Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 26, 1938, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, May 26, 1938
Community Sale
Idea Endorsed;
Scout Camp Talked
Lions Told Farmers
Auction Beneficial;
Hidaway Favored
Heppner Lions gave hearty re
sponse to the idea of a community
auction at their Monday luncheon.
B. C. Pinckney, local branch bank
manager, gave personal knowledge
of where such events have been the
means of establishing a local live
stock market that proved of invalu
able service to the surrounding
farming community. Other club
members also looked upon it as a
serevice that should prove profitable
to the entire community.
The club response was given on
invitation for discussion by F. W.
Turner, who with V. R. Runnion,
auctioneer, announced the first com
munity auction to be held here Sat
urday, June 18.
Lions also inspected the trophy
they sponsored for the first time
this year on which, high point win
ners in FFA work will have names
engraved each year. William Ben
nett, Smith-Hughes instructor, ex
plained the point system under
which the names of Jack Healy
with 175 points, and Clayton Wright,
174 points, were both engraved this
year. Through representing the local
chapter at the state speaking meet,
Healy gained an exceptional num
ber of points, while Wright's were
gained on all-round work, Bennett
said. He expected some alteration
to be made in the system of award
ing points so that no particlar
branch of the work would be unduly
emphasized, as he trought it may
have been this year.
.Mr. Pinckney, reporting for the
Boy Scout conmittee, told of status
of the Boy Scouts to date with mem
bership of 23 expected soon to be
raised to 26 or 27, and the projected
plan of establishing a summer camp
in the mountains. With Tom Wells,
scoutmaster, he attended a district
scout meeting at Arlington on the
11th at which the plan was launched
to establish a joint camp for scouts
of Morrow, Gilliam and Wheeler
counties. In the club discussion the
idea of postponing the camp's estab
lishment pending agreement of the
various troops was endorsed. It ap
peared too late to come to such
agreement for this season, and the
balance of opinion favored making
arrangements to send the local troop
to Hidaway springs. Any summer
camp for the boys should include
swimming facilities, it was strongly
Mr. Pinckney announced that the
committee, had the formation of a
cub pack under advisement but that
no attempt would be made to organ
ize the smaller boys before fall.
Peck, Wells Win as
Light Vote is Cast
Continued from First Page
Doherty; Boardman, F. F. Klitz,
Flossie Coats; Eight Mile, Henry Pe
terson; Hardman, Walter W. Wright;
lone, Geo. N. Ely; Irrigon, A. C.
Houghton; Lexington, Ralph Jack
son, Elsie M. Beach; N. Heppner,
Spencer Crawford, Charlotte Gor
don; S. Heppner, C. J. D. Bauman,
Clothild Lucas.
U S. Senator (short term): Miller
U. S. Senator (long term): Don
augh 144, Mahoney 195 (state nom
inee). Rep. in Congress: Crawford 50,
Pierce 306 (dist. nominee).
Governor: Hess 114 (state nom
inee), Martin 197, Oleen 50.
Secretary of State: Edson 243.
Supt. Public Instruction: Leon
hardt 143, Putnam 161 (state nom
inee). Labor Com.: Hyde 168 (state nom
inee), Roth 120.
State Senator: Lewis 183, Sirrine
138 (dist. nominee).
Assessor: Clark 89, Wells 266.
Sureyor: H. Tamblyn, both par
ties. Central Committeemen and Com
mitteewomen: Alpine, Pearl Lind-
At Heppner
Sunday morning sermon appro
priate for Memorial Day.
Union service at this church at
8 p. m.
Bible School 9:45 a. m.
Morning Service .. .......... 11 :00 a. m
C. E. Society 6:30 p. m
Evening Services 7:80 p. m,
Choir Practice, Wednesday .. 7:80 p. m.
Midweek Service, Thursday 7:80 p. m.
REV. R. C. YOUNG. Pastor
Sunday : Bible School ..... 9 :45 A. M
Worship Service 11 :00 A. M
Epworth League 7 :00 P. M,
Evening Worship 8 :00 P. M.
Tuesday: Boys' Club 7:00 P. M.
2nd Tuesday, Missionary Meet-
' ing 2:80 P. M,
Wednesday: Choir Practice ..... 7:80 P. M.
1st Wednsday, Ladies Aid Business
and Social Meeting 2:80 P. M.
All other Wednesdays Sewing Group
Thursday: Prayer Meeting 7:80 P. M.
11 a. m., Morning prayer and ser
In the evening Archdeacon Hin
kle will hold services at Hardman.
"K" and Elder Sts., Rev. E. D.
Greeley, pastor.
Sunday Services : Bible School 9 :45 A. M.
Devotion 11 :00 A. M.
Evangelistic Service 7 :80 P. M.
Week Day Services:
. Tuesday Evening, Bible Study 7 :4B P. M.
Thursday Evening, Christian Heal
ing 7:45 P. M.
Each Morning, Prayer Service 6 :00 A. M.
Saturday Evening, Open Air Service.
Up Town : 7:30
sey, R. B. Rice; Boardman, Jack F.
Gorham, Felicia Collosso; Cecil, Lor
raine Irene Ekleberry, Elmer Grif
fith; Eight Mile, Guy Huston, Jessie
Batty; Gooseberry, Charles McElli
gott, Ida Zinter; Hardman, Geo. H.
Hayden, Marie C. Clary; lone, Lola
E. McCabe, Peter Jake Linn; Irri
gon, Lewis Burt Dexter; Lena, Merle
G. Swaggart, Luella A, Swaggart;
Lexington, Maude H. Pointer, H. L.
Duvall; N Heppner, Edward Bres
lin, Mdytle Aiken; Pine City, Nora
A. Neill, H. E. Young; S. Heppner,
D. M Ward, Ruth Tamblyn
Nonpartisan Judiciary
Pos. 2: Bean 583, Cochran 58, Hew
itt 86, McCulloch 72, Zimmerman
Pos. 3: J. O. Bailey 626, B. S Mar
tin 275
Pos 4: Chinnock 101, Lusk 418,
Van Winkle 412.
Robert Knox, high school athletic
director, left Sunday to join his wife
and newly arrived daughter at Eugene.
Now feature
our menu
We serve meals
at all times
at the
Bulbous Blue Grass
Gaining in Interest
Bulbous bluegrass as an early
grass furnishing feed early in the
spring is attracting wide attention
this year in all of the Columbia
basin counties. Here in Morrow
county the oldest stand of bulbous
bluegrass is that seeded on the
Wightman brothers farm near Hepp
ner. The stand on this field is six
years old. Two years ago an area
of about four or five square rods
was fenced to give it protection from
grazing and the stand inside the en
closure is really remarkable con
sidering the thin, rocky character of
the ground.
Bulbous bluegrass has been slow
in starting but once it has gained a
foothold it has spread rapidly. One
of the interesting things about the
plantings on the Wightman ranch
is the almost complete absence of
cheat grass and the manner in
which the bulbous bluegrass is
crowding out the pepper grass and
other weeds.
Bulbous bluegrass is a native of
Siberia in combination with crested
wheat grass. Millions of acres of Si
berian range lands is seeded to this
grass and growing in combination
just as our native bunch grass and
so called June grass used to grow
on range land in Morrow county.
Seeded in combination with crested
wheat grass a considerable amount
of bulbous bluegrass will be used
in the Columbia basin counties this
fall for seeding. diverted land under
the farm program. Both grasses are
slow in starting which is to be ex
pected considering the nature of
grass and the light rate per acre at
which they have been seeded. Ex
cept for seed production neither
grass provides complete pasture
when seeded alone.
Several plantings have been
made of bulbous bluegrass seeded
in alfalfa on creek bottom lands.
The attempt here is to find a grass
that will crowd out cheat and make
it unnecessary to spring-tooth.
The extreme earliness of bulbous
bluegrass makes it probable that
within the next few years a consid
erable amount of this grass will be
scattered on range lands. Experi
ence has shown that while slow irk
getting under way this grass is com
paratively easy to start and once
started spreads readily.
inn w i i
1 M I
V i t
Memorial Day
It's up to the weather man. We think it's going to
be a wonderful week-end so we've stocked our
store with extra special picnic values.
Peonies 79c Doz., Iris 45c Doz.
Cabbage, local, firm .... Lb. 3c
Gr. Onions 4 Bunches 9c
Str. Beans 2 Lbs. 25c
Lettuce, local, firm .... 3 for 14c
New Spuds 8 Lbs. 29c
Cucumbers 3 large 25c
Canteloupes 3 Med. 25c
3 oz. Pkgs. 5 oz. Pkgs.
3 for 25C 2 for 27c
Fri.-Sat. Only Honey Bradshaw 5 b. pai 53c
OLIVES 2 for 95c
Tall tins, fancy ripe
FLAVORADE ........ 3 Pkgs. fl An
The ideal drink JLVW
MARSHMALLOWS . . . 2 Lbs. 9K
Fluffiest of all
CORN FLAKES Special 9fiC
2 large pkgs, 1 regular pkg. Regular value 35c 4mM
PICKLES 2 No. 22 Tins OQfi
Dills, for a real picnic "
Snowflakes V'
SHORTENING .... 4 Lb. Ctn. Qfyg
WAX PAPER Each -fl Q
f 125 ft. Diamond, with cutter " vV
LARD 8 Lb, Pail $11 -fl
Armour's pure texturated , J""
MILK 3 Tins Oft
Tall Federal MMJ
49 lb. sk.$1.39
49 lb. sk.$1.59
Extra fine
100 LBS.
Oregon full
Airway 3 lbs. 44c
Nob Hill .... 2 lbs. 39c
Edwards .. ... 2 lbs. 45c
4 LB. TIN 89c
Prince Albert
Pound Tin
Vz Gallon
4 Lbs.
Ginger Snaps
2 Lbs.