CI Thursday, August 4, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three WHAT fv7 HOM wean toY ou an our: rOESN'T it stand to reason that when you trade at home, you see what you buy, you examine its quality and can talk it over with the merchant who sells it to you. You see at a glance what you are getting for your money, and y6u know that the purchase must prove satisfactory in every respect, otherwise you have no difficulty returning it to the man from whom it was purchased and getting a satisfactory adjust ment or refund. In this manner you and the merchant are building up a friendship and understanding which in itself makes for a better community existence. Doesn't youi local merchant pay the taxes for your city and county, and isn't he always a leader in every good movement by co-operating wth every section of this county in every worthy cause? Then how can he continue to help if you fail to patronize his place of business? Don't overlook one important factor about your local merchant. He is your friend and neighbor! He not only invites your patronage and offers you 100 satisfaction, but is ready to stand behind everything he guarantees. Can the same be said of purchases made away from home? The answer is obviously, NO! Your money spent away from home helps only those who contribute nothing to the upbuilding of your community. Trade with your local merchant and you help all . . . your own friends . . . neighbors and loved ones. TRADE LOCALLY and SAFEGUARD YOUR OWN THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING: W. 0. DIX WILSON'S THOMSON BROS. M. D. CLARK FERGUSON MOTOR CO. GILLIAM & BISBEE PACIFIC POWER & LIGHT CO. CURRAN READY-TO-WEAR GORDON'S HEPPNER GARAGE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. HUSTON'S GROCERY J.O.PETERSON GREEN'S FEED STORE Morrow County Creamery Co. GREEN'S HARDWARE CASE FURNITURE CO. HANSON HUGHES HEPPNER BAKERY GONTY SHOE STORE HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES