Thursday, August 25, 1938 Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Foster of Los Angeles visited at the S. H. Shannon home last week. Mrs. Foster is a niece of Mr. Shannon and it had been 18 years since they last saw each other. The Fosters were on their way to Idaho to visit Mr. Foster's mother. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, executors of the estate of Albert W. Osmin, Deceased, have filed their final account with the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, of their administration of the estate of said deceased, and said Court has set Friday, the 12th day of August, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day in the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account, and all persons hav ing objections to said final account or the settlement of said estate are hereby required to file the same with said Court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 14th day of July, 1938. Date of last publication August 11th, 1938. ALTON L. OSMIN, LEWIS A. OSMIN, Executors of the Estate of Albert W. Osmin, Deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix of the Estate of W. P. Mahoney, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, her Final Ac count of her administration of said Es tate and said court has set Tuesday, the 6th day of September, 1938, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House, at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said Final Account and the set tlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hear ing. Dated and first published this 4th day of August, 1938. HARRIET K. MAHONEY, Executrix. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. In the matter of the guardianship of the person and estate of BERNICE MARKHAM and BARBARA MARK HAM, minors. NOTICE OF SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a license to sell granted in the above entitled matter on the 27th day of July, 1938, the undersigned will sell, at private sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: An undivided one-seventh interest in and to the following: All of Section Thirty-five in Town ship Two, South of Range Twenty five, E. W. M. All of Section Two; all of Section Three ; the East half and the North east quarter of the Southwest quar ter of Section Four, in Township Three, South Range Twenty-five, E. W. M. ; also that portion of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Four, in Town ship Three, South Range Twenty five, E. W. M., which belonged to the A. M. Markham estate; the North half of the North half of Sec tion Nine; also the East half of the Northeast quarter of Section Ten;' the North half of the Northwest quarter; the Southwest quarter of the' Northwest quarter of Section Eleven; also the fractional parts of the Northwest quarter of the North east quarter, and the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Eleven lying West of the County Road running through said lands, all being in Township Three South Range Twenty-five, E. W. M. ; also the South half of the South half of Section Eleven, the South west quarter of the Southwest quar ter of Section Twelve; the North west quarter of Section Thirteen, and the North half of Section Four teen, all in Township Three, South Range Twenty-five, E. W. M. Also the following described tracts of land, to-wit: Commencing at a point twenty rods West of the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter -of SectUn 11; thence Northwesterly to a point 36 rods North of the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter said Section Elev en; thence South thirty-six rods; thence East sixty rods to the place of beginning, containing six and three-fourths acres, more or less. Also commencing at the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Eleven ; thence running Southeaster ly to a point thirty-six rods north of the Southwest corner of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section eleven; thence . South thirty-six rods; thence West eighty rods; thence North eighty rods to the place of beginning, all in Township Three, South Range Twenty-five, E. W. M. Also the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Eleven, Township Three South Range Twenty-five, E. W. M. Subject to the dower rights of Oc tavia Markham, widow of A. M. Markham, deceased. Situated in Morrow County, Ore gon. The sale will be made from and af ter the 26th day of August, 1938. Bids In writing for said property may be left with the undersigned Guardian at the office of J. J. Nys, Heppner, Ore gon, or filed with the Clerk of the above Court. Sale will be made for cash, sub Ject to confirmation by the Court Dated this 27th day of July, 1938. VIRGIE B. MARKHAM, Guardian. Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Seven (Continued from Page Four To Whom Assessed on 1938 Tax Boll Description of Property Sec or Lot Twp. or Block ling. E. W. M. AMOUNT OF OBI PINAL TAX FOB YEARS : 1937 1936 McNabb, Alice E. Atteberry, Ben . rearson, H. u. Pearson, H. L. Bates, A. E. Root Leo V. et ux tserger, Ruth Ballenger Bates A F! Davis, Ralph S. Morrow County, co GeorgeM'itchell Beeklev NaII Allen, George W. ."..'..'.ZT.' bcoggan, Loretta Allen, Narcissa A. .. Allen, George W Wells L R ' " Kauffman, S. H." Watkins Rlanrhn T Ratota Bleakman Ci A Miller, J. A ZZ.TZ" Swift. J. L. Howell, Maud Brannon, Ella L. Estate Robison, Lotus Hall, John A Rietmann, Edward Patrick, W. I Johnson, Nils . Smith, Walter S Currin, George J. ..... Akers, A. S. et ux Hansen. Thomas P. Barker, John Estate Barker, John Estate Rauch, Fred & Julian Rauch, Fred & Julian Penrose, Leslie L. & Hazel McCallum. Robert J. et ux Palmateer, Willie G ... Frosser, Claude E. et al amouse, Anna C. Troedson, C. W. & V. E Rietmann. Edward Doherty, Dan C bchwarz, George M. & Seigmund Bank, Farmers & Stockgrowers Nation al of Heppner ... Bank, Federal Land of Spokane Vanvactor, Sam E. Estate & Butler, R. R. Estate Bishop, O. T. et al Bank, Federal Land of Spokane Leach, Minnie L Way, Daniel & Iva Federal Land Bank of Spokane .. Wood, Daniel & Isabel Kilkenny, John .. Lindsay, Daniel Bank, Federal Land of Spokane Bank, Federal Land of Spokane Miller, F. Morrow, Jackson Lee Matlock, Juanita Sutherland, M. V. & Hazel Bogardus, C. E .... Ellsworth, Jesse A. Hirst, Orilla Etta Bigger, H. J Kessler. Jacob J. .. Deos, Levi Sharrard, Rosetta , Sharrard, Rosetta Sharrard, Rosetta Bank, Arlington National, co Dan Ran- sier Kunze, Ed .!"! Huntting, Forest L Howard, Ella M Puget Sound Mortgage Co., co Vance Lumber Co Hunt, W. S ! Stringer, Martha E Petteys, George A Petteys, George A Evans, Evan J. & Emma ... Evans, Evan J , Dougherty, E. C. & Berta Brown, Harriet M Brown, Harriet M Brown, Harriet M Brown, Harriet M Cradick, O. L., E. G. & Myrtle ...L.!Z Connell, Patrick Bank, First Inland National of Pendle ton, cjo unaries Reynolds, Receiver .... Bank, First Inland National of Pendle ton, co Charles Reynolds, Receiver . Crites, Bertha Watkins, R. D. Estate .-. Watkins, Blanche Estate Watkins, R. D. Estate United States National Corporation Cox, Percy Claude Gill, Grace G Gentner, Albert W ............. Craven, Charles E Gentner, Albert W Craven, Charles E ...... Gentner, Albert W. . Gill, Grace G. United States National Corporation . Brundage, Nancy Heirs, co . Bessie C. Sandlin . ....... Connell, Bridget , Gentner, Albert W Walsh, James F. & Beatrice Hodge, John E. Inc Carsner, James W Jones, Emma K ........... Walsh, James F. & Beatrice ... Gentner, Albert W ................ Hooper, Mertie E. Walsh, James F. & Beatrice . Howard, George C. Walsh, James F. & Beatrice Renshaw, E. Estate Renshaw, E. Estate ...... Gentner, Albert W ..... Gentner, Albert W Walsh, James F. & Beatrice ............. Howard, George C ..... ...-..... Central Pacific Lumber Co. . Gentner, Albert W French, J. D. & Sons Gentner, Albert W. Howard, George C. ........ Bank, First National of Brainard, Minn. French, J. D. & Sons .. . Neppach, A. Estate . lone. Tract No. 18 DR 41-476 Boardman, EVt 7 Boardman 18-19 Boardman, West 57 feet 20 Boardman 13 Boardman ..,. . . 21 Boardman 3 Boardman 2 Boardman . 7 Castle Rock H-ia Castle Rock 15-16 1 4 4 8 8 9 11 2 2 2 9 to 11 11 1-2 26 5 26 6-7-8 26 .... 25 to 28 28 3-4-5 36 30-31 38 Castle Rock Irrigon . Irrigon . Irrigon . ..... Irrigon Irrigon Irrigon Hardman 6 Hardman. South 25 feet . S All 4-5-6 Hardman 1-2 Hardman. Adams' 2nd 5-6 Hardman, Tract 3, DR V-223 Hardman Tract No. 10 DR 36-443 WE 18 WNW4 2 WNW frl., SW, SW SE4 1 NSEi4, SNE14 Ex. 2 acres 3 SW 17 SEVi : 6 NWU 8 NNE 22 SS 24 NEy4NW, NW&NE&, E NEH : 25 NSW 18 NW14 ; 20 NWNE& . 22 NNEVi 31 Ey2Ey2 35 S 36 SWy4 27 Nwy4 30 SW4 35 Lots 3 & 4 18 Ek 26 NE& ;. 28 NNE 33 W : 2 ESW, SEViNWM,, SW& NEi 6 S 8 EV2 10 SENWVi 18 NNW, SWiiNW, SW 18 Ny2S 19 SSEi4 23 E 36 wy2, sem 7 E NW, NW& NW, swy4 ..! is W . 29 E'2NW, WNEM,, E E, NWiNW 16 WyoSWii, SWNW& 16 Ey2SW4, WSE 16 SENW&.SWNWliNWM,, wySENWi4NW, W SW'iNEV4, WMiEM.SW& ' NE',4, E-ESWNWU .. 17 sy2sw, Nwy4sw, sw NESW, WNWNE swy4 17 SEM NE SE',4, 'ES E SEM, WyNE'NESE'i 17 SWA, W'jNW'i 16 W'iNWiJ 16 Tract, DR 42-455 21 SWVi x28 SE, SESWVi 29 NW'A, S'2 33 EVaEijSE 14 WM.NE14 20 EyjNWi 2 EttSEVi, SEiiNEy4 21 All 36 Lot 2, Block 5 West 25 NEV4.NEVi, NyaSEy4NE .... 28 sy2 NE, N SEy4, SE& SEy4 12 Lots 3 & 4, SESW'i 7 WNW'4 25 SEy4 26 SWNWii 22 wyoSwii, SW14SE14, se SW4 : 26 sy2sy2, nese'a 27 Ei2NE, NW'4NE!4 34 Nwy4, Nswi4 : 35 swy4NEy4, se 17 WSEy4, NE14SW& 8 NE, ENWi4 23 NE14 34 SW14SE& 12 SESEy4 17 SE',4SW 17 NWy4, WNE'A, NSEft NE14NE& 20 Ny2 36 SW4NW!4, WSWy4 8 SUSEVt 10 swy4sE4, ESEy4 11 sswy4, swse4 12 SE'4. Wy2NW, NWSW4 13 NWNEy4 13 NESEy4 14 Ny2NE4 15 N, NyaS, SSE, SE& swy . 36 SWNE, WVjSE .. SWy4NEi4 ....... SW,4 SE'SW, SWSEi,4 All .. . ..... NWy4NW, SEV4NW& ... sswy4t W14SE14 4 6 14 6 36 32 36 4 5 SSWVl 11 SWy4NW&, SE14SW&, SE& NE'4 Z. 16 NE&NEy. SW?4NEi4, SEi NW&, WMsSWVi, NE4SW& 16 swy4 21 swy4swy4 . 4 SEy4NEl4, EVfcSE 5 NNWy4, WNEK 8 SNEi4, Ni,4SE 12 ESWy4 16 E, WW 16 ENW4 16 ENE&, SWNE, NWy4 SE4 18 EW, E, SWSW',4 36 SW4 4 ENW&, NW&NEK, NWVi swy4 Z. 16 Lot 16 31 SE& 32 All 36 F L O I IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN IN ' 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 2N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 3N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 4N 5N 5N IS ' IS IS IS IS 3S 3S 3S 3S 3S 43 4S 4S 4S 4S 43 4S 4S 4S 4S 4S 4S 43 4S 43 43 4S 4S 53 63 6S 5S 63 63 63 6S 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 6S 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 23 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 28 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 27 1935 to 1931 1930 and Prior Total for All Years Interest to 7-16-38 Amount Cert of Delln. 1.65 1.25 3.02 1.55 3.11 3.11 3.11 3.11 2.45 .23 .23 .42 .49 .22 .73 .95 .71 .48 .22 .79 3.27 2.16 5.97 66. 20.93 7.74 24.49 16.77 22.83 7.17 19.11 14.33 91.00 76.01 6.48 23.44 3.24 6.54 13.08 24.20 14.40 9.73 14.24 3.85 9.55 6.19 3.10 13.01 13.81 22.75 13.00 4.08 31.93 12.59 3.26 52.04 27.64 1.89 1.25 3.13 1.56 3.12 3.12 3.03 3.13 2.50 .29 .29 .43 .62 .30 .92 1.23 .92 .60 .31 7.03 4.34 2.85 7.92 .76 27.00 15.58 35.91 24.63 33.64 10.51 28.03 17.84 107.74 90.00 6.50 27.80 3.90 8.44 16.88 31.22 15.18 10.22 15.01 7.50 14.01 12.13 6.07 15.25 16.46 26.78 15.29 4.78 37.62 18.50 3.83 61.19 62.74 8.85 2.43 8.92 4.46 11.97 10.58 11.96 12.95 12.57 .61 1.41 1.58 2.40 .94 2.84 3.51 3.66 6.42 2.40 40.58 23.05 13.26 21.88 11.42 77.71 50.53 120.30 82.50 101.16 55.19 126.20 73.92 398.66 332.97 29.95 108.23 15.16 30.18 67.45 153.46 72.62 23.57 72.16 17.52 46.94 22.25 13.73 52.61 34.31 171.73 86.70 27.13 212.71 42.57 20.98 335.10 510.88 27 31.91 , 37.53 305.56 27 53.19 62.97 232.96 23 11.57 13.76 51.73 23 3.88 4.59 13.79 23 5.13 16.79 24 4.94 5.47 . 23.44 24 6.97 7.79 37.78 24 1.78 2.02 9.76 26 8.55 10.04 29.76 27 2.86 3.35 16.48 23 .07 .08 .16 23 5.15 6.12 12.72 23 6.45 7.63 15.92 23 15.48 18.34 38.22 25 23.08 25.68 78.90 25 21.34 23.75 88.23 26 43.00 55.70 171.58 26 4.98 6.42 14.64 25 32.36 36.01 133.79 26 4.25 5.50 16.99 23 6.24 7.56 30.34 24 32.54 40.89 281.50 25 7.75 8.75 67.54 25 14.33 15.97 71.49 25 62.20 69.38 291.33 25 2.02 2.00 11.41 25 11.43 12.44 61.02 25 10.10 10.98 51.78 25 6.07 6.59 34.26 25 12.09 13.18 68.48 24 17.70 17.92 145.01 26 7.79 8.86 42.68 27 18.22 19.59 84.67 27 12.00 13.05 56.47 28 4.18 . 4.87 21.63 28 6.10 6.49 24.77 28 6.10 5.49 24.77 28 47.27 60.93 245.05 28 33.45 38.98 122.08 29 8.06 12.82 60.04 29 8.37 7.94 41.40 29 12.64 14.62 58.86 29 12.54 14.62 62.05 29 29.29 29.11 144.82 29 4.18 4.87 20.69 29 4.18 4.87 20.69 29 8.37 . 9.74 41.40 29 63.79 62.40 196.81 27 ,12.39 13.67 48.08 27 4.73 6.16 17.41 27 20.40 21.99 81.83 28 10.21 10.99 26.12 25 93.10 98.30 372.86 26 83.08 22.68 99.65 26 11.96 15.60 59.21 27 23.93 31.20 52.95 27 11.97 15.60 78.87 27 16.73 19.49 40.58 27 17.94 23.41 69.56 27 85.88 46.78 125.16 27 16.74 21.16 54.81 28 4.18 4.87 10.30 28 12.54 14.61 30.88 28 16.73 19.49 82.75 28 16.73 19.49 82.75 28 8.37 9.75 20.62 28 60.19 58.45 135.66 28 8.87 9.75 41.41 28 16.73 19.49 82.87 28 88.85 44.81 142.71 29 16.73 19.49 ( 82.75 29 16.73 19.49 45.22 29 2.99 3.45 10.98 29 11.95 13.79 43.90 29 43.02 60.37 199.80 7.94 9.30 8.07 26.60 23.17 272.06 250.68 45.21 118.30 35.64 51.79 20.86 190.07 625.45 128.67 66.61 387.14 11.70 6.69 6.67 19.49 29.71 20.05 90.70 84.96 96.64 12.39 3.53 15.93 4.93 .93 5.86 15.07 3.64 18.71 7.67 1.81 9.38 18.20 4.89 23.09 16.81 4.49 21.80 26.04 7.75 33.78 19.19 6.24 24.43 26.82 8.35 35.11 1.13 .21 1.84 1.93 .64 2.47 2.43 .69 8.02 8.61 .96 4.47 1.46 .35 181 4.49 1.13 5.62 6.69 1.41 7.10 5.29 1.47 6.76 7.60 2.38 9.88 2.93 1.91 4.84 66.47 16.96 73.43 30.66 8.93 89.69 18.27 6.22 23.49 35.77 7.66 43.33 12.74 4.17 16.91 125.64 . 29.39 155.03 100.45 27.60 128.06 180.70 49.15 229.86 123.90 33.99 157.89 180.70 46.28 226.98 72.87 21.39 94.26 173.34 34.51 207.85 106.09 29.58 135.67 869.46 171.46 1.040.92 749.56 188.08 937.64 87.14 24.42 111.56 277.77 76.65 354.42 22.30 6.06 28.36 45.16 3.07 48.23 97.41 24.54 121.95 208.88 60.23 269.11 137.84 36.15 173.99 43.52 10.11 53.63 153.20 42.47 195.67 28.87 7.63 36.60 70.50 17.38 87.88 40.67 9.04 49.61 22.90 6.01 28.91 80.87 19.59 100.46 64.58 13.92 78.50 221.26 68.98 280.24 135.84 39.07 174.91 35.99 10.48 46.47 282.16 82.24 364.40 73.66 15.22 88.88 28.07 8.16 36.23 448.33 129.96 57829 601.26 189.94 791.20 375.00 114.54 489.64 539.19 140.16 679.35 77.06 20.92 97.98 22.26 5.30 27.66 21.92 5.31 27.23 33.85 9.15 43.00 62.54 14.99 67.63 . You and each of you are further not ified as the respective owners of the legal title of the several tracts of prop erty hereinabove described as the same appears of record, and as any other person or persons known or unknown having or claiming to have any inter est in or to any of said tracts of proper ty, that Morrow County, Oregon, the 13.56 48.35 22.69 .31 23.99 30.00 72.04 127.66 133.32 270.28 26.04 202.16 26.74 44.14 880.38 212.71 168.30 810.05 15.43 96.59 79.55 53.59 113.24 210.34 79.38 122.48 81.52 30.68 35.36 35.36 843.25 194.51 70.92 150.21 86.02 89.21 203.22 29.74 29.74 144.47 813.00 74.14 27.30 124.22 47.32 664.26 155.31 86.77 108.08 105.94 76.80 100.91 207.82 92.71 19.35 58.03 118.97 118.97 38.74 244.30 155.17 119.09 226.37 118.97 81.44 17.42 69.64 293.19 3.49 10.16 4.96 .10 4.49 5.79 14.01 29.90 32.35 64.36 5.03 49.18 6.98 11.97 201.94 50.51 43.73 213.29 4.20 24.96 20.03 14.16 29.39 61.60 23.54 33.66 23.33 7.38 9.50 9.50 96.54 60.86 19.86 34.41 23.74 24.79 66.13 7.88 7.88 83.10 73.64 19.74 6.98 29.97 10.41 136.73 86.68 21.52 20.65 30.39 17.17 20.91 43.32. 19.19 3.68 11.31 33.24 33.24 7.46 59.80 62.89 33.24 63.81 33.24 18.14 8.81 26.38 80.61 17.06 68.51 27.65 .41 28.48 35.79 86.05 157.56 105.67 334.64 31.07 251.34 33.72 66.11 1,082.32 263.22 212.03 1,023:34 19.72 121.65 99.58 67.75 142.63 271.94 102.92 156.14 104.85 38.06 44.86 44.86 439.79 245.37 90.78 184.62 109.76 114.00 259.35 37.62 37.62 177.57 886.64 93.88 84.28 154.19 67.73 700.99 191.89 108.29 128.73 136.33 93.97 121.82 251.14 111.90 22.93 69.34 152.21 152.21 46.20 804.10 208.06 152.33 280.18 152.21 99.68 21.23 96.02 873.70 plaintiff above named, will apply to the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County for a decree foreclos ing its tax liens against all of the prop erty above named, described and men tioned in this summons. You and each of you are hereby sum moned to appear on or before the 31st day of October, 1938, and defend this action, or pay the amount due plaintiff upon its lien, together with costs and accrued interest; and In case you fail to do so, a Judgment and decree will be rendered against you as your Interest may appear in the tabulation afore said, foreclosing the lien of plaintiff for taxes and costs against the tracts of land above described. All process and papers in the pro ceedings may be served on the under signed, residing In the State of Oregon, at the address hereinafter mentioned. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. P. O. Address, Heppner, Oregon. FRANK C. ALFRED, District Attorney for Morrow Coun ty, Oregon. P. O. Address, Heppner, Oregon. 1