Page Six THE Hehisch Published by the Students of Heppner High Schbol Editor Omer McCaleb Assistant Editor .... Betty Robinson Student Opinion Thomas Gonty Sports, Milton Morgan and Howard Patton Humor, Bill Barratt and Betty Hap pold Gossip, Helen Egan and Sibyl Howell Did You Know That? Andy David son and Bob Scrivner Heppner-Fossil Game, Leland Ed mondson and Floyd Williams Drama, John Crawford and Emery Coxen Club Activities, Dick Wilkinson and Bethal Blake Assembly Don Frederickson Ten Years Ago Marshall Fell Ten Years From Now .... Art McAtee Local Team Swamps Fossil The Heppner Mustang football team won a decisive victory over Fossil at the Rodeo field last Fri day afternoon and from all indica tions will provide stiff competition for a strong Joseph eleven here next Friday (tomorrow). Heppner received the ball on the first kick-off, and by line plunges and end runs scored the first touch down, made by Gilman. In the sec ond quarter two more touchdowns were made by Hayes and Morgan, running the score up to 20 to noth ing at the half. In the third quarter, Joe Aiken intercepted , a pass, ran for 20 yards and was tackled on the three-yard line. Aiken scored after two plays. In the final quarter the second team went in and ran the ball up to the 1-yard line and there lost it. In the final three minutes, Coach Knox sent back the first squad which after a few plays sent Gilman over for the final touch down, making the score at the end of the game, 32-0. Only once did the Fossil team advance beyond the mid field stripe, and then only to the 40 yard mark. On the line were Vance, R. E.; McAtee, R. T.; Armstrong, R. G.; Crawford, C; Patton, L. G.; Apple gate, L. T., and Drake, L. E. In the backfield were Coxen, Q.; Morgan, L. H.; Gilman, R. H., and Hayes, F. The substitutes for the line: Tam blyn, Bogoger, Fay, Dick, Barratt, Aiken. For the backfield: Bennett, Merrill, Aiken and Bogoger. Joseph Plays Here Friday Friday, September 30, at 3 p. m., Heppner high school's football team will meet Joseph in a game that promises to be one of the best of the season. Although Joseph had a weak team last year, it is reported to be among the strongest now. The visitors' line averages about 175 pounds to Hepp neis 160 pounds, giving the Joseph team a distinct weight advantage. While Heppner was beating Fossil 32 to 0 last week, the Joseph team was scoring a 36 to 0 victory over Richland. Joseph traveling squad and prob able line-up: L. Hamilton, L. E., 160; F. Morgan, L. T., 155; M. Bennett, L. G., 155; F. Reed, C, 150; E. Parish, R. G., 160; D. Crawford, R. T., 160; R. Graham, R. E., Capt, 165; M. Hayes, L. H., 150; G. Barton, R. H., 165; D. Reece, F. B., 175; S. McFet ridge, Q. B., 160; M. Dawson, end, A. Chandler, tackle, 155; F. HaU, guard, 140; C. Hall, center, 165; L. Hayden, guard, 135; J. Chandler, back, 160; D. McKenzie. back, 120; S. Barton, tackle, 155. Club Activities The H club is planning to meet and elect a president before getting its activities under way. One possi ble activity is an H club dance. Last week most of the Girls' League members bought themselves scarfs. They will hold their next meeting Friday. The Benzine Ring will meet soon to elect officers and plan initiation. The band will organize a new pep band in the near future. School Hears Able Speaker The students of Heppner high Heppner school had the honor and pleasure Monday afternoon of hearing Mr. Kerrick from the secretary of state's office speak on safe driving. Mr. Kerrick made a very interesting talk, bringing out many points and facts of interest to any person who has driven a car. Some safe driving slides were shown, which empha sized the many points brought out in the lecture. At the conclusion of the lecture many of the school's fastest drivers were seen with very serious looks on their faces. Here and There It seems that all of the band boys at John Day had a grand time and talk only of blonds. Joe decided he found his heart throb. My! My! Mil ton where did you lose your voice? It seems Armstrong was in the ditch; at least his car was. Don't give up, Margaret, and fight hard, Carolyn now let's see who's going to get Applegate. Dubby is com plaining; his girl friend happened to live only two blocks from the school at John Day. Too bad, Dub by! It seems that Richard drank an awful lot of water when he saw a certain girl waiting table. Connie and Don Evans are really that way about each other. Floyd Williams will fur nish a girl friend to anyone who will take him to Pendleton. By the way, Jack and Donnie, tell us how to make money as you did at John Day. Successful Study Habits Everyone, at some time or other, has heard about the ten command ments, but very few have thought of them as a code for successful study. The ten commandments that have been handed to us to improve our school study are as follows: 1. Study with a system. 2. Get on your marks, get set, and go speedily. 3. Work hard and intensely. 4. Make your daily assignments part of a connected whole. 5. Do your own work. 6. Use your extra time for quick mental reviews. 7. Know your textbook. 8. Recite outside of class, as well as in. 9. Keep a systematic notebook. 10. Never stop learning. If every one of these ten com mandments were put into daily practice, as our means of study, the outcome would be sure to prove successful, especially when one gets into college or into his first job, be cause he will find good work habits are the most useful traits he ever learned in school. Did You Know That Cocoanut fibers were the first fil aments in incandescent light globes? In the manufacture of a car, steel, iron, glass, rubber, lead, tin, zinc, mohair, nickle, lumber, aluminum, cotton, leather, copper and many more, are required? Behind every worker in manufac turing there is an average invest ment of $7,600? One out of three working hours has become leisure time since 1890? Of the one hundred and twenty seven students of Heppner high school, there are thirty-one more boys than girls? Student Opinion on Suspenders Bob Scrivner They look snappy. John Crawford O. K., until some one snaps them. Art McAtee Fine without a shirt. Bethal Blake More attractive than belts. Emery Coxen It's hard to keep the shirt tail in. Sibyl Howell They're all right as long as they serve the purpose. Sixth Grade News The room has elected officers for the coming two weeks. They are as follows: President, Marylou Fergu son; vice-president, Mary Davidson; secretary, Jean Turner; treasurer Betty Marie Coxen. Those who brought flowers to the room during the last week are Al fred Rugg and Lerra Ewing. Miss Forsythe brought from Port land a cactus for the room. Kahryn Howell brought a brown bachelor spider to' school Friday morning. The class named it Anna bella. There are three new students in the sixth grade, Rose Bethke, Mary Davidson and Leland Feisterman. Submitted by reporter, Betty Ma rie Coxen. Gazette Times, Heppner, GAS HOUSE GOSSIP In last week's game Heppner Hi gave the public a glimpse of what it had in the way of a football team and what it could do. The remark was made that the boys played in mid-season form and like they really meant it. Heppner started to move with the kick-off and didn't stop until the final whis tle. When that whistle did sound it left Heppner deep in Fossil ter ritory with the ball and a score of 32 to 0 for the Mustangs. This next week the boys meet a team from Joseph. Up to date there has been little news as to what kind of a team Joseph has. Last year the game be tween Joseph and Hermiston was forfeited to the latter due to lack of reserves. This year it is rumored that their line averages 175 lbs. They won from Richland, 36 to 0. So one shouldn't get the idea that this team is a set-up. It will be a football game all the way through, but I might venture a prediction of a score of 12 to 7 for Heppner. Bowman is out of the Arlington line-up with an appendicitis opera tion. Coach Vince Barrett states that he has a much lighter line-up. One shouldn't worry for Arlington has a way of pulling out of tight spots like this. It seems that a prediction in this column or rather a statement went far wrong as to Pilot Rock being the strong team in the Umatilla six man league. Adams who has figured to have small chances was the team who stood on the top after the games were over at Athena last Friday. It appears that they have filled the holes left by graduation from last year. Here and Yon This year the injuries have been comparatively few in high school competition. Some are humorous al though serious. Dick Yantis is out of the Mac-Hi line-up, maybe for good; because some enthused spectator tackled him after he had crossed the goal line for another score over Enter prise. This is a serious loss as far as Mac-Hi is concerned because this little boy was carrying the ball for an average' of 10.7 yards a try, and a total for this year of 198 yards. A Grant Union boy had retired from practice and was looking on when a player charged into him, fracturing his leg below the knee. Their newspaper editor can sympa thize with him for he had his leg broken in the same manner when watching a football game as an in nocent bystander. A few changes in the rules this year may be of interest to some of the spectators. It is illegal to use one's hands upon an opponent's head. The purpose of this is to elim inate injuries. A free kick out of bounds will be brought in on the 35-yard line if there are no penalties. A fumble may be advanced only by the offensive team. It isn't good sportsmanship to change snap sig nals during the game. The offense must remain stationary for one sec ond after the shift. An incomplete pass behind the offensive goal line is not a touchback until the fourth down. The boys called off the House ol David act immediately after the foot ball game. The agreement was not to shave, until a game was officially won. For the benefit of those who have n't heard of Vernon Knowles and Fred Hoskins recently, they are can didates for , the E. O. N. football squad. Five Years Ago This Week Heppner high school's football squad was for the first time to play two games in one day. Heppner played both the Lexington and Echo teams on the home field. The scores were Heppner 13, Echo 0; Heppner 16, Lexington 0. The f rosh humbled the sophomores by winning the class rush from them. Ten Years From Now Heppner will have one street car. The swimming tank will be com pleted. The gymnasium will be paid for. There will be two yellow lines on Main street. The football team will have lost its first game in years. Facts About Our School Have you students ever wondered Oregon about the busts of George Washing ton and Abraham Lincoln which stand in our assembly hall? In 1917, the Philomathian and Ciceronian literary societies of Heppner high school purchased these with the proceeds of two patriotic programs. Humor Mr. Peavy: "Anna Marie, what is the definition of the word spine?" Anna Marie Johnston: "A spine is a long limber bone. Your head rests on one end and you sit on the oth er." The philosopher calmly defined the exact difference between life and love: "Life is just one fool thing after another; love is just two fool things after each other." Love is blind, but marriage is an eye-opener. Mr. Knox to Helen in Lab.: "Hel en, I wish you wouldn't whistle at your work.'' Helen: "I wasn't working; only whistling." Miss Nordstrom: "In which of his battles was King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden slain, Jack?'' Jack Vaughn: "I can't say for sure, but I think it was his last one." Harry O'Donnell (becoming in dignant at the slow pace of the Heppner Limited): "Say, conductor, is this as fast as you can go?" Conductor: "No, but I have to stay on board.'' For sale: 1910 Model T Ford in first crash condition. See Harry Tamblyn. A lecture is the process by which the notes of the professor become the notes of the student, without passing through the minds of either. Advice to Carolyn Vaughn: Any girl can handle the beast in a cer tain football player if she's cagey' enough. Advice to ???? Some men would be more spic if they didn't have so much span. Charles Hynd and son Ewing of Ukiah were visitors here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Ewing Hynd, nee Beu lah Eskelson, report the arrival of a son born at St. Anthony's hospital last week end. Professional Directory GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW ATwater 4884 535 MEAD BUILDING 5th at Washington PORTLAND, OREGON A. D. MeMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Trained Nana Assistant Office in Masonio Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITI.- INSUBANOB Office in New Peters Building F. W. Turner & Co. FIRE, AUTO AND LIFE INSURANCE ' Old Line Companies Beal Estate Heppner, Oregon Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Just the service wanted when you want it most" Thursday, Sept 29, 1938 J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ' Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 823 Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES SEASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Or. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW OBNEBAli XbTSVXAHCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Oia Watches . Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence 8EHT1ST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDO. Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON W. M. Eubanks Representing KERR, GIFFORD & CO- INC on Heppner Branch V. R. ftunnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. Phone 462 MAKE BATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 8-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson & Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON ' Practice in State and Federal Courts Real Estate ' General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. M. EUBANKS Notary Public Phone 62 lone, Ore, FOB BEST MABKET PBICES for your new or old wheat, see CORNETT GREEN for grain stored In Heppner and Lexington, ELMER GRIFFITH at lone for rest of Branch Representing Balfour, Guthrie & Co.