Page Four Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE, Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES. Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15. 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SPENCER CRAWFORD, Manager SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Three Years ..... 6.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months .75 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow Comity -i Member. Oyg&rTNwspaperPiblilRyrs vO AssociatiorTM V u To Renew Appeal For Rhea Creek Road Members of the Morrow county court will go to Pilot Rock next Tuesday to meet the state highway commission. "We want to let them know that we're not satisfied because definite announcement has not been made as to what is going to be done on the Heppner-Rhea creek road," said Judge Bert Johnson. "The tentative set-up seems to be that this sector will be completely surfaced next year, but we're going to keep after them until we are certain this will be the case." The commission is slated to be in Pilot Rock Tuesday to view the pro posed highway changes and im provements sought by people there as a result of the early summer flood damage. . It is too late to expect any con siderable amount of work on Mor row county projects which were viewed by the commission several weeks ago, said Judge Johnson. And while encouraging report has been received of the Heppner-Rhea creek work going through next year, the court desires definite assurances. "We want the commission to real ize that our people are just as anx ious now for the work to go ahead as they were at the time of the com misispn's visit," he asserted. Ellis Hendrickson Visits Old Home Town Back in . 1913 Ellis Hendrickson left Heppner as a youth fresh out of high school to seek what fortune might accord him in California, Having come to Heppner with his parents shortly after the Heppner flood, he received much of his ele mentary schooling here, and when he "ventured into the world" he was accompanied by two other enterpris ing young men, Harry Wright and Jimmy Yeager. The way of fortune for Ellis in the intervening years in which time, too, he married Miss Ina Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones of this city lay mostly in a maritime career, including many trips to sea as assistant steward or radio oper ator. Thus with his family located in the attractive residential city of San Leandro, he made his way to his present station of assistant pas senger agent for the Mattson line. Ellis made his first visitation to the old home town in nine years this week, arriving the end of the week and departing Tuesday, accompanied by Mrs. Hendricksn and son Alvin who had visited for two months at :?the home of Mrs. Hendrickson's par ' ents. Ellis noted many changes since '.he left Heppner, but was glad to say that most seemed to be for the bet ter. BPW MEET SET The first district 'conference of Oregon Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, for the club year 1938-39, will be held in Toledo. Ore., Sunday, Aug. 28. Club members are urged to attend this first conference in order to start the year's work in good shape, and for the inspiration such a meeting al ways gives. See Rose Leibbrand, president, for plans. Heppner STAGE COACH BRINGS REMINISCENCES OF HISTORY; NO BULLET HOLES FOUND Stage coaches passed out of the picture in Heppner shortly after completion of the branch railroad in the fall of 1888, it is recalled by old- timers whose memory of glamorous days agone was freshened by ap pearance of the trail-worn vehicle that took a prominent part in the dress-up day proceedings, Saturday, by courtesy of Pendleton Round-Up. Billy Lord was recalled as one of the last of the noted drivers of the run between Heppner and Pendle ton. Regular runs also were made to Canyon City, Echo and other points not so far distant. Charlie Valentine, Bruce Kelley, Billy Cor son, Hank - Howell and Del Ward were among those who had ridden the fastest vehicles of the old horse days, and Howell had driven them on occasion. Ad Moore passed by. No, he had never driven a coach on a regular run. However, he had driven a team in the stage coach race at the Round Up several times. A difference of opinion was ex pressed as to whether the coach dis- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, a Pub lic Corporation and Political Sub division of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff, vs. Rebecca E. Patterson; Nels Magnusen Estate; Arthur A. McAtee Estate; Blanche Watkins Estate; Emery C. Gentry; Mary V. Burt; Henry Crump Estate; G. E. Ingrum; American Le gion, Heppner Post No. 87; Edna L. Slocum; Jerry Brosnan Estate; Mar tin Reid; O. M. & W. R. Scott, co El len. Moore; Nora M. Neill; Emma C. Breshears; Nellie M. Hill; A. J. Breeding; F. J. Frederickson ; J. H. Helms, co Annis Helms; Andrew Reaney Estate, co John Miller; Alex & Edna Hunt; C. H. & Emma Bresh ears; L. D. & Ina Hale; Luvisa Louy; Eunice Warfield; Victor G. Peterson; W. J. Blake; Bernard Liebel et al; Paul E. Lovell; L. P. Davidson Es tate; Alice Wiles; Elizabeth Clark; Earle Brown et ux; Henry H. Rowell; Maggie Calkins Nord; Lewis Ball; Alice E. McNabb; Ben Atteberry; H. L. Pearson; A. E. Bates; Leo V. Root et ux; Ruth Ballenger Berger; Ralph S. Davis; Morrow County, co George Mitchell; Nell Beckley; George W. Allen; Loretta Scoggan; Narcissa A. Allen; L. B. Wells; S. H. Kauffman; Blanche P. Watkins Estate; G. A. Bleakman; J. A. Miller; J. L. Swift; Maud Howell; Ella L. Brannon Es tate; Lotus Robison; John A. Hall; Edward Rietmann; W. I. Patrick; Nils Johnson; Walter S. Smith; George J. Currin; A. S. Akers et ux; Thomas P. Hansen; John Barker Es tate; Fred & Julian Rauch; Leslie L. & Hazel Penrose; Robert J. McCal lum et ux; Willie G. Palmateer; Claude E. Prosser et al; Anna C. Smouse; C. W. & V. E. Troedson; Dan C. Doherty; George M. Schwarz & Seigmud; Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank of Heppner; Federal Land Bank of Spokane; Sam E. Van To Whom Assessed on 1938 Tax Boll Patterson, Rebecca E Magnusen, Nels Estate . Magnusen, Nels Estate . .. McAtee, Arthur A. Estate .......... . Watkins, Blanche Estate Gentry, Emery C Burt, Mary V - Crump, Henry Estate .... Ingrum, G. E . Ingrum, G. E - American Legion. Heppner Post 87 Slocum, Edna L Brosnan, Jerry Estate . Reid, Martin Scott, O. M. & W. R., co Ellen Moore . Neill, Nora M. Ingrum, G. E. . Watkins, Blanche Estate Neill, Nora M Breshears, Emma C Breshears, Emma C Hill. Nellie M. Breeding, A. J.. Frederickson, F. J. Frederickson, F. J Helms, J. H., co Annls Helms Reaney, Andrew Estate, c o John Mller b John Mller o John Mller Reaney, Andrew Estate, c Reaney, Andrew Estate, c Hunt, Alex ana uana Breshears, C. H. & Emma Hale, L. D. & Ina Hale. L. D. & Ina Louy, Luvisa . Hale, Li. jj. & ina Warfield, Eunice Warfield, Eunice Peterson, Victor G. Peterson, Victor G. Blake, W. J. Blake, W. J Liebel, Bernard, et al Liebel, Bernard, et al Lovell, Paul is. Davidson. L. P. Estate , Wiles. Alice Clark, Elizabeth Davidson, L. P. Estate , Brown, Earle et ux . Rowell. Henry H Nord, Maggie Calkins tsau, iewis McNabb, Alice E. Gazette Times, Heppner, played was a Thorough Breeze or a Concord, the two most noted makes when the historic carriages were the chief mode of passenger travel be tween pioneer towns, as well as noted conveyors of fabulously rich ship ments of gold, mail and express. One pioneer believed the coach to be a Concord for sure, while another was equally certain that it was a Thor ough Breeze. But whatever the make, the ve hicle showed signs of tough usage, even though sturdily made to with stand hard driving over the old cow trails, rocky, rutty, dusty or muddy in season. Of special interest were the large leather springs, running lengthwise under either side of the coach body heavy strips of leather placed compactly together, with possibly a large cowhide in each. Pictures of stage coaches are too plentiful to necessitate a complete description, but animal skins nailed on either side of the driver's foot board, gave opportunity for some imaginative conjectures as to how they probably were mighty welcome Vactor Estate & R. R. Butler Estate; John Kilkenny; O. T. Bishop et al; Minnie L. Leach; Daniel & Iva Way; Daniel & Isabel Wood; Daniel Lind say; F. Miller; Jackson Lee Morrow; Juanita Matlock; M. V. & Hazel Suth erland ; C. E. Bogardus ; Jesse A. Ells worth; Orilla Etta Hirst; H. J. Big ger; Jacob J. Kessler; Levi Deos; Rosetta Sharrard; Arlington National Bank clo Dan Ransier; Eva A. Steph ens; Ed Kunze; Forest L. Huntting; Ella M. Howard; Puget Sound Mort gage Co., co Vance Lumber Co.; W. S. Hunt; Martha E. Stringer; George A. Petteys; Evan J. & Emma Evans; Evan J. Evans; Harriet M. Brown; O. L., E. G. & Myrtle Cradick; Pat rick Connell; First Inland National Bank of Pendleton, Oregon, co Charles Reynolds, Receiver; Bertha Crites; R. D. Watkins Estate; United States National Corporation; Percy Claude Cox; Grace G. Gill; Albert W. Gentner; Charles E. Craven; Nancy Brundage Heirs, co Bessie C. Sand lin; Bridget Connell; James F. & Beatrice Walsh; John E. Hodge, Inc.; James W. Carsner; Emma K. Jones; Mertie E. Hooper; George C. How ard; E. Renshaw Estate; Central Pa cific Lumber Co.; J. D. French & Sons; First National Bank of Brain ard, Minn.; A. Neppach Estate; E. C. & Berta Dougherty; and any other person or persons, known or unknown, owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have any interest In or to the real estate hereinafter de scribed, Defendants. No. 3323 APPLICATION FOB JUDGMENT FORECLOSING TAX LIENS To each and all of tke defendants named in the foregoing Title: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby noti fied that Morrow County, Oregon, is the holder of Certificate of Delinquency No. 1, issued on the 16th day of July, 1938, by the Sheriff and Tax Collector of Sec. or Lot Twp. or Block Description of Property Heppner, South 46 ft. ..... 2 3 Heppner 3 8 Heppner 4 8 Heppner Ayers' 5 1 Heppner, Ayers' 2nd 6 & 7 2 Heppner, Ayers' 3rd 1 3 Heppner, Ayers' 4th - 5 2 Heppner, Ayers' 4th 6 4 Heppner, Ayers' 5th 4 2 Heppner, Ayers' 5th 5-6 2 Heppner, Jones' 3-4-5 5 Heppner, Johnson's, E. 82 ft. of South 24 ft 6 2 E. 82 ft 7 2 Heppner, Looney's, S. 50 ft. 8 2 Heppner, Mt. Vernon's, Northeast 26 ft 1 19 Heppner, Mt. Vernon's All ....... 10 19 East Half 11 19 Heppner, Mt. Vernon's lto8 21 Heppner, Tract 57B, DR 41-381 Heppner Tract 79 DR T-555 Heppner Tract 175 DR 41-57 Lexington - 1 6 Lexington . 3 6 Lexington 3 to 7 4 . Lexington - 9 11 Lexington, S. & W. of Wil low Creek - 5 13 Lexington, Ex. owned by O.- W. R. & N 10 13 Lexington - 5 18 Lexington, Penland's Frl 2 24 Lexington, Penland's Frl. . 3 24 Lexington, Penland's Frl 4 & 5 24 Lexington, Penland's 2 26 Lexington, Fuller's 3 lone 1 1 lone - 2-3-4 1 lone 7-8 1 Ione. 9 to 16 1 lone 1 3 lone 2 43 3 lone, Sperry's 2nd, W. 10 ft. 5 in 3 6 lone, Sperry's 2nd, E. 23 ft. 11 in. 4 5 lone, Sperry's 2nd., W. 1 ft 1 in. 4 5 lone, Snerry's 2nd 5-6 6 lone, Sperry's 2nd, S. 75 ft. 9-10 9 lone, Sperry's 2nd . 11 9 lone, Sperry's 4th . 2 lone, Wills' 4 Park lone, Cluff's, South 80 ft 5-6 2 lone, Cluff's 2nd 7 1 lone, Cluff's 4th 7 1 lone, Cluff's 4th 7-8 2 lone. Cluff's 7th 2 to 7 8 lone, Cluff's 8th 7-8 2 lone, Halvorsen's . ..... 2-3 2 lone, Tract No. 17 DR Z-133 Continued on Oregon on drives in stormy weather. A search was made for bullet holes, for one cannot think of stage coaches without thinking of bandits. But no bullet holes were found. Polled Herefords Attract Californians Additional evidence of the fame of Roy Robinson's polled Hereford cattle was seen this week when a party of California people passed through town, asking their way to the Robinson ranch. Stopping at a service station they inquired the way, saying, "We are interested in Mr. Robinson's fine cattle." "He has some dandies, alright," replied the service station man. "Well, they had better be. We've driven all the Way from California to find out," was the rejoiner. The Oregon state employment ser vice reports the placing of 5702 per sons in jobs during July, a gain of 13 percent over June. Approxi mately 27 percent of the jobs were in forest fire fighting, 25 percent in public construction, 16 percent in agriculture and 13 percent in lum ber manufacturing. Morrow County, Oregon, and duly filed for record by the Clerk of said County on the 26th day of July, 1938, which said Certificate is in the amount of $28,320.09 being the amount then due and delin quent for taxes for the year 1937 and prior on which' a period of three years has expired since the earliest date of delinquency of taxes levied and charged on any tax roll of Morrow County, Ore gon, and on which there has not been paid two annual installments of such de linquent taxes, each installment being one-quarter of the taxes of the earliest year of delinquency, in accordance with Chapter 5, Oregon Laws, Special Ses sion, 1935, as amended by Chapter 96, Oregon Laws 1937, and also the taxes on the 1936 and 1937 tax rolls, together with interest and costs thereon, upon real property situated in said County hereinafter described, which said re spective parcels of real property were assessed respectively to you as is here inafter set forth in this summons. You and each of you are further noti fied that in the subjoined tabulation of this summons, the left hand column of said tabulation under the words "To Whom Assessed on 1938 Tax Roll" Is the name of the person or persons appearing on the latest tax roll in the hands of the sheriff for collection as the owner or owners of said property described in the column next follow ing; that the column next following un der the word "Description of Property" shows and properly alleges the des cription of the several tracts of land herein referred to as the same is described on the tax rolls of Morrow County, Oregon; that in the said des cription the abbreviation "DR" means Deed Record and the figures immedi ately following said abbreviation in dicates the number of the book of the Deed Records and the number follow ing the hyphen following the number of the book indicates the page of such book where the deed referred to is recorded; the capital letters "N," "S,'' "E," and "W" mean North, South, East and West; the abbreviation "ft" means feet; that "OWR&N" means Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company; that Bng. E. W. M. AMOUNT OP ORIGINAL TAX FOB YEABS: 1937 1936 "to and to cSH? 1931 Prior AU Years 7-16-38 DeUn, $ 67.61 J 72.31 $280.79 $ $420.71 $102.67 $ 523.38 3.69 3.92 16.84 24.45 6.83 31.28 11.03 11.79 50.52 1 73.34 20.07 93.41 9.20 9.82 42.09 21.35 82.46 22.71 105.17 3.69 3.93 20.67 28.29 8.23 36.52 .93 98 4.24 6.11 12.26 3.90 16.16 3.69 11.94 15.63 4.60 20.23 29.39 31.45 73.84 134.68 26.75 161.43 25.74 27.51 119.68 172.93 47.87 220.80 1.81 1.97 , 8.42 12.20 3.30 15.50 11.01 I 11.79 50.52 73.32 20.25 93.57 6.97 60.92 205.38 323.27 76.81 400.08 ,2.94 3.16 7.39 13.49 2.97 16.46 .93 99 3.33 6.25 1.25 6.50 11.95 4.91 16.54 33.40 6.71 40.11 16.90 16.76 62.80 55.50 151.96 38.00 189.96 5.47 5.89 37.19 48.54 14.24 62.78 1.81 1.97 8.43 12.21 3.41 15.62 .34 39 1.60 1.45 , 3.78 .97 4.75 1.84 1.95 8.42 1.34 13.55 3.82 17.37 1.84 1.95 8.42 1.34 13.55 3.82 17.37 6.96 9.72 42.18 19.97 78.83 20.29 99.12 10.65 11.18 48.51 70.34 19.46 89.80 .26 .26 1.09 1.61 .44 2.05 1.42 1.46 6.34 9.22 2.46 11.C8 9.77 10.21 44.30 64.28 17.69 81.97 10.88 11.42 49.58 13.02 84.90 22.39 107.29 .96 .98 4.19 1.11 7.24 1.91 9.15 67 .73 3.15 .81 5.36 1.41 6.77 1-17 1.22 4.63 7.02 , 1.88 8.90 15.06 15.79 51.59 18.15 100.59 26.39 126.98 16.78 18.80 101.10 136.68 39.36 176.04 5.00 . 6.64 30.35 40.99 11.71 62.70 13.39 15.04 60.64 89.07 21.99 111.06 8.03 9.03 48.65 65.71 18.94 84.65 6.05 6.64 37.90 48.59 12.98 61.67 . 8.39 9.41 22.75 40.55 8.95 49.50 20.79 23.35 125.47 66.43 226.04 57.94 283.98 6.60 7.43 39.79 17.53 71.35 18.39 89.74 .11 -13 .48 .72 .19 .91 3.36 3.76 15.39 22.51 6.88 28.39 3.67 4.13 10.79 18.59 3.78 22.37 1.33 1.51 3.91 6.75 1.40 8.15 8.35 9.41 60.55 68.31 19.70 88.01 4.21 4.69 18.98 27.88 6.88 ' 34.76 16.10 18.05 96.09 130.24 37.42 167.66 15.41 17.28 92.98 80.11 205.78 65.43 261.21 6.01 5.65 22.76 33.42 8.24 41.66 16.74 18.80 101.10 136.64 39.34 175.98 9.02 10.15 19.66 38.83 7.44 46.27 12.72 14.31 76.86 103.89 30.00 133.89 22.80 25.56 137.50 143.91 329.77 . 76.59 406.36 10.04 11.27 29.40 50.71 10.35 61.06 Page Seven Thursday, August 25, 1938 Tommy Luke Sends Flowers for Court Two bouquets and four corsages will arrive Saturday morning as a gift to Rodeo's royal court from Tommy Luke, Portland florist The gift is being made through Phelps Funeral home, who represent Mr. Luke locally. In reply to Mr. Phelps" invitation to attend the Rodeo, Mr. Luke wrote: "I regret very much that due to the fact that-our florist convention starts about the time of your rodeo, it is impossible for either Mrs. or Mayor Carson or myself to attend your ro deo. I know we will be missing something nice." CALL FOR WARRANTS Outstanding warrants of School District No. 12, Morrow County, Oregon, numbered 500, 501, 502, 506, 509, 510, 511, will be paid on presen tation to' the district clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases August 26, 1938. RUTH RASICH, Dist. Clerk, Lexington, Oregon. Mystery gets befuddled and com edy goes berserk in FAST COM PANY Star Theater Tuesday. "R of W" means right of way; that "tr" means 'tract; that the abbreviation "Inc" means Incorporated; that "Heppner Looney's" means Looney's Addition to the town of Heppner that "Heppner Mt. Vernon" means Mt. Vernon's Addition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Ayers' " means Ayers' Addition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Jones' " means Jones' Addition to the City of Heppner; that "Heppner Johnson's means Johnson's Addition to the Ctiy of Heppner; that "Lexington Penland's" means Penland's Addition to the Town of Lexington; that "Lexington Fuller's" means Fuller's Addition to the Town of Lexington; that "lone Sperry's" means Sperry's Addition to the Town of lone; that "lone Wills'" means Wills' Addition to the Town of lone; that "lone Cluff's means Cluff's Addi tion to the Town of lone; that "lone Halvorsen's'' means Halvorsen's Addi tion to the town of lone; that "Hard man Adams' " means Adams' Addition to the Town of Hardman; that the ab breviation "2nd," "3rd," etc., following the addition indicated means the "sec ond addition,'' "third addition," etc Following each description in said tab ulation and reading from left to right, the column headed "Sec" or "Lot" means Section or Lot number; and the column headed "Twp" or "Blk" in dicates Township or Block; and the column headed "Rng. E.W.M.' indicates Range East of the Willamette Meridian; and the columns headed "1937," "1936," "1935 to 1931" and "1930 and Prior" represent the tax assessed for the said year or years; and the column headed "Total for All Years" represents the amount of taxes assessed against the property opposite and described in the column headed "Description of Proper ty," for 1937 and prior years; and the column headed "Interest to 7-16-38" ' indicates the accumulated interest at 8 per cent per annum on the respect ive amounts from the date of delin quency to the ,16th day of July, 1938; and the words "Amount Cert, of Delin. in the column following represents the total tax due, including interest to the 16th day of July, 1938.