Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 01, 1938, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, September 1, 1938
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Among local legionnaires who
went to Pendleton yesterday on bus
iness in connection with the opening
of the state American Legion con
vention were Loyal Parker, Henry
Peterson, C. J. D. Bauman and Har
ry Tamblyn. All are serving on
committee assignments for the big
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and
baby daughter arrived here yester
day evening to be in readiness for
opening of school when Mr. Knox
will' resume his work as high school
principal and physical education di
rector. They spent the summer at
Miss Astrid Berghdol and Miss
Genevieve Dunton of Condon were
Rodeo guests of Miss Nancy Jane
Cox. Miss Berghdol is a sorority sis
ter of Miss Cox at Oregon State
college, and Miss Dunton is assistant
editor of the Condon Globe Times.
Egbert Young and brothers, J. B.
and L. S. Young, were visitors in
the city Monday from Eight Mile
where the latter two gentlemen
have been visiting at Egbert's home
for some time. They all took in some
of the Rodeo last week end.
Cecil Sargent was in town Satur
has put in the season doing custom
has pu in the season doing custom
combine harvesting. He reported
the largest cut he has made any sea
son since he started this type of har
vesting several years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. French, pioneer
residents of the Butter creek sec
tion, have been among regular at
tendants at Rodeo since its incep
tion, and were on hand Friday and
- Saturday to see the performances
this year.
Alvin Stott returned this week
from a three weeks vacation on
which he took in Yellowstone, and
went on to Pendleton to where he
. has been transferred in his work
with Braden-Bell company.
Will, Jack and David Hynd, mem
bers of Hynd Bros, company, were
all in the city Monday on business
in connection with John Day Irriga
tion district that was before the
county court.
Ed Rietmann was in the city Tues
day from the farm east of lone and
reported that the infected finger
that has been bothering him for
some time is well on the road to re
covery. Mr. Douglas, new chief of grazing
for Oregon succeeding Mr. Kavan-
augh, arrived Tuesday to make a
preliminary inspection of the local
district of the Umatilla National
Mrs. William Hayes and baby
daughter arrived Monday evening
from their home at Portland for a
.visit at the home of Mrs. Hayes' par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Nickereson.
Mrs. Opal Gunther of Yakima was
a guest at the Frank Monahan home
for Rodeo. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Newt King, formerly
of lone.
Mrs. Emma Garrigues, mother of
Mrs. Joe Snyder, returned to her
home at Pendleton this week after
visiting at the Snyder home here.
Ernest Clark and Nick Talaef left
Heppner Tuesday evening for Pen
dleton, Talaef, former CC, being on
his way to New York.
A. T. King of Kinzua took in the
Rodeo Saturday while visiting at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. J. V
Boyd Redding, Gordon Akers and
Buddy Batty departed yesterday for
a weeks vacation at Seaside.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Babb went to
Portland the end of the week, re
turning Tuesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Laxton McMurray
were visitors in the city Monday
from the Jordan farm.
Walter Wright was transacting
business in the city Tuesday from
the Rhea creek ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Zinter were in
the city Tuesday from the farm in
the Dry Fork section.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pointer of
lone and Lexington were visitors
in the city Tuesday.
Lotus Robison was transacting
business in town Tuesday from the
Rhea creek farm.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner made
a short business trip to Portland the
first of the week.
Wanted School students, rooms
or rooms and board. Phone 722.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Deulen expect
to leave the first of next week to
make their home near Talala, Okla.,
which will be their address though
they will do their trading at Clare
mont, old home of the late Will
Rogers. Mr. Deulen was in the city
yesterday winding up business mat
ters in preparation for leaving. He
said he was leaving with a clean
slate and the best regard for Mor
row county and its people. Having
stayed home and tended to business
in the several years of wheat opera
tion here in which time he farmed
a large acreage, he was glad to say
that the county and its people have
treated him well. However, he has
found a good investment in 5000
acres of grass land in Oklahoma
which he considers an ideal set-up
for wheat tractor farming. He will
be joined there by a son-in-law,
Cliford Hawes and family who is
turning to farming after five years
of barbering. His son, Don F. Deu
len, will remain at Portland where
he has a good position.
With Tom Wells, the club's second
vice-president presiding, the Lions
club Monday received reports on
Rodeo from various members who
played prominent roles in its con
duct. Frank C. Alfred, in charge of
tickets, reported gate receipts would
be about the same as last year. Har
lan McCurdy, former director and
conductor for this year's parade,
commended the show generally and
advised underwriting it against pos
sible future adversities. Logie Rich
ardson, parade chairman, extended
thanks for the wholehearted coop
eration of everyone in making the
parade possible. Hugh Crawford,
the club's representative at the re
cent Boy State camp in Portland,
thanked the club for sending him
and answered questions concerning
the camp organization.
Jack French, champion bronc rid
er at the Heppner Rodeo in 1925,
has been named one of the three
judges for the Pendleton Round-Up,
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
French of Pilot Rock, ranches near
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, Sept. 6, 1928)
, James W. Cowins, county pioneer,
Mrs. J. S. Baldwin dies as result
of serious sickness.
Clarence Moore marries Miss Mona
Davenport at Baker.
Mrs. J. P. Cochran and daughter
take over management of Hotel
School opens with enrollment of
106 in high school, more than 300 in
Miss Leatha Hiatt married to Os
car Rippee at Pendleton.
Attempted burglary at Pilot Rock
reported fatal to one bandit yester
day. North Morrow fair set for coming
week end.
Hunters prepare for season's open
ing next Monday.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Long Creek, and, has been a prom
inent Rodeo booster since its incep
tion. Mr. French received notice of
the appointment while attending
Rodeo last week end. Bill Switzler
of Umatilia and Ben Boone of Se
attle are the other two judges.
Lightning Sets New
Fires in Forest
Seven new fires, all small and
soon put under control, were start
ed in the local forest district by
lightning last Friday, reports F. F.
Wehmeyer, ranger in charge.
This district has had a total of 35
fires to date, none of which has been
of considerable size, Mr. Wehmeyer
Mrs. Gordon Ridings has returned
from Eugene to visit at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. D.
Clark, before going on to New York
with Mr. Ridings where the latter
will resume his work at Columbia
junior college with the beginning of
the school year. Mrs. Ridings, nee
Marjorie Clark, was queen of the
first Heppner Rodeo.
Eugene and Clinton Empey who
showed the white calves at Heppner
last week end, will take them and
the covered wagon drawn in the
parade to the Pendleton Round-Up,
announced Mrs. R. H. Zinter, fos
ter mother, when in town Tuesday.
The calves and wagon will enter
the Westward-Ho parade.
Episcopal women's auxiliary will
hold its regular meeting at the Par
ish house next Thursday afternoon,
Sept. 8, beginning at 2:30 o'clock.
Dick Bogoger and mother, riding
in the Logie Richardson car, crash
ed part of the yard fence at the
STAR Reporter
The Movies are Your Best
Kentucky Moonshine
with The Ritz Bros., Tony Martin,
Marjorie Weaver, Slim Summerville,
John Carradine
It's laugh daffy it's swing happy.
Blind Alibi
with Richard Dix, Ace, the marvel
ous dog; a desperate game of blind
man's buff a seeing eye dog in ac
tion with his fearless master track
ing down a ruthless band of inter
national blackmailers.
Little Miss Broadway
with Geo. Murphy, Jimmie Durante,
Phyllis Brooks, Edna Mae Oliver
Come and watch the fun go by!
Shirley, surrounded by fun-making
show people, will show you the time
of your life!
Prison Farm
with Shirley Ross, Lloyd Nolan,
John Howard, J. Conrad Naish,
Anna Q. Nillson
Rips the lid off a prison more feared
than Devil's Island plus
Ladies in Distress
with Alison Skipworth, Polly Moran
It's catch-as-catch-can with no holds
barred when Skippy and Polly start
to clean their town of racketeers.
Port of Seven Seas
with Wallace Beery, John Beal
Maureen O'Sullivan, Frank Morgan
Romance and adventure on a side
of life you seldom
March of Time
Fred Ross home on Gilmore street
about 6 o'clock Monday evening to
avoid hitting Junior Hughes, son of
Mrs. Grace Hughes, who ran back
ward into the street directly in the
car's path. Bogoger had to swerve
the car quickly and narrowly avoid
ed hitting a large tree in front of
the Ross place. Little damage was
done to the car.
Canning peaches, 2c lb., at W. T.
Bray ranch, Umatilla, Ore. 21-25p
By virtue of an order of the
County Court, dated the 17th day of
August, 1938, I am authorized and
directed to advertise and sell at pub
lic auction, as provided by law, the
following described lots or parcels
at not less than the minimum price
. Lots 5 to 11, inc., Block 38 to
the Town of Irrigon, Oregon.
Minimum price $2.50 per lot.
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Daily Service Between
and Way Points
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
Morrow County
Grain Growers
G. J. RYAN, Manager
North Pacific Grain Growers
Kerr-Gifford & Co.
Continental Grain Co.
Arrange for accommodations
Arrange to meet friends
LONG DISTANCE can serve you
By arranging accommodations. f By arranging to
meet friends. Jf By obtaining road, fishing, weather
and other information quickly. Cf By taking your
voice home to loved ones. f By relieving anxiety.
Lots 13 and 14, Block 26 to the
Town of Irrigon, Oregon. Min
imum price $5.00 per lot
Lots 13 and 14, Block 5, Sper
ry's 2nd addition to lone, Ore
gon. Minimum price $102, 20
pet. down and terms on balance.
Therefore, I will, on Saturday, the
10th day of September, 1938, at the
front door of the Court House in
Heppner, at the hour of 2:00 P. M.,
sell said property to the highest and
best bidder for cash in hand.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
Phone ATwater 3003
Tar, Gravel and Composition
Roofing - Sheet Metal
We Specialize in Repair Work
. Wm. Foster, Manager
P. O. Box 64
3335 S. W. Falcon St.