Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 12, 1938, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, May 12, 1938
Fred Ely was transacting business
in the city yesterday from the farm
in the Morgan section. With his
brothers, Mr. Ely recalled coming to
Morrow county fifty years ago from
Iowa, on in 1887 to be exact. An
uncle located on a farm near Mor
gan in 1885. He said he had been
there just about as long as a news
paper was published in the county.
A considerable influx of population
came along with the branch railroad
in 189.
Andy Baldwin is hobbling about
on crutches, directing his trucking
business, the result of a spained
ankle when he fell off the top of a
truckload of wool at the Harlan Mc
Curdy ranch the first of the week.
Mr. Baldwin was just pulling the
last sack into place on top of the
load when he slipped and fell -upon
a fence post. The load was consider
ably higher than his head.
Lawrence Beach' was a business
visitor here Tuesday. He was mak
ing preparations to move the family
home to The Dalles where they have
purchased a house. He reported Mrs.
Beach making good progress toward
recovery fom a major operation she
underwent at The Dalles hospital
two weeks before, though he expect
ed it would be another week before
she could leave the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Case and
children of Medford, Harold Case
and daughter Janet from Weiser,
Idaho, and Mrs. Robert Evans, also
of Weiser, were visiting the end of
the week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. L. Case, parents of the boys
and Mrs. Evans. They were called
here by the illness of Mrs. Case.
F. W. Turner returned home Mon
day from Portland where he had
been for two weeks undergoing
medical treatment. He returned
somewhat improved in health tho
still suffering from the rheumatism
that has been bothering him for
some time.
Neal Knighten of Hardman, Leon
ard Carlson of Gooseberry and E. R.
Lundell of lone were among out-of-town
directors of the Morrow Coun
ty Republican club attending the di
rectors' meeting here Monday eve
ning. . Miss Ireta Taylor is reported to be
doing nicely following an operation
for appendicitis which she under
went on Wednesday last week at
Heppner hospital. She is the daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Taylor.
Frank C. Alfred left yesterday for
Portland. Picking up Mrs. Alfred at
The Dalles, they expected to attend
Helen Hayes' play, "Victoria Regma
in the city last night and Mr. Alfred
. expected to return home today.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Palmateer were
in town Tuesday from Morgan. Their
crop prospects look mighty bright
at this season with the grain now
starting to head out.
Max Schulz has returned to town
after assisting Ira Hughes with
shearing at the Gladys Corrigall,
Frank Chapman and Luke Bibby
ranches the last week.
Mrs. R. M. Rice was taken to Port
land last Friday afternoon for spec
ialized treatment in her illness. She
was suffering from a throat infec
tion. Dr. J. P. Stewart, Eye-Sight Spec
ialist of Pendleton, will make his
next visit to HEPPNER HOTEL on
Lost, black mare, with halter, wire
blemish on left hind leg, blazed face;
escaped from truck near Cecil. Call
665, Heppner. 8-9P
Gerald Slocum was in the city
yesterday from the ranch on the
John Day, transacting business.
' Judge C. L. Sweek was in the city
Monday fom Pendleton conducting
a short session of circuit court.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lun
dell of lone at Heppner hospital,
Tuesday, a lOMs-pound boy.
W. H. French was In town yester
day from Blue Mountain farm.
. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith
in this city Tuesday, an 8 3-4-pound
Josephine Mahoney returned home
Tuesday from a trip to Portland.
Political Races
Democratic Gains
Lowered Tax Bills
SALEM So much stress has been
placed upon the hotly contested gu
bernatorial race that candidates for
other important posts for which
nominations are to be made at the
forthcoming primary election are
experiencing dificulty in arousing
any enthusiasm among the voters.
For instance the terms of three
supreme court justices are expiring.
in each instance the incumbent is
seeking another term but each jus
tice is faced with opposition, more
or less formidable. For position No,
2 now held by Justice Henry J. Bean,
veteran member of the court both
in point of age and years of service,
there are five candidates including
Justice Bean himself. Under the pro'
visions of the non-partisan judici
ary law should none of these can
didates receive a majority of the
votes cast for this position the two
high candidates will enter a run-off
election next November. The same
situation exists in the case of posi
tion No. 5 where Justice Hall S. Lusk
is opposed by Attorney General Van
Winkle and James T. Chinnock of
Grants Pass. In the case of position
No. 3 where Justice J. O. Bailey is
opposed by only one other candidate,
B. S. Martin of Salem, only the
name of the candidate surviving the
primary contest will appear on the
November ballot.
An interesting situation exists in
the tenth judicial district where ten
candidates, including practically ev
ery attorney in Union and Wallowa
counties, have entered the race to
succeed Judge J. W. Knowles who
is retiring after a long period of ser
vice on the circuit bench.
Then there are the senatorial and
congressional posts for all of which
hotly contested races are being
waged in both the Democratic and
Republican camps. On the Demo
cratic side of the senatorial cam
paign both Carl Donaugh and Willis
Mahoney are engaging in daily per
sonal appeals for support over the
radio and from the platform while
the Republican candidates, State
Treasurer Rufus C. Holman and
Robert N. Stanfield, appear to be re
lying more heavily on letter writing
In the congressional column James
W. Mott. republican incumbent from
the first district, is faced with the
most formidable opponent of his ex
perience in the person of Walter
Norblad, youthful Astoria attorney.
Congressman Walter M. Pierce, dem
ocratic incumbent in the second dis
trict, is not expected to have any
great difficulty in defeating his lone
opponent, Wade Crawford of Klam
ath county. In the third district Nan
Wood Honeyman, incumbent, ap
pears to have the situation well in
hand and is expected to easily out
distance her two democratic oppon
ents. ' Outside of the congressional and
gubernatorial posts the only state
wide contest which the republican
voters will be called on to decide is
that for state labor commissioner
where C. H. Gram, incumbent, is
opposed by David F. Graham of
Malheur county. Democratic voters,
however, will have to choose be
tween opposing candidates for two
other state positions. For superin-
tentend of public instruction, Rex
Putnam, incumbent, is opposed by
John W. Leonhardt of La Grande,
and for the post of Labor Commis
sioner two men are bidding for sup
portClarence F. Hyde of Eugene
and Paul E. Roth of Multnomah
Republican domination of the po
litical picture In Oregon was re
Gazette Times, Heppner,
duced to a majority of only 16,963
over their Democratic opponents in
pre-primary registration figures just
compiled by Secretary of State Snell.
Compared with the registration fig
ures for the 1936 primary election
the current registration shows a Re
publican loss of 6,017 voters and a
Democratic gain of 49,947. The Dem
ocrats are now in the majority in 13
Oregon counties including Baker,
Columbia, Coos, Crook, Deschutes,
Gilliam, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath
Multnomah, Union, Wallowa and
Yamhill. Prior to the 1936 primary
election the Democrats recorded ma
jorities in only four counties Ba
ker, Klamath, Harney and Union.
Tax payments by Oregon proper
ty owners during 1937 totalled ap
proximately $41,776,500 according to
statistics compiled by the state tax
commission. That was $2,231,Q00 in
excess of the current tax levy, the
excess being applied to a reduction
of the outstanding tax delinquency
which at the end of 1937 had been
whittled down to $40,775,000, a re
duction of nearly $6,000,000 below
the peak of $46,510,000 to which tax
delinquencies in this state had grown
by the end of 1135.
In 23 of the state's 36 counties the
outstanding tax delinquency still
amounts to more than the current
annual levy. This situation is espec
ially bad in Clatsop, Columbia, Coos,
Douglas, Jefferson, Lincoln and Til'
lamook counties where tax delin
quencies in some instances amount
to as much as three times the cur
rent levy. Only three counties, how
ever, fail to show some progress in
the effort to reduce tax delinquen
cies. Douglas, Malheur and Tilla
mook counties show tax delinquen'
cies at the end of 1937 greater than
they were at the close of 1935.
While business handled by Oregon
railroads shows steady increase since
1932 freight revenues collected by
Oregon roads in 1936 were still 9.4
percent below the 1930 figure ac
cording to a statistical report com'
piled by N. G. Wallace, public util
ities commissioner. Passenger rev
enues, too, show a steady gain since
1933 but for 1936 were still 37.87
percent below the figures for 1930,
At that, however, railroad business
in Oregon during the past six years
has been better than that for the
United States as a whole, Wallace's
report shows.
On May 1, after four months of
experience in benefit payments, the
fund of the Oregon Unemployment
Compensation commission was only
655,554 below the level at which it
stood on January 2, the commission
reported this week. In view of the
fact that the past four months were
probably, the most strenuous the
fund will ever be called upon to
face the commission is highly elated
over the manner in which the fund
withstood the severe strain put up
on it by the huge accumulation of
benefit claims.
Records of the State Police Bureau
show that 29 labor terrorists are now
serving prison terms ranging from
a minimum of 90 days in the Wash
ington county jail in the case of Jack
Lyons to 12 years in the state peni
tentiary in the case of Albert JJ,
Banks, former head of the Salem
teamsters union, convicted on an
arson charge in connection with the
burning of a West Salem box factory
last November. Five other, goons
convicted on terrorist charges are
at liberty either under suspended
sentences or paroles from the bench
while 53 other alleged terrorists, all
under indictment, are awaiting trial
Ralph Moody, special prosecutor
under Governor Martin to assist
district attorneys with the "goon1
trials, has announced that the tria
of Jack W. Estabrook, Portland
warehouse union secretary, will open
in Washington county on May 16, to
be followed immediately by the trial
of Albert E. Rosser, Portland team
sters secretary. Both are under in
dictment on charges of malicious
destruction of property with dyna
Whoever the Democrats may nom
inate as their candidate for gov
ernor it is a pretty safe bet that his
name will be "Henry." Their three
candidates include Charles Henry
Martin, Henry Hess and O. Henry
Oleen. The Republicans have only
one "Henry" among their eight can'
didates. He is Henry Hanzen, former
budget director under Gov. Meier,
Annual Poppy Sale
Slated for May 21
Poppy Day will be observed in
Heppner this year on Saturday, May
21, when memorial poppies to be
worn in honor of the World War
dead will be distributed throughout
the city by the Heppner unit of the
American Legion Auxiliary. The
Auxiliary women are making exten
sive preparations for the observance
of the day under the leadership of
Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Poppy Day chair
man. The poppies, made of crepe paper
by disabled veterans, will be offered
on the streets by volunteer workers
from the Auxiliary unit and cooper
ating organizations. "Poppy girls"
will distribute the flowers in the
business district throughout the day,
and will also work in the outlying
centers. Contributions for the wel
fare of the disabled veterans and
needy families of veterans will be
asked in exchange for the flowers.
"Wearing the poppy is a personal
tribute to the men who gave their
lives in the country's service," Mrs.
Barratt said. "By having a poppy on
the coat on Poppy Day, all can show
that they still remember and honor
the sacrifices made for America
during the World War. The poppy
is the flower which bloomed on the
battle fields where they fell and on
Poppy Day it blooms again over the
patriotic hearts where they are re
"Wearing the poppy also gives the
wearer a part in the vast work car'
ried out by The American Legion
and Auxiliary for the war's living
victims; the disabled, their families
and the families of the dead. Every
penny contributed for a poppy goes
to the support of this work, the bulk
of the money being used here in
Heppner in the welfare activities of
local Legion post and auxiliary
Young lady wants work, exper
ienced in housekeeping and cooking.
Case rooms. Dorothy Michael.
O Ten Years Ago
(Gazette Times, May 1, 1928)
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietman of
lone are the proud parents of a IVz
pound boy, born Monday.
Umatilla county, with seven firsts.
defeats Morrow county, two firsts,
in inter-county forensic meet.
High school wins Upper Colum
bia baseball league pennant never
losing a game. Players: Gerald Slo
cum, Robert Turner, Henry Robert
son, Howard Evans, Harold Gentry,
Nolan Turner, Jim Monahan, Elmer
Hake, Marvin Gammell, "Red" Bra-
mer, Onez Parker.
Passed in week: J. R. Bennett, Mrs,
A. J. Warren, Mrs. Ista Bauern
Heppner defeats Umatilla, league
leaders, 8-4, in Wheatland game
Pitcher Drake clouts homer.
Arch Cox is in the city from Wood
land, Cal., where he is engaged in
production of fine sheep.
C. A. (Daddy) Low of lone, who
has been ill with rheumatism, is
much improved and has even at
tempted fishing in Willow creek.
S. E. Notson waging active cam
paign as write-in candidate for con
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore,
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Daily Service Between
and Way Points
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent
Page Five
"Isn't it strange: My best ideas
come to me while I'm washing my
"Say, old man, why don't you take
a bath?"
"I was looking out of the window,
and I atcually saw a house fly."
"Indeed! I was under the impres
sion that houses never did that; I
thought only the chimney flue."
A hillbilly, whose feet had been
toughened by a lifetime of going
barefoot, , was standing before his
cabin fireplace when his wife re
marked: "Better move your foot a
mite. Paw, you're standin' on a live
coal." "Which foot, Maw?" asked
the woodsman nonchalantly.
STAR Reporter
Matinee Saturday at 1 p. m.
Under Suspicion
The mystery that Liberty's readers
found guess-proof, with
Jack Holt - Katherine DeMille, plus
Thrill of a Lifetime
Betty Grable - Leif Erik son
Ben Blue, Eleanor Whitney, Johnny
Downs, Larry Crabbe, Judy, Zeke
and Anne Canova, Yacht Club Boys,
Franklin Pangborn
Specialty by Dorothy Lamour
Crazier than Bedlam but more fun
than a circus romping riot of
laughs, songs and gap.
Color Cartoon
Matinees Sunday at
1 p.m. and 3 p. m.
Big Broadcast of 1938
with W. C. FIELDS
Martha Raye, Shirley Ross, Dorothy
Lamour, Ben Blue, Bob Hope, Lynne
Overman. Rufe Davis, Leif Erikson,
Grace Bradley, Kirstcn Flagstad,
Shcp Fields and Orchestra ,
A "Fields" Day for fun a whole
ocean of stars and songs.
Popcye Movietone News
Walter Connolly - Jimmie Durante
Joan Perry, Hal Leroy, Raymond
Walburn, Romo Vincent, Jimmy
Wellington, Gertrude Ncisscn, Chas.
Starrctt, Gene Morgan, Ernest Tru-
ex, Professor Quizz, Three Stooges,
Johnny Green and Orchestra, Louis
Prima and Band.
A rampage of musical gayety
Color Cartoon
Paradise for Three
Frank Morgan, Robert Young, Mary
Astor, Edna May Oliver, Florence
Rice, Reginald Owen.
Love on Ice! Laughs on Skis!
They not only crossed the Alps, they
double-crossed them!
Cartoon News of the Day
Next Week: Thursday-Friday, May
19-20, Double Bill.
Saturday-Sunday-Monday, May 21-