Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 11, 1938, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Freight Truck Fire
Burns Grass Area
On Monday afternoon the section
crew which was near the Ekleberry
farm noticed that The Dalles freight
line truck was afire as it passed on
the highway. The driver of the
truck did not discover the fire un
til after he had gone on around the
horseshoe bend and was barely able
to secure his papers and get out of
the truck before the whole back was
ablaze. The grass along the road
caught fire and burned over about
forty acres before it was brought
under control.
Beulah Nichols of Heppner oper
ated the local telephone switchboard
Monday while Mrs. Corson enjoyed
a short lay-off.
Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Wer-i
ner Rietmann went to the moun
tains last Wednesday in search of
huckleberries but found them few
and far between.
Katherine Griffith returned Fri
day from Portland where she at
tended the Congregational church
summer school near Molalla last
week. Following her week at the
camp she enjoyed visits with the
Alfred Odom family at Salem and
with, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. George Goodall at Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blake visited
relatives " at Kinzua Sunday. Their
daughter, Joanne, who has spent the
past three weeks there returned
home with them that evening.
Eleven ladies were present at the
August study meeting of the Wo
men's Topic club at the home of Mrs.
M. E. Cotter Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Inez Freeland, Mrs. Omar Riet
mann and Mrs. Clel Rea were host
esses with Mrs. Cotter. "Laughing
Odyssey, by Eileen Bigland was
reviewed by Mrs. Freeland and Mrs.
Rietmann and Mrs. Rea gave the
biography of the author. Member
ship in the club was accepted by
Mrs. Milton Morgan, Jr., Mrs. L. E.
Dick and Mrs. E. M. Baker. Refresh
ments were served by the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Graves and
family went to Mount Adams Tues
day to pick huckleberries.
I. R. Robison made a business trip
to Portland Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heli
ker and A. M. Zink enjoyed a trip
through central Oregon Sunday.
They stopped at Fossil and had a
picnic dinner with the families of
Ed and Dean Engelman, then drove
on to Mitchell where they saw Miss
Lorraine Reed for a few moments."
They went on to Prineville and Red
mond, returning home by The
Miss June Gorton and A. M. Zink
returned to their home in Portland
after spending a week at the E. C.
Heliker farm.
The Past Noble Grand club will
hold its August meeting Wednesday
afternoon, August 24, at the home
of Mrs. J. E. Swanson.
Foster Odom underwent an appen
dectomy in The Dalles hospital last
Wednesday. The attack came just
two days before he had completed
his harvest. His parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Odom, came up from
their home at Salem to see him the
last of the week.
Mrs. Frank Lundell entertained in
honor of Miss Harriet Heliker Wed
nesday at the home of her mother,
Mrs. C. W. Swanson. The affair was
kitchen shower. Those present
were Mesdames J. H. Bryson, Mil
ton Morgan, Jr., Wesley McNabb,
Marvin Ransier, Dorr Mason, E. C.
Heliker, A. E. Heliker, John Eu-
banks, Clel Rea, J. E. Swanson, Elmo
McMillan, E. R. Lundell, Cleo Drake,
C. W. Swanson, and Misses Mildred
and Helen Lundell, June Gorton,
Ruth Crawford, Margaret McDevitt
and the honoree, Harriet Heliker.
Delicious refreshments were served.
' Miss Gladys Brashears is attend'
ing the latter part of the summer
school at E. O. Normal school at La
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Bristow
and family departed for their home
at Nam pa, Idaho, after a week s va
cation spent at the E. J. Bristow
Henry Peterson, Jr., returned
Sunday from the Beaver Boy State
camp which is sponsored by the
American Legion of Oregon and was
held for a week at Hill Military
academy this year. He reports
wonderful time.
The Women's Missionary society
held its regular meeting in the par
lor of the Congregational church last
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. W. J.
Blake, Mrs. Frank Engelman and
Mrs. Fred Zielke were hostesses.
Papers on home missionary work
were read. Thirteen ladies were
present. The hostesses served water
melon at the close of the meeting.
Kids' Home Duties Radio Subject
Oregon State College How some
Oregon families are handling their
problem of home duties for children
will be discussed over the NBC west
ern farm period Friday, Aug. 12,
starting at 12 o'clock noon. Mrs.
Maud Morse, extension specialist in
parent education at OSC, will inter
view a Lane county mother at that
time who will recount her success in
handling home duties through
family council system.
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
62nd Wedded Year
Passed by J. W. Waids
Thursday, August 11, 1938
and Columbia
The 62nd wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Waid of
Stanfield was celebrated with a pic
nic dinner in the park at Stanfield
Saturday. All children with members
of their families were present, in
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duvall
of Lexington, Mr. and Mrs. Neil
White and son Vivian of Ukiah, Mr.
and Mrs. Vernon Waid and son
Jimmy, Claude Waid and son Ken
neth, and Lenna Waid, all of Stan
field. Other guests were a brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Waid, and
a nephew, Oness Gibson, from Yaki
ma; a nephew and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Turner of Webb City, Mo., and
their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Turner of Hercules, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Waid wre married
near Springfield, Mo., August 6,
1876. They came to Morrow county
in 1906 and took up a homestead
north of Lexington where they made
their home for several years. Mr.
Waid is nearing the age of 87 years,
and Mrs. Waid is 78.
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Inquire about Schedule and
Connections from Local Agent
Mrs. Lillian Cochran is visiting at
Kimberley at the Joe Simas and
Allstott homes. She reports that two
days of threshing on 7 acres on the
old Simas place recently purchased
by Duvall, Corbett and Peters,
netted 1182 bushels of wheat Bar
ley and oats went about fifty bush
els to the acre on another piece.
Crops are wonderful in Grant coun
ty, she said. Huckleberries have been
very plentiful but are about gone.
Chance Wilson returned this week
from Portland where he delivered
a mixed carload of cattle at good
prices. Mrs. Birdie Mahrt was elect
ed last week to fill vacancy at Si
mas school. Joe- Stewart, Jr., of
Kimberley surprised Mrs. Cochran
by news of his marriage to a lovely
Eugene lady last Christmas. Both
were attending college. Miss Jessie
Faye Stewart will teach in Fossil
this year.
Get results with G. T. want ads.
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Without warning on the evening of July 27, 1937, a 65-mile
gale suddenly struck Dayton, Wash., knocking the City Hall
flag pole across one of Pacific Power & Light Company's
main transmission lines and flinging a large tree across the
other line. The city was instantly plunged into darkness. In
and around The Dalles, Pasco, Yakima, Walla Walla and
Enterprise lightning destroyed at least a dozen distribution
transformers blew the fuses in scores. of others.
Yet, because men of Pacific Power & Light Company are
experienced in meeting emergencies of all kinds and have new
equipment at hand ready for instant use, service was restored
so quickly that in Dayton, for instance, the theatre had power
for the 9 o'clock "movie". In other communities, use of
emergency facilities restored normal service before some
people were aware there had been any trouble.
OSpot storms such as the one de
scribed above are rare, but they're
factors that must be considered at all
times in the generation and distribu
tion of electricity. Supplies of wire,
poles, transformers, insulators and
other hardware must be kept at stra
tegic points so as to be instantly avail
able. Crews must know every inch of
the company's lines must knowwhere
switches can be made when electric
ity from another district can be cut in.
Pacific Power & Light Company is
prepared for all emergencies, both
large and small which may occur in
any of its twelve districts in Oregon
and Washington. This company's
crews of skilled men and its material
resources are so organized that they
can quickly be mobilized at any point
on the system. Responsible for the
planning, the coordination of crews
and equipment, and the work neces
sary to maintain constant electric ser
vice are the 761 men and women who
comprise this company's organization.
Some of these people are your friends
and neighbors.
Are you taking full advantage of
low-cost Pacific Power & Light Com
pany electricity? It's one of the most
inexpensive things you buy ... or
Pacific Power & Light Company's rates
have been steadily reduced until they
are among the lowest in the United
States. This is definitely a community
where electricity is cheap. So use low
cost P.P.&L. electricity to save time,
work and money. The cost of doing
all your housework the modern elec
tric way is just a few cents a day.
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service