Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 05, 1938, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, May 5, 1938
McNeill Kitty Team
lakes Lead; Full
Schedule Arranged
Four Teams Slated
to Vie for City's
Soft Ball Honors
In spite of masterful home runs
by Hugh Gaily and Michener, the
Logie Richardson team for which
they were playing, took a 13-11
trouncing from Russel McNeill's
kitty bailers in the opening game
of the kitty ball season last eve
ning. Players on both sides had
trouble with cold hands and feet,
as evidenced by many bobbles, and
Loyal Parker and Phil Mahoney,
chucking for the. McNeill, Richard
son teams respectively, were un
able to limber up much in the cold
Now, though some of the has
beens are finding kitty ball not so
"soft," the blood is beginning to rise,
and the four teams will be contest
ing the city's kitty ball supremacy
ardently for the next few weeks. . "
Alvin Kleinfeldt is captaining a
third team of men about town, while
the FFA chapter has entered the
fourth team. McNeill's gang is sched
uled to meet FFA in the next game
tomorrow evening, and the remain
ing schedule, subject to change by
managers, is announced as follows:
Monday, May 9 Richardson-Kleinfeldt.
Wednesday, 11th Richardson-FFA.
Friday, 13th McNeill-Kleinfeldt (That
game's jinxed.)'
Monday, 16th Kleinfeldt-FFA.
Wednesday, 18th McNeill-Richardson.
Friday, 20th McNeill-FFA.
Monday, 23rd Kleinfeldt-Richardson.
Wednesday, 25th Richardson-FFA.
Friday, 27th McNeill-Kleinfeldt.
Wednesday, June 1 Kleinfeldt-FFA.
Friday, 3rd McNeill-Richardson.
Rosters of the three city teams
are given as follows, subject to ex
change of players to keep games
even. Each player will contribute
25 cents for purchase of equipment.
R. McNeill, Capt. Mark Merrill, Loyal
Parker, Howard Hryant, C. W. liarlow,
John Anfilin, Herb. Sauter, Homer Hayes,
Scott McMurdo, J. B. Key, A. W. Chapin,
Herman Green, Elmer Hamrick, Paul Mc
Carty, J. O. Turner, R. C. Lawrence.
Logie Richardson, Capt. C. J. D. Bau
man, Ted Stone, Howard Furlong, V. R.
Kunnion, T. E. Peterson, Vawter Parker,
Alden lilankenship, Ray Coblantz, L. A.
Sprinkel, Jap Crawford, Jimmy Farley, Har
old Hill, Chet Christenson, R. T. Michener,
R. C. Young.
Alvin Kleinfeldt, Capt. Walter Zugor,
P. W. Mahoney, Tom Wells, Frank Nick
erson, Ray Kinne, H. R. Gaily, L. D. Tib
bies, Joe Aiken, J. 1!. Coxen, Harry Tam
blyn, Bill liueknum, D. A. Wilson, Gene
Mikesell, Jack Hamrick, Austin McAtee,
Frank Alfred.
Mrs. Alva Jones, Mrs. Harold
Cohn, Mrs. John Vaughn and Mrs.
Harold Buhman were hostesses for
thirteen tables of dessert bridge at
the Lucas Place Tuesday afternoon.
Guests included Mrs. Floyd Adams,
Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Mrs. Joseph Bel
anger, Mrs. Andrew Baldwin, Mrs.
W. O. Bayless, Mrs. William Ben
nett, Mrs. Alden Blankenship, Mrs.
W. H. Cleveland, Mrs. J. V. Craw
ford, Mrs. E. E. Clark, Mrs. Ed Dick,
Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. C. W.
McNamer, Mrs. Russell McNeill,
Mrs. Mark Merrill, Mrs. F. B. Nick
erson, Mrs. Kenneth Oviatt, Mrs.
Vawter Parker, Mrs. C. C. Patterson,
Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, Mrs. Ture Pe
terson, Mrs. Victor Peterson, Mrs.
E. O. Ferguson, Mrs. R. B. Fergu
son, Mrs. Hubert Gaily, Mrs. Claude
Graham, Mrs. E. E. Gilliam, Mrs.
George Howard, Mrs. Blaine E. Isom,
Mrs. Glenn Jones, Mrs. Ray Kinne,
Mrs. W. P. Mahoney, Mrs. P. W. Ma
honey, Mrs. Cecil Espey, Mrs. J. O.
Rasmus, Mrs. E. R. Schaffer, Mrs.
Harry Tamblyn, Mrs. R. I. Thomp
son, Mrs. Mary Thomson, Mrs. J. G.
Thomson, Jr., Mrs. R. A. Thompson,
Mrs. J. O. Turner, Mrs. L. D. Tib
bies, Mrs. Charles Vaughn, Mrs. D.
A. Wilson, Mrs. Frank Wilkinson,
Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mrs. Oscar Rip
pee, Mrs. B. R. Patterson. Mrs. E.
O. Ferguson received high honors,
Mrs. Parker second high and Mrs.
Rippee low honors.
I wish to express my sincere ap
preciation to those who signed the
recently circulated petition in my
behalf and who supported me in
other ways. HOMER HAYES.
Mrs. A. S. Akers of Portland vis
ited last week with her mother, Mrs.
Carrie Vaughn, and daughter, Mrs.
Chas. Barlow and family.
lone High School
Elects New Officers
lone high school student body held
its election of officers Monday. Hel
en Lundell will serve as president
next year, Helen Lindsay as vice
president, Thelma Nelson, secretary
treasurer; Douglas Renoe, athletic
manager; Clyde Pettyjohn, transpor
tation manager, and Earline Ferris,
yell leader.
lone grade school won third place
in the track meet held at Heppner
last Friday afternoon as a part of
the May Day festivities. Pupils who
won places in the boys' events were
Billy Eubanks, class C, 1st broad
jump, 3rd high jump, ..nd baseball
throw; George Davidson, class C, 1st
ball throw, ls,t high jump, 2nd 50-yd
dash; Fred Zielke, cla3S C, 3rd ball
throw, 3rd broad jump; Junior Stef
ant, class D, 2nd ball throw, 4th 50
yd. dash. In class C Billy Eubanks,
George Davidson, Bobby Hoskins
and Harold Obert took third in the
relay race. In the girls class A events
Mable Davidson tied for second place
in 75-yd. dash, Marianne Corley tied
for second place in 75-yd. dash, El
sie Jepson took fourth in the 75-yd,
dash, Helen Blake, 2nd in baseball
throw and Rose Gorger, Marianne
Corley, Helen Blake and Mabel Da
vidson took 2nd in the girls' relay
race. Rose Gorger took 1st in 75-yd.
dash and Charlotte Sperry won 3rd
place in class C baseball throw.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and
daughter Eva visited relatives in
Sumner, Wash. ,last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Crum of Toledo,
Wash., are visiting Mf. Crum's sis
ter, Mrs. Noel Dobyns.
Otto Rietmann and E. J. Keller
were in Pendleton Wednesday and
Thursday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Ba
ker were .at the Frank Engelman
home for a short time Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. R. Robison spent
last Sunday with relatives at Mary
hill, Wash,
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden who
have been visiting their sons, Walter
and Noel Dobyns returned to their
home at Gresham Saturday.
Ted Blake returned Sunday from
a business trip to Kinzua.
Mrs. Harriet Brown spent the
week end at her home in Hermiston.
Laxton McMurray returned Satur
day from St. Martin's springs at
Carson, Wash.
Mrs. Clyde Denny drove to Ar
lington Tuesday to meet her mother,
Mrs. Agnes Wilcox, who returned
from Portland where she recently
underwent a major operation.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bristow and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bristow spent
Sunday at Hood River.
Guyla Cason returned to her home
in Portland Tuesday after a visit of
several weeks with relatives here.
Miss Frances Stewart had as her
guests over the week end, Mr. and
Mrs. B. P. Bye, Miss Wilma Stanton
and Clifford Page, all of Silverton.
Mrs. Bye is a sister of Miss Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks and
Mrs. Errett Hummel were Portland
visitors last Friday and Saturday.
W. A. Hayes returned Thursday
from Portland.
Mrs. Russell Miller and children
of Boardman spent Sunday with
Mrs. Miller's father, Ralph Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wade, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Wade and family and
Merle Wade of Estaeada visited W.
F. Palmateer Sunday. Mrs. Wilbur
Wade is the sister of Mr. Palmateer.
Peoples utility districts will be in
certificates without specific consent
position to issue revenue bonds or
of the voters if a measure being
sponsored by the State Grange wins
approval in the November election.
Charles Barnett
Dies at Pendleton
Funeral services are announced
at Pendleton for 10 o'clock his
morning for Charles Proctor Bar
nett, 74, resident of Umatilla county
since 1884, and brother of W. F.
Barnett, Lexington business man,
and Thomas L. Barnett, mayor of
Lexington. Mr. Barnett died Tues
day morning at St. Anthony's hos
pital in Pendleton.
Mr. Barnett was born in Arden,
county, Tenn., and came to Oregon
from Arkansas. He was owner of
the Alta House in Pendleton for
twenty years. Besides the aforemen
tioned brothers, he is survived by a
sister, Mrs. Julia Cypert of Tacoma,
and several nieces and nephews. He
was a nephew of the late Henry
Frazier, early day Umatilla county
commissioner. Mr. Barnett was a
member of the Christian church and
a 40-year Oddfellow.
Strawberry Clover Likes Alkali
A large number of inquiries are
being received about strawberry
clover, reports E. R. Jackman, ex
tension specialist in farm crops at
Oregon State college. This is a clo
ver which has the interesting habit
of living on alkaline land. Not much
seed has been produced in Oregon
to date, but several growers are be
coming interested and plantings have
been made for seed production in
Baker, Umatilla and one or two
other counties.
Candidate For
Position No. 2
His Experience, Ability
and Good Judgment
qualify him for the
Read his Statement in
the Voters' Pamphlet.
(Paid Adv., John W. McCulloch,
634 Pittock Block, Portland, Ore.)
p P. &
I 1 - m n
your cleaned easiew
FAST Surface burners glow with heat at the
snap of a switch. The oven stays at the exact
temperature you want. No work. No worry.
CLEAN Electric cooking is clean. eliminates
soot that blackens pans and greasy smudge that
soils walls. An electric range cleans like dishes.
COOL No matter how much cooking you do
with an electric range, your kitchen stays 8 to
10 degrees cooler during even hottest weather.
BEAUTIFUL--7o smart styling cf an electric
range will make your kitchen the envy of your
friends. Go modern with electric cookery.
O Low-cost Pacific Power & Light electricity can do more
work in your home now if you will let it do your cooking
for you. And it's the cleanest, easiest and cheapest way!
Electric cookery is inexpensive because electric rates in
this community are among the lowest in the United
States ! The average Pacifx Power & Light customer pays
only about 8c a day to cook electrically less than the
cost of! a loaf of bread! Let a sparkling hew electric range
put this cheap, electricity to work in your kitchen. Buy
now! Get the immediate cleanliness, convenience and
leisure that only electric cookery offers.
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service
Has two Hi-Speed Calrod units, the new Select-A-Speed
Unit that gives 5 different temperatures, and Thrift Cooker.
Buy on Convenient Terms