Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 30, 1938, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, June 30, 1938
Inskeep Elected
Director at Hardman
The annual meeting of the Hard
man Union high school No. 1 was
held Monday for the purpose of
electing one director from District
40 for five years. The candidates
were Alice Hastings, Forest Adams,
Neal Knighten and A. D. Inskeep.
Mr. Inskeep was elected. On the
election board were Mrs. Owen
Leathers, Mrs.' George Hayden, Ed
ward McDaniel and Mrs. G. I. Clary,
Relatives and friends were very
grieved to hear of the passing of Dale
Bleakman, who was born and lived
in HardmarK until passing high
school. Sympathy is extended to his
wife, daughter and parents, from
their many friends here.
Lon Merrill was visiting in Hard
man last week. He came from Mon
ument. Irl Clary who has been ill for some
time was taken to the veterans' hos
pital at Walla Walla Saturday. He
did not know how long he would
have to remain there. When he first
came to Hardman he went to the
hospital and spent a year there.
Ed McDaniel returned to town
after being in Lonerock two weeks.
Buster and Delsie Bleakman and
Raymond Reid went to Hood River
to see Mrs. Earl Redding. While
there they picked some cherries and
strawberries to bring home. They
reported a very pleasant trip.
: Sam McDaniel, Sr., has been ill for
two or three days. We wish him a
speedy recovery.
Early Friday morning Mrs. Roy
Robinson and Creston drove to Cove
to bring home the Hardman young
people. Rita Robinson, Vern Mc
Daniel and Mildred and Irl Clary
returned with them, and all available
space on the inside and outside of
the car was filled with quantities of
baggage and bedding. Frances1 Ins
keep returned with the Heppner
group in Mr. Hinkle's car. They tell
tales about a "stream-lined train"
which they saw on the way home.
Everybody had such a good time at
Cove that most were saying, "We'll
go again next year."
Mrs. Loy McFerrin was called to
Baker Saturday where her mother
passed away.
Ima McDaniel and Elma Harsh
man were in Heppner Monday where
Mr. McDaniel visited a dentist.
On Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock
at the Morton home in Portland, Miss
Iris Morton, who was principal of
our grade school last year, and Mar
vin Brannon were united in mar
riage. Hardman friends who were
present at the ceremony were Mr.
and Mr. Neal Knighten, Miss Mil
dred Clary and Irl Clary. After a
brief trip, Mr. and Mrs. Brannon
will return to Hardman and will re-
side in the upstairs apartment at the
Knighten home. We extend to them
the community's best wishes for
Mrs. Bessis Cook of Independence,
a sister of E. J. Craber, visited at
the Craber home last week. Years
ago she lived in Hardman.
Nelson Knighten left Thursday for
the Harold Wright ranch where he is
employed for the season.
Irl and Mildred Clary left early
Saturday morning for Portland
where they will visit for some time
with Miss Anne Conmery, a sister
of Mrs. Clary.
Jap Walker moved last week and
is now residing in rooms at the hotel
On Wednesday ' Mrs. Harlan Ad
ams, Mrs. Owen Leathers and Leon
Chapin were in Heppner.
Mildred McDaniel came home
from the mountains where she has
been for the past ten days with her
husband, Frank McDaniel.
Lew Knighten had all his teeth
removed last week. He is feeling bet
ter again after several painful days.
Mrs. Ethel McDaniel and girls,
Mary Stanton and Les Robinson
spent Sunday at Delbert Robinson's
sheep camp.
Creth Craber visited Marie Clary
Percy Bleakman and family were
visiting at the E. J. Merrill home
last week end. They came up from
Lakeview to attend the funeral of
Dale Bleakman. Percy is employed
by the bureau of public roads.
Kenneth Bleakman and family
and Mrs. J. J. McDonald went to
Arlington Sunday to get Mr? and
Mrs. Owen Bleakman, bringing them
to Heppner. They returned to Tup
per ranger station Sunday evening.
Harry French returned from the
coast this week where he spent a
few days on a vacation.
Miss Frances Inskeep. Jim Stevens
and Henry Graham drove to Camas
prairie Sunday. While there they
visited Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins
for a few minutes.
Miss Nona Inskeep and Miss Ollie
Hastings are staying for a few days
at the Jones ranch where Oscel Ins
keep is working. ,
Henry Graham is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Inskeep.
Skoubo Boy's Leg
Crushed by Auto
Gooner Skoubo's leg was crushed
by their car Thursday and he was
taken 11 to Hermiston by Dr. Belt,
where he remained until Sunday.
Mrs. Nate Macomber spent Thurs
day and Friday in Pilot Rock visit
ing with her sister.
Eldon Shannon spent the week end
at home. He is working at Pilot Rock.
Mrs. W. Shore and Mrs. H. R. Par
sons left Friday evening for Spo
kane where Mrs. Shore will remain
with her husband and Mrs. Parsons
will visit.
Herb Parsons returned home Fri
day from Portland where he has
been working.
Mrs. W. A. Baker fell and hurt
her leg quite badly. She is much bet
ter now.
Josephine McEntire who is in
training as a nurse at the Pendleton
hospital spent Friday with her par
ents. Vesta Graves who was playing
and broke her leg above the ankle
was taken to Hermiston Friday to the
The daily vacation Bible school
closed Friday night with a program.
It has been running for ten days.
Students were surprised Friday
morning with ice cream anl cake.
There was a total enrollment of 53
and the average attendance was 41.
Rev. H. B. Thomas was in charge.
Elinor Connell of Pendleton is vis
iting at the W. E. Peck home.
Mrs. C. Coats and daughter Echo
and Essie Jones motored to Eugene
Thursday where they are visiting
Mrs. Coats' brother.
The WPA have finished the two
sanitary toilets at the hotel.
Francis Skoubo is helping Mr.
Coats with the store while Mrs.
Coats is away.
Mrs. G. Griffin spent Sunday vis
ing her sons out at the R. Miller
home. She is working in Umatilla.
Mr. Jenkins and Mrs. Harwood
motored to Hermiston Monday.
Mrs. Yonger and daughters return
ed home Friday from San Antonio
where they have been since school
was out.
Dale Russell left Monday for Ken
newick where he plans to get work.
The women who have been work
ing on the quilt in the church base
ment finished it Friday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams of Athena
visited their son-in-law and daugh
ter. Mr. and Mrs. F. Matin, Satur
day. Earnabelle Peck is visiting in The
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root and Mr.
and Mrs. E. Barlow and daughter
Carma motored to Heppner Sunday
where they attended a birthday din
Since July 1, 1935, when the safety
responsibility act went into effect
in Oregon. 2363 operators' permits
have been suspended or revoked
subject to the provisions of the act,
according to Secretary of State Earl
Snell. This means that the 2363 op
erators will be required to furnish
proof of their financial responsibility
before they will be eligble to apply
for new Icenses, or to have their li
censes reinstated.
Highway travel in Oregon, meas
ured by gasoline consumption, was
more than four per cent higher dur
ing the first five months of 1938 than
during the same period last year,
according to Secretary of State Earl
Snell. Travel during May held a high
level although it dropped one per
cent below last May's record break
ing figure.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
Apricot Crop at
Irrigon Fine Quality
Mr. Swearingen motored to Pen
dleton Saturday with a truck load
of apricots. He was a Milton visitor
Sunday, bringing home a load of
boxes and left Monday for Portland
with a load of apricots. Glen Aid
rich accompanied him to Portland.
A large crop of apricots is being har
vested on the Swearingen place this
year. Five pickers, five packers, two
box makers and two nailers are em
ployed steadily. The "cots" are a very
fine quality.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Caldwell of
Portland were guests of Mrs. Cald
well's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Caldwell, Saturday night.
Mrs. W. C. Isom was a business
visitor in Heppner Tuesday night
and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brownell of Portland
visited Mrs. Brownell's mother, Mrs.
J. A. Grabiel Saturday night, being
enroute to visit their daughter, Mrs.
Ada- Chapman, who is in the Pendle
ton hospital.
Chase McCoy who has been em
ployed on the dredge left for his
home at Imbler last wetk.
Rev. and Mrs. Alcorn motored to
Toledo, Wash., Friday. Rev. Alcorn
expects to leave his pastorate here
soon to take up evangelistic work.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom accom
panied their daughter, Mrs. Geo.
Kendler, to her new home at Coulee
dam Thursday of last week, return
ing Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Earland of
Portland visited the Isoms Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Haight of The
Dalles visited Mr. and Mrs. James
Warner last week.
The small son of Mrs. Elmer Ruk-
er who was operated on recently
Want Ads
3 12-ft. Superior furrow drills for
sale. O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington.
For Sale Rumley 16-ft. cut com
bine, good shape. M. J. Devin, city.
100 cords l6-in. wood for sale, dry.
W. H. French.
Sewing of all kinds. Mrs. M. C.
Smith. 16-18p
Fireworks of all kinds by Rodeo
grounds. Jackson Cantwell.
Wood for sale Yellow Pine or
Red Fir, on Vocum place, 18 miles
above Heppner on Willow creek; 4
ft., $3; 16-in., $4 on ground; special
price delivered. Call 11F5. Elmer
Raspberries, Youngberries and Bay
senberries. Youngs are similar to
Blacks with improved flavor; Bay
sens are like Logans with a much
improved flavor for pies, jam and
jelly. Place order direct from yard.
Raspberries, $1.55 per crate; Youngs
and Baycens, $1.25 per crate, f. o. b.
Troutdale, Ore. Rob't S. Strebin,
Troutdale. Oregon. 16tf
Young lady wants work. Exper
ienced in housekeeping and cook
ing. Case rooms. Dorothy Michael.
W. L. roosters, 5 wks. old, 15c ea,
Walter Jepson, lone. 16-17
Apricots now ready at J. O. Swea
ringen's, Irrigon, Ore. Bring con
tainers. 16.
Hoover electric vacuum cleaner,
good as new, $15; $5 down, $1 a
week. Patterson & Son. 16-17
Deering binder, good as new. at
less than cost. Come and get it. W.
P. Hill.
For Sale Maytag washing ma
chine and Thor mangle. Call Patter
son & Son. 13-16
City residence $2500, $500 down,
balance terms F. B Nickerson, agent.
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor
age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices; terms. Beall Pipe
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St, Pen
dleton, Phone 1274W. 7tf
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Floor Sanding Old floors made
new. See us for newest prices. N. D.
Bailey or Jeff Jones.
for hernia at the Heppner hospital
is recovering nicely. He has been
removed to his home.
A speed limit of 45 miles per hour
after dark will be enforced in New
Jersey this year. The list of states
enforcing special speed limits is
growing rapidly, according to Sec
retary of State Earl Snell.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed, by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for the County of Mor
row, administratrix of the estate of
James N. Luper, deceased. All per
sons having claims against the said
estate are required to file same with
proper vouchers attached, with said
administratrix, at the office of J. O.
Turner, in Heppner, Oregon, within
six months from the date hereof.
Dated and first published June 30,
1938. '
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow.
In the Matter of the Estate of Jesse
J. Wells, Deceased:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned co-executors of the es
tate of Jesse J. Wells, deceased, have
filed their final account in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, and that Friday, the
22nd day of July, 1938, at the hour
of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of
said day and the court room of said
court has been appointed by said
court as the time and place for the
hearing of objections thereto and the
settlement thereof.
Dated and first published, June 23,
1938. i
Date of last publication, July 21,
Glenn Y. Wells,' Attorney,
535 Mead Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned executrix of the last
Will and Testament of David O. Jus
tus, deceased, has filed with the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, her final
account of her administration of the
estate of said deceased, and said
court has set Monday, the first day
of August, 1938, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
at the County Court room at the
Court House, at Heppner, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate and all
persons having objections thereto
are hereby required to file the same
with said court on or bfore the time
set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 23rd
day of June, 1938.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned surviving executor of
the estate of Wm. Hendrix, deceased,
has filed with the County Court of
the State of Oregon for Morrow
County, his final account of his ad
ministration of said estate and said
court has set Monday, the first day
of August, 1938, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
at the County Court room at the
Court House, at Heppner, Oregon, as
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate, and all
persons having objection thereto
are hereby required to file the same
with said court on or before the time
set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 23rd
day of June, 1938.
Department of the Interior. Gen
eral Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 16, 1938.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Frank Swaggart, of Ritter, Oregon,
who, on August 18, 1937, made Or
iginal homestead entry No. 028324
and Additional homestead entry No.
028325, for Lot. 3, SEy4NWy4. NW
SWy4, SSEy4, Sec. 4, Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, sNEy4, sEy4Nwy4, NEy4
SWy4, NyzSEy4, Sec. 5, Lot 1, Sec
tion 6, Township 7 S., Range 29 E.,
Page Severn
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make final Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before W. J. Warner, Uni
ted States Commissioner, at Her
miston, Oregon, on the 9th day of
August, 1938.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Bill Hodge, of Ritter, rOegon.
Ed Mornlinson, of Ritter, Oregon.
Dudley Flynn, of Ritter, Oregon.
Ivan Applegate, of Heppner, Ore
gon. W. F. JACKSON,
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon
that I have taken up the hereinaf
ter described animal at my place one
mile southwest of Irrigon, Oregon,
and that I will at said place on Sat
urday, July 2, 1938, beginning at 10
o'clock A. M., offer for sale and sell
said anmial to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, subject to the right
of redemption of the owner thereof.
Said animal is described as follows:
1 bay saddle horse, wt about 1050,
branded half circle over V.
14-16 Irrigon, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given by virtue of
the laws of the State of Oregon that
I have taken up the hereinafter ani
mal at my place 1 mile S. W. of Irri
gon, Oregon, and that I will, on Sat
urday, June 25, 1938, at 10:00 o'clock
A. M., offer for sale and sell said
animal to the highest and best bid
der for cash in hand, subject to the
right of redemption of the owner
thereof. Said animal is described as
1 bay saddle horse, wt. 1050 lbs.,
6 or 7 yrs. old, wire scars on front
Irrigon, Ore.
NOTICE is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County this 8th day of June, 1938,
upon and pursuant to a decree duly
given and made by said Court this
4th day of June, 1938, in a suit pend
ing therein in which State Land
Board, a public corporation, was
plaintiff, and George R. W. Mead and
Elizabeth Mead, his wife; A. H. Nich
ols; J. H. Frad; and the County of
Morrow were defendants, which ex
ecution and order of sale was to me
directed and commanded me to sell
the real property hereinafter des
cribed to satisfy certain liens and
charges in said decree specified, I
will on the 9th day of July, 1938, at
the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. at
the front door of the County Court
House in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, offer for sale and sell to
public auction for cash, subject to
redemption as provided by law, all
of the right, title and interest of the
defendants in said suit and of all
parties claiming by, through or un
der them, or any of them, since the
6th day of March, 1931, at the fore
closure sale, in or to the following
described real property, to-wit:
The West half of the northeast
quarter, the northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the .north
west quarter of Section thirty
one in Township one south of
Range Twenty-six, E. W. M.
Dated this 8th day of June. 1938.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
OFFICE, Roseburg, Oregon, May
25, 1938. 022419
Charles Griggs of 210 West Sprague
Avenue, Spokane, Washington, did,
on May 25, 1938, make application
under the act of March 20, 1922 (42
Stat. 465) to select certain timber
from portions of the NVfe and NEVi
SEy4 of Sec. 31, Wy2 of Sec. 32, all
in T 19 S, R 4 E, W. M., Willamette
National Forest, in exchange for the
NNWy4, SWNWy4 of Sec. 13,
SEy4NEy4 of Sec. 14, all in T 5 S, R
27 E, in the Umatilla National For
est, serial 022419.
Any and all persons claiming the
lands selected, or having bona fide
objections to the exchange, should
file their protest on or before July
12, 1938.