Thursday, May 19, 1938 Heppner Gazette Times. Hennner. Orpo-nn ' 1 i y n " x age i lie Rev W. W. Head made Heppner a call Saturday while1 in the county to conduct baccalaureate services at Lexington and lone on Sunday, from lis home at flwaco, Wash. Mr. Head formerely resided at lone where he was pastor and editor of the lone paper for several years. He preached his fourteenth consecutive bacca laureate to graduates of the lone high school on this visit, and looked forward to addressing two more classes so that he might have the distinction of addressing every grad uating class for one complete gener ation of the school. J. H. Parker of Birmingham, Ala., is visiting at the home of his half hrother, Frank S. Parker, having been met by the latter at Pendleton Tuesday on his arrival from the southland. The visiting Mr. Parker has disposed of his property in Ala bama and may decide to stay in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes ar ried yesterday from their home at Corvallis for a two-weeks' visit with friends and relatives in Morrow county. Mr. Hayes is employed in a grocery store, and Mrs. Hayes holds a position with Oregon State col lege in the college town. M. R. Morgan and son, Milton, Jr., were visitors in town yesterday from lone. Early wheat is starting into the head in the fields about lone and yesterday's cool damp weather was believed to be a sample of what is needed to make the heads fill good All members of the Episcopal Auxiliary who wish to attend the meeting at the Percy Hughes ranch please meet at the Parish house promptly at 2 p. m., Thursday, May 26. Cars will be aailable. Ruth Mc Murdo, President. Victor Rietmann was in town Monday from the north lone farm, calling at, the county agent's office. He inspected the showing of bulb ous blue grass at the Wightman farm and was interested in it., Mrs. Otto Metschan and Miss Juanita Matlock, sisters and early day Heppner residents, were guests Saturday and Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patterson, coming up from their homes at Portland. Dr. A. D. McMurdo and P. W. Mahoney attended the invitational trapshoot at La Grande Sunday and hung up the good scores of 96 and 98 respectively in the 100-target, 16-yard event. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buschke and family were visiting Morrow county relatives and friends the end of the week from their farm near Elgin. Mr. Buschke reported prospects very favorable for his new wheat crop. Tom Boylen, Jr., was contacting local wool men here again the first of the week, from his ranching op erations on Butter creek, making a bid for the purchase of their clips. Mrs. Elsie Smith, sister of Mrs. Glen Hayes, is reported to be quite ill at a hospital in The Dalles. Mrs. Hayes expected to go to The Dalles tomorrow to see her. Henry Robertson was out to the ball game Sunday afternoon, enjoy ing getting out fo the first time in two months, having been confined at home by illness. J. W. Stevens was in town Mon day from the Hardman section. He was getting information from the county agent on control of white top. J. O. Kincaid was a caller at the county agent's office Monday from the farm in the lone section, check ing up on his new AAA compliance. Wm. Instone was in town Monday from the ranch near Lena. He ex pected to start shearing his sheep Tuesday at the Kilkenny ranch. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec ialist of Pendleton, will be at the HEPPNER HOTEL on WEDNES DAY, MAY 25th. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Devin and children were visiting relatives and friends here Sunday from their home at Condon. THE STAR Reporter THURSDAY-FRIDAY, May 19-20 Outlaws of the Prairie with Charles Starrett - Donald Grayson Sons of the Pioneers plus Mr. Moto's Gamble with Peter Lorre - Key Luke Murder in a championship fight arena and nobody saw who did it. Cartoon Traveltalk of San Francisco SATURDAY-SUNDAY-MONDAY, May 21-22-23 Here are the seven little dwarfs GRUMPY SNEEZY in SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS by WALT DISNEY Showings: ' Saturday: 1 p. m., 3 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Sunday: 1 p. m., 3 p. m., 7:30 p. m. Monday: 7:30 p. m. TUESDAY, May 24 She's Got Everything with Gene Raymond - Ann Sothern Victor Moore - Helen Broderick Parkyakarkus - Billy Gilbert An all-fun cast in a gay romantic comedy. Disney's "Self Control" Sport Reel . WED.-THU., May 25-26 Arsene Lupin Returns with Melvyn Douglas - Virginia Bruce Warren William - Nat Pendleton A grand mystery crammed to the gills with delightful and frothy romance. Stroke of Genius What Do You Think? News of the Day StarTheater Kxppram, ou Julian Rauch was a business vis itor in town Tuesday from the north Lexington farm. He reported his crop prospects quite favorable. Dance at Lexington grange hall Saturday evening, music by Estes orchestra. Chas. Bartholomew was in from Pine City Monday. Shearing oper ations had just been completed at his place. Art Stefani transacted business in town Monday fom the Jordan butte farm. CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks are extend ed to the many kind neighbors and friends for their helpfulness and ex pressions of sympathy at the time of our bereavement, in the illness and death of our beloved mother, Mary J. Reid. The Family. THE TkMP of Universal Approval Has Been Placed ON REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. By The Most Successful Pea Groivero & Contractors OF THI INLAND EMPIRE Let ut thow you tht records of many farmers who art making rial eaih sayings by using "Caterpillar" Dlastl Tractors. Check them with your present costs. Hare us put the correct sized tractor on your own ranch, to do your own work your own way. Check it! Test it! Make your own comparison! You'll convince yourself by this demonstration. Orders for New John Deere Combines Are Being Placed Every Day 2 Hot Specials Just Traded In International Combine Model 51, in good condition. Has had very little use. Priced Special '2 000 60 Diesel Cletrac This Tractor has been used only 650 J hours. Looks like 2850 new Braden-Bell Tractor & Equipment Co. Pendleton PHONE 51 S WALLA WALLA, WASH. PHONE 474 ) Athena Heppner and PHONE 171 PHONE 422 Arlington., Ore. PHONE m