Thursday, May 26, 1938 LEXINGTON NEWS Laurel Ruhl Has Dust Pneumonia By Bertha Hunt Laurel Ruhl is seriously ill at his home with dust pneumonia. Mrs. Dolly Williams and two chil dren of Mount Vernon are visiting with relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hunt and two children, Claire and Louise, motored to Portland Tuesday to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. George White of Hermiston and former residents of this community were in Lexington on election day. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and family moved to their country home Tuesday to spend the summer. Mrs. Lonnie Henderson and baby son, Lally Ray, returned home from Heppner Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman and Mary Alice Reed enjoyed a short outing at Wallowa lake this week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner mo tored to Pendleton on business Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Vester Lane and Bert Thornburg wen to Connell Sunday Mrs. Lane remained for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell and daughter motored to Baker to spend the week. Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson of Hepp ner was in Lexington on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes and Mrs. Glenn Hayes spent two days this week in The Dalles where they went to see Mrs. Hayes' sister, Mrs. Elsie Stevenson, who is ill in the hospital there. Mrs. Wm. Barnhouse of Antone with her daughter Louise is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. Helen Valentine who is a teacher in the high school at The Dalles spent the week end here with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Valen tine. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Loney and daughter Delpha of Walla Walla visited at the Barnett home Sunday. Their son, Jack Loney, has just re cently returned home from aviation school at San Diego and has accept ed a position at his home town air port. He has made a fine record in his flying. Mrs. Loney is a niece of Mr. Barnett Mrs. Sylvia Beymer and daugh ters of Heppner visited with Sarah Booher Monday Delvin Cox of Longview is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Cox. The ladies pf the Three Links club were well pleased with finan cial results of their lunch sale on election day. Esther Thompson drew the cut work luncheon set. Mrs. Maude Pointer, Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. George Peck enter tained with a picnic dinner at the Peck home on Wednesday evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Campbell and Patsy Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner, Miss Mary Alice Reed, Mrs Edna Turner, Nonie Mc Laughlin, Jack Van Winkle, Stan ley Way. Clayton Davis and Ell wynne Peck. Willows grange will meet with Lexington grange next Saturday evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. About 25 candidates will be initiated into the first and second degrees, Patrons of Husbandry. Material has been obtained for painting the roof and exterior of the grange hall. A good crowd enjoyed the dance at the hall last Saturday evening. HARDMAN NEWS Logging Resumed In Hardman Section By OPAL HASTINGS It was so wet in the mountains due to a couple of days of rain that logging was temporarily stopped, but the dry weather has been aiding them in getting the logs out. The mill started work again Monday. Mrs. Muriel McCutcheon is plan ning to leave soon as school is out. She will stay at Wolf Creek for a few weeks and then she is going to Ontario. She plans to attend summer school for six weeks at Eugene. Those receiving prizes in Miss Iris Morton's room ' were as follows: Heppner Scholarship, Mildred Clary; current events, 1st Mildred, 2nd Vera Mc Daniel; nature study, 1st Nona Ins keep, 2nd Vera McDaniel; sewing and crafts club, 1st Nona and 2nd Maxine McDaniel. Junior Leathers was the only one with perfect attendance for the year in Mrs. McCutcheon's room. Mildred Clary is. the only one in Miss Morton's room with perfect at tendance. Miss Iris Morton will leave the end of the month for Portland where she will visit. They are improving the pond for the logs at Reed's mill by enlarging it so more logs can be floated at a time. Forest Adams, Harry Owens, Claude Rayburn, Buster Bleakman and Earl Saling drove to Pendleton Thursday afternoon. They stayed to attend the ball at Rockaway and then came home Friday morning. A birthday shower was held for Mrs. J. B. Adams Wednesday, May 18, at her home. Delicious refresh ments consisting of jello, sandwiches, cake and coffee, were served. She received a large number of attract ive gifts and everybody had an es pecially good time. The next party will be for Mrs. James Hams Tues day, June 14. iMrs. Owen Leathers has been ill with rheumatism but is able to be up again. School was out for the grade school pupils Tuesday, May 24. They are all looking forward to summer vaca tion but will look forward just as eagerly for school to start again on September 6. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fraters moved to the Harry French ranch last week. Mrs. Owen Leathers, Mrs. Richard Robison and Mrs. Maud Robison were visitors in Heppner last Wed nesday. Miss Frances Inskeep went with Oscel Inskeep Monday to the Jones ranch for a visit. She came home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Charles McDaniel and Mrs. Dick Steers left Sunday of last week for Pendleton as delegates to the grand lodge of Rebekahs. They spent the night in Echo with Mrs. Steers' sister, Mrs. George Samuels, and then went on to Pendleton Monday morning. They returned to Hard man the last of the week after a very pleasant time. Those of Mrs. McCutcheon's pu pils winning prizes were Cecil Mc Daniel, Doris Robison and Clinton Batty, sportsmanship prize; Carol and Joyce Buschke, most helpful around school room; Yvonne Hast ings and Norvin Adams, the spring time prize, and Evelyn McFerrin, the pencil contest. The election was held at the high school Friday, May 20, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mrs. Carl Leathers came back for a visit and to sit on the board Mrs. Effie Stevens came back from Hamilton to take her place. Besides these, Buck Adams, Neal Knighten and Floyd Adams were on the election board. Mrs. Heiny was at Mrs. G. I. Clary's for a visit last week She came Tuesday and left Wednesday, going back to Heppner for a week's visit, but plans to be in Fairview for the summer. We all thought that Old Man Win ter was here again for a few days but we've decided we were wrong. We've been having delightful weath er and all hope it's here to stay, for a while anyway. Forest Adams, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Adams and son Vonnie and A. D. Inskeep were business visitors in Heppner Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and Jean, who have been living at Siletz and other coast places during the past year, pleasantly surprised their Hardman friends Wednesday by their return for a visit. On Sunday morning they went to Monument to visit relatives and on Tuesday stop ped here on their way back to the coast. Jim Smith and sister Helen of Monument were visiting Thursday of last week at the O. H. Leathers home. Mrs. Neal Knighten and children, Mrs. Muriel McCutcheon and Miss Iris Morton shopped in Heppner on Saturday and attended the matinee performance of "Snow White." Mrs. Knighten also visited her mother who is ill in the hospital. Mrs. Owen Leathers and son Ju nior are planning on spending the Gazette Times, Heppner, next two weeks at Lonerock visiting at the Carl McDaniel home. Carl McDaniel of Lonerock spent Saturday night at the home of his sister, Mrs. Owen Leathers. The W. P. A. trapper, C. H. McDaniel, and Mr. McDaniel of the Biological sur vey spent Sunday hunting in the Burton valley district They were out early and with the aid of their three hounds by 8 a. m. they had four nice coyote pups. They felt sure theyhad also killed the mother as she left with four shots that had hit her. During the month of April Mr. McDaniel got 42 of these pests. He is now making sets in his mountain district. Guy Chapin took a cow to the Tupper ranger station for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bleakman. On his way back he is going to stop at the Harry French ranch for a few days. Miss Alta Stevens spent Sunday night and all day Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Inskeep. Miss Frances Inskeep, Miss Alta Stevens and Jim Stevens were vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Kinnard McDan ial and Ramona in the mountains Sunday. Mrs. , Earl Redding and her small daughter of Hood River came the first of the week for a visit with Mrs, Redding's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bleakman. It's the daugh ter's first visit to Hardman and ev eryone is happy to meet her for she is an attractive lass. The grade school pupils are giv ing a party for the sixth grade, the only ones having birthdays during the summer. They will play games and serve refreshments of cookies and fruit aide. Mr. and Mrs. Max Buschke and children and Mrs. Carey Hastings and daughter Yvonne went to the show Sunday afternoon in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Musgrave ar rived yesterday afternoon from Fox Valley to visit Mrs. Musgrave's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stevens. Sabin Hastings was home from the sheep camp Monday night He will start for the river probably this week. Jim and Kenneth Press, nephews Cut your costs with a CHEVROLET ! THE SIX SUPREME CUT YOUR GASOLINE COSTS CUT YOUR OIL COSTS CUT YOUR UPKEEP COSTS and enjoy' all worthwhile motoring advantages FanHBw '. FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Heppner Oregon Oregon of Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Sr., are here for a visit from Chicago. They said there was some difference between the east and west. This is the first time Mrs. McDaniel has seen any of that generation since she has been west, so she was particularly glad to see them. We all hope they will enjoy their visit here. Claude Hastings has gone to work for E. J. Merrill for the summer. Mr. Merrill has improved a lot but is still not in perfect condition. Mrs. J. W. Stevens and family are moving to Hamilton They planned to leave Tuesday morning for their new home. We are all sorry to lose our neighbors but we hope they like it as well where they are going and will wander back once in a while to see us. State College Does Not Assay or Examine Ore "Don't send any more mineral samples to Oregon State college for assaying or examination," is the plea of J. H. Batcheller, professor of min ing engineering at OSC. Despite the fact that a new state department of geology and mineral industries has been set up for more than a year where such information may be obtained free, an average of seven to eight packages of ore a week continue to come to the col lege which now has no facilities for handling them. Most of these sam ples are sent from isolated areas throughout Oregon. A letter addressed to 704 Lewis Building, Portland, will bring com plete information on the type of free assays and service which is available from the new state de partment of geology and mineral in dustries. W. H. French was in from Blue mountain ranch Monday. He report ed the timbered region drying out some with advent of warmer weath er though still pretty soft in places. He expected to leave next Monday for a week's visit in the Willamette valley. Page Three Commencement Days To Honor Large Class Oregon State College The largest class ever to be graduated at Ore gon State college will receive their "sheepskins" here Tuesday morning, May 31, when approximately 522 bachelor degrees will be awarded at the sixty-ninth annual commence ment. These in addition to about 80 masters, doctors of philosophy and professional degrees will bring the total to around 600. Employment conditions for graduates are nearly as good as last year. Commencement weekend events begin Friday afternoon, May 27, with registration of almuni returning for the occasion, and the Silver Jubilee class dinner that night. Saturday is Alumni day, with various class func tions, the alumni banquet and the president's reception. The bacca laureate address Sunday will be giv en by Dr. Oswald W. S. McCall, pas tor of the First Congregational church of Berkeley, and the com mencement address Tuesday by Dr. Joseph Mason Artman of Chicago. Final examinations for other than senior students will close June 4, and on the following Monday, June 6, from 1700 to 1900 4-H club members will arrive on the campus for the annual two-weeks club summer school. The first regular summer session will begin June 20 and run to July 29, and the second session runs from August 1 to Sept. 2. SENTENCE CHANGED The sentence of Gordon Keith Underwood was changed from a year in the state penitentiary to a term in the state reformatory when he ad mitted that he had wrongly given his age as 18 and was only 17. Under wood was sentenced first in circuit court last week on plea of guilty to the recent theft of the J. G. Bar ratt automobile. The admission of the younger age" subjected him to jurisdiction of the juvenile court where he was sentenced by Judge Bert Johnson.