Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 26, 1938, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Heppner Gazette Times. Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, May 26, 1938
Gazette Times
Established March 30. 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, aa second-class matter.
One Year $2 .00
Three Years 6.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies 05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Oregorf Newspaper Publishers
Constant Vigilance
OREGON'S highway commission
has acknowledged Morrow
county's claim of priority in dis
bursement of such federal funds as
are available for improvement of
secondary highways, say members
of the county court after interview
ing the commission at Portland last
Thursday. If the acknowledgement
leads to action and makes possible
starting of oiling and surfacing of
the Heppner-Rhea Creek road this
year, Morrow county people will be
Without so much as consulting
anyone in thi county, the commis
sion some time ago removed from
the federal primary map all of the
Oregon-Washington highway from
Nye to Heppner Junction, and in do
ing that left the Columbia river
highway as the only road in Mor
row county eligible to direct federal
aid. Neighboring Gilliam county has
a federal aid road throughout its
length in the John Day highway,
and neighboring Umatilla county is
a network of federal aid highways.
In fact, Morrow county has the least
mileage of federal aid roads of any
county in the state.
This does not mean that there is
less justification for federal aid
roads in Morrow county. The Hepp-ner-Spray
road with its connections
provides an interstate route as ser
viceable as the much-proclaimed
Three Flags route, if it were given
the same type of construction, and
would probably be used more as it
ties more closely heavier population
centers than does the Three Flags
route. When the Heppner Junction
Nye sector of the Oregon-Washington
highway was taken from the
federal map, however, the exact
amount of mileage was contributed
to the Three Flags route. Why? Be
cause those who had the power to
do wished it to be so.
More vigilance before might have
prevented the loss of the federal aid
mileage. Certainly a point has now
been gained through exercise of
vigilance. More vigilance still and
considerably more drive may suc
ceed in gaining the Heppner-Spray
road with its connections its right
ful place on the primary federal aid
Sand Through the
Hour Glass
CONSTANTLY sifting sand thru
the hourglass of time is lifeless
and leads to hopeless contemplation
so long as the sand particles are
looked upon as aluminum silicate,
jsifting only to indicate the passing
moments, that each when gone may
never be recalled. But when each
grain of sand is seen as a human be
ing, whose passing the meridian
marks a new achievement, then the
hourglass takes on a brighter, more
hopeful aspect.
It is thus that we see in the hour
glass the new class of high school
graduates, each passing the meridian
that so many graduating classes have
passed before. They are not sifting
through aimlessly, they are dropping
into a world of activity, and we see
in each the ability and ambition to
help mold that world into new and
brighter form.
These graduates are a group of in
dividuals. Each has talents a little
different from those of his fellows.
They may not be forced into similar
niches without losing the effective
ness of their particular talents. They
are commencing life now from the
gates of high school, but many, will
not step directly into the work-a-day
world. Many will seek in higher
educational institutions the oppor
tunity to gain further knowledge that
their talents may be of greater ser
vice. But as they leave completed j
their primary educational career,
may they find opportunity wherever
they go to use their own individual
talents wisely, of course, and in the
general welfare. Certain it is that the
world will be a little better if these
talents are encouraged, and it may
even be that among these new
graduates will be found those who
shall find solutions to many prob
lems that plague the country today.
And to the graduate, too, may we
say hail for your success so far. May
we not offer you the world as your
"oyster," for to do so would be mis
leading. But may we offer you the
chance of success if you continue
to do your best, and be determined,
if you will, in applying your talents
where the field is most fertile and
you chance for happiness the great
est. The world to you offers oppor
tunity, but you, particles of sand now
sifting through the hourglass, are the
hope of the world.
Sprague and Holman
CLEAR-CUT majorities received
by Charles A. Sprague and Ru
fus Holman for governor and U. S.
senator respectively in the republi
can primaries last Friday make them
outstanding contenders for election
in November. They emerge with
unanimous party support while their
opponents, Henry L. Hess and Wil
lis Mahoney, will be busy for some
time healing sore spots in the ranks
of their party.
Governor Martin's stand for law
and order gained him staunch sup
porters in the ranks of both parties,
but his abuses (unneedful on many
occasions) made him a vulnerable tar
get. Had he been nominated, many
republican votes would have been
cast for him.
Sprague emerges from the melee
with an unblemished political rec
ord, holding high esteem of the
fourth estate of which he is a mem
ber and generally regarded as of
high moral and intellectual fiber.
His one campaign ambition was to
bring about establishment of a new
republican party in Oregon. Hold
ing for a middle of the road course
in campaign messages, he elicited a
strong favorable response. That vote
is seen as a vote of confidence in a
principle and in the ability of
Sprague to lead in putting the prin
ciple into practice. Republicans and
democrats alike who believe in fair
play for all classes may find a good
depository for their gubernatorial
x's before his name in November.
Holman has been tried in the fire
of state politics for many years and
in his present position as state treas
urer has not been found wanting.
Those Seven Dwarfs
WALT DISNEY has found a still
deeper place in the heart of
the American public with his fea
ture length,- technicolor animated
story of "Snow White and the Seven
Dwarfs." The creator of Mickey
Mouse already had earned a niche
among the immortals. Now that
niche has been lined with scintillat
ing gems like unto those so color
fully pictured as coming from the
mine of the dwarfs.
Coming to the local theater right
upon the show houses's redecoration
and modernization, Disney's classic
was given unusually impressive
showing and was thereby the more
pleasurably received by the large
audiences in the three days' stand.
The story, a classic fable in its
own right, took on added emphasis
under Disney's expertly created car
icatures. A miracle hardly lesser than
those of the witch's potion and the
prince's kiss in the story was un
woven in the perfect synchroniza
tion of sound and picture, in which
movements of the make-believe act
ors' mouths actually pronounced the
words that were heard. And the
emotions of the audience through
humor and pathos were the further
swayed by the expertly scored mu
sic. Disney's genius created the movie.
But as, in modesty, Disney reflected
Gets Nomination
Salem, newspaper publisher, who
ran away ahead . of the field of
eight candidates in the Republican
ticket for governor in Friday's pri
mary election.
the credit upon his many helpers at
the film's beginning, so must any lau
dation include the co-operative ef
forts of the entire Disney organiza
tion. It is such co-operation and such
apparent devotion to professional
ideals that bring new heights of
achievement to man's efforts in
whatever field.
Power Line Poles
Reaching Pine City
Crowded out last week)
The power line poles are being set
up to Pine City this week.
A community picnic was enjoyed
at the Pine City school last Friday.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, county school
superintendent, was present and pre
sented a diploma to the only eighth
grade graduate, Helen Healy, and
diplomas to some of the grade school
for their work on the Rice writing
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGreer were
Pendleton callers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew
were Walla Walla visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Orr and Mr.
and Mrs. A. E. Wattenburger drove
to Pasco Sunday and spent the day
with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenbur
gere. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Young were
visitors in Pendleton last week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Currin of
Lenea visited the John Harrison
Most Amazing
FIRST TIME I Remlnfton'a
new paranaaa pian now hu
Shi bay through our itora genuine latest moil
emington Portable direct from the factory for
only 10a day. Not need or rebuilt. Not incom
plel. A beautiful brand new regulation Reminf
Ion Portable. Standard 4-row keyboard, atandard
width carriage, margin releaaa on keyboard, bao
apaoar, antomatio ribbon roTarne, eioluaire Rem
in (lon feature "Self Starter" paragraph key,
very aaaential feature found on atandard typa-
With your machine we tend you free a 19-page
onree in typewriting. Teachea touch ay item
quickly, easily. Soon yon daah off lettera quicker
than with pen and Ink. Yon alao get a handaoma,
tardy carrying eaaa free.
home Sunday evening. Mrs. Currin
has been ill the past week.
E. B. Wattenburger made a busi
ness trip to Mt. Vernon over the
week end.
Mrs. Lucy O'Brien spent Monday
visiting Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger.
The Pine City school was out for
vacation Tuesday, May 17.
The Pine City teachers are all go
ing to their homes for vacation.
The Pine City 'high school picnic
was enjoyed by Misses Lily and
Mabel Rauch, Mary and Patricia
Healy, Malcolm and Gordon O'Brien
and H. Wilkins, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. B. E. Clark, at the sawdust
pile south of Heppner Monday.
They attended the show in the eve
ning at Heppner.
Nellie McKinley of Portland, grand
secretary for Oregon, will make an
official visitation to Ruth chapter,
O. E. S., at the regular meeting at
Masonic hall tomorrow evening. Mrs.
Mary Guild, worthy matron, urges
all members to attend.
Miss Mary Driscoll, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Driscoll, is ex
pected from Portand tomorrow to
spend a week's vacation. She has a
position in a doctor's office in the
Give G. T. Want Ads a trial.
Held at Boardman
Crowded out last week)
Baccalaureate services were held
at the community church Sunday
morning for the seniors. Rev. H. B.
Thomas preached the sermon. The
girls glee club and Mrs. Kobow and
Mrs. Sullivan furnished the music.
Class night was held Friday eve
ning, with the seniors putting on the
program. A large crowd attended.
H. E. club was held Wednesday
afternoon in the grange hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Baker and
La Vern motored to Pendleton Sat
urday to shop.
Mrs. J. F. Gorham, Mrs. Leo Root,
Mrs. Claud Myers, Mrs. George Mc
Cutcheon motored to Pendleton on
Monday to attend the Rebekah convention.
Scott McMurdo attended the pea
festival at Milton the end of the week
and was escort to Queen Florence
Sims, his cousin, at the dance. Zan
Sims, brother of the queen, accom
panied him back to Heppner for a
visit. Eugene Normoyle, Fred Hos
kins, Jr., and Bob Davidson also at
tended the festival from' here.
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Daily Service Between
and Way Points
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
a Seed
(All Grades)
See us for prices on Seed Grain
Farmers Elevator
Phone 302
O It always costs less to own a General Electric
Refrigerator. Model illustrated has five cubic feet
storage capacity. Among its many dependable
G-E features are: twelve freezing speeds, stainless
steel enclosed super-freezer, famous G-E oil-cooled
mechanism and interior lighting.
Buy on convenient terms
A Iways at Your Service