X Thursday, June 2, 1938 Plans Completed For Second 4-H Summer Session Oregon State College, Corvallis Of the more than 1800 Oregon boys and girls expected to attend the twenty-fourth annual 4-H club sum mer school at OSC June 6 to 17, ap proximately 70 percent will hold scholarships awarded them by var ious business and community organ izations, fairs, individuals and others in recognition of excellent work done, -according to H. C. Seymour, state club leader. "The increasing number of schol arships awarded each year is due to the fact that those who offer them see the inspiration and enthusiasm as well as new information and oth er benefits brought back by those who attend the club summer school, and plan to make it possible for more boys and girls to attend the following year," Mr. Seymour says. Three dormitories and 20 or more fraternities and sororities will be used this year to house the club hoys and girls, with the younger members living in the dormitories. Attendance is limited to club mem bers over 12 and under 21 years of age, whose 4-H projects are in good standing. Scholarships awarded to members under 12 years old will be held until they reach that age. The program this year will follow the usual plan of class work in the mornings, assembly and recreation in the afternoons, and parties, movies and other entertainment in the eve nings. From 70 to 100 classes will be running each morning during the two-weeks session, with some 75 or more OSC faculty members as in structors. Many new courses are be ing offered this year, Mr. Seymour , says. The club members at summer school have a self-government plan, by which groups of older boys and girls are chosen as officers and ex ecutive committee members to see ' that all goes well in the OSC 4-H community. Each county delegation has its own chaperone or adviser. Older boys and girls, usually col lege students who were former 4-H club members, are in charge of the various houses and halls. IRRIGON NEWS Vanderlinde Baby Dies at Hermiston By MRS. W. C. ISOM The baby daughter born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vanderlinde at the Hermiston hospital Monday, May 30, did not live. Mrs. Vanderlinde is doing as well as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boardman and son Wesley, Mr. and Mrs. Kight and Miss Peterson of Longview, Wash., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Suddarth. Mr and Mrs. Abbey and son Cecil of Lorraine, Ore., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sud darth this week. Old residents of Irrigon will remember Mrs. Abbey as Miss Blanche Powell who taught school here about fifteen years ago. Gerald Buell had his hand which was injured several months ago op erated on at the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland Friday. An other operation will have to follow later. Ollie Coryell accompanied him to Portland, returning Friday night. Mrs. O. Coryell visited at The Dalles Saturday. Russell McCoy spent several days in Portland last week where he pur chased a service station. He will , move his family down this week. Wayne Caldwell of Portland vis ited his parents over the week end. Miss Lola Berry of Portland is vis iting her grandparents this week. Rev. and Mrs. George Alcorn took Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steward. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Warner were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rand Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cross visited Mr. and Mrs. Batie Rand Sunday after noon. Rev. C. A. Wilson occupied the pulpit at the Pentecostal church in Stanfield Sunday in the absence of the regular pastor, Mrs. Neva Bed iwell. Mr." and Mrs. Geo. Kendler and daughter Yvonne were dinner guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom Sunday. Rev. Weibel of Pendleton filled the pulpit at the Presbyterian church Sunday. Heppner EIGHT MILE -RHEA CREEK Relatives who visited here from Portland over the Memorial holi days included Mrs. Chas. Long at the home of her mother, Mrs. Car olyn Bergstrom in Eight Mile; Mrs. E. W. Bergstrom and son Rudy at the Eric Bergstrom home in Goose berry; Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas and son and daughter, LeRoy and Marjorie and Mrs. Molly Thomas, at the Joe Batty home; Marjorie re mained for a longer visit; Mr. and Mrs. Earl George and daughters Audrey and Shirley, at the Give Huston home. Mrs. George and daughters are making a more ex tended visit. She and Mrs. Huston are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becket and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket left for Portland Saturday to spend Memor ial Day with relatives. Ray and Walter Wright and Frank Anderson left for the national re serve with their cattle Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney spent the week end in Sherman county. Mrs. Harley Anderson is indisposed at her home with chickenpox. Mrs. John Bergstrom has been in Heppner with her mother who has been ill. Carolyn Bergstrom returned home Tuesday after spending a week in lone at the home of Gladys Brash ers and also at the home of her cou sin, Maxine Allyn. Rhea Creek is giving another dance at their hall Saturday, June 4th. Grange will be held Sunday, June 5 with pot-luck dinner at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin R. Wightman and children from Arlingtin were week-end guests at the home of Mr. Wightmari's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wightman. NOTICE OF SALE OF ANIMAL Notice is hereby given that by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon, I have taken up the herein after described animal found run ning at large on my premises in Mor row County, State of Oregon, and that I will on Saturday, the 18th day of June, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day at my place in Eightmile, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, the said an imal, unless the same shall have been redeemed by the owner thereof. Anyone claiming said animal may have the same, prior to said sale, by Want Ads For Sale Ad Rumeley combine, 14-ft. cut, ready to go; also draper for 14-ft. Case header. Merle Kirk, Lexington. 12-13p. Two large bedrooms for rent, $8 a month each. Mrs. G. A. Bleakman. 1 do telephone repair work; all work guaranteed. W. L. McCaleb, No. 9 Chase St., Heppner. ll-14p Fox feed horses wanted. Write to A. Hackenbarth, Echo, Ore., or Ad Moore, Heppner, and we will call on you. ll-18p Combine harvesting; see me be fore you deal. Cecil Sargent, lone. ll-18p City residence $2500, $500 down, balance terms F. B Nickerson, agent. For sale, town property, Irrigon, 13V2 A., leveled and ditched, cheap. Frances E. Rand, 6102 E. Burnside St., Portlanr, Ore. 10-13 For Sale Penland home in Hepp ner. Write Mrs. Stella Eberhardt, R. 1, Box 404, Tigard, Ore. 10-12 Sacrifice sale, house and furniture, including piano and washing ma chine. $2250 on terms. See F. B. Nickerson, agent l-13p Mountain range to lease; 2000 acres at 15c an acre, plenty of water and grass; 1080 acres known as the John son place at "25c an acre. W. H. French, Hardman. 9tf Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at Portland prices"; terms. Beall Pipe and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St., Pen dleton, Phone 1274W. 7tf Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Floor Sanding Old floors made new. See us for newest prices. N. D. Bailey or Jeff Jones. Gazette Times, Heppner, calling fpr same at my place and paying the cost of advertising and cost of taking up. Said animal is described as follows: One brown horse, no brand visi ble, weight about 1000 lbs., about 6 or 7 years old. CLTVE HUSTON, Heppner, Oregon. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TERIOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Roseburg, Oregon, May 25, 1938. 022419 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Charles Griggs of 210 West Sprague Avenue, Spokane, Washington, did, on May 25, 1938, make application under the act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465) to select certain timber from portions of the N and NEV4 SEy4 of Sec. 31, W of Sec. 32, all in T 19 S, R 4 E, W. M., Willamette National Forest, in exchange for the NNWy4, SWNWy4 of Sec. 13, SEy4NEy4 of Sec. 14, all in T 5 S, R 27 E, in the Umatilla National For est, serial 022419. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objections to the exchange, should file their protest on or before July 12, 1938. 'GEORGE INLEY, Register. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 1, of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said district will be held at the City Council Chambers, to begin at the hour of 2:30 o'clock P. M., on the third Monday of June, being the 20th day of June, A. D., 1938. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing one School Director for 3-year term, one School Director to fill the unexpired term of John J. Wightman, resigned, and one District Clerk for 1-year term, and the trans action of business usual at such meeting. Dated this 24th day of May, 1938. SPENCER CRAWFORD, Chairman, Board of Directors. Attest: MURIEL VAUGHN, District Clerk. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE IN TERIOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Roseburg, Oregon, May 17, 1938. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that James C. Nelson, Rebecca Nelson, J. P. Nelson and Anna M. Nelson, of 1315 S. E. Taylor street, Portland, Oregon, did, on May 17, 1938, make application under the Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465) as amended by Act of March 4, 1925 (43 Stat. 1279), to select certain timber from por tions of NY2 and NEy4SEy4 of Sec. 31, Wy2 of Sec. 32, T 19 S, R 4 E, W. M., Willamette National Forest, in exchange for the NEy4 of Sec. 35, T 6 S, R 25 E, in the Umatilla Na tional Forest, serial 022142. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objections to the exchange, should file their protest on or before June 28, 1938. . GEORGE FINLEY, Registrar. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Emma Holub, Adminis tratrix of the Estate of Anton Holub, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administration of said estate, and that the said Court has set Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1938, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Or egon, as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the Settlement of said estate, and all peresons having objections to said final account or the settlement of the said estate are hereby re quired to file the same with said Court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 26th day of May, A. D. 1938. EMMA HOLUB, Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appoint ed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, exec utrix of the last will and testament Oregon of John P. Louy, deceased. All per sons having claims against the es tate of the said deceased are hereby required to present the same with proper vouchers to said executrix at tiie law office of J. O. Turner at Notice of School Meeting MOTTCE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. 11 One, of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a SCHOOL MEETING of the said district will be held at the Council Chambers on the 20th day of June, 1938, at Two o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of discussing the budget for the fiscal school year, beginning June 30, 1938, and ending June 30, 1939, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a dis trict tax. BUDGET ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Balance on hand at the beginning of the fiscal school year (third Monday in June) for which this budget is made ...$ To be received from the County School Fund To be received from the Elementary School Fund To be received from the State Irreducible School Fund To be received for Vocational Education (State and Federal Funds) To be received from the Non-High School District for: Tuition Transportation To be received from tuition for elementary school pupils '.. TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Elemen- GENERAL CONTROL Personal service: Superintendent $ Clerk Stenographers and other office assist ants Compulsory education and census Other services Supplies Elections and publicity Total Expense of General Control INSTRUCTION Supervision Personal service: Supervisors $ Principals Supplies, principals and supervisors Total Expense, Supervision INSTRUCTION Teaching Personal service: Teachers $ Smith-Hughes Transportation, Ag. and H. E Band . Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) Textbooks, desk capies Chemistry, Music, Home Economics Total Expense of Teaching OPERATION OF PLANT Personal service: Janitors and other employees $ Janitors' supplies Fuel and Telephone Light and power .'. Water : . Total Expense of Operation MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS Repair and maintenance of furniture and equipment $ Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds: Rewiring Roofs and General . Total Expense of Maintenance and Re pairs . AUXILIARY AGENCIES Library: Personal service (librarian, etc.) $ 115.00 $ 115.00 Library books 120.00 260.00 Supplies, repairs, etc 5.00 5.00 Health service: Personal service (nurse, doctors etc).. 20.00 20.00 Supplies and other expenses 35.00 35.00 Transportation of pupils 2,300.00 Other auxiliary agencies: Personal service 35.00 35.00 Band music 30.00 30.00 Grade texts 150.00 Total Expense of Auxiliary Agencies .... FIXED CHARGES Insurance $ Total Fixed Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS New buildings .'. Alteration of buildings (not repairs) New furniture, equipment and replace ments Total Capital Outlays DEBT SERVICE Principal on bonds .... Principal on warrants Interest on bonds , Interest on warrants Total Debt Service EMERGENCY RECAPITULATION Total estimated expenses for the year $40,679.00 Total estimated receipts, not including proposed tax .... 19,760.00 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $20,919.00 INDEBTEDNESS Amount of bonded indebtedness Amount of warrant indebtedness on and endorsed "not paid for want Total Indebtedn ess Dated this 19th day of April, 1938. Signed: MURIEL VAUGHN, District Clerk. Approved by Budget Committee Signed: MURIEL VAUGHN, Secretary, Budget Committee. Page Seven Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 5th day of May, 1938. LUVTSA LOUY, Executrix. 4,000.00 3,500.00 2,100.00 460.00 1,100.00 4,000.00 2,300.00 2,300.00 $19,760.00 High tary School 650.00 $ 650.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 10.00 10.00 70.00 70.00 35.00 35.00 37.00 37.00 $ 2,104.00 250.00 125.00 25.00 $ 250.00 125.00 25.00 $ 800.00 8,715.00 $ 6,940.00 1,050.00 230.00 150.00 200.00 15.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 15.00 25.00 $17,790.00 810.00 200.00 415.00 300.00 100.00 $ 810.00 200.00 415.00 300.00 100.00 $ 3,650.00 225.00 $ 325.00 350.00 300.00 350.00 300.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,310.00 $ 250.00 125.00 $ 125.00 $ 1,150.00 125.00 300.00 125.00 150.00 1,850.00 ..$ 2,950.00 .. 3,000.00 .. 1,625.00 .. 1,000.00 $ 8,575.00 $ 500.00 $30,000.00 warrants issued of funds" 18,000.00 $48,000.00 SPENCER CRAWFORD, Chairman, Board of Directors. April 19, 1938. J. G. BARRATT Chairman, Budget Committee,