Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 18, 1938, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, August 18, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Emmet Hughes was transacting
business in the city yesterday from
his home at McMinnville. He was
accompanied to Heppner by Bob
Boyd who goes to Linfield college
as a professor this fall. Boyd, a Mc
Minnville 'youth, was prominent at
O. S. C. last year as a representa
tive of the speech department on a
nation-wide tour. Hughes, membei
of the '17 class of Heppner high
school and one of Oregon State's
all-time outstanding baseball pitch
ers, now is a leading druggist at the
Yamhill county seat. He greeted
many old-time friends while in the
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Fefguson, Kay
and Mary Lou and Mrs. Cora Craw
ford motored to Prineville Sunday
morning where Mrs. Crawford and
Mary Lou remained for a visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Schwarz. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson
and Kay returned home that eve
ning. Jim Archer returned home Mon
day evening from a week's vacation
spent at the home of a brother at
Longview. Wash. Mr. Archer's
brother and wife celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary while
he was there. The Longview country
was reported as exceedingly dry.
Mrs. Cecil Espy departed Saturday
to join her husband at Bremerton,
Wash., after" visiting for several
weeks here with her mother, Mrs.
Harriet Mahoney, and other relatives
and friends. She accompanied Mrs.
Agnes Curran who went to White
Salmon, Wash., to visit relatives.
Mark Merrill and Norton Lundell
motored to Lehman springs Monday
evening, taking Jack Merrill, Philip
Cohn, Dick O'Shea and Dick Bogo
ger to spend a week's outing. Tues
day morning Alva Jones took his son
Don and Don Turner to join the
other boys.
Local "40 et 8'ers" attending a
meeting at Pendleton last night in
preparation for the big wreck there
as a part of the state American Le
gion convention, Sept. 1-2-3, were
C. J. D. Bauman, Loyal R. Parker,
Alva Jones and Spencer Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. George Allyn of Lex
ington visited yesterday at the home
of their daughter, Mrs. Jas. Cowins.
Mr. Allyn is engaged in remodeling
the farm residence of Mr. and Mrs.
O. W. Cutsforth north of Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinne returned
home Tuesday from a vacation trip
to Portland. Their son, Dickie, has
been visiting at Yakima for some
time and they expected to go to
bring him home shortly.
Burton H. Peck was in the city
Tuesday while taking a few days
lay-off from harvest to recuperate
his health. He reported his boys in
charge of operations at the Clarks
canyon farm.
Frank Gentry who has been work
ing at the Foster Odom farm in the
Morgan district received treatment
at a local physician's office Tues
day for an injury received while at
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamrick vis
ited last week at the parental home
in this city while on the way to Red
mind to make their home. They had
been at Avalon, Cal., for two years.
Ed Rietmann, north lone wheat
raiser, is suffering from an infected
1 finger for which he has been re
ceiving treatment at a local doctor's
office for more than a week.
Thomas E. Brown fell while work
ing with the R. A. Thompson sheep
and was brought to a local physi
cian's office Monday for treatment
to a knee injured in the fall.
Ralph Reade was a Heppner call
er yesterday from the farm near
Monument. He reported rain there
yesterday morning had caused a
lay-off from harvest
Mrs. Frank Cunningham, nee Mar
jorie Cox, of Portland is visiting at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Homer
Hayes, for two weeks.
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn P. White and
son David expected to return today
to their home at Echo following a
several day visit with friends. Mr.
White has been at Echo since July 1
as Methodist minister, having been
located here several years ago.
Their daughter, Mary Lavelle, who
has been attending summer school
at Bellingham, Wash., will teach the
coming school year at Forest Grove.
. Mrs. Ada Cason visited Heppner
relatives and friends the first of the
week, coming over from Pendleton
where she has been with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Milton Spurlock, for some
Billy Barratt who is assisting Har
old Cohn as car driver and assistant
in the latter's sheep buying opera
tions is at Caldwell, Idaho, for three
days looking after the loading out
of lambs.'
Mrs. Josie Jones returned home
the end of the week following a two
weeks' vacation which she spent at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Har
old Stiles, in Portland.
John Skuzeski motored to Port
land Sunday and returned home on
Monday with his family who had
been visiting relatives in the city
for several weeks.
V. R. Runnion returned home the
first of the week from a business
trip to Walla Walla and The Dalles.
At the latter place he cried a large
sale on Monday.
Victor Rietmann transacted busi
ness in the city for a few hours
Monday. Harvest was reported go
ing into final stage in his section
north of lone.
Mrs. P. A. Mollahan underwent
an appendectomy at Heppner hos
pital Tuesday morning, and is re
ported to have undergone the ordeal
Gerald Slocum spent the week end
here with his mother, Mrs. Clara
Slocum, coming over from the ranch
near Ritter with a shipment of
Martin B. Thomas, from the Port
land office of Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph company has been a bus
iness visitor here for the last two
Charles Bartholomew transacted
business and visited old-time friends
in this city Monday, coming in from
the ranch in the Pine City district.
Mrs. Lena White has arrived
from Portland and is spending some
time here looking after property in
terests and visiting with friends.
Mrs. Lorena Isom is confined at a
Pendleton hospital suffering the ef
fects of a slight stroke recently. Her
hearing only was affected.
Eddie Thorpe is suffering from
an infected arm as the result of an
injury received while at work at
Interior warehouse.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty and
daughter, Miss Frances, departed the
first of the week for a ten-days va
cation at the coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepson and
children were business visitors in the
city Tuesday from the Rhea creek
Jason Biddle took time off from
work at the Rhea creek farm to
transact business in the city Tues
day. Lost One rail to folding camp
springs, on or near Rhea creek. $1
reward. Leave at Gazette Times of
fice. Jess Hall who has been working
at the D. Cox ranch on Hinton creek
is suffering from an infected knee.
New fall stock of hats, coats, suits
and dresses just arrived at Curran
Otto Rutil and family were visitors
in the city yesterday from the north
Lexington farm.
Mrs. Neil Knighten of Hardman
entered Heppner hospital the first
of the week.
Cha nge in lone
Phone System Set
Installation of new telephone cen
tral office equipment at lone will be
started in the near future, according
to announcement by J. R. Farring
ton, manager for the Pacific Tele
phone anl Telegraph company.
With the new equipment technic
ally known as an R. C. X. (remote
control exchange), lone customers
will be given new telephone instru
ments. Ringing will be automatic
without the use of a crank as is now
the case with the present magneto
Farmer line telephones served
from the lone office will continue
on the present magneto ringing ba
sis. Work of changing the telephone
instruments on the premises of lone
customers will be started about Sep
tember 1, and the cut-over to the
new type of operation tentatively is
scheduled for about the middle of
Most of the lone 'telephone num
bers will be changed, and a new di-
STAR Reporter
Exciting gun play, fist fights and
fast riding as G-Man O'Brien cleans
up a gang of smugglers plus
Wives Under Suspicion
Warren William - Gail Patrick
An interesting version of domestic
Our Gang Comedy
Beautiful Budapest
In technicolor
One of the truly great pictures of
the year with
Errol Flynn as Robin Hood
Ian Hunter as King Richard
Basil Rathbone as Sir Guy
Olivia de Havilland as Maid Marian
Claude Rains as Prince John
Alan Hale as Little John x
Eugene Pallctte as Friar Tuck
"Wynkcn, Blynkcn and Nod" by
Disney .
Movietone News
Sally Eilcrs and Paul Kelly in
The Nurse From
Mystery drama based on the Lib
erty Magazine story "If You Break
My Heart" plus
Go Chase Yourself
Built for laughs from start to finish
Joe Pcnncr - Lucille Ball
Musical short subject
Robert Montgomery - Virginia Bruce
Lewis Stone - Andy Devine - Henry
Hull - Charles Coburn - Buddy Eb
sen - Henry O'Neill
Romance and drama of one of the
greatest experiments in history
the story of the fight waged by
American doctors and soldiers after
thte Spanish-American war to wipe
out the dread yellow fever disease
that was raging in Cuba.
Also: "The Face Behind the Mask,"
one of the most intriguing un
solved mysteries of all time;
"Penny Party," adventure into the
realm of kitchen economics by
Pete Smith;
News of the Day
Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison (Echo)
are invited to present this coupon
for complimentary, admissions. To be
used before August 25th.
rectory will be issued at the time
of the cut-over.
Mrs. Delia Corson, agency mana
ger for the company, it is under
stood, officially will retire on pen
sion when the cut-over is made.
However, she will continue to rep
resent the telephone company in
one as collection agent
Miss Althea Stoneman arrived in
city the first of the week to spend
another six weeks in the county as
special county health nurse. Earlier
in the year she spent a like period
in the county assisting with work
among children of pre-school age in
particular. The work at this time
is expected to include health work
preparatory to opening of schools.
License to wed was issued at the
clerk's office Saturday to Miss Ruth
Cherry of Benton county and Gene
Lear, assistant secretary to the Mor
row County ' Agricultural Compli
ance committee.
Phone ATwater 3003
Tar, Gravel and Composition
Roofing - Sheet Metal
We Specialize in Repair Work
Wm. Foster, Manager
P. O. Box 64
3335 S. W. Falcon St.
..... ,
Now Open Under
New Management
Experienced Operator
Specialiing in
Finger Waving
Hair Cutting
Telephone 1202
Ad rian Woodfin I
Page Seven
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, August 23, 1928.)
Full teaching staff and all ready
for school opening, Sept. 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Missildine dis
pose of residence property to Bishop
W. P. Remington to be used as
parsonage for Episcopal parish.
C. W. McNamer, Rodeo president,
announces appointment of "Bill"
Kilkenny as a director.
Mrs. J. P. Cochran of Prairie City
negotiates with Pat Foley for pur
chase of Heppner hotel.
O. T. and Gene Ferguson have
disposed of their Oakland-Pontiac
agency at Pendleton.
County sells $100,000 bonds to
draw 4 3-4 percent interest at pre
mium of $160.
Eight seniors, five juniors pass
life-saving tests. Seniors, Orrin Bis
bee, Patricia Mahoney, Ellis Thom
son, Roderick Thomson, Robert Tur
ner, Marjorie Clark, Shirley Prophet
and Rev. B. Stanley Moore; juniors,
Tom Hottman, . Beatrice Thomson,
Theodore Thomson, Viola Brown
and Lucille Hall.
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore.
Be sure the honey you eat
has been prepared in a mod
ern, sanitary plant.
A. E.
& Son
Producers and Wholesalers
of Choice Honey
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Daily Service Between
and Way Points
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
Morrow County
Grain Growers
G. J. RYAN, Manager
North Pacific Grain Growers
Kerr-Gifford & Co.
Continental Grain Co.