Page Two Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, Sept 29, 1938 Loans on Wheat Pass Million Bushel Volume in State Sherman County in Lead; Wallace to At tend Kansas Meet With more than 100 warehouses throughout eastern Oregon approv ed for storage under the wheat loan provisions of the AAA, actual loans are being made rapidly at present, according to latest reports to the state office at Corvallis, The chief limiting factor is the delay in get ting the large Portland terminal warehouses qualified under the act, says N. C. Donaldson, secretary of the state AAA committee. At the end of the third week in ; September, offices in seven eastern Oregon counties reported 366 loans made on 1,475,000 bushels. Loans at :that time totaled $629,257.11, or an average of approximately 43 cents a bushel. While this is considerably below the average loan rate at country points for No. 1 wheat, the loans reported include all classes offered. Sherman county, with every warehouse except one qualified to store wheat on which loans have been made, has taken the lead in the number of loan applications com pleted. A total of 227 loans had been made there, involving 730,000 bushels, with total loans of $371,620. Umatilla county, which eventually will probably show the greatest num ber of loans, was slow getting start ed because of delay due to the warehouse situation. All warehouses in that county, with the exception of one chain, had been approved late in September, and it was ex pected to qualify within a few days. The importance being attached to the wheat situation in Washington is indicated by the calling of a meeting of state committeemen from wheat growing regions at Hutchin son, Kan., Thursday, September 29. Scheduled to address the commit teemen at that time on an import ant statement of policy was Secre tary of Agriculture Henry Wallace. His speech was to be on the subject of the present situation of American wheat farmers in the light of ex isting conditions here and abroad and included a discussion of plans for administering the AAA wheat program during the coming twelve months. Religious Embassy at O. S. C. for Week Oregon State College A week of emphasis on the place of religion in modern life under the leadership of some of the world's greatest Christ ian leaders is to take place on the Oregon State college campus from October 2 to 7. Headed by E. Stanley Jones, prob ably the world's most outstanding Christian statesman, a group of re ligious leaders will devote the week jointly to the University of Oregon and Oregon State college on a pro gram of similar visits to colleges and universities throughout the United States this fall and winter. The plan is to carry out on the college cam puses a program somewhat similar to that carried out in the major cities of the country a few years ago under the name of the National Preaching Mission. Leading speak ers may be heard over radio station KOAC from 5 to 5:15 o'clock daily through Friday. Dr. Jones will speak 'Tuesday evening. The program at Oregon State, in which the churches are cooperating, will include special services and con vocations for the entire campus community, classroom lectures, eve ning discussion groups, after-dinner firesides, personal interviews and radio addresses. MRS. SPURLOCK IMPROVES Mrs. Milton Spurlock who has been critically ill at St. Anthony's hos pital at Pendleton for some time had improved sufficiently Monday to be able to walk around her bed three times, reports her mother, Mrs. Ada Cason. Her sister, Patty Nel son, was over to visit her that day. IONE NEWS State Rebekah Head To Visit lone Lodge By MARGARET BLAKE Mrs. Carrie May Rickert of Med ford, state president of the Rebekah assembly, will visit Bunchgrass Re bekah lodge on Friday night, Sept. 30 at 8 p. m. The Rebekah conven tion for this district will be held at Heppner the following day begin ning at 1:30 p. m. The Past Noble Grand club met at the I. O. O. F. hall last Friday af ternoon with Mrs. E. R. Lundell as hostess. Members of the Rebekah lodge were also invited. After the regular business Mrs. Claire Fau bion, nee Rosa Fletcher, of Hood River, was honored with a miscel laneous shower. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mes dames Geo Drake, J. E. Swasson, C W. Swanson, H. O. Ely, E. C. Heli- ker, Walter Eubanks Clel Rea, Frank Lundell, Ida Fletcher, Milton Morgan, Jr.. Garland Swanson, Min nie Forbes, David Rietmann, O. G. Haguewood, E. J. Bristow, Norton Lundell and Miss Mildred Lundell. Among local hunters who have bagged their buck are Fred Mankin and George Ely. Mrs. Victor Peterson was a week' end visitor here from The Dalles. Mrs. Werner Rietmann returned on Friday from Portland where she had spent several days. Women's Topic club will meet on Saturday, Oct. 8, at the Masonic hall Mrs. E. R. Lundell and daughter Mildred were Walla Walla visitors last Thursday. Dr. R. B. Rice and Miss Althea Stoneman, county nurse, gave the Schick test to 58 pupils in the lone school last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blake visited at Kinzua Saturday. Mrs. Ida Moore is visiting rela tives here and at Lexington. She came up from Portland with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Eubanks on their re turn last week from a business trip to that city. Mrs. Moore is able to get about on crutches after several months of waiting for a fractured leg to heal. Dwight Misner and Dean Ickes of Thornton, Wash., arrived Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin. They enjoyed a hunt in this county before returning to their home Sunday. Clifford Yarnell returned last week to Eugene to continue his studies at U. of O. Mrs. A. W. Lundell has gone to La Grande where she is a student at the Eastern Oregon Normal school. Mrs. C. W. Swanson has joined her husband at Sumner, Wash., where he has been visiting relatives for a short time. Robert Smith and daughter Bon nie, accompanied by Mrs. Ted Smith, visited with his daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Hara, at Kinzua on Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stefani and Harvey Wheeler of Conby were vis itors at the Arthur Stefani home last week. Mrs. E. J. Blake and daughters, Mary Kay and Joanne, were in Pen dleton Tuesday. Miss Betty Jean Mankin went to Thornton, Wash., with her grand fathere, Dwight Misner, last Sun day for a short visit. Mrs. C. F. Feldma was a Pendle ton visitor Wednesday. Willows grange degree staff and several other members went to Lex ington Saturday night to confer the 3rd and 4th degrees. There were three candidates of Willows grange and a number of Lexington grange candidates received the degrees. The last Sunday business meeting of Willows grange for the year was held Sept. 25th with a fair attend ance. The grange voted to meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturday nights of each month, beginning October 8. Lexington grange was extended an invitation to confer the 1st and 2nd degrees on candidates for Willows grange in the near future. A dance was announced by the social com mittee for October 8th at the grange hall at Cecil. H. E. club will serve. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grabenhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Emery and son of Salem are hunting guests of George Ely. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter returned home Monday night from a few days camping and hunting in the mountains. 1 & PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LIVESTOCK f EXPOSITION I Portland, Oct. 1 to 9 LOW RAIL FARES k LPACIFIC Rhea Creek Grange To Entertain Pomona Rhea Creek grange will be host to Morrow County Pomona grange on Saturday," Oct. 1, for an all-day meeting. At the close of the forenoon meeting lunch will be served and the lecturer's program will begin at 1:30. Walter Pierce, representative in congress, will be speaker on the program. There will also be several other numbers by the subordinate granges of the county, as well as speakers on various topics of interest to people of the county. The public is cordially invited to attend. The Pomona, or 5th, degree will be conferred on candidates in the evening by members of Cold Springs grange in Umatilla county witn tableaux furnished by Rhea Creek grange. Morrow county grange conference will be held this fall in conjunct Jon with Umatilla county at Cold Springs hall in that county. Conferences of officers and members in various phases of grange work will be led by officers of the state grange who will conduct the conference. The state grange or 6th degree will be conferred there by state grange offi cers. All grangers in the county who desire to receive the 5th degree should attend the evening meeting at Rhea creek on October 1st and be initiated into that degree. They will then be eligible to receive the 6th degree. bince national grange meets in Portland in November of this year, it is to the interest of all Oregon who can attend the na tional session to be ready to attend all meetings bv being in good stand ing in their own grange and by having received the 5th and 6th de grees. A positive safety program for bi cyclists is being studied by a com mittee of Portland citizens repre senting civic organizations and city and state officials, according to Sec retary of State Earl Snell who is cooperating with the group. While no definite program has been adopt ed, the- committee is giving thought to bicycle ordinances in other Ore gon cities embracing codified rules of the road, registration and licen sing of bicycles, and some means of dealing with violators, such as im pounding their bicycles. Cooperation on the part of motor ists with schoolboy safety patrols will not only make the work of the patrols much simpler but will ren der more fruitful their efforts to pro tect the lives of thousands of young sters who cross the street several times daily on their way to and from school, Secretary Snell says. A (3 At FRED FULGHAM RANCH, 2 Miles North of Lexington Depot Wednesday, Oct Beginning at 1 o'clock sharp, the following articles will be of fered for sale: HOUSEHOLD GOODS Kitchen cabinet 100-lb. Ice box Chairs and other articles FARM MACHINERY 1 I.H.C. feed grinder, 10 in. burrs 3-sec, 6-ft. Oliver disc plow 2 Walla Walla weeders with new spare rods and Calkins points 1 12-ft. Walla Walla rod weeder 3 10-ft. disc grain drills 42 ft. iron harrows 1 Walla Walla double disc weeder. 1 blade weeder 1 Old Deering header 1 McCormick mower with clo ver buncher 1 3-bottom Oliver chilled 16 inch gang plow 1 3-bottom John Deere plow, 14-inch. 1 2-botton John Deere plow, 1 6-inch 1 16-in. walking plow 1 50-bu. steel tank for bulk harvester 10-ft. round Redwood tank for grain or water, holds nearly 1000 bushels of wheat Blacksmith tools 1 2-in. straw wagon with rack 1 3!2-in. Studebaker wagon 1 3!2-in. Mountain Winona wagon, nearly new 1 2i2-in. light Mitchell with springs Old Model T car with Ruxstell axle. Old Buick car 2 transfer trucks for harvester headers. Implement hitch 1 Smoke house, 8x10 1 shed about 16x20 ft. LIVESTOCK 1 Shorthorn-Jersey cow, 8 yrs. 1 Jersey heifer, 2-yr.-old, fresh first time 3 spring calves 2 Sows 10 head shoats and pigs HORSES: 1 8-yr.-old gelding, 1400 lbs. 1 4-yr.-old gelding, 1700 lbs. 1 2-yr.-old gelding, 1300 lbs. 1 2-yr.-old colt, 1250 lbs. About 4 tons wheat hay TERMS: CASH o No goods to be removed from premises til settled for. Any body having anything to sell bring it to this sale and it will be sold for 5 per cent commission. V. R. RUNNION, FRED FULGHAM, Auctioneer Owner HARRY DINGES, Clerk