Thursday, September 1, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Seven McNabb, Alice E. Atteberry, Ben . Pearson, H. L. Pearson, H. L. Bates, A. E. Root Leo V. et ux Berger, Ruth Ballenger Bates, A. E Davis, Ralph S. .. Hall, John A Rietmann, Edward Patrick, W. I Smith, Walter S Currin, George J Akers, A. S. et ux Hansen, Thomas P. .. Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate Miller, F Morrow, Jackson Lee Wheat Troubles Analyzed in New Outlook Circular The troubled wheat situation in Oregon and the country as a whole is featured in the current issue of the monthly Agricultural Situation and Outlook just published by the extension service at Oregon State college. When wheat markets go bad it is a matter of considerable import ance to Oregon where wheat, is the principal cash crop in the state as a whole, and of predominate import ance in many counties. By mid-July of this year, the av erage farm price for wheat in Oregon was only 52 per cent of the 1926 1930 average compared with 93 per cent a year earlier. Furthermore, the wheat price outlook for the year ahead is not favorable, according to the office of the extension agricul tural economist, where the report is Drepared. Johnson, Nils . Increased production elsewhere rather than in Oregon is the basis for the present wheat market diffi culties. The acreage of wheat being harvested in Oregon this year is es timated at 993,000 acres, the same as in 1937 and even less than the 1928 to 1932 average. While Oregon was making this reduction, however, the United States as a whole had boost ed its harvested acreage for this year to an estimated 71,069,000 acres, a . 10 per cent increase over last year and 18 per cent greater than the 1928-1932 average acreage harvested. The present situation was forecast -with almost uncanny accuracy by a report from the extension econo mist's office about a year ago. At that time the probable export and domestic needs were analyzed and it was shown that if the large acreage then in prospect materialized, a ser ious surplus would be bound to de velop somewhat comparable to that which prevailed in 1932 and 1933. Considering both production and the carry-in of old crop wheat the total supply is around 160 million bushels greater than a year ago and the prospects for exporting wheat are less favorable owing to in creased production abroad. Thus it appears quite probable that the carryover stocks next July may be twice as large. as this year and equal to 1932 and 1933, if not greater, de pending somewhat on exports. Mean- while, prospective world supplies are the largest on record. Wheat acreage allotments, crop in surance, wheat loans, relief pur chases, subsidized exports and possi ble market quotas, if applied effect ively, offer more or less opportunity to farmers for gradually working out of the wheat situation. Even at best, however, it seems certain that there will be a large surplus of wheat during the next two years, the report points out. All OSC Freshmen Are To Register Sept. 19 Oregon State College Students planning to enter Oregno State col lege for the first time this fall will report September 19 for the opening of Freshman week, regardless of their plans in connection with fra ternity membership, E. B. Lemon, registrar, announces. As in the past, formal fraternity rushing does not commence until the following Fri day, after the entire class has been "introduced" to college life on ex actly the same footing. Early indications are for a fresh man class as large or larger than last year, with total registration de pending on the percentage of former students returning. Living costs are expected to be slightly lower this year, while NYA financial assistance will be somewhat increased com pared with last year. Registration for old students is Saturday, September 24th. (Continued from Page Four To Whom Assessed on 1938 Tax Boll Description of Property Sec or Lot Twp. or Block Bag-. E. AMOU1CT OF ORIGINAL TAX FOB YEARS: lone, Tract No. 18 DR 41-476 Boardman, E Boardman Morrow County, clo Georee Mitchell Beckley, Nell Alien, ueorge w bcoggan, L.oretta .. .. ... Allen, Narcissa A. . Allen, George W. wells, L,. a. Kauffman, S. H watkins, Blanche P. Estate , Bleakman, G. A . Miller, J. A ...... Swift. J. L. Howell, Maud Brannon. Ella L. Estate Robison, Lotus . .... Rauch, Fred & Julian ... . Rauch, Fred &. Julian Penrose, Leslie L. & Hazel McCallum, Robert J. et ux ..... Palmateer, Willie G Prosser, Claude E. et al Smouse, Anna C Troedson, C. W. & V. E Rietmann, Edward ...... Doherty, j)an C Schwarz, George M. & Seigmund Bank, Farmers & Stockgrowers Nation al of Heppner .... Bank, Federal Land of Spokane Vanvactor, Sam E. Estate & Butler, R. R. Estate Bishop, O. T. et al Bank, Federal Land of Spokane Leach, Minnie L Way, Daniel & Iva Federal Land Bank of Spokane . . Wood, Daniel & Isabel ; ; Kilkenny, John .. Lindsay, Daniel Bank, Federal Land of Spokane . Bank, Federal Land of Spokane .... Matlock, Juanita Sutherland, M. V. & Hazel Bogardus, C. E Ellsworth, Jesse A. Bigger, H. J . Kessler, Jacob J ; . . Deos, Levi Sharrard. Rosetta Sharrard, Rosetta Sharrard. Rosetta Bank, Arlington National, co Dan Ran- sier . Kunze, Ed Huntting, Forest L Howard. Ella M Puget Sound Mortgage Co., co Vance Liumoer uo Hunt, W. S Stringer, Martha E Petteys, George A Petteys, George A Evans, Evan J. & Emma ... Evans, Evan J Dougherty, E. C. & Berta . Brown, Harriet M NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT TJntlrB is hereby eriven that the un jarGionsH FvAcutrlx of the Estate of W. P. Mahoney. deceased, has filed, with the County Court of the State of Ore rnn fnr Morrow County, her Final AC' count of her administration of said Es tate and said court has set Tuesday, the 6th day of September, 1938, at the hour 11 -nn nvinrk in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court Mouse, ai neypuci, vic6"", the time and place tor nearing oojec' finna tn aniH Final Account and the set tiomont nt said estate, and all persona having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before tne time set iw o"u uwu '"Dated and first published this 4th day of August, 1938. HARRIET K. MAHONEY, Executrix. Hirst, Orilla Etta Brown, Harriet M , ...... Brown, Harriet M Brown, Harriet M Cradick, O. L., E. G. & Myrtle . Connell, Patrick Bank, First Inland National of Pendle ton, c o Charles Reynolds, Receiver .... Bank, First Inland National of Pendle ton, clo Charles Reynolds, Receiver Crites, Bertha . Watkins, R. D. Estate Watkins, Blanche Estate . ... Watkins, R. D. Estate United States National Corporation ...... Cox, Percy Claude , . Gill, Grace G . Gentner, Albert W ............. Craven, Charles E . Gentner, Albert W .... .............. Craven, Charles E ..... Gentner, Albert W - ........... Gill, Grace G United States National Corporation Brundage, Nancy Heirs, co Bessie C. Sanaiin Connell, Bridget .. Gentner, Albert W ..........., James F. & Beatrice , Hodge, John E. Inc Carsner, James W ................... Jones, Emma K ........ Walsh, James F. & Beatrice Gentner, Albert W. Hooper, Mertie E. Walsh, James F. & Beatrice Howard, George C Walsh, James F. & Beatrice Renshaw, E. Estate ........... ... Renshaw, E. Estate .................. Gentner, Albert W Gentner, Albert W. Walsh. James F. & Beatrice Howard, George J. Central Pacific Lumber Co. Gentner, Albert W. French, J. D. & Sons Gentner, Albert W. Howard, George C Boardman, West 67 feet Boardman Boardman Boardman . Boardman Boardman 7 18-19 20 13 21 3 2 7 1 4 4 8 8 9 11 2 2 2 Castle Rock 11-12 Castle Rock 15-16 Castle Rock . 9 to 11 11 Irrigon 1-2 26 Irrigon 5 . 26 Irrigon 6-7-8 26 Irrigon 25 to 28 28 Irrigon 3-4-5 36 Irrigon 30-31 38 Hardman 6 F Hardman, South 25 feet 3 All 4-5-6 L Hardman 1-2 O Hardman. Adams' 2nd 5-6 I Hardman, Tract 3, DR V-223 Hardman Tract No. 10 DR 36-443 Bank, First National of Brainard, Minn. French, J. D. & Sons . Neppach, A. Estate WE : 18 WNW4 2 WNW frl., SW. SW',i SE 1 N12SE14, SMsNEVi Ex. 2 acres 3 SW!4 17 SEi 6 Nwy4 8 NNE& 22 SS 24 NENWli, NWNE, E NE',4 25 NViSWy, 18 NWV4 20 NWNEi4 22 NNEli 31 EV2E 35 SV2 36 SW'4 27 NW4 30 SW4 35 Lots 3 & 4 18 Ey 26 NE14 28 NNE 33 W 2 Ey2sw4, sEViNW, swy4 NEV 6 S 8 E 10 SE14NW14 18 NNW&, SWNW'i, SWM, 18 NS 19 SSEV4 23 EH 36 W, SE14 7 E NW&, NW& NW, SW& 18 W 29 Ey2NW. WNE&, E E. NWNW 16 wysw, swy4Nw 16 EV2SWy4, WSEi4 16 SEi4NW,SWy4NWNWy4, wSE4Nwy4NW, w SWy4NE4, WESW NE14, EESW',4NWy4 .. 17 SSW, NWSW, sw NE14SW14, WNWNE'4 SW 17 SEy4 NE SEy4, ES E SEV4, Wy2NEi4NE'4SEy4 17 SW, WpW'i 16 Wy2NW 4. 16 Tract, DR 42-455 21 SWli 28 SEy4, SEViSW'i 29 NW. S 33 EESEi4 14 WV2NEy4 20 ENWVi 2 ESE, SEy4NEi4 21 All 36 Lot 2, Block 5 West 25 NE14NE14, NM,SEi4NEi4 .... 28 S NE, N SE4, SE',4 SEy4 ; 12 Lots 3 & 4, SE'SW'A 7 WW4 25 SE14 26 swy4NWJ4 22 wy2sw&, SW&SE14, se'4 SW14 - 26 SyaSVa, NE USE 27 Ey2NE'4, NWy4NE'A 34 Nwy4, Nswy4 35 SWy4NE, SE 17 WSEi4, NEy4SW 8 NE, ENW 23 NE 84 SW'ASE1 12 SEy4sEy4 17 SE4SW4 17 , NWy4, WNEi4, NSE NEV4NE4 20 N 36 SWi4NW, WSW& 8 Sy2SEi4 10 SWy4SE'4, ESE 11 SSW'i, SWSE 12 SE, WNW, NWy4SW4 13 NWyLNE 13 NEy4SEV4 14 Ny2NE& - 15 N, NSy2, SSEi4, SE14 SWK 38 SW14NE14, WVjSE 4 SWNE'4 6 SW& 14 SESW&, SW&SEVi 6 All 36 S 32 Nwy4Nwy4, SEy4NW 36 SSW, WSE4 . - 4 EMjSEy .... 5 nw 11 SWy4NW&, SE&SWVi, SEtt NE4 .- 16 NEi4NEy4, SWNE, SEV4 NWy4, WSW, NE4SW& 16 swy4 21 SWSWtt - 4 SEy4NEK, EV4SE4 5 NNW&, WNE 8 SNE, NSEi4 12 ESWy4 16 E, WW 16 ENW'4 - 16 ENEV4. SW&NE&, NWVi SE 18 . EW, E, SWy4SW4 36 SW 4 ENW, NW&NE&, SW"4 16 Lot 16 31 SE'i 32 All 36 IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 5N 5N IS IS IS IS IS 33 83 3S 3S 3S 4S 4S 43 43 4S 4S 4S 4S 43 43 4S 43 4S 4S 43 43 43 43 53 53 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 1937 1966 to SS EJSTUias0 1931 Prior All Years 7-16-38 1.65 1.89 8.85 . 12.39 3.53 125 1.25 2.43 4.93 .93 3.02 3.13 8.92 15.07 3.64 1-55 1.56 4.46 7.57 1.81 3.11 3.12 11.97 18.20 4.89 3.11 3.12 10.58 16.81 4.49 3.11 3.03 11.96 7.94 26.04 7.75 3.11 3.13 12.95 19.19 5.24 2.45 2.50 12.57 9.30 26.82 8.35 .23 .29 .61 LIS .21 .23 .29 1.41 1.93 .54 .42 .43 1.58 2.43 . .59 .49 .62 2.40 ' 3.51 .96 .22 .30 .94 1.46 .35 .73 .92 2.84 4.49 1.13 .95 1.23 3.51 5.69 1.41 .71 .92 3.66 5.29 1.47 .48 .60 6.42 7.50 2.38 .22 .31 2.40 2.93 1.91 .79 7.03 40.58 8.07 66.47 16.96 3.27 4.34 23.05 30.66 8.93 2.16 2.85 13.26 18.27 5.22 6.97 7.92 21.88 35.77 7.56 66. .76 11.42 12.74 4.17 23 20.93 27.00 77.71 125.64 29.39 24 7.74 15.58 50.53 26.60 100.45 27.60 25 24.49 35.91 120.30 180.70 49.15 25 16.77 24.63 82.50 123.90 33.99 25 22.83 33.54 101.16 23.17 180.70 46.28 26 7.17 10.51 55.19 72.87 21.39 26 19.11 28.03 126.20 173.34 34.51 26 14.33 17.84 73.92 106.09 29.58 27 91.00 107.74 398.66 272.06 869.46 171.46 27 76.01 90.00 332.97 250.58 749.56 188.08 28 5.48 6.50 29.95 45.21 87.14 24.42 28 23.44 27.80 108.23 118.30 277.77 76.65 23 3.24 3.90 15.16 22.30 6.06 23 6.54 8.44 30.18 45.16 3.07 23 13.08 16.88 67.45 97.41 24.54 23 24.20 31.22 153.46 208.88 60.23 24 14.40 15.18 72.62 35.64 137.84 36.15' 24 9.73 10.22 23.57 43.52 10.11 24 14.24 15.01 72.16 61.79 153.20 42.47 25 3.85 7.50 17.52 28.87 7.63 25 9.55 14.01 46.94 70.50 17.38 25 6.19 12.13 22.25 40.57 9.04 25 3.10 6.07 13.73 22.90 6.01 26 13.01 15.25 . ' 52.61 80.87 19.59 26 13.81 16.46 34.31 64.68 13.92 26 22.75 26.78 171.73 221.26 58.98 26 13.00 15.29 86.70 20.86 135.84 39.07 26 4.08 4.78 27.13 35.99 10.48 26 31.93 37.52 212.71 282.16 82.24 26 12.59 18.50 42.57 73.66 15.22 26 3.26 3.83 20.98 28.07 8.16 26 52.04 61.19 335.10 448.33 129.96 27 27.64 62.74 510.88 601.26 189.94 27 31.91 37.53 305.56 375.00 114.64 27 53.19 62.97 232.96 190.07 639.19 140.16 . 23 ' 11.57 13.76 51.73 77.06 20.92 23 3.88 4.59 13.79 22.26 6.30 23 5.13 16.79 21.92 6.31 24 4.94 6.47 23.44 33.86 9.15 24 6.97 7.79 37.78 62.54 14.99 24 1.78 2.02 9.76 13.56 3.49 26 8.55 10.04 29.76 48.35 10.16 27 2.86 3.35 16.48 22.69 4.96 23 .07 .08 .16 .31 .10 23 5.15 6.12 12.72 23.99 4.49 23 6.45 7.63 15.92 30.00 5.79 . 23 15.48 18.34 38.22 72.04 14.01 25 23.08 25.68 78.90 127.66 29.90 25 21.34 23.75 88.23 133.32 32.35 26 43.00 55.70 171.58 270.28 64.36 26 4.98 6.42 14.64 26.04 6.03 25 32.36 36.01 133.79 202.16 49.18 26 4.25 5.50 16.99 26.74 6.98 23 6.24 7.56 30.34 44.14 11.97 24 32.54 40.89 281.50 625.45 880.38 201.94 25 7.75 8.75 67.54 128.67 212.71 50.51 25 14.33 15.97 71.49 66.51 168.30 43.73 25 62.20 69.38 291.33 887.14 810.05 213.29 25 2.02 2.00 11.41 . 15.43 4.20 25 11.43 12.44 61.02 11.70 96.59 24.96 25 10.10 10.98 51.78 6.69 79.65 20.03 25 6.07 6.69 34.26 6.67 53.59 14.16 25 12.09 13.18 68.48 19.49 113.24 29.39 24 17.70 17.92 145.01 29.71 210.34 61.60 26 7.79 8.86 42.68 20.06 79.38 23.54 27 18.22 19.59 84.67 122.48 33.66 27 12.00 13.05 56.47 81.52 23.33 28 4.18 4.87 21.63 30.68 7.38 28 6.10 5.49 24.77 35.36 9.50 28 5.10 6.49 24.77 35.36 9.50 Amount Cert, of Delin. 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 27 27 27 28 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 47.27 33.45 8.06 8.37 12.64 12.64 29.29 4.18 4.18 8.37 63.79 12.39 4.73 20.40 10.21 93.10 83.08 11.96 23.93 11.97 16.73 17.94 35.88 18.74 4.18 12.64 16.73 16.73 8.37 60.19 8.87 16.73 88.85 16.73 16.73 2.99 11.95 43.02 60.93 38.98 12.82 7.94 14.62 14.62 29.11 4.87 4.87 9.74 62.40 13.67 6.16 21.99 10.99 98.30 22.58 15.60 31.20 15.60 19.49 23.41 46.78 21.16 4.87 14.61 19.49 19.49 9.75 68.45 9.75 19.49 44.81 19.49 19.49 3.45 13.79 60.37 245.05 122.08 60.04 41.40 58.86 62.05 144.82 20.69 20.69 1 41.40 196.81 48.08 17.41 81.83 26.12 872.86 99.65 69.21 52.95 78.37 40.68 59.66 125.16 64.81 10.30 30.88 82.75 82.75 20.62 135.66 41.41 82.87 142.71 82.75 ' 45.22 10.98 43.90 199.80 90.70 84.96 05.64 You and each of you are further not ified as the respective owners of the legal title of the several tracts of prop erty hereinabove described as the same appears of record, and as any other person or persons known or unknown having or claiming to have any inter est in or to any of said tracts of proper ty, that Morrow County, Oregon, the 343.25 194.51 70.92 150.21 86.02 89.21 203.22 29.74 29.74 144.47 313.00 74.14 27.30 124.22 47.32 664.26 155.31 86.77 108.08 105.94 76.80 100.91 207.82 92.71 19.35 58.03 118.97 118.97 38.74 244.30 155.17 119.09 226.37 118.97 81.44 17.42 69.64 293.19 96.54 60.86 19.86 84.41 23.74 24.79 66.13 7.88 7.88 83.10 73.54 19.74 6.98 29.87 10.41 136.73 36.58 21.52 20.65 30.39 17.17 20.91 43.32 19.19 3.58 11.31 33.24 33.24 7.46 69.80 62.89 83.24 63.81 33.24 18.14 8.81 26.38 80.51 15.92 , 5.86 18.71 9.38 23.09 21.30 33.79 24.43 35.11 1.84 -2.47 8.02 4.47 L81 6.62 7.10 6.76 9.88 4.84 73.43 39.59 23.49 43.33 16.91 155.03 128.05 229.85 157.89 226.98 94.26 . 207.85 135.67 1.040.92 937.64 111.56 354.42 28.36 48.23 121.95 269.11 173.99 53.63 195.67 36.50 87.88 49.61 28.91 100.46 78.50 280.24 174.91 46.47 . 864.40 88.88 86.23 678.29 791.20 489.54 679.35 97.98 27.66 27.23 43.00 67.63 17.05 58.51 27.65 .41 28.48 35.79 . 86.05 157.66 165.67 334.64 31.07 251.34 33.72 56.11 1,082.32 2G3.22 212.03 1,023.34 19.72 121.55 99.68 67.75 142.63 271.94 102.92 156.14 104.85 38.06 44.86 44.86 439.79 245.37 90.78 184.62 109.76 114.00 259.35 87.62 87.62 177.67 386.64 93.88 84.28 15419 67.73 700.99 191.89 108.29 128.73 136.33 93.97 121.82 251.14 111.90 22.93 69.34 152.21 152.21 46.20 804.10 208.06 152.33 280.18 152.21 99.58 21.23 96.02 373.70 plaintiff above named, will apply to the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County for a decree foreclos ing its tax liens against all of the prop erty above named, described and men tioned in this summons. You and each of you are hereby sum moned to appear on or before the 81st day of October, 1938, and defend this action, or pay the amount due plaintiff upon its lien, together with costs and accrued interest; and in case you fail to do so, a Judgment and decree will be rendered against you as your Interest may appear In the tabulation afore said, foreclosing the lien of plaintiff for taxes and costs against the tracts of land above described. All process and papers In the pro ceedings may be served on the under signed, residing in the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. P. O. Address, Heppner, Oregon. FRANK C. ALFRED, District Attorney for Morrow Coun ty, Oregon. P. O. Address, Heppner, Oregon.