boys and
Stanfield high school boys. The score
was 36 to 13 in favor of Lexington.
The pot luck dinner at noon was
served to approximately seven hun
dred people from various towns in
the county and surrounding terri
tory. The afternoon program con
sisted of the following numbers;
Piano duet by Louise Hunt and
Marcella Jackson; accordion and
banjo selections by Arnold Sprauer
and Charley Davidson; selecions by
the male quartet of Heppner, B. E.
Isom, Frank W. Turner, R. C. Law
rence and Joseph Belanger; solo by
Mrs. Ture Peterson, accompanied
by Miss Dix; pantomime by the lo
cal high school girls; short talk by
Congressman Pierce's secretary; duet
by Colleen McMillan and Lednard
Munkers, accompanied by Louise
Hunt at the piano; talk by Congress
man Pierce, and a piano duet by
Jeanette Blakely and Virginia Dix.
The Oddfellows sold lunch of hot
dogs, doughnuts and coffee in the
evening, after which old-time and
modern dancing was enjoyed. The
orchestra was composed of Mrs. Art
Keene and Dan Way for the old
time dance and Virginia Dix's or
chestra, of . Heppner for the modern
Many beautiful and useful pieces
of fancy work were on display for
sale at the bazaar stand, including
an attractive quilt for which chances
were sold. This quilt was won by
William Van Winkle.
The kitchen committe wishes to
thank everyone who assisted them
in any way.
Much visiting was in progress
imong friends from various com
munities who rarely meet any time
of the year except at the Pioneers'
reunion. Although it would be im
possible to name all of the outside
visitors, a few of the names were
obtained. These are Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Shaw and sons of Hermiston, Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Shaw of Stanfield,
Miss Mary Alice Reed of Nyssa, Mrs
R. B. Wilcox and son Lester of Her
miston, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Davis of
Bend, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Miller of
Umatilla, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Martin
and family of Moro, and Mr. and Mra
Bradley Castle of Bridgeport
This reunion is an event looked
forward to each year and for which
the entire town puts forth an effort
to make it a success.
(Additional Lexington items
Page 8.)
Elk Hunters May Vote
Absentee Ballots
Those expecting to go to the high
timber at beginning of the Elk hunt
ing season, November 8, which is
also election day, may vote an ab
sentee ballot before leaving, says
Chas. W. Barlow, county clerk. To
receive a ballot for absentee voting,
however, the recipient must fill out
an affidavit that he will not be in
the county on election day
Mr. Barlow reports considerable
demand already shown for absentee
ballots. No absentee ballot may be
cast after the sixth day before elec
tion day.
O. F. Steele of Pendleton, deputy
grand master, I. O. O. F., will make
official visitations to Morrow county
lodges as follows: Nov. 1, lone; Nov.
2, Heppner; Nov. 3, Lexington; Nov.
5, Hardman; Nov. 9, Boardman; Nov.
10, Morgan.