Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 16, 1938, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, June 16, 1938
Hardman Youths
Attend Cove School
On Sunday about noon Jim Stev
ens took Frances Inskeep, Mildred
Clary and Irl Clary to Heppner
where they met Rev. R. V. Hinkle
and then went on to Cove to attend
the Episcopal summer camp and
school Rita Robinson and Vern Mc
Daniel are also at Cove but they left
Here Saturday. Mildred Clary re
ceived the free scholarship offered
by Bishop Remington. Her Sundav
school attendance for the year was
perfect and that was why it was
awarded to her. The other four were
sent by the Cove club, an organiza
tion within the high school student
Ethel McDaniel and children,
Vern, Vera and Cecil, Miss Murl
Farrens and Rita Robinson left Sat
urday morning and planned to spend
the night at Union, then go to Cove
Sunday. After a day or two there
they are all, except Rita and Vern,
going on to Enterprise where they
will visit Ethel's sister, Bee Wind
sor. Mrs. Anson Rugg of Rhea creek
went as far as La Grande with them
where she will stay for a visit.
Mrs. Owen Leathers who has been
on the sick list for some time, has
been suttenng for -weeks from rheu
matism. She is able to be around now
and is quite a bit better.
Buster Bleakman had some un
fortunate luck one day last week.
He was working at Reed's mill when
he was so unlucky as to break some
ribs. This was quite a painful ex
perience and has kept him from go
ing back to work.
Owen Leathers went to Tyndal
Robison's for several days to make
John McDonald and his son Lewis
of Boardman, who formerly lived
here, have been visiting and attend
ing to busines for a time. Mr. Mc
Donald and Lewis are now working
at the Bertha Dean place in the
mountains cutting wood. Mrs. Mc
Donald is staying with Ethel Bleak
man who is ill. They may stay in
that vicinity all summer.
Esten Stevens and Mrs. Frank
McDaniel went to Fox valley Satur
day to see Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mus
grave. They also visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wes Stevens who live near
Hamilton now. They returned to
Hardman Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bobison left for
Portland last week with a truck load
of stock.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Saling of Bull
Prairie were visitors at the home of
Mrs. Owen Leathers Sunday eve
ning. Mr. and Mrs. Al Lovgren were in
Condon Saturday to attend the Ro
deo. Vester Hams, Marjorie McFer
rin and Harry Owen were also visit
ors at the Condon Rodeo but on Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Steers and sons
Gus and Elmer moved to the moun
tains where the men are cutting
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robison,
Doris Ray and Do Merrill were in
town Monday.
Guy Chapin went to work this
week building fence for Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell and
son Everett were in town for a short
time Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDaniel
took a three-day trip last week. They
went to Pendleton. La Grande, Cove
and other places and returned by
way of John Day. They reported that
they found the weather Very warm,
but had a great time in spite of it.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDaniel
went to Ditch creek Saturday eve
ning and enjoyed a visit there with
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman. They
also did some fishing and returned
Sunday evening, but no big fish
stories are being circulated.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Sr.,
were dinner guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren Sun
day. Mr. Lovgren came after them
and also brought them home later
in the day.
Mrs. Ada Cannon, two sons Bud
and Pete, and two daughters Lola
and Charlotte, were visitors in Hepp
ner. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fraters, Mrs.
Charles Fraters and Mrs. William
Lee were in Heppner Saturday.
Miss Alta Stevens, Miss Frances
Inskeep, Miss Alene Inskeep and
Jim Stevens ate dinner at the John
Stevens sheep camp last Sunday.
Frank Fraters and Fred Gallagher
were here on business Saturday.
Pine City Homes
Enjoy Visitations
The 4-H club girls and boys and
their leader, Mrs. Finch, met at the
Helms home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lonny Knotts, Jr.,
from Coburg are visiting the John
Harrison and George Currin homes.
The apartment house wnere they
lived this winter burned and they
lost all their things, and before the
fire was stopped it burned a block
of the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wattenburger
and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Orr spent
Friday in Pendleton.
Miss Frances Finch spent a few
days in Echo visiting her cousin.
Mary Ann Bartholomew.
Jim Ayers spent a week at Ritter
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shawner of
Jerome, Idaho, spent Sunday at the
W. D. Neill home.
Glenn Orr and Burl Wattenburger
made ' a business trip to John Day
and Mt. Vernon.
Miss Barbara Buseick of Long
Creek is spending a week with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Wattenburger. Mr. and Mrs. Buseick
are delegates to the Eastern Star
grand lodge in Portland. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Orr spent Sat
urday evening at the H. E. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Burl Wattenburger
and family spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Strain at the Dick
Demming logging camp near Gur-
Will Wattenburger of Echo and
daughter, Mrs. Lilly Esselstyn of
Pendleton spent Saturday on Butter
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hedrick of
Stanfield spent Monday afternoon at
the E. B. Wattenburger home.
New Power Line
Reaches Boardman
Lester Packard, Neal Bleakney,
Charles Dillon and Warren Dillon
are moving the west end telephone
line to the other side of the road,
because of the power line which has
recently been put in.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hug, Donald and
Gale, of Hermiston spent Sunday
visiting at the Qrmin Hug home.
Imogene Wilson and Dave John
ston returned home from Moscow,
Idaho, where she has been working
and he has been attending college.
Miss Virginia Compton of Hil-
gard is visiting on the project this
Mrs. Russell Miller and children,
Grace and Mildred, visited at lone
last week.
Miss La Vern Baker returned
home Friday from Longview where
she has been visiting.
The highway oiling crew which
has been working here since last
week left for Pilot Rock Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill are
attending state grange at Klamath
Falls. Sophia Barlow is carrying the
mail in his place.
Pat Healy went to Wallowa Mon
Jones & Kay company are in
stalling a new heating boiler at the
school house.
Jack Gorham attended the Dem
ocratic ' central committee meeting
at Heppner Monday. He was reap
pointed state committeeman. Del
Ward of Heppner was reappointed
county chairman.
Mrs. Hazel Stutte and children
Phyllis and Bob are visiting at the
Nick Faler home.
There is a grass fire burning west
of the Boardman project. Action has
been taken to put it out.
Mr. and Mrs. Cartwright, Mr.
Thorpe and Lester are visiting on
the project. Lester will remain for a
longer visit.
The movie of the week was "The
Hoosier Schoolboy" which was
shown at the grange halL
For Sale Rumley 16-ft cut com
bine, good shape. M. J. Devin, city.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
4-H Clubbers End ,
Record Two Weeks
At Oregon State
Two weeks of work and recrea
tion have been completed by the
largest number of 4-H club members
ever to assemble in a club session
west of the Mississippi, and more
than 1800 youngsters and their lead
ers have returned to every county
in Oregon after fulfilling their mot
to of "making the best better" at
their 24th annual session at Oregon
State college.
Portland sent the largest delega
tion this year, as usual, having about
180 members present. Lane county
was next with 121, followed by
Douglas with 80, Washington 76,
Klamath 73 and Clackamas 66.
Mary Louise Armstrong of Port
land was chosen president of the
girls' executive council this year. The
council is made up of the presidents
of each of the girls' living organiza
tions. Mary was president of the
group housed in the Pi Beta Phi sor
ority house. Heading the boys' gov
erning group was Roger Dumdi of
Carlton, who, with the nine other
council members, was elected at a
general meeting of the boys.
The other members of the girls'
council included Mary Olive Snarr
of Portland; Barbara Sargeant,
Hopewell! La Verne Whitehead and
Carolyn Kaufman, Marion county;
Betty Hill and Etheal Ann Newton,
Lane; Ann McNabb, Sherman; El
eanor Hanley, Washington; Jean
Bateman, Lincoln; Ruth Shelby,
Linn; Yvonne Prophet, Grant; Phyl
lis Keith, Josephine; Marilyn Right
meir, Klamath; Lou Britton, Doug
las;' Margaret Belton, Clackamas;
Lillian Winn, Multnomah, and Max
ine Sutton, Curry.
Other members of the boys' exec
utive committee, charged with keep'
ing nearly 700 boys in attendance
"in line," were Joe Berger, Beaver-
ton; Ed Setniker, Hillsboro; Bob
Blinkenstaff, Klamath Falls; Chancy
Barnes, Halsey; Dean Jackson, Cot
tage Grove; Walter Robertson,
Blachly; Clayton and Wilbur Ny
berg, Tualatin, and Bob King,
More than 70 per cent of the club
members attended on scholarships
awarded for outstanding work in the
various projects, of which 204 were
awarded by granges of the state.
Want Ads
Genuine Estey piano, good condi
tion, $75. Box 45, Heppner. 14-15p
Young lady wants work, experi
enced in housekeeping and cooking.
Case rooms. Dorothy Michael. ltp
For sale or trade for stock, 1930
Chev. 4-door sedan, just overhauled.
A. W. Gemmell, Phone 9F3. 13-14
8 sections range for sheep 6 mi.
E. of Meacham, 15c per acre or 20c
per head per month for dry sheep, lc
per head per day for ewes with
lambs. Lon Knotts, Pilot Rock, Ore.
For Sale Maytag washing ma
chine and Thor mangle. Call Patter
son & Son. 13-16
Two large bedrooms for rent, $8
a month each. Mrs. G. A. Bleakman.
I do telephone repair work; all
work guaranteed. W. L. McCaleb,
No. 9 Chase St., Heppner. ll-14p
Fox feed horses wanted. Write to
A. Hackenbarth, Echo, Ore., or Ad
Moore, Heppner, and we will call on
you. ll-18p
Combine harvesting; see me be
fore you deal. Cecil Sargent, lone.
City residence $2500, $500 down,
balance terms F. B Nickerson, agent.
Mountain range to lease; 2000 acres
at 15c an acre, plenty of water and
grass; 1080 acres known as the John
son place at 25c an acre. W. H.
French, Hardman. 9tf
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor
age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices; terms. Beall Pipe
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St., Pen
dleton, Phone 1274W. 7tf
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Floor Sanding Old floors made
new. See us for newest prices. N. D.
Bailey or Jeff Jones.
Others were given by state, county
and other fairs and shows, business
firms, community organizations and
individuals. Most or the remaining
club members earned their own way
to the two-weeks session, many of
them through their club projects.
OSC Ends Year With
Record Total of 4476
Oregon State College By far the
largest total enrollment for the full
year at Oregon State college ever
recorded has just been reported by
E. B. Lemon, registrar, in a year-end
tabulation. Regular course students
for the three terms for 1937-38 to
taled 4476 compared with 4137 last
year and a previous high mark of
3828 made in 1928-29. This year's
total is more than twice that of four
years ago when 2227 enrolled in the
year 1933-34.
This 4476 includes only those stu
dents taking work in the regular
college year, and eliminates duplica
tions. Added to this are 705 in last
year's summer session and 155 in
short courses, making a grand total
of adult campus students for the
year .of 533 . Total enrollments for
all years since figures are available
starting in 1888 show 92,040 regular
course students, 19,275 in summer
sessions, 17,749 in short courses, 955
in miscellaneous classifications, for
a grand total of 130,011 for the 51-
year period.
Department of the Interior. Gen
eral Land Office at The Dalles, Ore
gon, June 16, 1938.
NOTICE is hereby given that
Frank Swaggart, of Ritter, Oregon,
who, on August 18, 1937, made Or
iginal homestead entry No. 028324
and Additional homestead entry No.
028325, for Lot. 3, SEy4NWy4. NWy4
SWy4, Sy2SEV4, Sec. 4, Lots 1, 2, 3,
4, sNEy4, sEy4Nwy4, NEy4
SWy4, NSEy4, Sec. 5, Lot 1, Sec
tion 6, Township 7 S., Range 29 E.,
Willamette Meridian, has filed no
tice of intention to make final Proof,
to establish claim to the land above
described, before W. J. Warner, Uni
ted States Commissioner, at Her
miston, Oregon, on the 9th day of
August, 1938.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Bill Hodge, of Ritter, rOegon.
Ed Mornlinson, of Ritter, Oregon.
Dudley Flynn, of Ritter, Oregon.
Ivan Applegate, of Heppner, Ore
gon. W. F. JACKSON,
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon
that I have taken up the hereinaf
ter described animal at my place one
mile southwest of Irrigon, Oregon,
and that I will at said place on Sat
urday, July 2, 1938, beginning at 10
o'clock A. M., offer for sale and sell
said anmial to the highest bidder
for cash in hand, subject to the right
of redemption of the owner thereof.
Said animal is described as follows:
1 bay saddle, horse, wt. about 1050,
branded half circle over V.
14-16 Irrigon, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given by virtue of
the laws of the State of Oregon that
I have taken up the hereinafter ani
mal at my place 1 mile S. W. of Irri
gon, Oregon, and that I will, on Sat
urday, June 25, 1938, at 10:00 o'clock
A. M., offer for sale and sell said
animal to the highest and best bid
der for cash in hand, subject to the
right of redemption of the owner
thereof. Said animal is described as
1 bay saddle horse, wt. 1050 lbs.,
6 or 7 yr. old, wire scars on front
Irrigon, Ore.
NOTICE is hereby given that by
virtue of an execution and order of
sale issued out of the Circuit Court
of the State of Oregon for Morrow
County this 8th day of June, 1938,
upon and pursuant to a decree duly
given and made by said Court this
4th day of June, 1938, in a suit pend
ing therein in which State Land
Board, a public corporation, was
plaintiff, and George R. W. Mead and
Elizabeth Mead, his wife; A. H. Nich
ols; J. H. Frad; and the County of
Morrow were defendants, which ex
ecution and order of sale was to me
Page Seven
directed and commanded me to sell
the real property hereinafter des
cribed to satisfy certain liens and
charges in said decree specified, I
will on the 9th day of July, 1938, at
the hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. at
the front door of the County Court
House in Heppner, Morrow County,
Oregon, offer for sale and sell to
public auction for cash, subject to
redemption as provided by law, all
of the right, title and interest of the
defendants in said suit and of all
parties claiming by, through or un
der them, or anv of them, since th
6th day of March, 1931, at the fore
closure sale, in or to the following
described real property, to-wit:
The West half of the northeast
quarter,' the northwest quarter
of the southeast quarter and the
southeast quarter of the north
west quarter of Section thirty
one in Township one south of
Range Twenty-six, E. WT M.
Dated this 8th day of April, 1938.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff.
the Trustees of the Heppner Farm
ers Elevator Company will on Sat
urday the 18th day of June, 1938, at
the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the fore
noon of said day at the law office
of J. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon,
offer for sale and sell to the highest
bidder for cash all the remaining
assets of said Heppner Farmers Ele
vator Company, including notes and
Dated this 9th day of June, 1938.
JEFF JONES, Secretary.
OFFICE, Roseburg, Oregon, May
25, 1938. 022419
Charles Griggs of 210 West Sprague
Avenue, Spokane. Washington, did.
on May 25, 1938, make application
under the act of March 20. 1922 (42
Stat. 465) to select certain timber
from portions of the N and NEVt
SEy4 of Sec. 3L WVfe of Sec. 32. all
in T 19 S, R 4 E, W. M., Willamette
National Forest, in exchange for the
NMjNWtt, SWy4NWy4 of Sec. 13,
SEy4NEy4 of Sec. 14, all in T 5 S, R
27 E, in the Umatilla National For
est, serial 022419.
Any and all persons claiming the
lands selected, or having bona fide-
objections to the exchange, should
file their protest on or before July
12, 1938.
OFFICE, Roseburg, Oregon, May
17, 1938.
James C. Nelson, Rebecca Nelson, J.
P. Nelson and Anna M. Nelson, of
1315 S. E. Taylor street, Portland,
Oregon, did, on May 17, 1938, make
application under the Act of March
20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465) as amended by
Act of March 4. 1925 (43 Stat. 1279).
to select certain timber from por
tions of N1. and NEydSEy of Sec.
31, Wy2 of Sec. 32, T 19 S, R 4 E,
W. M., Willamette National Forest
in exchange for the NEy4 of Sec. 35,
T 6 S, R 25 E, in the Umatilla Na
tional Forest, serial 022142.
Any and all persons claiming the
lands selected, or having bona fide
objections to the exchange, should
file their protest on or before June
28, 1938.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Emma Holub, Adminis
tratrix of the Estate of Anton Holub,
deceased, has filed with the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, her final account of
her administration of said estate,
and that the said Court has set
Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1938,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of
said day at the County Court room
at the Court House at Heppner, Or
egon, as the time and place for hear
ing objections to said final account
and the settlement of said estate, and
all peresons having objections to
said final account or the settlement
of the said estate are hereby re
quired to file the same with said
Court on or before the time set for
said hearing.
Dated and first published this 26th
day of May, A. D. 1938.