Page Six THE Hehisch Published by the Journalism Class of Heppner High School Editor Alvina Casebeer Assistant Editor Howard Patton Students' Opinion .... Thomas Gonty Gossip Sibyl Howell We Know Them By Joe Aiken The Ideal Girl Bill Barratt Sports Emery Coxen Banquet Bethal Blake H.H.S. Conclusion To some students this is the hap piest days of their entire high school career; to others, it is not. For those who have their future planned all fine and good; to those who do not well, it's hard to say. The remainder of us, who have a few more years, still have plenty to look forward to. The seniors are left gazing out into the wide world, in which they shall now be playing a new role. We hope these four years of their high school have proven satisfactory, so far as a life preparation is con cerned. H.H.S. Junior-Senior Banquet and Prom Successful The Junior-Senior banquet and prom were held Saturday, May 14. The banquet was held in the Parish house; the prom, in the gymnasium. The banquet .consisted of a ham dinner with orange sherbert for des sert. Place cards wer,e cleverly fixed with small pieces of lilacs, which held each card in place. The pro gram consisted of the following: Welcome, John Crawford; response, Jack Healy; Superintendent. Mr. Blankenship; violin solo, Laura War field; remarks, Paul McCarty, Mrs. Rodgers, Spencer Crawford, N. E. Peavy; duet, Juanita Phelps, Har riet Hager; senior class prophecy, Robert Scrivner; senior class will, Bertha Akers; presentation of key, Jack Healy; acceptance, John Craw ford. The gymnasium was attractively decorated as a garden. To aid in carrying out this idea rock gardens were constructed in two corners. Colored lights were used as a means of cutting off the ceiling lights. A large moon, run on a pully served for lighting during moonlight waltzes. From the center of the gym nasium hung a chandelier made of lilacs. The corner in which the orchestra, Andy's Rhythmeers, sat was decor ated to represent a flower garden faced by a hedge. During the intermission a short program was given by members of the faciilty, grade school and high school, with Joe Aiken acting as the master of ceremonies, as follows: Song, Pat Dooley; tap dance, Mary Lou and Ted Ferguson; imitations, Mr. Peavy; violin sob, Laura War field; song, Jack Merrill; piano solo, Dorothy Howell; duet, Juanita Phelps and Harriet Hager. H.H.i. Fight Shown in Loss to Hermiston Last Thursday saw a fighting team that had increased in spirit so much that it didn't look like the same group of players. Although Hermiston beat them 12 to 4, it was a fight up to the end of the game with lots of razzing and chatter that can only make baseball what it is. The highlight of the game came came when Marvin Rankin laid a homerun over the fence at right field with the bases unloaded. John Craw ford showed a new technique of catching a ball on the run with one hand in the face of a tail wind. The odds against this particular catch were about 100 to 1; consequently everyone was pleasantly surprised. Jack Merrill proved himself to be the hardest hitter on the Heppner team by obtaining a three bagger in the fifth inning, and a single in the first inning. It is sincerely hoped that the local people will be looking forward to next season's athletic games as much as the students are. From the sound of the talk going around, the com ing teams will be among the best put out in years. This fact is probably due to the coaching of Robert Knox, whom the students are fortunate enough to have back next year. Heppner PINTO-POINTS With this edition, comes the last Pinto-Points that will be penned under the banner of yours truly, and the usual custom in a case where the writer is to write his finale is to produce a long farewell article; how ever, as such writings are boresome and often the source of illusion, it would be proper and fitting to dis pense with the previously described type of sob story. But to compensate somewhat, this writer has a bit of advice that he would like to pass on to his successor, should ' there be one. There are a few facts of life that your correspondent picked up while travelling in connection with high school sports, and it is his in tention to present one or two of them, perhaps for the benefit of the next sports scribe, perhaps not. 1. Never offer your auto for trans portation to a football game unless you receive gas money from the passengers before leaving for your destination. If this advice is followed contrarily, the trip will not make expenses, and no money will be re ceived, at least not enough just a little personal item along this line, one that is most painful when brought to mind . . . this writer was hooked on a similar deal last fall and in doing so, contracted "assets-due" amounting to $1.25 ... the cartwheel and a quarter haven't arrived yet. 2. Use noiseless typewriters when ever possible, else some disturbed sleeper voice harsh, profane and ill mannered words against your better self. 3. Use words common in usage . . . this writer was severely ridiculed for placing one word in one issue of the Gazette Times that couldn't be found in the English book, even Webster's famous, timely, widely used publication. 4. Never stress training rules . . . it won't do any good . . . two years ago the local school baseball team danced and enacted all other closely related features until the wee hours of the morning and then tried to play ball that afternoon . . . "tried to play" is just about the word for it, nothing more and possibly less . . . the reason for this specific ex ample being used was to show the effects it had . . . the Heppner team had as its opponent the Fossil ball club and the title at stake was the championship of Morrow, Giliam and Wheeler counties . . . Fossil took the steak. 5. Mention occasionally the name and doings of the athletically in clined alumni who is thought, only in his own estimation, however, that he is making good after all. 6. Above all, "never write sports, jointly run the high school motion picture machine, act as apprentice in operating the down-town cinema projection outfit, hold a student body office, and at the same time carry five subjects ... it can be done ... it can, but not properly. The last sports ditties of the year . . . the orchids of congratulations this week go .to the tennis team and its coach, Alden Blankenship . . . starting out this year with the first tennis team since 1917, the Mustang net squad tied two matches, one each with Pendleton and Hermiston, and lost one to the latter . . . how ever, the crowning glory came in the tournament at Hermiston last week . . . although the recent small pox vaccinations put Hugh Craw ford, bespectacled freshman star, out of competition, two others, Frances McCarty and La Verne Van Marter, reached the finals . . . both were tired in their title matches, because after winning their matches on the first day of the tournament, they had to drive back to Heppner with their coach . . . the next morn ing at 6:30 the tennis ensemble again pointed to Hermiston . . . both Mc Carty and Van Marter won their matches, but being at an disadvant age because of the long trips they had made, they lost out in the finals . . . regardless, their showing is in deed a credit to the school. The trick shoulder that caused him so much trouble in high school when it put him out of football for one season and basketball for part of another has now pushed Don Tur ner off the University of Oregon freshman baseball team . . . while scuffling with one of his housemates, the latter happened to hit the ex Heppner athletic star in just the right spot and dislocated his shoul der . . . the infirmary doctor told him that if he had his shoulder taped Gazette Times, Heppneiy ud or placed in a cast on the numer ous other occasions that he had dis located it, instead of using his shoul der, he would not be bothered with it . . . the same physician advised him to lay off baseball, and after talking with John Warren, the coach, he decided to quit, even though he would probably earn his numerals, sp Turner's college athletic career has already received a set-back.. The best group of debaters in the county live right here in Heppner, and every night or so they get to gether and play, as sort of a diver sion from their daily business toil, a game of softball. Instead of playing ball, the players, spend a good share of the time arguing over some tech nical point of the game, and after the point has been decided, someone usually pulls out the rule book and the issue starts over again. Attention high school coaches . Frank O'Neill has. resigned as coach at Hermiston to take a similar po sition at Scappoose . . . the job is definitely open, as the school board accepted his resignation last Tues day . . . O'Neill's leaving for the val ley will mean a good job for some coach . . . perhaps the job itself isn't the best in that line, but as Hermiston generally has good ath letic material, it will mean a valu able reputation for the coach who puts together a champion sport out fit, and that "rep" comes in plenty handy when big schools start look ing for coaches. H.H.S. SENIOR ACTIVITIES HAZEL ADKINS Operetta 1 ; Cantata 1 ; Glee Club 1 : Secretary of Class 8, 4 ; Home Ec. Club 3, 4 ; Girls' League 2, 3, 4. BERTHA AKERS (lone) : Class Treasur er 1 ; Basketball 1, 2, 3 ; Tennis 1, 2 ; Girls' League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Hot Lunch Ben efit Program 1 ; Class Vice-President 2 ; Play 2 ; lone Index 2 ;, Home Ec. Club 2 ; Class President 3 ; Girls' League Dele gate to Tri-State Convention in Yakima 8 ; Member of Student Council 3 ; Junior Play 3 ; (Heppner) : Class Treasurer 4. FLORENCE BECKET Cantata 1 ; Oper etta 1, 2 ; Class President 1 ; Home Ec. Club 8, 4. MARGARET BROWNING Chorus 1, 2, 8; Operetta 2. 8 : Public Speaking Play 8. BILL BROWNING Football 2, 3, 4; H Club 8, 4 ; Chorus 1, 2 ; Basketball 2 ; F. F. A. 2, 3, 4. GLADYS CASEBEER Operetta 1, 2 ; Girls' League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Home Ec. Club 1 ; Basketball 1, 2 ; Chorus 1, 2, 8 ; Base ball 1, 2, 3 ; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Junior Play 8 : Speed Ball 4. DANIEL CHINN Class Vice-President 1; Basketball 1, 2; Track 8, 4; Sergeant-at-Arms 4. ROSE CUNNINGHAM Girls' League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Girls' Athletic Association 1 ; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Soccer 1; Operetta 2 ; Girls' Glee Club 2, 3 ; Class Treasurer 2 ; ClasB Vice-President 4. BOB DAVIDSON Basketball 1, 2: Foot ball 3 i Baseball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Band 4 ; Com munity Band 2 ; Pacific International Judging Contest F. F. A. Speaking Con tent 4 : Class Plays. JACKSON GILLIAM Football 1, 2, 8, 4 ; Basketball 2; Band 1, 2, 8, 4; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Operetta Lead 2, 8, 4 ; Junior Class Play 8 ; Senior Play 4 : Class Pres ident 3 ; Glee Club 1, 2, 8, 4; Benzine Ring 2. 3, 4 ; H-Club 3, 4 ; Student Body Vice-President 4 ; Student Council 3, 4 ; Annual Class Editor 4 ; Boys' Quartet 3, 4 ; Sergeant-at-Arms of Class 1 ; Class Treasurer 2. RUTH GREEN Secretary of Class 1 ; Op eretta 1, 2 ; Cantata 1 ; Girls' League Delegate to Tri-State Convention ; Man ager Girls' Gym Classes 1 ; Co-organirer Pep Club 1 ; Class Treasurer 2 ; Hehisch Committee 2 ; Secretary-Treasurer of Girls' League 2 : Pep Club Publicity Man ager 2 ; Junior Play '8 ; Pep Club Pres ident 8 : Tournament Paper Editor 8 1 Class Secretary 8 : Second Place in Ama teur Division Typing Contest : Teachers' Institute Panel 3 ; Student Council 4 ; Annual Staff 4 ; Public Speaking Play 4 ; Chairman Year Ticket Committee 4 : Stu dent Body Secretary 4 : Class Valedictor ian ; Campaign Manager for Student Body Election 4 ; Home Ec. Club 4. HARRIET HAGER Treasurer of Class 1 Class Secretary 1 : Secretary-Treasurer of Home Ec Club; Hehisch Committee 1, 2; Benzine Ring 2, 8, 4 ; Operetta 1, 2, 8, 4; Band 1, 2, 8, 4 ; Chorus 1, 2, ; Home Ec. Club Vice-President 8 ; Home Ec Club President 4 : Delegate to Girls League Convention 1, 2 ; Vice-President of Girls' League 3 ; Girls League r" resi dent 4; Junior Play 3; Senior Play 4; Pep Club 8, 4 ; Girls' League Council 1 ; Girls' League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Typing Contest 8 ; Annual Society Editor 4. JOHN HAYS (Tillamook) : Swimming 1 i Swimming 2 ; Football 2 ; (Heppner) : Football 3, 4 ; H-Club 3, 4 ; Boxing 8, 4 ; H-Club President 4 ; Class Treasurer 4 ; Student Body Sergeant-at-Arms 4 ; F. F. A. 4 i Public Speaking Play 4. JACK HEALY (Pine City) : Student Body Secretary-Treasurer 2 ; High School Play 2, 8; Track Team 2, 8; Student Body Vice-President 8 ; (Heppner) : Class Pres ident 4 ; F. F. A. Treasurer 4 ; Local and Sectional Winner of Public Speaking Contest for F. F. A. 4 ; State Public Speaking Contest in Portland 4 ; F. F. A Basketball Team 4 ; Football 4 : Track 4 Student Council 4 ; F. F. A. Boxing Team Manager ; F. F. A. Smokers 4. JAMES HEALY Class President 2; He. hisch Committee 1.4; Football 2 ; Oper etta 1, 2; Assistant Athletic Manager 1. EVELYN KIRK Chorus 1, 2 ; Operetta 1, 2, 3, 4 ; H-Club 2, 3, 4 ; H-Club Secretary 4; Home Ec. Club 2, 3; Senior Play 4; Girls' League 1. 2, 8, 4 ; Basketball cap tain 8 : Tumbling 4 ; Public Speaking 4, EMMETT KENNY Class Sergeant-at- Arms 1 ; Operetta 1,2; Hehisch Commit' tee 1 : Class President 1 ; Student Coun cil 1; Public Speaking Plays 2; Student Council. 2 ; Student Body bergeant-at Arms 2; F. F. A. 3, 4 ; H-Club 8, 4; Football 3, 4; Basketball. VERNON KNOWLES Class Sergeant-at Arms 3; Football 8, 4; Junior Play 8; H-Club 8, 4 ; Public Speaking Play 2. PAUL McCARTY ClasB President 1 ! Class President 2; Yell Duke 2; Pep Club 2, 8, 4 ; Senior Play 4 ; Benzine Ring 8, 4 ; H-Club 2, 8, 4 ; Hehisch Committee 1 ; Student Council 1, 2, 4; Assistant Ath Oregon letic Manager 1; Athletic Manager 2; Public Speaking Play 3; Student Body President 4; Pinto Points Writer 8, 4; Annual Staff 4. MAXINE McCURDY (lone) : Class Sec retary 1 ; Basketball 1, 2 ; Play 1 ; Winner of Short Story Contest 1 ; Glee Club 1,2; Chairman of Committee for Papa's Cof fee 1 ; Student Body Play 2 ; Assistant Editor of lone Index 2 ; Chairman of Committee for Mothers' Tea ; (Heppner) : Junior Play 8 ; Member of Year-Committee Panel Discussions 8 ; Benefit Play 8; Operetta Lead 8; Panel Member at Teachers' Institute 3 ; Annual Editor 4 ; Hehisch Committee 4 ; Senior Play 4 ; Benefit Play 4 ; Yearly Chairman of Pro gram Committee for Girls' League; Member of Ticket Sales Committee for Year; Girls' League 1, 2, 3, 4. IRENA McFERRIN Operetta I ; Girls' League 1, 2, 8, 4 ; Home Ec. Club 1, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Chorus 2, 3; Baseball 2, 3 ; Volleyball 2, 4 ; Track 2, 3 ; Junior Play 8 ; Public Speaking Plays 8. SCOTT McMURDO Athletic Manager 2; Operetta 2 ; Public Speaking Plays 2 ; Junior Class President 8 ; Junior Play 8 ; Publicity Manager 2, 3, i: Senior Play 4 ; Student Body Treasurer 4 ; Benefit Play 4 ; Student Council 2, 3, 4 ; Subscrip tion Manager for the Annual 4 ; Assist ant Sports Editor for the Annual 4 ; Ben zine Ring 3, 4 ; Pep Club 8, 4. ARLENE MORTON Operetta 1. 2, 8, 4 ; Benzine Ring Secretary 8 ; Treasurer of Pep Club 2; President of Pep Club 3; Class Secretary 1 ; Class Treasurer 2 ; Home Ec. Club Vice President 4 ; Junior Play 8 ; Senior Play 4 ; Girls' League Council 4 ; Annual Staff Member 4. LA VERNE VAN MARTER Class Presi dent 1 ; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Student Council 1, 3, 4 ; Class Treasurer 2 ; Class Sergeant-at-Arms 2 ; Football 2, 8, 4 ; Baseball 2, 3; Benzine Ring 2, 3, 4 ; H- Club 2, 3, 4; H-Club Secretary 2; Ben zine Ring Treasurer 2 ; Student Body Sergeant-at-Arms 2 ; Hehisch Committee 2; Junior Play (two Junior plays) 3; Benzine Ring Vice-President 8 ; Benefit Play for Library 8 ; Track 3 ; English III Play 3 ; Public Speaking Play 3 ; Mem ber of Panel Discussion at Teachers' In stitute 3 ; Pep Club 3, 4 ; Benzine Ring President 3 ; Student Body Treasurer 8 ; Committeeman on Current Events 3 ; Captain Football and Basketball Teams 4 ; Committee for year in American His tory 3 ; Senior Class President 4 ; Senior Play 4 ; Operetta Lead 4 ; Boys' Quartet 4 ; Hot Lunch Benefit Play 4 ; Assistant ' Editor of Annual 4. CLAYTON WRIGHT Baseball 8 ; F. F. A. Vice-President 4 ; F. F. A. Treasurer 8 ; H-Club Vice-President 8; Class Vice President 4 ; Junior Play 3 ; Senior Play 4 ; Won second place in Public Speaking Contest for F. F. A. ; F. F. A. Smokers ; Manager of F. F. A. Co-op. NORMA McFERRIN Operetta 1, 2, 8; Girls League 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Music Festival 1, 2, 8 ; Chorus 1, 2, 3 ; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4. H.H.S. We Know Them By , Betty Robinson Sweetness. Omer McCaleb Mr. President. Carolyn Vaughn Compliments. Art McAtee Firm stand. James Healy Mannerisms. Bill Browning Speed. Emmett Kenny Ambition. Danny Chinn Conversation. Lloyd Burkenbine Silent way. Don Jones Scotch. Harold Armstrong Camera. Katie Thompson Perseverance. Bob Scrivner Desire to argue. Professional Directory A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nan Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract- fir Title Co. INC. abstracts or tttls TITU XNBUBABTCB Office in New Peter Bull din F. W. Turner & Co. FIRE, AUTO ABB LTFB INSURANCE Old Um Companies Heal Estate Heppner, Oregon Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Laurence Case Mortuary "Just the servioe wanted when you want .it most" FOB BEST MARKET PRICES for your new or old wheat, we CORNETT GREEN for grain stored In Heppner and Lexington, , ELMER GRIFFITH at lone for rest of Branch Representing Balfour, Guthrie at Co. Thursday, May 19, 1938 J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEOJI ' Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 523 House Phone 828 Heppner Abstract Co. J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES REASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, Ore. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSTTRANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches Clocks - Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST Modern equipment including X-ray for dental diagnosis Extraction by gas anesthetic First National Bank Building. Phone 562 Heppner, Ore. Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 498 HEPPNER. OREGON W. M. Eubanks Representing" KERR, GDFTORD & CO, INC on Heppner Branch V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 406 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore, Phone 453 MAKE BATES AT XT EXPBV8B Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 8-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER, OREGON Peterson fir Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Fraetioe in State and Federal Courts Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. M. EUBANKS Votary Publio Phone 62 lone. Ore. A Home for the Aged Home-like eare and surroundings with graduate nurse in constant charge. Inquire for rates, including room and meals. Morrow General Hospital Mrs. L. G. Rumble, Mgr.