Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 08, 1938, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, Sept. 8, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Berry (nee
Patricia Monahan) of Yakima and
Miss Mary Monahan from Seattle
were over Rodeo visitors at the home
of the ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Monahan, returning home on
Monday following. Mr. Berry is em
ployed with an oil company at Yak
ima and Miss Monahan is in trained
nursing service at Seattle, having
left her former work as stewardess
on board ship with a large steam
ship company.
George Blodgett and mother, Mrs.
Catherine Blodgett, and John O'
Brien of Portland were overnight
guests at the F. S. Parker and Vaw
ter Parker homes Saturday evening
on their way to Walolwa and thence
to southern Oregon points on vaca
tion. Mr. Blodgett is employed with
the state tax department and was
a schoolmate of Vawter Parker at
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmell and
children, Jimmy and Jean, visited
relatives and friends here over Sun
day on their return to their home at
Salem after attending the last day
of the Legion convention at Pendle
ton. They were accompanied by Mr.
GemmeU's mother, Mrs. Emma Gem
mell, who had spent several weeks
visiting her sons, Paul and Chester,
in the capital city.
" Mrs. J. G. Barratt and Mrs. Joseph
v Belanger returned Monday evening
from Browning, Mont., where they
went last Thursday with Mr. Bar
ratt who remained to look after sheep
interests there for two weeks. Mrs.
Belanger went on to Salem Tuesday
to join her husband who is with the
Morrow county contingent of 4-H
club workers at the state fair.
Pastor and Mrs. E. D. Greeley
have recently returned from the
coast after a month's absence. While
on the coast they were occupied in
evangelistic meetings for three
weeks. They announce that Evan
gelist J. Horace Williams will start
special meetings at the Tabernacle
with them next Sunday.
Mrs. H. C. Happold and daughter
Vivian and Mrs. Bert Kane return
ed Saturday evening from a week's
trip on which they visited the coast
Stopping over at Portland for a visit
with relatives on the way going
they suffered the loss of coats and
other belongings when their car was
Harry Duncan returned home last
Friday from a several weeks' sojourn
at the coast, part of which time he
spent with the C. L. Sweek family at
Seal Rocks. He reported that the
Sweeks returned to their home at
Pendleton on Saturday after a stay
of a month at the coast cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. John Anglin, Mrs.
William French and Mrs. Lillian
Smith motored to Seattle over the
week end, being joined at Yakima
by Miss Rachel Anglin. Miss Anglin
will attend bible college at Oakland,
Cal., this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer
and Mrs. Elsie M. Beach were vis
itors in the city Saturday from Lex
ington. Mrs. Beach, pioneer Lexing
ton resident, expected to leave
shortly to spend the winter in south
ern California.
Mr. and Mrs. Lov M. Turner of
Long Beach, Cal., arrived in the city
yesterday morning for a two weeks
visit with relatives and friends, be
ing guests at the home of Mr. Tur
ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Dick Clatfelter, former meat cut
ter who left here about a year ago,
has returned in the employ of Hepp'
ner market He was at various places
in eastern Oregon since leaving here,
but more recently at The Dalles.
The Kenneth Oviatt family left
last week to make their home in
Pendleton, and Mr. Oviatt went on
to John Day to accept a position with
the Bureau of Public Roads.
Mrs. Elaine Furlong has been con
fined at home for several days suf
fering an attack of tonsilitis. -
The L. B. Scrivner family moved
to town from the ranch home in
Democrat gulch this week and will
reside here during the school year.
Mr. Scrivner has just completed his
wheat harvest with a good yield.
Charles "Bud" Lundell was a vis
itor in the city this morning from
lone. He and brother Wallace expect
to leave next week for Forest Grove
to begin their second year at Pa
cific university.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Adams passed
through the city yesterday evening
on the way to their home at Port
land after spending several weeks
at Hardman. They will spend the
winter in the city.
Paul McCarty and Don Turner
left yesterday for Astoria where they
expected to visit until Sunday at
the home of Paul's uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Anderson.
Mrs. Tracy Moberg . and small
daughter of Wenatchee, Wash., ar
ived this week for a month's visit
at the home of Mrs. Moberg's sister,
Mrs. William S. Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes of
Corvallis were week-end guests at
the home of Mr. Hayes' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Glen Hayes while in the
county on vacation.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Cox, nee Winifred Thomson, at the
maternity home of Mrs. P. A. Mol
lahan in this city yesterday, a IVz
pound son.
Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will be at the
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Noble motored
to Willamette calley points the first
of the week for a several days' stay.
Mrs. Florence Dalzell of the Dry
Fork district was a business visitor
in the city Saturday. -
R. L. Ekleberry of Morgan was a
business visitor in the city Tuesday.
Miss Leta Peterson of Weston is
in Heppner to start violin classes at
the home of-Mrs. J. H. Gentry. Miss
Peterson studied advanced work
under B. J. Pacius of Yakima and
Esther Sundquist Bowers, former
head of Whitman Conservatory of
Words fail to express the appre
ciation we feel toward our friends
and neighbors for the ministrations
of mercy during our recent be
reavement. Especially are we grate
ful for the beautiful flowers and
mesages of comfort.
Mrs. W. O. Bayless and Family.
O Ten Years Ago
(Gzette Times, Sept' 13, 1928)
Fair at Irrigon set for tomorrow,
C. H. Erwin and family are leav
ing for La Mar, Wash., where Mr,
Erwin has leased large wheat farm,
Stone's chain grocery gets quar
ters in hotel.
Miss Inez Hayes named Rodeo
queen. .Show two weks away.
Snow fell in the mountain district
Tuesday night
Mrs. E. L. Bucknum and son Gor
don receive injuries when car fora
ed off highway abut ten miles below
Cascade Locks.
Rain dispels hunters' gloom as
governor liftsban on season opening.
Charles Notson leaves for school
at Wilmington, Ky., after visiting
at home of parents.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Cox and Mrs.
Nora Rasmus motored to Salem Sat
urday where the ladies remained to
assist with the booth at the state
fair to be conducted by Oregon Wool
Growers auxiliary of which Mrs.
Thompson is president The men re
turned home Sunday. Homemade
all-wool lambs and lamburgers will
be dispensed at the booth which will
also have a display of woolen articles.
The regular Oregon High School
Atheletic association examination
of men expecting to officiate at high
school football games the coming
season will be held at the high
school building next Saturday at 10
o'clock in the morning, announces
Alden Blankenship, superintendent.
All officials are expected to take
this examination before they can do
any officiating at high school games.
Joseph Belanger, county agent,
eft Sunday with truck and trailer
loaded with 4-H club boys and live
stock. The ' Russell Wright truck
was obtained for the trip, and the
truck was equipped uniquely for the
STAR Reporter
Friday-Saturday :
Madge Evans, Preston Foster, James
Gleason, H. B. Warner, Ruth Don
nelly, Nell Hamilton, Heather Angel
Billy Gilbert, Ralph Morgan
A 21 -gun salute of entertainment
the pulse-stirring, heart-warming
drama of "on with the new" and
"off with the old" in the United
States Army today. The hell-buggy
or the horse? What to do with the
cavalry in modern streamlined war
Reckless Living
Robert Wilcox, Nan Grey, Jinunie
Savo, Frank Jenks
Fast stepping comedy
Musical short subject
Gregory Ratoff, Binnie Barnes, Gil
bert Roland, Raymond Walburn,
John Carradine, Maurice Moscovich,
Harry Carey, Lyle Talbot
A story of dramatic Ellis Island it
brings sorrow or joy but leaves no
life unchanged.
Newsreel Comedy Dude Ranch
the motion picture that set the world
Madeline Carroll Henry Fonda
Leo Carrillo
As timely as this very minute as
warclouds continue to threaten.
Wed.-Thu., Sept. 14-15:
Kate Douglas Wiggin's
Mother Carey's
Anne Shirley, Ruby Keeler, James
Ellison, Fay Bainter, Walter Bren-
nan, Frank Albertson, Alma Krugcr
The same great emotional impact
that made this book one of the out
standing best sellers of a generation
now makes the picture one of the
great heart dramas of today!
Disney Cartoon Paris on Parade
News of the Day
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Car
olyn and Marjorie, are invited to
present this coupon for compliment'
ary admissions. To be used before
Sept. 16th.
purpose. A double deck was con
structed on the truck body with
stock loaded on the lower deck and
the boys and bedding riding on the
top deck.
Lost, bunch of five keys in leath
er case, somewhere in Heppner. Re
ward for return to this office.
By virtue of an order of the
County Court, dated the 17th day of
August, 1938, I am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at pub
lic auction, as provided by law, the
following described lots or parcels
at not less than the minimum price
Lots 5 to 11, inc., Block 38 to
the Town of Irrigon, Oregon.
Minimum price $2.50 per lot.
Lots 13 and 14, Block 26 to the
Town of Irrigon, Oregon. Min-
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Daily Service Between
and Way Points
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
rain growers
G. J. RYAN, Manager
North Pacific Grain Growers
Kerr-Gifford & Co.
Continental Grain Co.
imum price $5.00 per lot
Lots 13 and 14, Block 5, Sper-
ry's 2nd addition to lone, Ore
gon. Minimum price $102, 20
pet down and terms on balance.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
10th day of September, 1938, at the
front door of the Court House in
Heppner, at the hour of 2:00 P. M.,
sell said property to the highest and .
best bidder for cash in hand.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
Phone ATwater 3003
Tar, Gravel and Composition
Roofing - Sheet Metal
We Specialize in Repair Work
Wm. Foster, Manager
P. O. Box 64
3335 S. W. Falcon St.
litqutr about ScnadulM an"
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