Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 11, 1938, Image 1

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Volume 54, Number 22
Business Men Meet,
Pledge Rodeo Aid;
Committee Named
$300 Goal for Parade
Prizes Set; Dress-Up
Day Comes Aug. 20
All male citizenry of Heppner will
be expected to appear in brightly
colored shirts and Windsor ties on
August 20, or else. Just what form
the "or else" will take was not de
cided when the group of 25 business
men meeting at the Elks club last
evening decided upon the official
regalia for Dress-Up Day, but some
chastisement was intimated.
Declaring a common interest of
all business houses in extending the
city's hospitality to visitors at Ro
deo time, last evening's meeting ex
pressed a spirit of cooperation in
doing needed repair work at the
grounds, ' financing the Rodeo pa
rade, and other last minute work
that remains to be done. For the pa
rade feature a committee of ten was
named to budget the town accord
ing to ability to pay and raise the
$300 goal. Pledges of the customary
$25 contributions from both county
and city governments were re
ceived. A stirring address on the
need for community cooperation
was given by Judge Bert Johnson.
A meeting of the budget commit
tee was slated for 8 o'clock this eve
ning. Those named were D. M. Ward,
B. C. Pinckney, H. T. O'Donnell, J.
G. Thomson, Mark Merrill, R. C.
Phelps, D. A. Wilson, George How
ard, John Anglin and Gene Fergu
A feature of Dress-Up day will be
the presence on Main street of an
original stage coach, loaned by Pen'
dleton Round-Up, in which every
one who wishes will be taken for a
ride. Street decorations will be in
place, and to wind up the day the
ball to honor Queen (?), to be named
that evening, will be held.
One mystery of the queen's court
was cleared last Saturday night
when Lena grange announced Miss
Celia Healy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Healy, as its attendant.
Next Saturday night the Willows
grange attendant, Miss Joyce Carl
son, will be feted at lone.
Assurance was given this week
that the latest in peppy dance tunes
would be dispensed at the dances at
Rodeo time, when Virginia Lewis'
all-lady dance band of Portland was
signed. This widely known organ!
zation will play for three nights of
dancing, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday, the 25th, 26th and 27th.
That interest in Saturday's big pa
rade is gaining momentum was also
evidenced this week when Rhea
creek grange announced that it was
coming with a big float and would
make a strong bid for top honors.
Granges of the county have fared
well in past parades, Henry Aiken,
Rodeo president, has pointed out,
taking much of the prize money,
They have also profited from the
dances honoring their attendants, it
having been cited by Oral Scott,
dance manager of Lexington grange
that proceeds from these events in
years past resulted in paying off
$600 indebtedness against their hall,
Seventeen carloads of lambs were
shipped from the local yards by
special train Monday, and five more
were moved on the regular train
Tuesday. In the Monday shipment
L. Brown consigned three carloads
to United Packing Co. at San Fran
cisco, and Hyslop Sheep Co. shipped
nine cars to Granger, Idaho., and
three to Glenwood, Wash. Harold
Cohn shipped the five cars Tuesday
destined for Glenwood, Wash.
Morrow county friends have re
ceived word of the birth of a 7
pound son to Mr. and Mrs. Lamar
Sandy at Forest Grove on August
8. Mrs. Sandy was formerly Miss
Doris Burchell of Lexington.
(As gleaned by Paul McCarty
at the Heppner Hotel desk)
Virginia Lewis, and her eight-
piece orchestra has been chosen to
play for the Rodeo dances at the
pavilion, and although the Rodeo is
being held on a Sunday, there will
be three nights of dancing . . . the
dance on the Thursday eve before
the Rodeo opens will be a general
admission affair at which the all-girl
musicians who interchange and play
each other's instruments, put on
their entertaining sing-fest . . . jit
ney dances are scheduled for Friday
and Saturday, August 26 and 27 . . .
it is planned for the Lewis orches
tra to include two piano players so
that a duo of key-boards will be in
action a good share of the time . . .
another instrument not used around
these parts that will be played is an
electrical steel guitar, plus six other
Yesterday's destructive Heppner
Laundry fire brought out two main
features, if nothing else . . . first,
the damage that a wind can do when
flames are seething in the neighbor
hood of dry timbers, as the breath
of nature blew some, flaming material
four blocks through the air, via the
crow lanes . . . second item, sheer
irony, for which this blaze takes the
prize . . . from the original flames
at the laundry, five more buildings
caught fire . . . this point was one of
the wosrt of the entire affair because
the rapidity with which the fire
spread nearly left the fire depart
ment helpless . . . one fire at a time
to quell is sufficient but when two
or three come along simultaneously,
the situation develops into some
thing acute . . . had it not been for
quick work on the part of towns
people and CCC boys, the damage
undoubtedly would have been great
A. H. Blankenship, superintendent
of local schools, was awarded his
master's degree last week, prior to
coming to Heppner Saturday after
completing his course at the Uni
versity of Washington . . . his pass
ing three rigid examinations entitles
Continued on Page Eight
L. Edwin Beach Joins
Waring Glee Club
Fred Waring's name on screen or
over radio will henceforth be her
aided by Morrow county audiences
with deeper affection, for the nation
ally famous orchestra leader has
signed L. Edwin Beach, former Mor
row county boy, son of Mrs. Elsie
M. Beach of Lexington and noted
tenor, to sing with his newly organ
ized glee club.
Announcement of Beach's good for
tune comes from Gresham where he
has been teaching in high school.
Beach has left for New York to be
gin rehearsals August 15, with a con
tract that runs for six months. The
former Lexington youth has had
wide training in voice under out
standing instructors at Chicago and
Los Angeles, and his many appear
ances before coast audiences from
the stage and over the radio includes
the distinction of appearing as guest
soloist with the Portland symphony
orchestra two years ago.
Rose Leibbrand
Sixth in Big Contest
Miss Rose Leibbrand -this week re
ceived a Photrix electric cell expo
sure meter in attractive leather case
from the Intercontinental Market
ing association for placing sixth in
a national contest. Prizes were given
for writing adverstising "blurbs" for
the Robot candid camera.
While Miss Leibbrand was excep
tionally pleased with, the award, its
value to her was considerably low
ered by the fact that a new camera
she recently purchased came equip
ped with a meter of like nature. By
following , the meter exactly, she
finds that films of equal density are
obtained no matter what the light
conditions may be.
Oregon, Thursday, August
Control of Earwigs
Told Before Lions;
United Action Best
County Agent Ad
vises Use Parasitic
Fly; Traveler Speaks
In answer to reports of increasing
earwig infestation of Heppnerj Jo
seph Belanger, county agent, told
the Lions at their Monday luncheon
of measures that might be employed
to get rid of them. Naturally, com
bined effort of the community in
any type of campaign would be more
effective, said Mr. Belanger. Should
parasitic flies be available, the usual
post is $20 a thousand, and believing
that at least 2000 would be needed
to take care of the situation here,
the total cost would be $40. As the
earwigs are so general in the com
munity, it seemed feasible that the
city government might purchase
them. Mr. Belanger said further:
"In combatting earwigs, the ear
wig fly, which for the past few years
has been cultured in Portland thru
cooperation of the state college, is
proving to be very effective as a
control measure. In spite of the fact,
however, that Portland has been ex
panding it's facilities for growing
these flies their laboratories have
been unable, to keep pace with the
demand. Lacking parasitic flies it' is
possible to obtain reasonably good
control of earwigs through the use
of poison bait. The bait which has
proven most effective is made up
according to the following formula:
12 pounds of bran is thoroughly
mixed with one pound of sodium
fluosilicate to which mixture is add
ed one quart of" ordinary commer
cial fish oil. No water should be used.
This amount of poison will cover ap
proximately 8000 feet. Since the mix
ture is highly poisonous one should
be careful that it is not spread where
children will pick it up. Evening or
dinarily is the best time for spread
ing bait and about a week should
elapse before second application of
the poison.
"Earwigs have increased in num
bers here in Heppner this year and
while the actual damage done by
earwigs is small these insects are a
nuisance. Contrary to common opin
ion earwigs do not eat clothing.
They are an omniverous feeder,
however, and feed to a certain ex
tent on dead or injured insects and
do some small damage to vegetables
and flowers.
The eggs ordinarily are laid in
the ground in the fall and the in
sects also winter over. The first ear
wigs out in the spring are usually
the males. The female earwigs stay
close to the eggs until the eggs are
hatched and will ordinarly stay with
the larva until about the second
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox, third member
of the party of four women who re
cently made a vacation motor trip,
attended the meeting and gave her
version from the farm viewpoint.
She was accompanied by Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers. who gave her version of
the trip the week before. Miss Leta
Humphreys who was expected to
show pictures of the trip did not do
so as the pictures were not yet
To assist in raising prize money
for the Rodeo parade, President
Frank Turner named Ray Kinne, B.
C. Pinckney and C. J. D. Bauman
as a committee from the club.
Charles Clark of High River, Alta.,
was introduced as a guest, and Lt.
Ralph M. Davis as a new member.
Mrs. Fred Lucas, Mrs. W. O. Dix,
Mrs. L. E. Bisbee and Mrs. Mary
Thomson went to Ritter Sunday to
spend a week expecting to return
home next Sunday.
Young, gentle saddle horse for
sale. A. W. Gemmell, city. 22 23p
Wanted Used oil heater. Mrs. A.
Q. Thomson. ltp
11, 1938
Jim Archer Earns
Vacation, Believes
Courthouse Force
Jim Archer, courthouse janitor,
is enjoying a week's vacation at
the expense of elbow grease ex
pended by members of the court
house force, having gone to Kelso,
Wash., where among other things
he expected to attend the fiftieth
wedding anniversary of a brother.
Jim didn't ask for a vacation,
but Judge Johnson and other of
ficers believed he had earned one
by the hard labor he has expended
in putting the courthouse and
grounds in tip-top shape. (The
lawn at the rear of the building as
well as that in front is well worth
a visit by everyone.)
Acting on this belief, they ex
tended Jim the proffer of their
services in keeping their individ
ual offices while he took a little
rest. Jim accepted, and while re
ceiving customary stipend during
his absence, is vacationing at no
additional cost to the taxpayers.
Dalles Freight Truck
Burns on Local Run
"It gives one a mighty funny feel
ing to be riding serenely along the
road and then all at once to discover
oneself surrounded by fire," said
Carl D. Spickerman, local manager
of The Dalles Freight line, who had
that experience Monday evening
just after rounding the horseshoe
bend going into Morgan on the re
turn down the branch on the local
The truck body and rear end of
the chassis were entirely destroyed
by the flames, and Spickerman
barely had time to get his records
out. Due to the direction of the
strong wind, the front end of the
truck was not badly damaged. For
tunately the truck carried no cargo
at the time except an empty gas
cylinder, and the outfit was fully
covered by insurance.
The railroad section. gang saw the
flaming truck as it passed on the
highway but were unable to attract
the driver s attention. As the strong
wind was blowing the fire straight
out Denina him, bpicKerman was
not aware of the fire until he hap
pened to glance into the off-side
mirrir. It is believed the fire was
caused by a flaw in the ignition sys
P. P. fir L. Repairs
Fire Damage Quickly
As soon the the laundry fire ap
peared threatening last evening, Pa
cific Power & Light company shut
off all service to the town to pre
vent any accidents that might occur
from contact with high voltage lines.
The pole and transformers serving
the laundry, two meters and consid
erable line were lost.
The Dalles office was notified im
mediately and a lineman from there
was on the job at 8 o'clock this
morning helping repair the damage.
As soon as the fire was subdued suf
ficiently, that section of town where
the damage occurred was shut off
and "juice" was restored to the rest
of the town by 6:30 last evening.
Only the fire district was without
electricity last night, and service
there was expected to be restored
Interment was held in Masonic
cemetery here yesterday afternoon
for the former Mrs. O. O. Frederick,
who died at her home in Walla
Walla the first of the week. Funeral
services were held there before the
body was brought here for inter
ment beside the grave of her former
husband who died a number of years
ago. The deceased lived here for
several years when Mr. Frederick
ran the local bakery. She is sur
vived by a daughter, Norma Fred
erick Lee of Portland, who accom
panied the body here for burial.
Mrs. Crocket Sprouls arrived Fri
day from her home at The Dalles)
for a visit with relatives and friends.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Heppner Laundry
Razed by Flames;
Firemen Kept Busy
Flying Embers
Catch Reid Apart
ments, Tum-A-Lum
Fire that razed the Heppner laun
dry shortly before 6 o'clock yester
day evening kept the larger part of
the city's male population, including
the entire CCC personnel, hopping
for more than an hour as flying cin
ders carried by a strong wind made
several fresh starts, some several
blocks away. Roofs of both the Reid
apartment house and the Tum-A-
Lum Lumber building caught while
all the firefighting equipment was
in use at the laundry, and had it not
been for the ready assistance of the
CCC boys and camp trucks in help
ing to move the equipment, these
starts might have proved serious.
The fire at the laundry, of un
known origin, started near the rear
of the building. Mrs. Lulu Herren
Rumble, manager of the hospital
next door, first saw it and ran out
on to the street for help, thinking
that if she could get hold of help
quickly it could be put out easily
as the blaze was then small. Though
it was a matter of a few minutes be
fore the alarm was sounded and the
fire truck was on the job, by the
time the water was turned on the
large two story frame building was
a raging inferno, and attention had
to be centered on saving the hospi
tal from where the patients had
already been removed.
A wing on the rear of the hospital
Was not thirty feet from the flames,
and the wind swept them almost
against the building, making it im
possible for the firemen to play wa
ter on the side of this wing facing
the fire. By playing the water over
the roof and inside, however, they
kept the fire from burning anything
except the outside of the rear wall
of this wing. Two large trees gave
protection to the main part of the
large two-story frame hospital build
ing. While two strings of hose were in
play at the hospital a third was kept
busy protecting the Lee Scrivner
house on the lot next to the fire on
the west side, and the J. L. Yeager
home across the street, both of which
became mighty hot. Grass fires were
started in many places in the block
to the south as wind blew burning
embers in that direction, and many
volunteer fighters were kept busy
with wet sacks and shovels keeping
these starts away from buildings.
At the Reid apartment house the
start appeared so serious that the
men carried out all the household
and personal effects of the occupants.
Those having apartments there are
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Quackenbush,
Florence Holt, Maggie Hunt and
Monroe Turner. The fire here had
gone through the roof and was start
ed inside wnen subdued. . At the
Tum-A-Lum CCC boys clambered
on to the roof when the smoke was
first seen and tore off the smolder
ing shingles. Here the large ram
bling wooden building was well
filled with lumber and other large
piles of lumber on the lot adjacent
were threatened.
Joe Westhoff, laundry manager,
lost all his personal effects except
the clothes he was wearing, as he
maintained living apartments in the
second story of the laundry. The
building and all equipment was a
complete loss, and a considerable
amount of work ready for delivery
that had been turned out in the day's
run was lost. Mr. Westhoff would
not estimate his loss, which would
amount to several thousand dollars,
and was covered by insurance only
to the amount of one thousand.
The hospital and Reid apartment
damage was fully insured.
The laundry had closed down at 5
o'clock and everyone was out when
the fire started, Mr. Westhoff having
Continued on Page Eight