Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 06, 1938, Page Page Three, Image 3

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Thursday, October 6, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Three
Mr. and Mrs. Pointer
Answer Salem Call
A dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs.
James Pointer was held Thursday
evening at the church dining room.
A good crowd attended. A gift of a
set of Chinaware was given the
Pointers in appreciation of the Chris
tian work they have been doing.
Mr. and Mrs. Pointer have closed
their work here and are going to a
good work at Salem with the First
Christian church. C. F. Swander and
F. E. Carlson, secretaries of the
Christian and Congregational church,
were present at the dinner, having
been here in conference with the
churches concerning a cooperative
work. The two churches have been
working together the past few
months and are planning to call a
minister who will serve this and the
lone field.
Dinner guests of Mrs. Al Fetch
last Friday were Mrs. Cecil Jones
and Mrs. Clair Daugherty.
Miss Harriet Pointer motored to
Salem Saturday to attend the wed
ding of her cousin and to visit with
Mrs. Effie Parkins departed Sat
urday night for Palouse where she
will visit with friends and relatives.
L. R. Stockman of Baker has been
surveying the local water system.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Majeske Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Jones and Mr. and
Mrs. Ted McMillan and daughters,
Jo and Pat,
Mrs. Tom Beymer of Heppner was
a guest at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Sarah Booher, Sunday. Mrs.
Booher returned to Heppner with
Mrs. Beymer at whose home she will
visit for a few days.
Fred Pointer was a guest at the
home of his mother, Mrs. Maude
Pointer, Saturday from his home in
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones spent
last week with Mrs. Mose Duran
while Mr. Duran was hunting.
Mrs. Vand Huntley and children,
Richard and June Ann, of Arling
ton were guests of Mrs. Grace Tur
ner Saturday.
J.- O. Kincaid was a business vis
itor in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg and
children, Archie, Vernon, Juanita
and Lola, spent Sunday in Hermiston
visiting relatives and friends.
Ralph Jackson and family, Mrs.
Laura Scott, Fred and Norman Nel
son enjoyed an oyster feed at the
home of Maude Pointer Sunday
School News
Jerrine Edwards
The Lexington football team de
feated the lone team at lone last
Thursday by a score of 7 to 0. Most
of the student body attended the
The next football game will be
played here Friday afternoon with
A surprise birthday party was
given for Doris Scott at her home
on the evening of Sept. 27. Games
were played and refreshments were
served. Most of the high school stu
dents were present.
The teachers' reception was held
in the gymnasium Friday evening,
Games were played and refresh
ments were served.
. T. B. tests were given at the schoo!
Thursday morning. Those whose
tests reacted will go to The Dalles
for further examination.
Nuptials Celebrated
Miss Nellie Leicht and Mr. Ben
Netter of Aurora were united in
marriage at Pendleton last Thurs
E. Weslev Thoralsen of San Fran
cisco, who has been visiting Rev.
Harness, left Sunday for the east
The evangelistic meetings at the
Pentscostal church which started
Sunday will continue through the
week with Rev. McDonald omclat
Mrs. Ruth Umiker and daughter
are visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mro Frank Leicht.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach motored
to Imbler Sunday to visit relatives
and friends. Mrs. Josephine Gray-
beal who has been visiting at Imbler
and Elgin for the past week, re
turned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand drove to
Portland Sunday with a load of live
stock to sell.
Mrs. Harvey Warner was hostess
last Saturday at a party for the
"Children's chu"rch," held on the
lawn of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and Mr.
and Mrs. Clair Caldwell left Sun
day for the mountains on a hunting
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foster of
Pendleton are here visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Dall.
Mrs. W. C. Isom left Monday for
Portland where she will undergo a
minor operation.
Oscar Corey and Mr. Wiseman of
Umatilla are painting A. C. Hough
ton's new home.
Don Isom returned home from
Coulee dam where he visited for the
past week.
Pine City Homes
Entertain Guests
Guests at the C. H. Bartholomew
home over the week end were Tru
man Sether and John Donivan of
Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hart
ke, Frank Bullard and Roy Stafford
of Oregon City, Paul Scheff and
Gilbert Fisher of Estacada and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Fulton of St. Hel
Mr. and Mrs. Reid Buseick and
family of Long Creek spent Sunday
at the A. E. Wattenburger home.
Mrs. Wilma Roberts and Mrs. Bert
Young and son of The Dalles visited
Sunday at the C. H. Bartholomew
Mrs. Alta Strain of Weiser, Idaho,
is spending a week with her daugh
ter, Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strain of Pilot
Rock spent Sunday night visiting
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch
and family and the teachers, Mrs.
Kent, Miss Robbins and Miss Wea
ver, attended the dance at Lena Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thompson and
daughter Mary Carol, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Middleton, Mrs. William Mc-
Carty and Mrs. Bert Young and son
Billy were Sunday guests at the C,
H. Bartholomew home.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Clark spent
the week end at the home of Mrs,
Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wright
of Rhea creek. They spent the time
hunting deer in the mountains.
Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Thompson and
daughter Mary Carol were also
guests at the Marion Finch home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Middleton accom
panied them.
C. H. Bartholomew and Jasper
Meyers motored to the S. J. Robin
son home, south of Hardman, after
a load of wood.
C. H. Bartholomew left Tuesday
for Spokane to receive sheep. He is
expected back this Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. " Bennett of
Heppner were Sunday afternoon
guests at the John Healy home.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Higgins and
daughter Josephine were Sunday
dinner guests at the Jim Daly home.
Best Party Ever
Enjoyed at Hardman
By Hardman High School
On last Saturday one of the best
parties ever held at the high school
was enjoyed by a very friendly
crowd. The freshman initiation was
held at eight t' clock with the boys
dressed as girls and the one lonely
girl as a little boy. The usual array
of foolish pranks was appreciated
by all. Afterward dancing started
promptly with Ed McDaniel, Tommy
Graham, Marvin Brannon, Marvin
Saddler, Donald Robinson and Irl
Clary as musicians. The supper was
noteworthy, both in quantity and
Mrs. J. H. Allen and Miss Edith
Stevens went last Tuesday to Lewis
ton, Idaho, where they will visit
Mrs. Allen's brother and sister-in-
Mrs. Glen Farrens, Miss Murl Far-
rens, Mrs. Walter Wright, Mrs. Geo.
Hayden and Mrs. McCutcheon at
tended the district Rebekah conven
tion at Heppner Saturday. All but
Mrs. McCutcheon were present at
the banquet in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brannon,
Mrs. McCutcheon and son Glen were
business visitors in Heppner Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Redding and
daughter Earline of Hood River
are visiting relatives and friends.
Earl plans to do some hunting while
Oscel Inskeep, Miss Frances Ins-
keep and Tommy Graham spent
Sunday and Monday at various
places in the Condon country.
Mrs. Blaine Chapel had her ton.
sils removed several weeks ago in
Pendleton where she remained for
a week, most of the time in the hos
pitaL She is now at home and is
fast recovering her health. Mrs. Lor-
ena Isom who has been ill for some
time is at the Chapel home.
Mrs. Roy Robinson visited friends
in Hardman last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Hastings and
daughters Ollie and Lily returned
home from Port Gamble, Wash., on
Saturday night.
Neal Knighten took his wife, who
has been staying with her mother,
Mrs. L. D. Neill of Pine City, to
Portland. Mrs. Knighten is going to
consult a doctor.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson were
business visitors in Heppner Mon
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and
daughter Jean and Miss Vera Mc
Daniel were business visitors in
Heppner Saturday.
Wilbur Knighten of Monument has
been visiting his brothers, Nelson
and Henry Knighten, and other rel
Mrs. Beulah Bell and Miss Mildred
Roland of Spray were visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bat
ty over the week end. They stopped
here on the way through.
Gordon Craber is improving slow
ly but suffers from headaches and
Mrs. James Brannon visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham,
last week in Heppner,
Owen Leathers was moved to
Snowboard from Wheeler Point
Mrs. Leathers and son, Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Lovgren and family visited
him Sunday at his new post.
Oregon State College Final selec
tion of a site for the million dollar
agricultural experimental laboratory
for the western states is expected
some time in November by E. H.
Wiegand, professor of food products
industries at OSC, who has just
completed his service on the special
federal commission to survey re
search possibilities in this area. The
commission on which he served was
asked to make no recommendations
regarding actual location of the sta
tion, but merely to report on present
facilities and on surplus agricul
tural products available for research
in the western states.
Locally Butchered Meats
Read G. T. Want Ads. You way
find a bargain in something needed.
Lieuallen Named
Manager at Pacific
Pacific University, ' Forest Grove,
Oct 4 Elwayne Lieuallen, who is
beginning his third year studies at
Pacific university this year, has been
chosen student manager. Lieuallen
is taking charge of preparations for
the Pacific homecoming, October 21
and 22. He is president of the Alpha
Zeta fraternity and is head of the
newly esetablished co-op fraternity
Buddy Blakely was in Burns over
the week end conducting sessions of
a regional Young .Peoples Fellow
ship meeting as vice president He
acted chairman in the absence of
Jackson Gilliam, president, who is
attending Whitman college. '
imn 111
ID 11
to let my telephone
really help me
Many days will be rainy this winter. Many days
will be filled with work and pleasure. I am counting
on my telephone to help me do my shopping. It is
one of the important values of my telephone service.