OREGO!! HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC A -J D I T 0 R I 'J '.! P 0 R ORE 01 Volume 54, Number 31 District Boy Scout Heads to Meet Here; Banquet Set Committee Invites Community Cooper ation to Push Work Heppner will play host on Thurs day, the 27th, to Boy Socut commit teemen and scoutmasters from this district, including Condon, Fossil, Arlington, lone and Lexington, an nounces B. C. Pinckney, chairman of the local scout executive com mittee. Arrangements for the meet ing were made by the Blue Moun tain council, which selected this city as the logical host point. The fol lowing evening the annual Father Son dinner will ' be staged to lend impetus to the scout reorganization here. Both events will take place in the basement of the Christian church where on Thursday luncheon will also be served to the community scout leaders. Plans for these events were dis cussed by the local executive com mittee Tuesday evening. The com mittee is intensifying its efforts at this time in an attempt to place the local troop on a firm basis. Good progress has been made since reorganization started early in the summer, with Tom Wells as scout master. Money was raised to pay the council dues for the balance of this year, and a four-day summer camp was enjoyed at Ritter springs. In appealing to the community to solidly support the Father-San ban quet, the committe recalls the many enjoyable occasions of this nature in the past, which more than any other one thing promoted general community understanding and in terest in scout work. The committee and scoutmaster themselves are giv ing of their services freely in the in terest of this training, accepted as the most valuable of any boys' or ganization work. It is pointed out that the commu nity receives dividends in many ways far greater than the cost, which are obtained through scout members being trained morally, physically and mentally to make them self -respectful, self-reliant and awake to fill a need wherever and whenever it may arise, a training that prepares them for the type of citizenship in whose hands the future is secure. Candidates File For City Offices J. O. Turner and George Bleak man for mayor; P. W. Mahoney, R. B. Ferguson, E. A. Bennett, John Anglin and Alex Green for council men; E. R. Huston for recorder, and W. O. Dix for treasurer, all com pleted filings this week to have their names placed on the city election ballot, November 8. To be elected will be a mayor, three councilmen, treasurer and re corder. Mahoney, Ferguson and Ben nett are running to succeed them selves as their term of office ex pires January first. Bennett was ap pointed to fill the unexpired term of E. L. Morton upon removal of the latter to Newberg several months ago. Jeff Jones is retiring as mayor after serving the city for two terms. Forest Opened for Camp, Slash Fires Governor Martin this week re scinded his order made early in the fire season closing the forest area against slash burning and camp fires without permits. In accordance with this order, F. F. Wehmeyer, ranger in charge of the local district, notified the local public that pemits are no longer nec essary for building camp fires or burning slashings. Mrs. Elizabeth Van Schoiack of Arlington visited this week with her mother, Mrs. Katie Slocum. Heppner, 4-H WINNERS ENJOY TREA T AT Guy Moore, Heppner, and Lucille Jones, Irrigon, photographed with one of Guy's wool entries at the Pacific International Livestock show. The two attended the exposition last week as guests of The First National Bank of Portland, having been chosen outstanding 4-H club boy and girl from Morrow county. club boy and girl, Guy Moore of Heppner and Lucille Darlene Jones of Irrigon, returned home last week from a three-day visit to the Pacific International exposition as guests of The First National Bank of Port land in the annual achievement and leadership contest sponsored by the Portland bank. Portland proved a hospitable city, the two reported, and the entire group of 74 winners, representing every county in Oregon, received every courtesy. In addition to daily Pacific Inter national visits, high points of the program were a group dinner on the exposition grounds, followed by at tendance at the horse show: a sight seeing tour of Portland, including visits to the Jantzen Knitting mills. residential sections of the city, and luncheon at the Coon Chicken inn; a banquet and dance at the Heath man hotel, the visitors' headquarters, Thursday evening; and a trip to the Swan Island airport. Of special in terest, also, was a conducted tour ove the Dutch motor ship "M. S. Marken," newest type refrigerated motorship from Holland. After luncheon Friday at the Co-lumbia-Edgewater Country club the winners set out for the return trip home. Auxiliary Names Standing Committees The regular business meeting of the American Legion auxiliary was held the evening of October 10 at the home of Mrs. Harold Cohn. Mrs. Lena Cox, president, named the fol lowing standing committees: Mem bership, Lera Crawford; community service, Etta Parker; constitution and by-laws, Fay Ferguson; Fidac, Martha Dick; hospital, Millie Evans; juniors, Ethel Adams; legislation and war orphans, Hanna Jones; mu sic, Coramae Ferguson: national de fense, Helen Cohn; poppy sale, May Gilliam and Georgette Morgan; pub licity, Sylva Wells; radio, Sylvia Stone. As the November business meet ing comes near Armistice day, Mrs. Rodgers, Americansm chairman, will plan an appropriate program for that meeting. - Mrs. Cohn, 'hostess, served deli cious refreshments. Oregon, Thursday, October PORTLAND New Siren's Tryout Arouses Populace Completion of installation of the city's new fire siren Tuesday was was occasion for a tryout about 9:30 that evening without previous warning, and its effectiveness was evidenced by the cavalcade of cars and pedestrians rushing about look ing for the fire. There was no fire, but response of the firemen to the new signal was pleasing to Chief Ralph Beamer. Added to recent reorganization of the fire department and installation of the new siren to make citizens more fire minded is the admonition of Police Chief Albert Schunk for everyone not connected with the fire department to keep off the fire truck. Boys who make it a habit to jump onto the truck are reminded that they are making themselves liable for a $25 fine. Schunk also reminds all citizens to keep well in the clear in event of fire so as not to impede the work of the firemen, and especially are motorists warned not' to run over the fire hose. Such an act makes the offender liable for a heavy fine. 1000 Chinks Promised For Planting Here While in Portland the end of the .week, Logie Richardson, president of Morrow County Hunters and Ang lers club, met with the state game commission and received the promise of 1000 Chinese pheasants for plant ing here within the next two weeks. Richardson says it is desired to spread the birds around as much as possi ble and would atwreciat anvnnp wanting them to let him know at once. Richardson also received the promise of Chas. Lockhart, commis sion employee, that he would ioin Richardson for an elk hunt, some time in the season. A group of Heppner young people attended a district conference of Young Peoples Fellowship at Hood River last week end. Included were Buddy Blakely, regional vice-presi dent, who presided; Bethal Blake, Carolyn Vaughn, Shirley Wilson. Billy Barratt, Scott McMurdo, Bob bcnvner, Cora Scott, Kemp Dick. Mrs. L. E. Dick accompanied them. 13, 1938 Shooting at Powder House Lock Said Suicide Invitation The immature minded individual or individuals who shoot at the padlock on the county powder house as a pastime, may find them selves with a spread of wings and a harp on very short notice, warns Harry Tamblyn, county engineer. Such a pastime, which appears to have been spent on several oc casions and more recently just this week,' is a very good invita tion to self-destruction as no marksman close enough to hit the padlock with a .22 would be far enough removed to escape the devastating effect of the large amount of explosives should a shot go wide of its mark and set off the contents of the house. Tamblyn also points out that the padlocks thus put out of or der are worth $2.50 each, and that considerable time is required to repair the damage, all of which is charged up to the taxpayers. It would be safer and less expensive if those wanting target practice would shoot at something a little moe stable and a trifle less costly, avers the engineer. Candidates Bring Battles to County Willis Mahoney, democratic can didate for U. S. senator, addressed a large audience at the -Iks hall here last night in the course of a cam paign that has brought the battle ground of leading candidates into Morrow county. Previous appear ances in the county by Henry Hess, democratic candidate for governor; Walter M. Pierce, democrat, and U. S. Balentine, republican for con gress, and the scheduled appearance here next Wednesday evening of Charles A. Sprague. republican for governor, and Rufus C. Holman, republican for U. S. senator, com plete the appearances here of all participants in the three contests in which local voters are signifying the most interest. Mahoney arrived here last eve ning from Condon a little late for his scheduled appearance at 8 o' clock. After spending the night here he departed this morning to carry his personal campaign into Umatilla county. Outstanding points of his address were endorsement of the Townsend plan, pledge to support a processing tax on wheat, pledge to support amendment to the neutral ity act to remove protection of U. S. flag from interests operating in for eign countries and from materials of war sold to combatants being trans ported on high seas in time of war, and support of the Umatilla Rapids dam. The joint appearance here next Wednesday evening of Sprague and Holman is slated at 8 o'clock at the Elks club by Morrow County Re publican club which invites every one to take advantage of this op portunity to hear the leading repub lican candidates as it will be their only appearance here before elec tion time. Delvin Adkins Rites Tomorrow Funeral rites for Delvin Adkins, son of Ed Adkins of this city and former .Heppner boy whose death occurred at San Andreas, Cal., Mon day, are announced from Phelps Fu neral home tomorrow, afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. R. C. Young will of ficiate and interment will be in Ma sonic cemetery. No details as to the nature of his passing have been re- cevied. Ernest Delvin Adkins was born in Heppner 29 years ago. He attended the Heppner grade and high schools, ana iett here in 1928, being located in California most of "the t.imp He leaves a wife and 7-year-old daughter. Frank Gray and Don Graham. representatives of a Portland lum ber concern, were business visitors here the first of the week. Subscription' $2.00 a Year Democrats Show Largest Increase As Registering Ends 2277 Count ians Qualify to Vote at November 8 Election That November 8's general elec tion in Morrow county may be ex pected to draw a larger vote than that recorded for the primaries is indicated by the increase in the number of registered voters by 114, as recorded at the clerk's office with closing of registration books Saturday. Total registration was shown at 2277 as compared to 2163 for the May primary election. Democrats made the largest gain of 73, showing a total of 821 as com pared to 748 in May. Republican registrations increased 40 from 1373 to 1413. Other registrations were upped one from 42 to 43. Ballot copy was placed in the hands of the printer this week and the tickets by which voters' govern mental desires will be determined will be delivered within the next few days. County voters received their individual copies of the offi cial voters' pamphlet from the sec retary of state's office the first of the week, and the task between now and election day will be deciding from a comparatively short list of candidates and a rather voluminous bunch of 12 measures. On the local front, only one con test appears, that for the office of county assessor with A. J. Chaffee, independent, opposing Thomas J. Wells, the democratic-republican nominee. George H. Peck for com missioner, Leon W. Briggs for trea surer, and Harry Tamblyn for sur veyor all appear unopposed as nom inees of both major parties. In the state contests Alex G. Bar ry, R., and Robert A. Miller, D., are opposed for the short U. S. sen atorial term; Rufus C. Holman, R., and Willis Mahoney, D., for the long U. S. senatorial term; U. S. Balen tine, R., and Walter M. Pierce, D., for congressman, second district; Henry L. Hess, D., and Charles A. Sprague, R., for governor; Emily F. Edsen, D., and Earl Snell, R., for secretary of state; Rex Putnam, D., and Charles A. Rice, R., for super intendent of public instruction; C. H. Gram, R., and Clarence F. Hyde, D., for commissioner of the bureau of labor; Rex Ellis, R., and Wilford W. Sirrine, D., for state senator, 19th district. E. R. Fatland and Giles L. French, both republican, are unop posed for the two state representa tive positions from the 22nd district. Of the 12 measures upon which the voters are asked to decide four were referred to the people by the legislative assembly, two by refer endum ordered by petition of the people, and six by initiative petition. Those given to voters by the leg islature are "Governor's 20-day Bill Consideration Amendment," "Am endment Repealing the Double Lia bility of Stockholders in Banking Corporations," ."Legislators' Com pensation Constitutional Amend ment," and "Bill Requiring Marriage License Applicants Medically Exam ined, Physically and Mentally." The two measures referred from the legislature by petition of the people are "Slot Machine Seizure by Sheriffs and Destruction on Court Order' and "Prohibiting Slot Mach ines, Pin-Ball, Dart and Other Sim ilar Games." The six measures coming by ini tiative petition are "Townsend Plan Bill," "Citizens' Retirement Annu ity Bill; Levying Transactions Tax to Provide Fund," "Bill Regulating Picketing and Boycotting by Labor Groups and Organizations," "Water Purification and Prevention of Pol lution Bill." "Bill Regulating Sale of Alcoholic Liquor for Beverage Pur poses," "Constitutional Amendment Legalizing Certain Lotteries and Other Forms of Gambling." 9