Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 29, 1938, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, Sept. 29, 1938
Joint Grange Meet
Initiates Candidates
An assemblage of about eighty
persons attended the special joint
meeting of Willows and Lexington
granges at Lexington grange hall
Saturday evening. One candidate
was obligated in the first and sec
degrees and eleven candidates were
initiated into the third and fourth
degrees of Patrons of Husbandry.
Oscar Lundell, past state steward
of Oregon state grange, delivered
the charge and instruction. The
opening and closing exercises were
conducted by J. O. Kincaid, master
of Willows grange, after which all
retired to the dining room and par
took of a repast consisting of chicken
salad, nut bread, pickles and coffee.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in old time dancing and vis
iting. B. H. Peck.
Dan Summers has been ill at his
home1 the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pointer were
visitors in Portland and Salem this
week. Mr. Pointer has accepted a
position in Salem.
A P. T. A. executive board meet
ing was held at the home of Mrs.
Wm. Smethurst Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glover Peck have
moved into the house formerly oc
cupied by Eber Hanks and family.
Church will be held at the Chris
tian church Sunday evening at 8:15.
C. E. will meet at 7:15 with Jerrine
Edwards as leader.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Van Winkle
were Pendleton visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ryan were
called to Oregon City Sunday by
the critical illness of Mrs. Ryan's
Correction: Mr. and Mrs. James
Johnson of Portland are the par
ents of a son instead of a daughter
as stated in last week's items.
Ralph Jackson was a business vis
itor in Pendleton Sunday.
Guy Shaw and family of Hermis
ton were visiting relatives here Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Whitte of
Hermiston were visiting here Sun
day. Fred Pointer of Corvallis spent
the week end at the home of his
mother, Mrs. Maude Pointer.
Howard Lane arrived home from
Portland with a new semi-trailer
this week.
Bernice Bauman and Maude
Pointer were Pendleton visitors
Mr. and Mrs. George York are the
. parents of a daughter, Janet Louise,
born at "the home of Mrs. Lillie
Aiken in Heppner, Sept. 25.
Paul Phelps, salesman for the
Ames, Harris, Neville company of
Portland, was a visitor here Monday.
Mr. Townsend has returned to his
Portland home after visiting at the
home of his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Townsend.
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Pieper are
the parents of a son born Sept. 25
at the Pieper home.
. A birthday dinner was served at
the home of Mrs. Cora Munkers
Sunday in honor of Mrs. W. R; Mun
kers who was 80 years of age, and
Charles Gilman who was 71. Tables
were set on the lawn and dinner
was served the following: Mrs. W
R Munkers. Charles Gilman, Mr,
and Mrs. Svlvannus Wright and son
Lloyd,. Mrs. Myrtle Gentry and
granddaughter Virgie, Mr. ana Mrs.
Frank Munkers and son Leonard,
Mr. and Mrs., Harry Munkers and
sons Rilev and Donald, Mr. and Mrs
Clint Warden and son Vere, Mr. and
Mrs. Vernon Munkers and daughter
Marlene, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Gen
try, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright,
' Mrs. Margaret Sherer, Mrs. Beulah
SWr and son. Mr. and Mrs. Mar
ion Palmer and son Lee and Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Melvin. An attractive
birthday cake was served and many
nice gifts were received.
School News
Jerrine Edwards
Freshman initiation was held in
the school gym Friday evening.
The Lexington six-man football
team will go to lone for a game on
The high school enjoyed a safety
talk by a representative of the sec
retary of state, Earl Snell, Monday.
Ronald, Lyle and Dorothy Peck
are new grade school students.
Farm Animals on
Increase; Demand
Rises Slightly
An abundance of feed, at relative
ly low prices in the country general
ly, is stimulating production of ani
mal products and bringing increased
livestock numbers, according to the
annual outlook report on poultry,
dairy, beef, hogs and sheep just pub
lished by the OSC extension ser
vice. The report is available at
county agent offices.
Current trends in industrial and
business activity, on the other hand,
suggest some improvement in con
sumer's purchasing power for ani
mal products, if industrial activity
continues to gain. The report states
that the chief factors which deter
mine, farm price trends for animal
products in Oregon are purchasing
power of domestic consumers and
the volume of production of " re
spective products.
The cost of feed and other costs,
of course, are important in deter
mining the net income of the pro
ducer. The feed supply in Oregon
and other Pacific northwest states
is by no means so abundant, and
current prices for hay and grain are
considerably higher than in the
great livestock producing states east
of the Rockies.
In regard to the poultry and egg
outlook, production is expected to
increase as laying flocks are en
larged, owing to an estimated in
crease of 13 percent in the hatch
and relatively light culling of old
hens this fall.
The best available information in
dicates that cattle numbers, both
beef and dairy, are beginning 'to
increase after declining for several
years. The record output of milk in
recent months is attributed, how
ever, to high production per cow
owing to good pasture conditions
and an abundance of feed grains
and hay at relatively low prices in
the country generally. The statistics
on young dairy stock indicate that
cow numbers will probably increase
somewhat during the next few years,
During periods of increasing cattle
numbers, marketing of cattle for
beef tends to be reduced somewhat
in relation to the annual calf crop,
says the report, indicating that the
supply of beef slaughtered during
the next few years will not be ex
All Oregon Termed
Oregon State Campus
Oregon State College The cam
pus of Oregon State college is in
reality the entire state of Oregon,
President G. W. Peavy toldV faculty
and students in opening the seventy-
first year of the institution. The
largest freshman class in history has
The agricultural research and ex
tension program, the 4-H club work,
and other extension activities in
eluding adult education in the
homes of the state, was pointed out
as being probably of equal import
ance with the resident instruction
work conducted at Corvallis.
"It is our job and the job of all of
us, by giving the-best we have, by
cooperative effort, and by steadfast
loyalty, to strengthen the influence
and to increase the service of Ore
gon State throughout the institu
tion's expanded campus," declared
President Peavy.
In emphasizing this state-wide
service, however, President Peavy
did not minimize the need for im
provements in campus instruction.
He called particular attention to
the need of improved teaching me
thods, pointing out that a "Ph.D."
may be so stuffed with subject mat
ter that he cannot impart it to stu
dents. He also urged adapting in
structional methods to practical
needs of the students, while retain
ing cultural training, every encour
agement to the students who have to
earn their way through college, and
more attention on the part of both
faculty and students to world events,
Contour Seeding Planned
Athena Tillage specialists of the
Soil Conservation service' report
that a larger number of farmers
than usual this fall will do their win
ter wheat seeding on the contour,
where hillsides are steep enough to
permit washing under ordinary cir
cumstances. Tillage and seeding op-
Gazette Times, Heppner,
erations, when run on the contour
leave what amount to miniature level
terraces and contour ridges, which
tend to catch and hold run-off wa
ter. Where field corners on sloping
land run up and down hill, it is
even possible to drill these out first
rather than last, thus avoiding leav
ing ready-made ditches for water to
Deferred Use of
Ranges Approved
As Sound Method
(Editor's Note: DeWitt C. Young,
formerly an agricultural magazine
editor and writer, now with the AAA
office in Washington, D. C, recent
ly visited Oregon to look over the
range improvement operations by
Oregon stockmen. This is the sec
ond of several brief articles by Mr.
Wing reporting his observations.)
By DeWitt C. Wing
Oregon ranch operators believe
that provisions in the AAA range
program for developing grazing are
among the most practical for this
state, according to information I
gathered on my Oregon visit this
summer. This practice is easy to
understand and to follow, requiring
that a stockman delay grazing on
not to exceed 25 per cent of his
range land until the grass matures
Where deferred grazing has been
followed, even on badly depleted
ranges, it has been found that a
surprising amount of range grasses
will come back, and through natural
re-seeding will thicken the stand.
Artificial reseeding, a possibility for
the future, if and when suitable
range grass seed is materially re
duced in price, is now used mostly
to return marginal land to range
The development of more stock
watering places on range land is an
other of the most popular and prac
tical range improvement practices
in Oregon. By building earth ponds
or reservoirs, by improving and pro
tecting springs from tramping, and
by digging wells, hundreds of addi
tional watering places have been
provided throughout the range area,
which has the effect of allowing bet
ter distribution of cattle and sheep
on the range, thereby relieving
grazed areas and making use of
hitherto inaccessible regions.
The average carrying capacity of
Oregon ranges included in the im
provement program is about 34.9
acres per animal unit, an animal unit
being a cow, a horse, two calves or
five sheep. In Washington the fig
ures are 36.8 acres per animal unit,
and in Idaho 33.6. About 16,000 ranch
operators throughout the western
states took part in the 1937 range
program. This was an increase of 12
per cent over 1936 participation and
indicated growing approval of the
plan in general. In most of the range
states the total number of cooper
ators this year is expected to show a
considerable increase over that of
Pine City 4-H Boy
Receives High Honor
Guy Moore won a scholarship as
the most outstanding boy 4-H club
member in the county.. The First
National Bank of Portland is giving
him a free trip to the Pacific Inter
national Livestock show.
Miss Charlotte Helms is now em
ployed at the Oregon hardware
store in Hermiston.
Miss Henrietta Helms is now at
tending school in Pendleton.
Fred and August Rauch returned
home from a successful hunting trip
Thursday evening.
A large crowd from Butter creek
attended the Hermiston fair Satur
day. Mrs. Kent spent the week end in
Mr. and Ms. Robert McGreer are
attending the Redmond fair.
August Rauch left last Thursday
evening for Corvallis where he will
attend his second year at Oregon
State college.
Burl Wattenburger and son Junior
made a business trip to Mt. Vernon
last week.
Mrs. Margaret Mitchell of Union'
is spending the week end with Mrs.
Roy Neill.
Mrs. Ethel Knighten of Hardman
is spending a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Roy Neill.
Roy Neill is a business visitor in
Wallowa this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fan Roffsness from
Utah are visiting her aunt, Mrs. C.
H. Bartholomew. He is finishing his
master's degree at Oregon State.
Chas. Bartholomew is a business
visitor in Spokane this week.
Locally Butchered Meats
October 1-9 visit the Pacific International
Livestock Exposition in Portland
f nesj y0lJ l
(0) Se,ecyotfrCai.
"urance Poy for
I Not ti
oufoJLd:Qnf9eS of Lf
Before you buy Investigate our
Cain Buyer Plan .
ttlt MPHAl DirOSlT
Page Three
Mrs. George Currin of Lena and
Mrs. Kate Currin of Pilot Rock were
Saturday evening visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Harri
son. They were just returning from
Corvallis where Bobbie Currin of
Pilot Rock had entered as a fresh
mar at Oregon State college.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stewart left
for Seattle Saturday.
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