Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 19, 1938, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, May 19, 1938
Rev. W.W. Head Gives
Address to Seniors
Baccalaureate services for the
graduating class of the local high
school were held at the Christian
church last Sunday morning. Rev.
W. W. Head of Cathlamet, Wash.,
delivered the sermon. Processional
and recessional music was played
"by Miss Helen Ralph who also sang
""The Song of Life." The church was
beautifully decorattd with spring
flowers and the colors of the grad
uating class. .
Mrs. A. E. Stefani, assisted by Mrs.
Robert Runnion, Mrs. Robert Grabill
and Mrs. Tilman Hogue, entertained
at her home last Saturday afternoon
in honor of her son Arthur, Jr.,
-whose tenth birthday came on that
day. Guests were Donald and Eu
nice Peterson1, Billy and Bobby
Rietmann, Bobby Hoskins, Bobby
Everson, Maxine Allyn, Patricia
Emert,, Charlotte Sperry, Iva Fel
ler, Bill Eubanks, Jeanette Renoe,
Ernest McCabe, Frederick Zielke,
George Davidson and Harold Sny
der. Refreshments of birthday cake,
sandwiches, jello and punch were
served. ,
' Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer drove
to Pendleton Monday where Mr.
Palmer underwent a tonsilectomy.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lovgren of
Sherwood were over night guests
of Mrs Ella Davidson last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston and
Mr. and Mrs. H D. McCurdy of
Heppner attended the baccalaur
eate services here last Sunday morn
ing Mr. Huston is an uncle of Miss
Jane Huston, of the senior class.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Odom of Sa
lem spent the week end with their
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Foster Odom, at Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Crawford of
Portland have been visiting at the
Wate Crawford home. Mr. Crawford
returned home Sunday while Mrs.
Crawford will remain until Memor
ial day.
Mrs. Ted Smith accompanied Mrs.
Lucy Rodgers of Heppner to Condon
Tuesday where they attended a
meeting of public library boards at
which State Librarian Harriet Long
was present.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brenner
went to Portland Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Swanson and Mrs. Lena
Lundell went to Pendleton Tuesday
to attend the annual session of the
Rebekah grand lodge. The I. 0. O. F.
lodge of lone will be represented by
Walter Bristow and W. G. Palma
teer went as representative of the
Morgan lodge at the grand lodge
session which is also meeting there.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Mankin, E. J. Blake
and O. G. Hagewood were among
the farmers from this vicinity at
tending the farmers' meeting in
Pendleton Tuesday.
Mrs. Clel Rea entertained at her
home last Thursday evening with a
bridge party. Guests were Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Swanson, Carlton Swanson,
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter, Helen
Ralph, Frances Stewart, Mrs. E. R,
Lundell and Richard Lundell.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Kaiser of Mau
pin stopped for a short time Tues
day to greet old friends. They were
enroute to Pendeton to attend the
sessions of the grand lodges.
Mrs. Victor Rietmann entertained
with a bridge luncheon at her home
last Saturday. Guests were Mrs.
Errett Hummel, Mrs. Bert Mason,
Mrs. Ted Smith, Mrs. M. E. Cotter,
Mrs. Clel Rea, Mrs. E. J. Blake, Miss
Helen Ralph, Miss Frances Stewart,
Miss Mary Alice Rulifson, Miss Mar
ian Nebergall and Mrs. Werner Riet
mann. Prizes went to Mrs. E. J.
- Blake and Mrs. Ted Smith.
Mrs. Casha Shaw of Lexington is
at the Walter Jepson farm assisting
Mrs. Jepson who has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernice Crawford
and son of Hermiston were Sunday
visitors at the Wate Crawford home.
Victor Rietmann was a business
visitor in Arlington Saturday.
The baseball team journeyed to
Mission Sunday where they suf
fered defeat
Mrs. Dan O'Hara of Kinzua is vis
iting at the home of her father, Rob
ert Smith.
Mr. and Mrs: Walter Roberts are
improving their property with iron
posts set in a concrete base.
W. A. Thomas who has been quite
ill at his home was taken to the hos
pital at Heppner on Saturday for
medical care.
Gene Engelman stopped at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Engelman last Friday on his
regular trip through this part of the
state. He was accompanied on to
Portland by Mrs. J. J. Daven and
daughter who havt been visiting
Mrs. A. Newlin for several weeks.
From Portland Mrs. Daven will go
on to her home at Millbrae, Calif.
Willows Grange Home Economics
club met at the home of Mrs. Marion
Palmer last Friday afternoon with
ten members and eight visitors pres
ent. Mrs. Elsa Peterson presided over
the meeting in the absence of the
chairman, Mrs. Vida Heliker. After
the business meeting birthday draw
ings from the Polly Ann box were
made by Dorothy Brady, Mrs. Ge
nea Palmer and Mrs. Violet Bry
son. The rest of the afternoon was
spent on fancy work and the mak
ing of a bedspread which the club
expects to exhibit at the state grange
at Klamath Falls next June. Guests
of the club were Mesdames Lawrence
Palmer, A. Newlin, J. H. Bryson,
Louis Padberg, Wm. Smethurst,
Frank Saling and "Grandmother"
Munkers. The club will hold its next
meeting at the home of Mrs. Hila
Timm near Pendleton.
Willows grange will hold its regu
lar meeting in the hall at Cecil next
Sunday, May 22, at 1:30 p. m. Rev.
Hinkle wil hold services in the hall
at 11 a. m., and there will be a pot
luck dinner at noon.
Mrs. Ruby Roberts has received
her commission to serve the lone
postoffice as postmaster for the next
four years. t
Lost, Shaeffer fountain pen valued
as keepsake. Reward for return to
Eight Mile School
Closes This Week
The Eight Mile school held a pic
nic dinner at their school Thurs
day, it being the close of school.
Marvel Akers returned to the
home of her parents, Mr.' and Mrs.
Fred Akers, Thursday. She has been
teaching school near Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buschke and
children visited the Eight Mile vi
cinity Friday. They returned to their
home at Elgin Saturday.
Mrs. Claud Huston gave a show
er for Mrs. R. D. Allstott at the
home of Mrs. Huston. Those present
were Mrs. Ben Anderson, Mrs. Wal
ter Becket, .Mrs. Hilma Anderson,
Mrs. Cecil Lutkins, Mrs. Floyd Wor
den, Mrs. John Bergstrom, Mrs.
Leonard Rill, Mrs. Clive Huston,
Mrs. Chas. Becket, and Mrs. Noel
Dobyns, Mrs. Carl Beregstrom, Mrs
Leonard arlson, Mrs. Henry Baker,
Mrs. Dan Barlow, Mrs. Albert
Schunk, Ethel Anderson, the hostess
and honoree. Refreshments of tea,
chocolate and cookies were served.
Sheepshearers were shearing at
the Claud Huston and Walter Becket
ranches the latter part of the week.
Mrs. May Fryrear and daughter
visited at the home of Orrin Wright
over the week end. Mrs. Fryrear
makes her home in Bend and has
been here visiting. Mrs. Wright took
her to Arlington Wednesday on her
return home.
Mr. and Mrs. Barton Clark spent
the week end at the home of Mrs.
Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Wright. Mr. Clark has been teach
ing at Pine City.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom went
to Lexington Monday to visit May
Fryrear who was visiting at the
home of Mrs. Roy Johnson. Barbara
Jane Fryrear returned home with
them for a stay.
The H. E. club will meet with
Mrs. Clive Huston on Thursday,
May 26, with pot luck dinner at
Alfalfa Seed Growing Expands
Extraordinarily high prices for
alfalfa seed this year are turning
the attention of " eastern Oregon
growers to seed production, OSC ex
tension men report. Growers in the
Hermiston and Ontario sections are
interested in wilt immune varieties
while in other counties in eastern
Oregon Ladak and Grimm are pre
ferred. Seed production of alfalfa
which amounted to $400,000 in 1937
in eastern Oregon is likely to be in
creased in the next few years.
Potted plants at all times, phone
1332; will deliver. 15tf
Gazette Times, Heppner.
Joy Byers Struck by
Car; In Hospital
Joy Byers, who has been employed
at the Haney's, was struck by a car
as he was returning home on foot
from the dance at an early hour
Sunday morning and was seriously
injured. He is in the Hermiston hos
pital. Mrs. Itol Ruker is a victim of ar
thritis and is having to go about on
Mrs. Walter Grider entertained
the Ladies Aid members at her home
Thursday afternoon.
Ed Adams was called to Spokane
Friday by the serious illness of his
Mr. and Mrs. John Doyle have
moved from Umatilla to the Leicht
camp grounds.
Jack Bullard is employed at the
La Vonne Belle place.
Will Hoagland of Echo spent last
week with his parents.
Prof. Laughton from the Willam
ette valley was an Irrigon visitor
Ollie Coryell was a business vis
itor in Wajla Walla Monday.
Barbara and Lola Berry of Port
land spent the week end with rel
atives. Miss Dusenberry is entertaining
the pupils of the first, second and
third grades at a picnic Wednesday
in the Coryell grove.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kendler, Sr.,
and daughter Mary of Umatilla and
Miss Lena Allen of California were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Isom Sunday.
Mrs. ' Clair Caldwell and Henry
Phelps are putting strawberries on
the market this week.
Commencement exercises will be
held in the auditorium Wednesday
evening. La Verne Lamoreaux, La
Verne Duss, Ray Sparks and Freda
Fredrickson are the graduates from
high school. Thdse graduating from
the eighth grade are Billy Voile,
Gerald Buel, Leslie Ruker, David
Williams and Chas. Markham.
Glen Farrens, in the city Monday
from Hardman, reported moving his
sheep to summer range in the moun
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for the office of County As
sessor subject to the will of the Dem
ocratic voters at the Primary Nom
inating Election to be held May 20,
(Paid Adv.) EDW. D. CLARK.
I will be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination' for the office
of County Commissioner at the Pri
mary Nominating Election, May 20,
1938. My record is your guarantee,
and my experience is your protec
GEO. N. PECK (Incumbent)
(Paid adv.)
I will be a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for County
Commissioner in the coming Pri
mary Election, and if nominated and
elected my former experience in the
office will enable me to give you the
very best of service. I will appreciate
your support. Respectfully,
(Paid Adv.) Heppner, Ore.
I will again be a candidate for the
office of County Treasurer on the
Republican Primary Ballot, May 20,
1938, and ask for your support.
In past elections my democratic
friends have written my name in on
their primary ballots, thus making
me their candidate also, a manifes
tation of friendship that I greatly
I solicit the support of all voters
and hope that I have proved myself
worthy of the confidence reposed in
Present Incumbent.
I will be a candidate for the nom
ination for the office of County As
sessor at the Democratic Primary
Nominating Election, May 20, 1938.
If nominated and elected I will
continue to serve to the best of my
Respectfully, - .
(Paid Adv.) THOMAS J. WELLS.
The closed season in Oregon for
ests began last Sunday, May 15, ac
cording to J. W. Ferguson, state for
ester, who warns that all persons
who use the forests must comply
with provisions of the Oregon forest
code. Campers and other recrea
tion! sts must see that camp fires are
extinguished and no lighted cigar-
Joint Senator from Umatilla,
Union and Morrow Counties
In 1936 I ran for the State Senate
on the following platform: listed be
low is how I kept my pledges:
The Eastern Oregon Livestock
Show wanted $5000.00 in 1937-1938
prize money to encourage the 4-H
and Future Fanner Boys and Girls
of Union, Umatilla and Morrow
They got their $5000.00 for two
years to give as prize money for
these boys and girls.
The old people wanted the Old Age
Assistance Act reduced from 70
years to 65.
It was.
The Town send memorial was
passed through the Senate.
The Women's Club and sister or
ganizations wanted a nadditional
appropriation for the Doernbecher
Hospital for crippled children and
forty additional beds for the East
ern Oregon Tuberculosis Hospital
at The Dalles.
The Tuberculosis Hospital at The
Dalles got 40 additional beds and
the Doernbecher Hospital got a much
larger appropriation this year.
Certain citizens and temperance
organizations wanted it unlawful
for a boy or girl under twenty-one
to misrepresent their age to get
I introduced and passed a law to
this effect.
Labor wanted unemployment in
surance to tide them over when they
were out of employment also State
hospitalization to take care of their
families if they contracted tubercu
losis or infantile paralysis.
The State of Oregon now has un
employment insurance, additional
hospital facilities to take care of
the world ngman's family if they con
tract these terrible diseases.
Morrow county wanted a weed
control and a wind erosion law.
They got a law to control both of
these menaces.
The farmers wanted the right to
operate their trucks unhampered by
the public utility commissioner.
I introduced and passed a law to
this effect thru the senate but lost
it by a few votes in the house. I
would like another chance at repeal
ing that farm truck law.
The taxpayer did not want any
new taxes created or any increase
in the present State Tax.
There was no new state taxes vot
ed on the people and the present
State tax was not increased.
Paid Adv. by Rex Ellis
Page Severn
ettes or matches may be discarded
on forest lands. Loggers and others
who operate in the woods must se
cure permits. All of the restrictions
are imposed in the interest of fire
prevention, Ferguson points out in
urging cooperation of the public in
protecting the forests.
Want Ads
For sale, Jayhawk stacker. L. N.
Biddle, Lexington.
Dahlia bulbs, mixed colors, 10c
ea. L. N. Biddle, Lexington.
For sale, town property, Irrigon,
13 Ms A., leveled and ditched, cheap.
Frances E. Rand, 6102 E. Burnside
St., Portlanr, Ore. 10-13
Will trade young work horse for
young stock or milk cows. Walter
Jepson, lone.
Young lady wants work, exper
ienced in housekeeping and cooking.
Case rooms. Dorothy Michael.
For Sale Penland home in Hepp
ner. Write Mrs. Stella Eberhardt, R.
1, Box. 404, Tigard, Ore. 10-12
Lost Yellow collie pup, 6 mo. old.
Left my place Monday morning.
Terrel Benge, Heppner. ltp.
Estrayed from my place on Butter
creek, one bay horse wt. 1400, brand
ed on left stifle, also halter on. Re
ward for information leading to re
covery. J. V. Adams, Echo, Ore. 11
on farmers in Morrow County. No
experience or capital required.
Steady work. Make up to $12 a day.
Write L. T. OVERLAND, 4613 S. Jay
St., Tacoma, Wash.
Sacrifice sale, house and furniture,
including piano and washing ' ma
chine. $2250 on terms. See F. B.
Nickerson. 10-13p
For Sale Good work horses. Call
this office. . 9-U
Mountain range to lease; 2000 acres
at 15c an acre, plenty of water and
grass; 1080 acres known as the John
son place at 25c an acre. W. H.
French, Hardman. 9tf
Chev. coupe for sale or trade for
cows. See at Lotus Robinson ranch.
Gasoline, diesel and stove oil stor
age tanks. A stock in Pendleton at
Portland prices; terms. Beall Pipe
and Tank Corp., 1411 Raley St., Pen
dleton, Phone 1274W. 7tf
For Sale Reg. Hereford, 3-yr-old
bull. Glenn Farrens, Hardman. 7-10
Briquets for sale at Tum-A-Lum
Lumber Co.
Floor Sanding Old floors made
new. See us for newest prices. N. D.
Bailey or Jeff Jones.
By virtue of an order of the Coun
ty Court, dated the 28th day of April,
1938, I am authorized and directed
to advertise and sell at public auc
tion, as provided by law, the follow
ing described lots and parcels ot
land at not less than the minimum
price stated:
Lot 1, North half of lot 2, Block
2, Jones Addition to the City of
Heppner. Minimum price $101.
00. NNWy4NEi4 of Section 22,
Township 1 South, Range 24,
East of Willamette Meridian.
Minimum price $20.00.
Therefore, I will, on the 21st day
of May, 1938, at the front door of
the Court House in Heppner, at the
hour of 2:00 P. M., sell said property
to the highest and best bidder as
stated above.
Sheriff of Morrow County
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed by the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County, exec
utrix of the last will and testament
of John P. Louy, deceased. All per
sons having claims against the es
tate of the said deceased are hereby
required to present the same with
proper vouchers to said executrix
at the law office of J. O. Turner at
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published this 5th
day of May, 1938.